I1SSPIÏCH.1 u-yg , Page 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilic, July 15, 1998 Gone Fish in' Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday were designated Family Fishing Weekend in Ontario. Many families took the opportunity to wet a line in their local waterways. And, at the Darlington Provincial Park, Nicholas Sully, Zachary Breen, Brittany Ncthcrcott and Sarah Lytllc took part in a children's program that included coloring coloring paper fish and then strolling out to McLaughlin Bay to observe fish habitat. Dave Mudd, a member of the park staff who works on cco-tourism programs, was the guide for the morning. He was sitting in for the regular children's programmer at Darlington. Council Okays Lishman Plans l From page 1 Claringlon's Director ,, of Planning and Development, Frank Wu, !• advised council to use . foresight in their decision ' about land use here. He reminded council that down the road if the 1 Lishman fur businesses ceases, their buildings could be extremely attrac- tive to other entrepreneurs. However, if the build- - ing isn't used as a fur gar- - ment factory it will be in l contravention of the zon- " ing by-law, Wu pointed out. Anyone who wants to > do anything else there will ■ have to make another rezoning application. ; Kevin Tunney, representing representing the Lishmans, r urged council to approve the proposal with no fur- ther delays. "It's been thoroughly : investigated, thoroughly ; 1 reported on, more than any V ' application I've ever been F involved in in 26 years." In the end, council sup- L ported a zoning change Ï- that allows for "a single prestige employment use 'I appropriate to and benefit- ; ing from a rural location, including a fur garment manufacturing facility" and providing that the use be located in an earth integrated integrated building displaying a high standard of architectural architectural design and located more than 50 meters from any water course. Councillor Troy Young was the lone dissenter on council. Other requirements under the new bylaw are reforestation and conservation. conservation. The next step in the approval process won't come until fall when Regional government resumes meetings. And there could be more hurdles beyond that. A lawyer for adjacent property owners warned the issue could wind up before Ontario's Municipal Board. Aleksandr Bolotenko, acting on behalf of Jean and Robert Kingsley, questioned local council's jurisdiction in going ahead with zoning change that directly- affected his clients' land. Apparently, there is a 45-year-old right-of-way (( ^ LORDY, LORDY DAWN'S FF ALMOST 40! Happy 39th . _.. ■ i Love Cole, Michael M and Karen e: JJ f-3 ;. ■ i ixi Personal, Professional Investment Advice from Ted Trueman If you have any concerns about your investments, talk to Ted, your RSP/RIF expert. SS , Ted Trueman BSai DOMIINIOIN investment Advisor SECURITIES 19051454-7786 T • MMi Professional Wealth Management QQ or 1-800-267-1522 ©j.p. Help Save The Environment and SAVE PLASTIC NEWSPAPER SLEEVES Bring in 100 plastic Newspaper Sleeves from your Clarington/Courlice Independent, and you can place a classified advertisement for 1/2 Price Value up to $20.00. Limited to one coupon per customer. Hurry! Limited Time Offer The Bowmanville Canabtan Statesman 62 King Si, West 623-3303 Bowmanvilic II over the Kinglscy property which clients, employees and suppliers wouid have to use to gain access to the Lishmans' business. Bolotenko argued it may not be within local council's jurisdiction to pass a rezoning bylaw over a person's property who does not consent. "Council runs into the danger of discrimination in favor of one person to the detriment of another," he said. "Dealing with this bylaw should be deferred until you are satisfied you have the legal authority. Because if you think you do, and you do not, we. might end up in courts or before the Ontario Municipal Board." JUMBO INVITES YOU_T© A ©RAND OPENING From page 1 ferent in the summer than it is leading up to Christmas." Gilpin says this gives downtown businesses a chance to "compete on a level playing field" with malls that have free parking. parking. He hopes the municipality municipality will find the new parking system works well. He also hopes the municipality will considering considering purchasing the former former Petro Canada service station land on King Street to accommodate even more vehicles. Municipal staff will assess the results of the new parking plan when the five-month trial ends in January. Police Briefs Smashed Mailboxes -- A resident on Old Scugog Road in Blackstock complained complained to police on July 13 that someone had damaged his mailbox by striking it with a baseball bat from a vehicle. Numerous area mailboxes were also damaged. damaged. Missing Fireman -- A four-foot fireman lawn ornament was carried off by thieves from a Taunton Road home in the Hampton area. The theft occurred sometime before 10 p.m. on July 13. Hot Wheels -- Durham regional police arrested a Woodbridgc resident on July 12 for possession of a stolen vehicle after apprehending apprehending the suspect on Hwy 401 in Clarington. The driver was also charged with theft, breach of probation, probation, failure to stop for police and driving with no licence. Street Brawl -- Police responded to a disturbance on King Street in Bowmanvilic on July 12 around 2:30 a.m. According to the police report, a large number of males were involved in a fight. Arrested were a male and a female, J D j Jjj kj faff A hi jj |i d )( < v... : im p® ' ; tubbCuaiSs® GOOD WILL HUNTING GUARANTEED OR FREE! If we don't have a copy, you get any other movie rental free^ and on the spot - / YZMID fl TOUR {THANK YOU" AND x "GAMERS CLUB" ™ ■ 1 ■ l* - - 1 ! ' / i Rent any 10 movies/ • games and get your next rental , FREE! / See staff V for details. ******* - ^ ■■ePPMEC# mus AHDBuomM™ ^ . FREE ,HI "** 'while supplies last, At the new CLARINGTON SHOPPING CENTRE 2379 Highway #2, Bowmanville (905) 697-8591 "Home of the Guarantee"