i Page 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, July 8, 1998 Parents Object to School Boundaries From page 1 enrolled in French immersion immersion programs but have since switched back to the regular curriculum. If they arc from outside the school boundaries, such students have to return to their own neighbourhood schools. Lydia Trull School offers both French immersion and a regular, non-immersion curricu- lutn. About 60 parents attended a meeting to call for action About 60 parents attended a meeting last Thursday night to call for action on the boundary issue. Trustee Nancy Coffin said parents have spoken to the school board, but their request was received for information on June 18th. That means the board is not willing to change its mind on the boundary question. Coffin, who did not vote in favor of the board's decision, said the placement placement for out-of-boundary students is reviewed on a yearly basis and the new school cannot accommodate accommodate students from beyond the school's boundaries. Therefore, they must return to their neighbourhood neighbourhood schools. Bob Willsher, also a trustee with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, said the problem stems from over-crowding among the schools. "It's an out-cropping of a problem problem the board is going to continue to have as long as we have too many kids and not enough schools," he said. Smoke Alarm Check Claringlon firefighters arc going door-to-door this summer, making sure residents have working smoke alarms on all floors of their homes. The "Alarmed For Life" campaign kicked off last month in Bowmanvillc and Courticc and should wrap up before fall. Bowmanvillc home-owners Cord and Jean Linton, above left, passed the fire safety check-up conducted by Ken Ostler, Tim Calhoun and Captain Cord Weir. Lishmans Get Approval for Fur Factory Charges Laid in Abduction From page 1 building. He was found by police who responded to the alarm. The victim was treated for serious head, face and shoulder injuries. Peter Adam Lyman, 19, and Christopher Joseph Vella, 18, both of no fixed address, arc jointly charged with: robbery, kidnapping, forcible confinement, two counts of assault with a weapon, break and enter with intent, possession possession of stolen property (two counts) and breach ol probation (three counts). Murder Suspect Found Hanging in Shower Stall A man arrested for the slaying of a 26-year-old Woodbridgc woman was found hanging in a shower stall of the Whitby Jail on Saturday, July 4. Durham Regional Police said emergency personnel responded to the jail at 11 a.m. on Saturday because of an attempted suicide by a male inmate. A man who had been found hanging in a shower stall after being given a towel to dry himself was rushed to Oshawa General Hospital by ambulance. He was pronounced dead at 11:30 a.m. The victim was identified as Angelo Mikala (Michael) Consiglio, 27, also of Woodbridgc. He was facing a charge of first degree murder in the stabbing death of Sabrina Dcvittoris. From page 1 ing operations. An amendment to the Claringlon Official Plan recommended for Council approval also lists environmental environmental requirements that must be met. These include the rehabilitation of the former gravel pit, the reforestation of lands to provide a wildlife habitat habitat corridor to the Wilmot Creek valley, the improvements improvements to the ponds and measures to rehabilitate the lands from any impacts caused by construction activity. Councillor Troy Young was the only councillor to speak in opposition to the development. "We know this development will have an impact on the Wilmot Creek. What we don't know is what the impact will be," he said. "We cannot have economic economic development at all costs," he continued. "We have available industrial land throughout Claringlon, some located in the rural setting that Mr. Lishman says is so important important to his company's image." Among the delegations who spoke at the public meeting, Linda Gasser raised concerns over the impact of development on water quality and fish habitat as well as a right- of-way leading to the Lishman site. "Industrial assessment and employment employment are the carrots being dangled by the applicants...On applicants...On the other side of the equation we have the environment and the rural way of life and it's very difficult to assign values to those?" "What is uncontaminated uncontaminated groundwater worth? What dollar value can we place on the Wilmot Creek Fishery? What price can we put on bio-diversity and a healthy natural environment? environment? Please don't confuse free with worthless," worthless," she added. David Lawson spoke of the need for an environmental environmental impact study and also suggested it was pre- of $ 7 ** |T IT f lE PAY NO ON THESE ALREADY DISCOUNTED PRICES! 1,1 j !.. - c/ifir . ; _ ROPER ti v Built-In jl * . , J . DISHWASHER ( -- to Patch»** o A C9 /V'V w»** ,199 W Hi.1 It Rtuwggiw Built-In DISHWASHER Wish le, eft • S lip town Corbel» fïSijÉK \-r h ft. S3* SUPER CAPACITY TEAM- SURER CAPACITY PLUS SUPER CAPACITY PLUS WASHER DRYER --'Tjrk » Also available In gas. MrttlKHM Marks? New & Reconditioned Appliances • Sales • Service • Parts Fridges * Stoves * Washers • Dryers • Built-in Products * Microwaves • Dishwashers business hours: Taunton Rd., Hampton (amfacmioiCourikci Ion. • fri. 9 a.m. • 6 a.m. 1-800-798-5502 Mon. • fri. 9 a.m. • 6 p.. Thun. 9 a.m, • 8 p.m. Sal. 9 a.m. • 4 p.m. 963-836 1|_ JiJ Hoy ? RDPER M > I pH] InglUj |(jpjj)j KitchenAld mature in advance of a watershed plan. Richard Ward warned the group that the entrance off Taunton Rd. is not safe for this type of expected use. "I can sec it as a potential problem," he said. "Don't let anything destroy this treasure," said Libby Racansky, in describing the Wilmot Creek and its tributaries. "Our communities will only be as healthy as their watersheds." • "I'm concerned about our creek that runs through our property," said Dan Hooper. "We are also very concerned about the roadway roadway access. If there is an accident, we're looking at you people to blame," he told Claringlon councillors. councillors. Kevin Tunney, planning. consultant for the Lishmans, said his client could accept the wording of the resolution passed by the committee. He observed that the report from the municipal planning planning staff "exhausts every avenue." He added: "The detailing was necessary to respond to the-concerns raised." In response to a question about treatment of sewage, Tunney advised the committee that a "rotator" "rotator" system to pre-treat effluent would be used at the site. Bill Lishman said after the meeting that he, was satisfied with the outcome, although he noted that it still requires approval at the regional level and is subject to the appeals process. Of the restriction to fur manufacturing only, he said: "that does tie our hands a little." But, he added that Lishman International's full intention intention is to use the properties Council Briefs Disabled Residents Want Weekend Transit Town staff will look into the possibility of extending local Handi Transit service following an appeal to municipal council on Monday by Walter Zutcll, a new Handi Transit user, Mr. Zutcll said handicapped handicapped patrons need more than the present weekday service service which mns between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. He'd like service to cover evenings, weekends and holidays holidays too. "If you're disabled and want to go out in the evening, you have to pay for a taxi cab home," lie said, adding that taxi fare back to his Concession Street home from Oshawa can be $40 or more. Staff will hold discussions with Handi Transit officials and then bring the issue back to council. for the purposes outlined in the zoning by-law. Of the possibility that some form of aircraft manufacturing manufacturing could occur at the site in the future, he said. "We have no interest in the aircraft manufacturing manufacturing business, but it's still a hobby of mine." In reference to the opposition cited in a report from the planning department, department, Councillor Jane Rowe noted that over half of the opponents to the development came from outside the municipality. If only the views of those in the municipality were considered, considered, the result would be closer to 50-50, she added. She also observed that people in favor of a proposal rarely reply. "I wouldn't have voted for it if. I thought those concerns couldn't be addressed," she said. Councillor Young said after the meeting he can foresee an Ontario Municipal Board appeal of the decision. Category 1 Sub. G.S.T. Total Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription at our offices after 11 a.m. Wednesday. You will be given a card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman. $25 $1.75 per year $26.75 ■ Category 2 Subscribers within Canada $30 $2.10 $32.10 Category 3 Subscribers outside of Canada $100 $7.00 $107.00 Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising ' that make up our community. i 1 Name:. I 1 1 I Subscription Order Form Address: - Postal Code:. . Telephone No.:. 1 New Ql or n * Renewal U I 1 -1 Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. , VISA/MC Number: . Expiry Date:. Slje Canadian Statesman P.0. 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Also Hawaiian Rib Post festivities: BBQ, exhibits, land displays, vendors, with the Staff wearing Grass Skirls. Iloola Hoop live jazz hand, live band and dance during the evening. For the kids a jumping castle and many activities arc planned, And the best part - ADMISSION IS FREE! For information contact Alison Woollacott, WOODEN BOAT General Manager at (905) 987-5251. Contest. Saturday, July 18th celebrate Christmas in July. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings, $10. per person or bring along a new toy to he donated. Weddings, banquet facilities, corporate and Restaurant