1 Page 14 The Clarington/Courtice Independent. Bowmanvillc, Saturday, July 18, 1998 -- Names Will Appear on President's Wall of Fame Bowmanville Canadian Tire Employees Recognized Striving to make the holiday season a little brighter for ehildrcn in Bowmanvillc has landed Bill Stephens and Karen McKeown a spot on Canadian Tire President and CEO Stephen E. Bachand's celebrated 'Wall of Winners' at the company's home office in Toronto. It also earned these two employees a heartfelt round of applause from the more than 1,000 guests attending the Retail Council of Canada's recent annual awards dinner where Mr. Bachand was honoured with the Distinguished Canadian Retailer of the Year Award. As he accepted the Award, Mr. Bachand was quick to share the honour with the Canadian Tire team including several 'Wall of Winners' recipients. Acknowledging Stephens, McKeown and select other Wall of Winners recipients, Bachand said, "These arc people who have gone to extraordinary lengths to do extraordinary things for extraordinary cus tomers...people who I believe rightly symbolize the accomplishment that is being honoured here this evening." Earlier this year, Stephens and McKeown, both employees at the Bowmanvillc Canadian Tire Associate Store, were ' SANTA'S HELPERS -- Bill Stephens and Karen McKeown have been known to stand in for Mr. and Mrs. ; Claus at the Canadian Tire store in Bowmanville during the festive season. Their efforts have earned them a place on ' the "Wall of Winners" at the company's home office in Toronto. commended by Mr. Bachand for delivering outstanding community service. Every season for the past four years, the festive festive pair has made time to visit children in the hospital hospital and deliver Christmas gifts to less fortunate families families in the area. "Bill and Karen have added to the momentum established by a long list of Canadian Tire employees employees whose dedication to our customers has been acknowledged on the Wall of Winners," said Norm Kane, Associate Dealer, Canadian Tire Associate Store. "To date, 17 letters bear the names of Bowmanvillc employees. That's an accomplishment we can all be proud of." Introduced in March 1994, the Wall of Winners reinforces Canadian Tire's commitment to delivering exceptional customer service. service. Every year, hundreds of satisfied Canadian Tire customers take the time to write letters lauding employees for the outstanding outstanding service they deliver. Those letters which best represent the company's vision - to be the best at what our customers customers value most - are displayed on the Wall of Winners located in the main reception area of the Toronto office. Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited - the country's largest hard- goods retailer - offers a unique mix of products and services through three distinct, yet inter-related businesses. With 34,000 employees, Canadian Tire Retail and its Associate Dealers together form one of Canada's best known and most successful retailers, retailers, offering customers the convenience and leadership leadership of three specialty stores under one roof - Automotive, Sports and Leisure and Home Products. On behalf of grandmother, MciMci Selo, aunts Janice 1 and Gail, and mum and dad Bonnie and Barry l lcrsco, Miranda and Sebastien want to wish Grandpa Johnny Selo of the Coronation Restaurant "A very Happy Birthday!" The family °f George and Grace Pidduck invites you to join in the celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, July 25, 1998, 2-4 p.m. at the Oshawa Shrine Club 1626 Simcoe Street N„ Oshawa, Ontario \ BEST WISHES ONLY ■ " New Boat Regulations Give a Sinking Feeling 5 : New boat regulations recently announced by Minister jj of Fisheries and Oceans, David Anderson, really "take a ) walk on the absurd side," says the Ontario Federation of .? Anglers and Hunters. i ; ^-Contrary tq earlier promises.fro.nv Anderson, alLppcf- 1 luiftf of-smaHy pbweréd^w&lèreraifF Uiidfcr 13 fèètî-WilhlSe J obligated to'have an-operator's licence,within three years ^ or less depending on their age. Previously, Anderson had ;« recognized that safety was not an issue with low pow- v ered watercraft under 13 feet and they would be exempt • from new regulations. { Anderson, however, went back on his word, ji "The minister has really taken a walk on the absurd j side with his legislation and we urge him to immediate- ;< ly reconsider these new laws," says Dr. Terry Quinney, i O.F.A.H. Provincial Coordinator, Fish and Wildlife s Services. : For several months, the federal government has been - contemplating new boating regulations that will address - concerns over the number of injuries and fatalities occur- ; ring on the water, especially among young riders of personal personal water craft, also known as P.W.C.'s or by brand hrames such as Jet Ski and Sea Doo. Alcohol has also tjbeen described as a significant factor in many accidents. * The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters has £repeatedly told the Minister that existing laws need to be Jfully enforced. And, any new laws should specifically 2address areas of concern. S;-, "It appears that small fishing and pleasure boats jwhich have a good safety record are being lumped in >with personal watercraft. This isn't fair, nor will it be Pproductive," adds Quinney. p Under federal government's new rules, any operator Jof a powered vessel will have to take safety courses jand/or pass a safety test. it "The net affect of these regulations will slop people 5from taking up a safe outdoor activity like fishing, and îultimately, there will be major social and economic fimpacts," Quinney concludes. J. Fishing in the Province of Ontario alone is worth $2- Î3 billion a year with upward of 2 million people wetting ?a line annually. As well, millions of pleasure boaters will jtbe affected. $ The government has also introduced new rules that: Ç • place a minimum age and power restrictions on ijyoung boaters. Children under 12 will not be allowed to Voperatc power boats over 10 horsepower. Youths 12 to 16 pycars will not be allowed to operate boats over 40 horse- Ppowcr; i • make it illegal lor youths under 16 to operate a personal personal watercraft; h • make it mandatory for anyone under sixteen to have «passed a proficiency test before operating any powered pvcsscl; Ç • all personal watercraft (P.W.C.) operators must meet Jon the water proficiency requirements within three years; i* • all power boat operators must meet proficiency standards standards within 10 years. eGM Recalls Airbags ? Early in August General Motors will be notilying ^owners of certain models of Cavaliers, Sunfircs and pCadillacs to alert them about possible airbag problems. Î In some cases, the airbags in certain models have jjdeployed under unexplained circumstances. Cars affected by this recall are '96 and '97 Chevrolet [«Cavaliers, '96 and '97 Pontiac Sunfircs, and '95 Cadillac feevilles, El Dorados, and Deville Concours. jS GM spokesperson Greg Gibson estimates that in jjCanada there arc about 150,000 Sunfircs and Cavaliers fluid about 2,400 Cadillacs affected. S Owners will be notilyed in letters to visit their local dealership to cheek the airbags. Repairs, if needed, will jaie done at no cost to the customer, jj Stew Low, of GM, says repair work will not be al fect- jj;d by the extended layoff in Canada related to the strike fln the United Stales. > Parts will be readily available, he said, and in some liases repairs will just require software changes. •f.D d i; • • «tf/i.-fi •:! <ib;:ln< J SmartLease r: r ' tl fill ■j . /3C months/S 1,400 do win payment/ $645 freight required NO SECURITY DEPOSIT PONTIAC SUNFIRE COUPE THIS FUN-TO-DRIVE COUPE IS BUILT FOR DRIVERS. INCLUDED IN THIS SPORTY PACKAGE ARE... 2.2 litre engine, 5-speed manual transmission, 4-wheel ABS, PASSLock ,u theft-deterrent system, Next Génération dual front air bags, tinted glass, rear spoiler. Get into a Sunfire Sedan with rear door child security locks for the same price. SmartLease PURCHASE |H fW,' ad-ISe S Ü (excludes freight $645) J : PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GÏ i) If: I 1 365 DAYS A YEAR FROM ITS AERODYNAMIC STYLING TO ITS WIDETRACK STANCE, THIS VEHICLE IS ALL ABOUT PERFORMANCE. IT COMES WITH... An award-winning 195 HP 3800 Series II V6 '/3B months/S3,000 down payment/ engine, 4-speed automatic transmission with MO « IMIDITV Enhanced Traction System. WideTrack stance. NU otuUHl I T Next Generation dual front air bags, 4-wheel QEPQ5I1 1 ABS, AM/FM stereo with CD player, air con ditioning, 6-way power driver's seat, power door locks/windows, tilt/cruise, rear spoiler. PURCHASE G\ " , A r-.": l.i It V:4 (excludes freight $810) $ // SmartLease i ' - 0" !]. IT /24 months/$2,400 down paymont/$920 froight required NO SECURITY DEPOSIT GMC SIERRA REGULAR CAB 2WD SIERRA IS DESIGNED AND BUILT TO BE THE MOST CAPABLE CAPABLE PICKUP YOU'VE EVER DRIVEN. SO IT COMES WITH... 200 HP Vortec V6 engine, automatic transmission, chrome wheels, a 2,018 lb. payload capacity, Next Generation dual front air bags. PURCHASE Sierra's strength'and styling is also available *--v. in an Extended Cab with V8 engine, deep £ / v tinted glass; tilt and cruise for only $20 more *>// a month ($208/month/24 months) \ "-i LLojjojJÉij (excludes freight $920) SmartLease . :j r s i® if: y . '$a70°!'%fuèqu°cd Wn payman,/ cassette, power door locks. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT GMC SAFARI THERE'S PLENTY OF ROOM FOR THE FAMILY EVEN THOUGH WE'VE PACKED THE SAFARI WITH ITS BEST LEASE RATE OF THE YEAR. IT'S ALSO LOADED WITH... 190 HP Vortec V6 engine, 4-speed automatic transmission. 4-wheel ABS, air conditioning, 8-passenger seating, deep tinted glass, AM/FM steieo BUICK SmartLease o'T-n )(/b', )0 eT / / ( : ; j Tv CK CENTURY BY BL SURROUND YOURSELF WITH A SURPRISING TOUCH OF LUXURY. THIS BUICK COMES WITH... 3100 SFI VG engine. 4-spced automatic transmission, p||||P||ilCE 4 wheel ABS, remote keyless entry. 6-passengcr runuimOK seating, air conditioning, air filtration system, /3G months/$2.350 down payment/ steering. Next Generation dual front air bans. $010 froight roquirod NO SECURITY DEPOSIT SmartLease (excludei freight $810) n M /30 months/$4,300 down payment/ $920 froight roquirod NO SECURITY DEPOSIT LeSABRE BY BUICK LeSABRE'S LUXURIES INCLUDE THE COMFORT OF SAFETY AND SECURITY FEATURES BEING BUILT RIGHT IN. THIS BUICK COMES WITH... 205 HP VG onglno, 4-wliool ABS, Next Generation dual front nlr bags, remote keyless entry, power wlndows/locka. tilt, cruise, G -way power driver's sent PURCHASE s iM 11 ■ h, ,'YYi ill (oxcludua frulght $920) LIMITED-TIME EVENT. HUGE SELECTION. SEE YOUR PONTIAC • BUICK • GMC DEALER. The GM Card" Roadside '11,lied on a 30 month lease lot Sunllio Coupe ISA, Grand Prix GT ISA, Century ISA, LeSabio ISO anil 24 month lease for Safari ' red. No security deposit roquliod. Total obligation Is iiAssrsmvr: You should know this: 1 ISA and Sierra 1SL. A down payin ... ... , , $0,020/513,3011/512,710/517.21,8/59,492/50,992. Annual kllomelro limit 20,000 km, 50.12 per excess kllomoho. Ollier lease options available, ■friolpht as Indlcalcrl, licence, mrairancu, air comlltlonlnt) excise tax and taxes not Included. Dealer may sell or lease lot less. 1 Financial) on approved GMAC credit only. I x, impie: 510.000 al 1.9% Al'fl, the monthly payment Is 52101,1 lor 411 months Cost ol hollowing Is 5392.40. Total obligation Is 510,302.40. Down payment, Hade and/or sccuilly deposit may lie icipilicil. Monthly payment and coil ol borrowing will vary ilvpcmflng on amount liinmwcd and ilown paymeiit/liarlo, • ||Oilers apply to 1998 now or rlomonslralor models crpiipped as doscilhed, amt applies to qualiliurl retail customers in Central Ontario only. 1.9% llnancuiu available only on select 1990 models I milled time oilers which may not ho combined with oilier oilers, See your (loaloi(s) lor conditions and details, wvnv.gmcan, ida.com Is a ludcmaik nl General Motors Corporahon cillcglstcied trade mark ol General Motors Corporation, Tl) Hank licensed user ol Mark, I PONTIAC BUICK GMC s