The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, July 11,1998 Page 7 Gambling Requires Tight Controls Have you ever bought a church raffle ticket or played bingo or played games of chance at a country fair? Gaming in Ontario is not new. For the past ten years, we have seen this activity expand. I have spoken in the Legislature on this controversial controversial subject of gaming or gambling and indicated that I personally don't support gambling. gambling. That being said, I also admit in the past to assisting in charity bingos, buying church or other raffle tickets, and even selling tickets for school raffles, helping at Monte Carlo charity and fun events, and even buying the odd 50/50 ticket at a hockey game or even a lottery ticket from time to time. For many people, this has become an innocent form of entertainment. The question remains, how come this activity activity has grown and even expanded in the past number of years? Is it simply human greed or trying to get rich quick? There are those who blame the government for everything. In my view, government government must step in and regulate regulate this activity. The philosophical philosophical questions arc a subject subject for another discussion. •Horse racing and wagering wagering is often referred to as the sport of kings. Wagering itself is referred to in the Bible. In some respects, the stock market, market, itself is a sophisticated form of regulated gambling. Human nature seems prepared prepared to take a chance on almost anything from friendly wagering on the date of a child's birth to buying Bre-X gold shares, to speculating on the future price of corn or crude, to buying a $100.00 ticket in a hospital charity lottery. lottery. In 1970, the federal government government responded to the need to regulate gaming. Since 1986, the provinces were authorized to license lottery schemes. In 1980, there were 50 bingo halls and by 1989, this had grown to Tyrone 4-H News by Ashley Sfevens The Tyrone 4-H Heritage Club's 6th meeting meeting was held on June 15, in the Sunday School room. We reviewed . our Achievement Program for next week. We arc going out for supper to the Golden Gate Restaurant, then on to Oshawa Sydenham Museum. We tried to finish any of our projects that needed to be completed. We made family crests. We judged scones. 4-Her's really really enjoyed date squares. On June 22, we had our Achievement Program, We met at the church at 4:45, then we set off for Chinese food at the Golden Gate Restaurant in Oshawa. After supper we were given our awards, then we were off to Oshawa Sydenham Museum. We made a medicine medicine bag and decorated it with beads. We broke up into two groups and toured the museums. We learned about the early settlers in the Oshawa area. Members that received their club awards were Dana and Joey Kcast, Jennifer and Melissa Milford, Ashley Stevens and Jody Todd. Special recognition goes to Ashley Stephens and Jody Todd for completing their County Honours (6 clubs). They both received a gift from the 4-H club. Susan Plcasnncc received a plaque lor being a 'first time leader'. The best "Book Award" went to Melissa .Milord. Way logo Melissa! Thanks to our leaders, Mrs. Atm Plcasnncc and Miss Susan Plcasnncc lor all the fun activities they planned for us, We really appreciated appreciated it, Congratulations to all who completed the Heritage club! over 250 such bingo halls. Think about this. It is estimated estimated that there is over $ I billion circulated through this activity activity with very little audit trail, investigation and reporting. In 1993, the then Ontario government lifted the freeze on bingo halls with the Gaming Services Act. This Act required greater accountability accountability and licensing of all those involved in the gaming industry. The province licenses licenses only bingos with prizes over $5,000.00; the municipalities municipalities license all others. In the past few years, the expansion of lottery tickets with multi-million dollar prizes has enticed almost every citizen to participate. The glamorized advertisements advertisements with slogans like "Just imagine" and pictures of fancy cars and big homes, appeal to all that is prevalent in our society today. The Nevada (break open tickets) arc sold in support of local charities, front, women's shelters, shelters, to swim teams, to Boy Scouts. Somehow, we have combined instant gratification with the subtle suggestion that we are being charitable at the same time. In the early I990's the then Provincial government authorized the establishment of roving charily gaming events. These 3-day events grew to the point where in 1995 there were some 15,000 days of legalized gaming in Ontario. It is suggested that these activities were not properly properly regulated and accountable accountable to the charities they were intended to support. In Ontario, a report to the OPP indicates that there arc some 15,000 illegal video lottery terminals (VLT's) in bars and clubs. In the late I990's the then government licensed the Windsor Casino, the Rama Casino and the Great Blue Heron in Port Perry. The 1995 referendum in Niagara Falls endorsed a casino there. The point I am making is that gambling already exits in many forms and places in Ontario today. In fact, it exits in almost every province. Our government like the previous governments, recognizes that this activity must be more tightly regulated. We have listened listened to all constituents. I am pleased by the decisions to set up a dedicated police enforcement enforcement unit, set aside up to 4% of revenue to combat addiction, addiction, moved from the original decision on VLT's to the less problematic slot machines, guaranteed $100 million to charities under the Trillium Foundation (10 times more than ever committed), and that no community that docs not want a casino will be forced to host a casino. The recent decision to restrict expansion from 44 sites to the 4 pilot sites that have requested requested them, Thunder Bay, Sault Stc. Marie, Brantford and Point Edward. There will be no further expansion of charity charity or commercial casinos. As we evaluate these sites, consultations consultations will continue with all stakeholders. I have met with Church leaders and others who arc opposed to gambling. I understand understand and support their concerns. concerns. Education is one way to combat ignorance. However, we cannot ignore what exists. There arc many forms of abuse and addiction in today's society. We somehow somehow have become lulled into being tolerant of things that arc naturally repugnant. We have been trained to be politically politically correct and say nothing that remotely sounds as if we are intolerant. Ask yourself if society today is better than even a decade ago? In my view, the churches arc not full enough, the family unit is not supported enough and individual individual rights seem to ignore majority rights. Bowmanville Kinsmen and Kineftes Welcome New Slate of Officers Bowmanville Kinsmen and Kinetics held installation ceremonies for the clubs' 1998-99 executive on June 19th. Pictured in top row, from left: Jim Esplcn, registrar; Tony Middleton, vice-president; Jack Oegema, president; Wayne Hodge, director; Reg Suggitt, treasurer; and Steve Cruickshank, vice- president. In the front row, from left, are: Sandra Suggitt, past-president; Jane Bruce, president; Lisa Butcher, registrar. 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