Page 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 30. 1998 Horticultural Society Hosts Rose Show CancerSociely Salutes Volunteer Dmers Newcastle News by Hozel Craqo This Scam Warning was brought to our attention. The Senior Citizens Council of Peterborough reports that a gentleman in Havelock received a phone call from an individual identifying himself as an AT&T technician running a phone line test. To complete complete this test he was told to touch certain numbers. The man hung up. If he had not, lie would have given access to his phone line and long distance calls could have been made on his line. We extend congratulations congratulations and best wishes to Albert Pearce who was honoured on Sunday, June 28th, 1998, on the occasion occasion of his 85th birthday. Among the many attendees were his own family, Larry and Barb, Ric and Marilyn, Wayne and Kim, Elizabeth and Ted Walton and families, families, brother Ken and wife Jean and family, Stratford, sister Marg and husband Joe Hockin, of Oakville and their son Rob, Doug and Wanita Pearce, Bill and his wife and three grandchildren, of Bala. Fifty-four years a milkman, milkman, a sports enthusiast, for many years President of Newcastle Seniors, a member of Newcastle United Church and an allround allround great fellow, attributed attributed to the fact that a great crowd attended his party. Among the many cards received was a letter from the Mayor and Councillors of Clarington. The best of health, Albert, so you may celebrate your ninetieth! Congratulations to grandparents Murray and Juanita Martin who welcomed welcomed their new grandson into the world last week. Tino and Cheryl Burli (Port Hope) presented them with their second grandson. The Optimist Club is sponsoring free swimming for Newcastle and Orono Park pools on Wednesday, July 1st from 12 p.m. until 5 p.m. Saw many friends at Ebenczcr's great meat and potato pic supper last Wednesday. Newtonville's beef barbecue is Wednesday, July 1st. Newcastle Horticulture News On Tuesday evening, June 23rd, the Newcastle !iniiiiiia^!JVv»'^.iiitiiiiiiiii in iMttaaiiamuii n mi ir* Color Your World The name, value and excellent products that you have trusted for years. Janine is certified in Residential Interior Design and as a consultant in Products, Decor, Window Blinds and Carpels. WflLLPflPER BOOK SPECIAL SAVINGS - CARPET FOR AN Y NEED - 60% OFF Designers Touch Interior Latex Primer .$2644*10.78 50% OFF Painters Choice Interior Semi Gloss Latex $3"h94 *15.98 30% OFF Designers Touch Ceiling Latex...., .'$22:94 $ 15.96 25% OFF Designers Touch Eggshell Latex .$3544*25.47 Call Janine for free Shop-At-Home Service for Blinds, Carpet, Vinyl Flooring. Take advantage of her 17 years of Decorating Experience. A 'COLOR YOUR WORLD' GIFT CERTIFICATE makes a great gift! SMILES arc FREE! Open Monday to Thursday 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9; Saturday 9 to 6 235 King St. E., Bowmanville f 623-9750 54 Water St., Port Perry . 985-8221 22222212 0s! S TAPES OPENING THURSDAY, JULY 2ND •TAPES • CD'S • POSTERS •TICKETMASTER "If you've heard it, we can get it" Located in the Clarington Centre (near Loblaws) Horticultural Society held its Rose Show and meeting. meeting. Guest speaker was Christine Gill who showed slides of beautiful gardens and spoke on delphiniums. Sixteen senior exhibitors showed one hundred and five entries judged by Carol Mostcrt. Most points in the show were earned by Vicki Lcsnick who was presented presented with a beautiful crystal bowl donated by the CIBC. The Judge's Choice was a Hybrid Tea Rose entered by Jean Rickard. In the Junior Show Class 1 Lonely Me, there were twelve entries and also twelve entries in the Class 2 Patio Party. Winners were: Class 1, 1st Stephanie First, 2nd Sarah Jansma, 3rd Amy Leddy, 4th Montana Dcy. Class 2, winners were: 1st Montana Dey, 2nd Colin Van Nicgcnhuis, 3rd Ashley Daley and Justin Van Nicgcnhuis, 4th Sarah Jansma and Amy Leddy. Good work, Juniors! Thanks to Dorella Lancaster Forget for allowing allowing use of the bowling alley counters and space for tables for the show. St. George's News On June 28, Pentecost 4, Morning Prayer was celebrated celebrated by the Reverend Oakley Peters and Gordon Leek, Lay Reader from St. Saviour's Orono. Shelley Molica, from St. Saviour's, sang a beautiful solo, O God Of All The Many Lands. Gordon Leek preached an excellent sermon, sermon, Being a Proud Canadian. Next week Holy Communion will be celebrated celebrated at both 8 and 11 a.m. with the Reverend David Saunders. United Church On Sunday, June 28; Reverend David Chisling was assisted by Lay Reader Rick Armishaw. Francis Jose read the Minutes for Missions. Nancy Chisling was soloist at the Church of the Master. The new organ will be installed either Thursday or Friday. Newcastle United Church will be open all summer, except August 2nd. Volunteers are needed for work to be done between July 27 and August 7 when new carpet will be installed and the floor painted. Powell Picnic The weather was perfect perfect for the Powell Family Picnic held at Orono Park on Sunday, June 28th. Having the most family members attending were Susan and Jackson Peacock, of Elizabcthville. Andrew and Ingrid and children Liam, Adrian and Astrid of Carbonear, Newfoundland and Mark and Linda Peacock and sons Aaron, David, Daniel and Matthew were present. Gary and Jennifer Powell conducted the sports, enjoyed by participants participants and on-lookers. One- year-old Jessica Lundy of Pickering and Drake Duval Wannamakcr were the first to race and Jessica reached the finish line. The Clarington Branch of The Canadian Cancer Society saluted its volunteer drivers at a meeting last week. Some of the drivers recognized include (from left): Maurice Preston, Wes Hills, Glenn Prout, David Craig, Billie Kemp, Raoy Osborne, Laurence Hellinga, Doug Kemp, Andy Devries, Jack Munday, Madlyn Wilcox, Harry Preston, Rae Osborne, Glenn Hodgson, Audrey Bate, Tom Gatcell, and Bill Buma. Other drivers not in the photograph are: Marjorie Couch, Ena and Arnold Etcher, Florence Griffin, Bill Brunt, Wayne Stere, Alan Lobb, Martha Hogarth, Bonnie Cowle, Bruce Mortimer, Bill Nesbitt, and Luke VanDyk. Newcastle Lions Wrap Up Successful Year On June 24th the Newcastle Lions Club met in the Lions Room at the Newcastle Community Hall for the final regular meeting of the Lions year. The meeting was called to order by President Elect, Mike Swaga, with 29 members present. President George arrived later from another commitment commitment and chaired the business business part of the meeting. A lovely scalloped potato and ham dinner, with strawberry shortcake for dessert, was catered by Providence-Shaw's Women's Institute. Zone Chairman, Terry Graham gave a brief talk on the 1998 District A3 Mid-Summer Conference that will be held in the Holiday Inn, Trenton, on August 7, 8, 9. This year will have a completely new format, no individual classes for Presidents, Secretaries, etc., so it will be a great learning experience experience for all Lions. Applications must be completed completed before July 15th. Correspondence was read from Clarington Visual Arts, request' for donation was referred to the Youth Committee. Oshawa/Clarington Association for Community Living would like to have one of their representatives speak at a meeting. The club also received token T-shirts from each Orono and Newcastle Public School VIP programs both sponsored sponsored by the Newcastle Lions. A nice plaque was also received from Newcastle Mini Blades Hockey teams along with a thank you for the sponsorship sponsorship for the past year. A $200.00 donation was approved ' to the Newcastle . Junior Y towards their budget. Lion Roy Hopkins announced that buses have been booked for the Seniors Fall Colour Tour, October 7th, 1998. In a letter, Lioness President Jean Rickard, regretfully informed the Club, that the Newcastle Lioness Club will be disbanding disbanding after 45 years of service to the community. They plan to meet until the end of October this year, at which time all arrangements arrangements will be made for the final closing of the books. Positive Committee Reports were tabled by Program Chairman Brcnton Rickard, Bulletin Chairman, Ron Locke, Bars Chairman, Sam Lemon and Peter DeJong, Mints Chairman, Brcnton Rickard, House Chairman, Roy Hopkins, Seniors Chairman, Roy Hopkins, Dance Chairpersons Jean Graham and Dwiglu Napier, Dog Walk-a-Thon Chairman, Jean Graham, Tinfoil and Saran' Chairman, Stan Powell, Finance Chairman, John Bugclli, Projects Chairman, Dave Robinson, Youth Chairman, Mike Swaga, Stag Chairman, Sicrd DeJong, Chicken BBQ Chairman Greg Forget, Nevada Chairman, Brcnton Rickard and Durham Central Fair Chairman, Terry Graham. QUALITY FARM FRESH PRODUCE attVarms •Lid. PEAS AND SNOW PEAS PICK YOUR OWN OR READY PICKED! MARKET.HQ.UBSi Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sat. and Sun. 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. , Don t forget our Strawberry Festival - Canada Day 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in support of Sunrise Youth Group IJ-PICK HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. EVERYDAY FEATURES ' Wagon rides (tractor drawn) • Creative playground • Straw jump • Play tractor • Petting Zoo 2278 Hwy. #2, Bowmanville CROP REPORT PHONE 623-7252 EM Farm Market Phone 623-9109 THESE FRIENDLY FOLKS WILL MAKE YOU A SPECIAL OFFER X' 1 - ••• THIS OFFER IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THE STATESMAN OFFICE , Bob Kolari Brian McDonald Doug MacKay Hans Straub eee ON YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER THAT OFFERS YOU A GREAT DEAL MORE! The Canadian Statesman has commissioned these sales representatives to undertake a subscription drive. They will present a special offer and will soon be calling on you to offer year-round reading of The Canadian Statesman at substantial savings over the newsstand newsstand price. Canabtati Statesman 62 King Street West 623-3303 Bowmanville