l Page 6 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday. June 27, 1998 Barbecue June 28th tenses Funds for Trip California Clinic Offers Hope for Boy with Seizures by Lorraine Manfredo Staff Writer Russ and Kim Harding arc taking their son to California next week -- not for a seaside vacation, but for a medical miracle. On first meeting, Matthew seems just like most of the other bright- eyed nine-year-olds in his class at Lord Elgin Public School. But Matthew suffers from debilitating weekly seizures that may he hereditary, or possibly the result of a bad fall off a tube slide four years ago. These episodes can be triggered by stress (even a video game) and cause him to collapse, kicking and thrashing for up to five minutes and leaving him exhausted and often terrified. terrified. Neurologists arc at a loss to explain a more recent escalation of aggression and emotional disturbance. The Hardings hope they can find some answers at the California clinic. Matthew appears to have grown tolerant to even the strongest dosages of medications to control the attacks. His doctors at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children are now wondering if surgery is the best option. However, they would like to know more precisely precisely where the problem originates originates in his brain before resorting to any invasive operation PITCHING IN -- Lord Elgin students and their parents have pitched in $200 to help the Harding family get their son to a medical clinic in California. Nine-year-old Matthew, at right with his mother, Kim, and teacher, Pat Limcbcer, (left) needs a high- tech brain scan to determine the origin of his seizures. The test is only available in the States so far, and if successful, Matthew may be a candidate for neurosurgery. A fundraiser fundraiser barbecue for the family is being held this Sunday at Loblaw's in Bowmanville. Notice of Liquor Licence Application Ontario The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application For A Sale Licence Caner's Bar and Grill 2727 Coùrtice Road, Building C, Unit 4 & 5, Courtice Any resident of the municipality may make written submission submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. residents. Submissions must be received no later than July 24, 1998. Please include yotir name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant details of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas Street West, 7th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2N6 Fax: (416) 326-5555, E-mail at liccnsing@agco.on.ca • OJP So far, Malt has been subjected to a battery of brain scans, including CAT, EEC MRI and positron emission tomography. tomography. Matthew appears to have grown tolerant to even the strongest dosages of medications to control the attacks Medical experts in Canada have sent children like Matthew to the CORRECTION NOTICE Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in La Jolla California before, as it uses a new brain scan technology called MSI (magnetic source imaging) which is not yet available here. The MSI will be combined combined with MEG (magne- loenccphalography) scan and MRI which should pinpoint the area in Matthew's brain that is causing the seizures. If successful, it would allow him to have his surgery, so lie can live life without this condition. Friends and family have organized a public barbecue barbecue this Sunday at the Loblaws on Hwy. 2 in Bowmanville as a fundraiser fundraiser to lessen the cost of the trip and as a send-off for their pal, Matthew. Loblaws has agreed to assist with expenses and will provide receipts for charitable donations. The barbecue gels under way at 11:00, June 28. with good food, Pockets the clown and face-painting. We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current "Canada-Wide Savings" flyer. Page 3 - Item #4, Cotton Barbecue Mitts, 85-1732-0 Copy reads: Reg. 6.99, Sale 5.19 Pair Should read: Reg. 6.99 ea., Sale 5.19 ea. Page 13 - Portable Halogen Worklight, 52-4079-6 Illustration shows a double worklight. This is incorrect. The item on sale is a single worklight. We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current "Canada Day Sate" flyer. Page 8 - Item #1, Woodstream Tackle Locker Satchel, 78- 2545-8 and Item #5, Fisher Kid Kit, 78-2561-8. Illustrations should be transposed. Page 17 - Item #5, Utility Battery, 10-2050X Copy should read: "With Trade-in" of the old battery. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. ©J.P. cnote d325/326 - All Zones '* : "Li." ARCHIBALD ORCHARDS ESTATE WINERY Invites you to attend A speciaC Anniversary Open 'Mouse Thursday June 25,1998 4:00 jy.m. - 8:00 jp.m. 6275 Liberty Street JT HowmanviCCe THE CHEVROLET riHwnns by Telma R. Grant r.p.t. Golfers, Are You An Accident Waiting To Happen? QUESTION: like you, beware: attempt to Telma, since I have been function at a high level desp- playing golf, I have had a lot ite postural breakdowns and of low back pain, wrist pain and sometimes some shoulder shoulder pain. If I take a break it is better, but during the summer I do not really like to take a break from the golf game. How can physiotherapy help? Well, are you? As I've touched on in previous articles, articles, a lot of golfers have postural imbalances that will lead to Injuries. To determine if you are a candidate, read through this list of signs. Right shoulder too low and twisted more forwards than the left side? Both shoulders tend to be rounded? Are the arms turned Inward so the back of the hand Is facing forward? Head and neck pulled to the right and angled forward of chest and shoulders? Too much arching of the neck and lower back? The pelvis Is tipped too far forwards? The knees are locked and the legs and feet are turned out too much to compensate compensate for the knee being locked? Judging from this list of Indicators, It shouldn't surprise surprise anyone that the most common Injuries that result from attempting to play golf with postural problems Include nock, shoulder, elbow, wrist and low back pain. If any one ol those looks you become an accident waiting to happen. Sooner or later an injury will occur. To answer the second part of your question, yes, a physiotherapist can help. We examine the whole body but attend to a client's posture specifically from the feet up. We assess the postural alignment of the whole body to determine how many of the postural faults described are present and problematic. The solution Is to custom design a program specllic to your postural needs. The exercises that we give are not stretching exercises to ready your muscle prior to practising or playing golf. Instead the purpose of the program is to return your body to Its proper alignment. Remember that attempting attempting to play golf with Injuries and postural problems Is like the car that always steers to the right. It causes a lot of wear and tear on the tires and It does not perform well. If you have any of those Injuries Injuries above, come and got a specllic golf analysis from your physiotherapist and see how wo can help you. Grant Physiotherapy Is located at: 214 King St. E„ Bowmanville (905) 623-2783 PUTTING PEOPLE IN MOTION, cun li> *B«r CHEVROLET CAVALIER COUPE Purchase >14,559 SmartLease $ 1ftft SECURITY ÊUU DEPOSIT /36 months/S750 down payment THE CAR MORE CANADIANS DEPEND UPON FOR THE LAST EIGHT YEARS. IT'S NO WONDER WITH... 2.2 litre engine • 5-speod manual transmission • 4-wheel ABS • dual front air bags • rear spoiler • PASSLock 1 " theft-deterrent system • tinted glass • reclining front bucket seats • rear seat heat ducts • body side mouldings CHEVROLET LU MINA Purchase >21999 SmartLease I NO SECURITY DEPOSIT /36 months/S1,8G0 down payment STRAIGHT-FORWARD CHEVROLET VALUE YOU CAN TRUST IN A SIX-PASSENGER CAR... 3.1 litre V6 engine • automatic transmission • 4-whool ABS • dual Iront air bags • child-security roar door locks • PASS-Koy 1 II thoft-dotorront system • air conditioning • AM/FM stereo with enssotto ■ remote keyless entry • power windows/door locks/trunk release CHEVROLET MALIBU Purchase >19999 SmartLease r no SECURITY DEPOSIT /36 months/31,830 down payment AN AWARD-WINNING CHEVROLET THAT WILL DELIVER MORE THAN EXPECTED WITH... 2.4 litre Twin Cam engine • automatic transmission • 4-wheel ABS • dual front air bags • child-security door locks • PASSLock"-' theft-deterrent system • AM/FM stereo with cassette • air conditioning • power trunk release j OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE Tx Purchase >25,699 SmartLease ( NO SECURITY DEPOSIT /3G monttvj/$2,G50 down payment OLDSMOBILE'S SOPHISTICATED SPORTY FIVE-PASSENGER SEDAN WITH WORLD-CLASS PERFORMANCE 195 HP 3800 Series II VG engine • full-function traction control ■ high-performance high-performance four-wheel Independent suspension • electronically controlled automatic transmission with overdrive • 16" alloy wheels • 4-whool ABS • remote keyless entry • air conditioning »i m Fii 0^ The Gill Card 1 You should know tills: 'Onsod on a 30 month lease tor '00 Cavalier Coupo/'OB Malibu/'OO Lumlna/'OO Inlilguo. A down payment or trado ol S7G0/S1,030/St.B00/$2,GS0 mo iot|ulrod. Annual kilomolto limit 20,000 km. 50.12 per oxcoss kllomolto tor Cavalier Coupo/Mnlibu/Lumlnn. Annual kilmnulio limit 24,000 km. $0.10 per oxcoss kilometre lor Intrlmio. Ollior lease options available. "1 Freight $0<1 G/S720/SQ10/SQ10. licence, insurance ami taxes not included. Dealer may cull or lonso lor loss. 1 Financing on approved GMAC crodil only. Example: $10,000 at 1.0% APR. die monthly payment is $210.51 lor 411 months. Cost ol borrowing Is 5392.40. Tolul obligation Is $10,302,40. Down payment, trade and/or socuri- 1 '" ' " borrowed and down paymont/lrado. f fOllors apply to 1090 now or domonsltn- ty deposit may bo rogulrod. Monthly payment mut cost ol borrowing will vniy depending on amount Inr models equipped us dosenhud. mid npplios In qualified retail cuslomuis in Central, Southwestern, Eastern Ontnrlo und ... , Chiivrolot Corvette/'!]» Oldsmoliilo Aurora/ 90 Cadillac Deville, Seville, Eldorado. Limited time ollors which may not bo combined with ollior olloro. Soo your donlor(s) lor c and details, www.umcanadn.coin is a Irndoinmk ol (louerai Motors Corporation. (Blloglstorod Trado mark ol Gonoral Motors Corporation, Tb Bank licensed usor ol Mark. paymor , ■ Wostorn Quolioc only. Ollor does not upply to '00 lor conditions