Around the Board The Claringlon/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, July 18, 1998 Pace 11 I am pleased to be able to continue writing this column about school board issues that impact Clarington parents and students. In addition, I will include items that arc on the provincial scene that arc important for you to know. With a much bigger area to represent, this column will be an important communications tool. Your feedback is always welcome even if you do not agree with me. Parents in the Courticc area are very frustrated over a number of issues. Some students students will not be attending the school of their choice because they arc outside the boundary set for the school. The parents attended the last meeting of the board and presented presented their concerns. The board was not willing to set aside the policy currently in place to allow them to attend. Basically, the board expects administration to follow the policy and use their discretion to address unusual situations that may negatively impact a child's education. The other issue that is causing concern for parents is the matter of safe transportation transportation of children to the new Lydia Trull Public School. Children living within distances distances of the school set out in the transportation policy will not be bussed. Walking to school in most instances will not be a problem. However, parents arc not happy about not having a crossing guard on Trulls Road. Crossing guards arc a municipal responsibility and the current traffic studies do not support the need for a crossing guard. I expect that when the school opens in September that the number of vehicles in the area will increase and this will give the Municipality the data required to support a crossing guard. One solution, with or without a crossing guard, that 1 have suggested to parents is the "walking school bus." This program is currently being piloted at Newcastle Public School. It is an excellent excellent idea for parents and children children alike. The children get the exercise from walking to school. They learn about safety. They also learn about the various places in their community and have a clear understanding of where they live in relationship to the school. Parents have the peace of mind knowing that their young ones will be supervised to and from school. It takes parents volunteering volunteering to make it work! There will be a lot of new -faces at schools in Clarington come September. The change in the teachers' pension plan has resulted in many retirements. retirements. In addition, new Principals and Vice Principals have been appointed and others others have been re-assigned to different schools. We are fortunate fortunate to have so many fine leaders in our system. I hope you welcome new staff to your local school. On the issue of Principal and Vice Principal appointments, appointments, the board approved a new policy dealing with transfers of Principals and Vice Principals. No longer will the board be required to approve recommendations from Administration concerning concerning these moves. I try not to speak against the direction the Board approves but this change causes me concern. As the voice of the community, community, I have always taken seriously seriously the appointment of leadership at local schools. This role has been turned over to the administrative staff as a result of the policy change. School Councils may well want to provide input to the provincial government concerning the appointment or transfer of school leaders as the role of school councils is reviewed by the government government in the fall. It is important important that the Principal and Vice Principal reflect the needs of the community. Administration at the board level may be well intentioned but not as aware as they should be of each community's community's needs. Boards across Ontario arc in a frustrating position in negotiating with their teacher federations. The province expects boards to achieve new collective agreements even though they have restricted the boards in dealing dealing with a number of issues. In the secondary panel the mailer of teaching 7 of 8 classes is creating a blitz by the federations to have all boards at the same position at the same time. They scent determined to have this provincial policy at the head of the negotiations' table. Boards can do little to resolve the impasse because they do not have the funding or legislative' legislative' powers to change what the province has established. established. To me this appears that Harris and company are trying to get province-wide bargaining without being accountable. Will there be a , strike at your local school come September? Ask Mike Harris or John O'Toole for the answer. 1 had the pleasure of attending the Clarke High School graduation as well as the Bowmanvillc Centre for individual Studies gradua- /--A , . 1 / \ '% ». JgWIr , by Bob Willsher Trustee, Kawartha Pine Ridge District Public School Board lion. It is evident that our education education system is working well and there arc some very fine young people out there. The Centre for Individual Studies graduation reinforced my belief that this is one of the cornerstones of our education education system. For a number of graduates it was the first step in their efforts to improve their lives. There can be no question about the value of investing in this program program even if the provincial government docs not sec the obvious return to our society. Older Adult Association Planning for Opening Celebrations wil[ be On September 7 9th The Clarington Older Adult Association would like to invite members of the community to the Grand Opening celebration of the Clarington Beech Centre. The celebration of these new facilities will be held on Saturday, September 19, at the new centre located at 26 Beech Avc., the former Lion's Centre. An Open House will be held from 11-3 p.m. with various demonstrations and activities promoting promoting the upcoming fall programs that will be offered at the centre promoting "Seniors in Action." During this time, Community Care will be holding a bake sale of homemade baking and light refreshments refreshments will be available. The public are invited to celebrate the official opening of the centre at 5:00 p.m. on the grounds of the centre. Mayor Hamrc will be present to officially officially open the centre. The celebration continues that evening with a dinner catered by King's Court Catering, starting with cocktails and entertainment and dinner, followed followed by dancing. The cost for the dinncr/dancc is $50 per ticket. All ticket holders will receive a tax receipt for $25. Tickets arc available at James Insurance, Community Care, or by calling Don Welsh at 263- 2325, or Bcv Wakefield at 983-9895. :v FUNDRAISING DRIVE - Councillor Jim Schell (left), and Don Welsh, president of the Board of Directors for the Clarington Older Adults Association, point out how far the group has to go to meet their fundraising goal. To help the campaign, a dinner and dance will be held at the centre on Beech Avc. on September 19 as part of the grand opening celebration. The Clarington/Courtice Independent's Business Directory To Advertise Phone 623-3303 ACCOUNTANCY Brad E. Foster Chartered Accountant 10 Mill Street, Kendal, Ontario LOA 1E0 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: Phone/Fax: (905) 983-8141 Cellular: (905) 242-2005 HOBB BARKER BERGIN HILL Chartered Accountants Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. Ian F. Bergin, C.A Thomas F.G. Hill C.A.. 118 King St. E„ Bowmanville 623-9461 STEPHEN J. SUTHERLAND Chartered Accountant 13 John Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1W8 721-8600 LAING, McHARDY & ROHR CHARTERED m ACCOUNTANTS Michael D. Laing, c.a. Stephen J. McHardy, b.a., c.a. Jeffrey L. Rohr, B.Acc., C.A. 40 King St. West, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L1 (905) 579-6245 AUTO INSURANCE /lllstatef HOME «AUTO «INSURANCE Darlene Ferguson 905-987-1611 CATERINGI HALL RENTALS Clarington Beech Centre Beech Avenue, Bowmanville Former Lions Centre New Facility Available September All Occasions - 250 Persons Phone 905-697-2856 25 Years Award Winning Customer Service la ï\cnai£tëniuc Catering • Banquet Facility • Gourmet Food Menu • Professional Staff • Surprisingly Affordable Donna Bégin 905-438-0133 BANQUET HALL RENTAL Licensed Banquet Hall lor up lo 180 people Catering Services Available lot •Wedding Receptions • Business Meetings • Parties • Dances, Etc. Bowmanville Country Club (905) 623-2670 KING'S COURT jjk CATERING 'I'll Kathy & Kevin Anyan Phone: (905) 623-4277 Fax: (905) 623-2198 BRIDAL SERVICES i/wl Iw il Special,,, • Invitations • Announcements • Bridal Books « Napkins •Accessories,.:,. : 3 Books to choose from James Publishing Co. Ltd. 62 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone (905) 623-3303 BUSINESS SERVICES HANDS ON Business Services Business solutions tailored to your needs. accounting, payroll, administration, new business setups, training on: Simply Accounting, QuickBooks, Windows and MS Office software, computer services. desktop publishing, website design Tel: (905) 263-2983 Fax: (905) 263-2986 FINANCIAL SERVICES Jon sLife Freedom 55 The freedom to choose. The power to get there. • Life insurance ■ Disability insurance • RRSP and Investment planning • Annuities, RRIFs and LIFs • Group Products • Mutual funds Dwight L. Hickson Toll tree: 1-800-34 1-5Ï86 Newcastle; 905-987-1345 Planning your tomorrow today! Serving Clarington area since 1985. Life & Disability Ins. ■Critical Illness Ins. 'RRIFs/LlFs/Annuitics 'Mutual Fmuls*/RRSPs ■Segregated Funds 'Estate Planning Scrv. QS) \ John Willoughby 623-4038 I The Mutual Group 1-888-2'J6-WILl|,(| Licensed with Mutual Lifo of Canaito'Mutual Invostco Inc.', two companies ol The Mutual Group. Freedom55 .RRSPs and Investment plans ■ Disability Insurance ■ Individual life insurance FINANCIAL SERVICES t REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS LTD. Since 1968 « >> n24kKingiSt: E., Bowmanville "Canada's Largest Independent " Financial Planning Organization" - RRSP's -RRIF's - Mutual Funds -Trust Funds -Tax and Estate Planning Steve Scatterty, Financial Advisor 623-1936 |FORTUNE FINANCIAL • Mutual Funds • RRSP Products • RRIFs & Annuities • Stocks • Bonds • Life Insurance • Tax and Estate „ _ Planning Neil McGregor Fortune Financial Corporation. COO oA4 A Member:CIPF& 1*1 Montreal Exchange B ^19 < Scu20 ) 2 B St i JBowmanvIlle iHiM ^ M ^ GARDENING SERVICES No One Cares For Your Property Like... mrtrim lawn & garden services 623-9711 Jeff Hancock II,A, - Bowmanville, ON (005) 623-3349 ndon Life HEALTH SERVICES Stutt's Diabetes Care Depot 5344 Main SI., Orono 983-5009 less than 10 minutes from Bowmanville ® - ottering an extensive t line ol diabetes care products • expert training on complete line ^ V -consultations -delivery Tino Montopoli B.Sc.Phm.. Certified Diabetes Educator Tmo Montopoli is the only pharmacist m me Durham Region to be Certified as a Diabetes Educator by the Canadian Diabetes Assoc Gj Bowmanville Light (S) • Therapy Services * TREATMENT FOR: • Chronic Fatigua Syndromo • Seasonal Allectlva Dlserder • Depression 93 King SI.W„ Suite 111, Bowmanville Tot; (905) 432-9393 The Ireedom to choose The power to got there London lllo nnd dvsifln, F 'tomtom 55 nnd Ih# ttomtom to chou itf. Ilmpowor to got ttwo. mo tmdummks ol London Lllo Insurnnco Company HEALTH SERVICES 234 King St. East Bowmanville Family Wellness Centre Clarington Rehabilitation Sports Injury 8r l Massage Therapy Clinic ' 623-6202 Bowmanville ;oj|/ ] Family Chiropractic Centre Acupuncture * Homeopathy 623-8388 Clarington Physiotherapy Registered Physiotherapist Sports Medicine Supplies 623-8202 Bowmanville Family Foot Care Clinic \\Foot Orthotics • Nail Surgery 623-8202 Walk-in Clinic Monday through Saturday We accept W.C.B., OHIP, and Extended Health Ins. J3 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Ed Piho Enterprises Residential • Commercial All Types of Construction • Repairs/Renovations • Kitchens/Bathrooms • Property Maintenance • Landscaping All Types of Masonry 905-623-5799 PARK HILL '// Paving Limited - 25 Years Experience - • Residential Driveways • Parking Lots • Interlocking and Concrete Work Member of B.B.B. - Fully Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES (905)433-1881 (Oshawa) MR. BRUSH Additions, Renovations Painting, Roofs Quality Work at Reasonable Rates 24 Hr. Emergency Service Tel. (905) 259-0393 Noel (905)242-5352 Louis 'll 'I BARR'S OB • ROOFING • SHEET METAL • SIDING Dave Barr 26 Years Experience Tel: (905) 987-1445 Fax: (905) 987-3838 POOLS Permanent Pool and Patio Swimming Pool and Spa Saies and Installation Serving Durham Since 1983 1646 King Si, E., Courlico, ON LIE 3K7 (905) 404-0583 LEGAL SERVICES Free Initial Consultation ,7--j--:!•. • Landlord / Tenant Disputes **!"•* -Small Claims Court * . • Debt Collection • Budget and Credit Counselling Many other legal and credit services Court Agent / Mediator / Lecturer 623-0201 LIFE INSURANCE HUTTON INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville Don Hutton Bus: 623-7688 Res: 263-8589 Life Insurance RRSP's RRIF's PETS & SUPPLIES A HOUSE OF BIRDS Birds and Supplies * Love Birds * Budgies * Canaries * Cockatiels * Finches Hand Fed Babies - Bulk Bird Seed Call Armand (905) 623-1829 alter 5 Timberlee D02 Obedience • Private or Group Instruction • Behavioural Consultations • Positive Training Method by Professional Obedience Trainers 623-6631 or 987-3949 PIANO TUNING John H. Yates • 30 years experience in Niagara Region • Recently relocated in Bowmanville ('95) • Looking forward to servicing your piano Phone (905) 697-1336 SERVICES THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME INTERIOR DESIGN 2173 Hwy. #2, Bowmanville 623-7483 Margaret Coombes Gloria Brooks • In-Home Consultations • Furniture • Window Treatments • Wallcoverings Anthony's Decorative Painting Hand Painted Furniture Old or New - Yours or Mine Finished wilh faux effects and fine art for a one-of-a-kind piece Also unique wall finishes Call 905-983-8181 SUPPLIES AND SALES ORONO BUILDING & DECORATING Since 1935 • Plumbing • Roofing • Electrical • Paint • Lumber • Decorating 85 Station St„ Orono 983-9167