I t The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, July 22, 1998 Section Two Page 7 Horticultural Society Hosts Tea and Garden Tour by Hazel Crago Thanks to the organizational organizational skills of Dorclla Lancastcr-Forgct the garden garden tour for the Newcastle Horticultural Society was successful. To Brcnton and Jean Rickard who hosted the tea and starting-off point, and to all who welcomed welcomed guests to their gardens, gardens, the society is grateful. grateful. The lemonade served at some of the gardens was certainly a refreshing treat on such a hot day. Dorclla is already finding finding more gardeners who arc willing to share their beautiful landscaping in 1999. Word was received last week that Lorna Adair (nee Bclscy) passed away at Ccdarcroft Place, Oshawa. In the fifties Lorna worked at the J. Anderson Smith Co. and was a resident of the village village until the eighties. No funeral was held. At the home of Juanita and Murray Martin a shower was held on Sunday afternoon, July 19 in honour of their new Newcastle News grandson, Devon Burli, Devon is the son of Cheryl and Tino Burli, of Port Hope. Many friends and relatives attended, among them his great grandmother, grandmother, Yvonne Martin, of Millbrook. On Sunday the noisy blue jays found our sunflower sunflower plants. By Monday they have devoured most of the seeds! It is certainly interesting watching the birds and it seems early for sunflower harvest. Last Tuesday, July 14, the Board of Directors of Parkwood entertained the residents to a barbecue, shuffleboard and bingo. Mr. Harry Wade has sold his home and is at present residing at 24 Concession St. E„ in Bowmanvillc. Being the sociable fellow he is, we think lie would appreciate visitors. On Sunday afternoon Brcnton and Jean Rickard entertained Lions Past District Governors and their wives to pot-luck dinner. dinner. On August 9th Jean and Brcnton will be hosting the Rickard Family Reunion. We notice lovely new garbage cans along King St. in the village. St. George's News On Pentecost 7, July 19, at St. George's Anglican Church, Holy Communion was celebrated celebrated at both 8 and 11 services. services. The Reverend Oakley Peters who is moving to Bath, Ontario, delivered a touching farewell sermon on Letting Go. This was followed by a salad luncheon luncheon served by the ACW in the Parish Hall. Oakley, who moved to Newcastle in 1972 and became a member of St. George's, has participated in all aspects in the life of the church. Two years ago he was ordained as Deacon. We can honestly say that Oakley was one of the most outstanding pillars of St. George's and the community community at large. Oakley and his wife Doris will be sadly missed. Wc wish them all the best in the future. Thanks to Arnold Mostert for providing music. United Church On Sunday, July 19, during the musical program program at Newcastle United Church, the sacrament of Holy Baptism was celebrated. celebrated. Reverend David Chisling baptized Jessica Nicole Taxis, infant daughter of Doris and Tim Taxis, of Newcastle. Wendy Taxis attended and played the harp. Other musicians performing were Reverend Paul Rumbolt of Turner Valley, Alberta, Beverly Jeeves, Stephen La Plante, Nancy Chisling, organist Elizabeth Chisling and Reverend David Chisling. Twenty new hymn books were dedicated. Coffee and a social time followed the service. Newcastle Garden Tour and Tea The Newcastle Horticultural Society held a Garden Tour and Tea on July 15th. On hand to welcome visitors at the Rickard home on Mill Street in Newcastle were: (in back, from left) Jean Rickard, Anne Best, Dorclla Lancastcr-Forgct, (in front from left) Club President Pam Daley, Hazel Crago, and Margery Freethy. Twelve homes were featured on the tour. Proceeds support community planting projects. Harvest is in Full Swing Vacation Bible School Needs Helpers by Betty Wright On Saturday, July 18th the Worry 125th reunion was held at Blackstock Recreation Centre. The reunion was in the form of a pot luck lunch, including games, contests and talents. talents. the delicious buffet style dinner was catered to by the Catering Kin. My Dad, Mom, aunts Marguerite and Norma and Uncle Herb and Aunt Norma were among the oldest attending. There were over 200 in attendance attendance for the day. On Sunday Bryce Clemens, his dad Brent, grandfather Ron and great grandfather Edgar Wright attended the Molson Indy Races in Toronto. It's time to plan for Enniskillen News Vacation Bible School. It will be running morning programs for kids. Programs of story, song, activity and fun around a Bible theme. Make room on your calendar right away. This year wc will be at Tyrone August 10-14 and in Enniskillen August 17- 21. If you would like to help plan or lead (even for one day) please call Sharon Trudeau 263-1022 for the Tyrone program and Janine McGill 263- 8808 for the Enniskillen program. (| i.Yqu, . are welcome to MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REQUIRES ADULT SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD PAID POSITION IS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: (CORNER OF WAVERLEY ROAD/LAWRENCE GATE, BOWMANVILLE) SALARY: $250.00 Bi-Weekly throughout the school year If you are safety minded, outgoing, like working in an outdoor environment and would enjoy assisting students, you may be suited for this position. Persons interested in obtaining more information or interested in this position are asked to contact the following: Planning and Development Department ____________ Municipal Administrative municipality of Centre 1 ilarinqtori 40Temperance Street Ontario Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 Attention: Dianne Fernlund Telephone: 623-3379 (Ext. 214) Date of Publication: Wednesday, July 22,1998 CS-7413 @j,p. help at either or both and of course kids are welcome welcome to come to both. P.S. We really could use a helping hand, so please call the organizers. Thank you. Enniskillen 2nd Annual B.B.Q.: Raffle and Dance, Saturday, September 5th, 1998,4 p.m. We are asking for donations of items to be raffled. Suggested cost of items should be $5.00 or less. Children really appreciate items that arc especially for them. Baking, crafts, soaps, etc. are other ideas. Items may be left at the church clearly marked "Raffle". Don't forget ' to mark this date on your calendar. calendar. Tell your neighbours neighbours and friends. On July 26th, Reverend Norm Seli will be with us at Enniskillen. Aug. 2nd - Enfield United Church. We welcome welcome Ralph Werry as our guest speaker. Aug. 9 - Enfield United Church. Reverend Norman Seli. Aug. 16 - Tyrone United Church. Reverend Norman Seli. Aug. 23 - Tyrone United Church. Guest speaker, details to be confirmed. confirmed. Aug. 30 - Tyrone United Church. Reverend Norman Seli. Sept. 6 - Services return to their normal times in both Enniskillen and Tyrone churches. Sept. 5th , 4 p.m. - 2nd Annual B.B.Q. and Dance. Reverend Bob Munro of Hampton will be the Minister on Call during Reverend Norman Seli's vacation. by Harvey Yellowlees "Over the hill" means the hardest climb is over and the view is terrific. "If all your problems arc behind you, you must be a school bus driver." Combining wheat is in full swing and reports are of a fair yield. Corn and soya beans are looking good. Wc have had some good rains. Solina Bantam/Midget girls have won their last two games. Good going girls. On Wednesday the Solina Silver Set met at the hall for a good pot luck meal. Forty-t- sat down for dinner. Phillip and Margaret Ford co-chairmen, welcomed welcomed everyone and said grace. After a short business period, those who wished to go went by car to Picov's in Pickering to visit their greenhouses, impressive water garden displays and aquariums - such large fish! It was a very interesting afternoon. Thanks to Bernice and Fred Watson who planned it. Wednesday night cards at Hampton had eleven tables for cards. The winners were high - Fred Ashton 93, Marie Gibson 81, Fred Watson 79, Shirley Gordon 78, Charles Langmaid 77. Solina News Low - Freda Ashton. Most lone hands - Fred Ashton. Draws - Kay Kelly, June Marchant, Betty Kuyer, Wanda McNeil, Alma Langmaid. See you this week again for a good time. Several from the community community attended the 125th Werry Family Reunion at Blackstock Recreation Centre on Saturday and reported a good time and attendance. Church service this week was again a combined one held at Hampton this time. Bev and Jim Koss and Leah Werner were greeters, Betty Munro was the lay reader. Several favourite hymns were sung. Kelly Wallral'f gave a violin solo. Barbara Ouellette was organist. The message was "At the Feet of Jesus". Juice and cookies were served on the church lawn. Next Sunday will also be at Hampton at 10:00 a.m. Vacation Bible School meets this week at Solina Hall, July 20-24. The W.I. Picnic was held; on Sunday at the home of Frank and Donna Barkey. Some enjoyed a swim after which Donna invited all gathered for dinner. The Women's Institute Grace was sung after which everyone everyone did justice to their picnic picnic meal and enjoyed a visit. During the afternoon, Sadie Johnston (Donna's mother) was joined by her three friends from Uxbridge. These ladies form a musical group they call "The Entertainers". They played for us most of the afternoon. They say Sadie is "the boss" and have missed playing with her since she hasn't been so well this past year. The youngest of the group is over 65 and the oldest oldest 95. They played keyboard, keyboard, accordions and the harmonica. Several husbands also enjoyed the afternoon. Thanks to the Barkeys for a good time. Many of the roses are still blooming! Bob Scott, a former Solina boy, is in the area from the west and is visiting several friends here. Jeff and Sandra Knox attended, a wedding in Hamilton on the weekend and Ross i'and Marjorie Cryderman one in Prescott. Seems to be wedding wedding season. Werry Family Holds Successful Picnic by Joyce Kelly Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Marilyn Green and Mel Tobin who were quietly married last Saturday. They will be living in North Oshawa. Last Sunday a family gathering was held at the home of Marjorie and Don Green following the baptism of their grandson Jason, son of Nancy and David Thompson. As well it was a surprise celebration of Marjorie and Don's 35th wedding anniversary. Those present were their own family including Nancy and David Thompson, Shawn and Jason of Lindsay and the newlyweds newlyweds Marilyn and Mel Tobin, Jack and Helen Green and several members of their fam- Blackstock News ily, Marjorie's Sister Glenda and Carl Turner of Kingston and her brother Don and Lorraine Honey, Scott and Heather of Warkworth and Reverend Hugh and Peggy Kcrnohan. Best wishes Marjorie and Don. Marlene and Earle Trcwin and Greg hosted a family gathering for Bradley's first birthday. Guests were grandparents grandparents Stewart and June Bray of Sunderland and uncle Lloyd Trewin. After supper Sandra Kelly and Tara Watts who had assisted at Bradley's surprise arrival joined. The 125lh annual Werry Family picnic held on a beautiful beautiful day on Saturday at the Blackstock Recreation Centre and grounds was a great success success with 225 members of the family in attendance. Relatives arrived from British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and many points in Ontario. Those in attendance attendance ranged in age from 2 months to 88 years young. A warm welcome to Scugog was extended by Mayor Doug Moffat. President David Werry of Whitby and Secretary Ralph Werry of Enniskillen looked after the business portion. As would be expected, a great deal of visiting took place as well as looking over the many historical displays. An updated updated Werry family history book as well as computer disks were available. Very interesting intergen- erational group sports orga nized by David Werry and Lawrence Wright. There was an abundant pot luck lunch, a catered dinner followed by an evening dance to conclude an excellent day. Sounds as if you missed this picnic,you were definitely the loser. There were 11 tables at the Tuesday evening card party with the following winners - Richard Potter, Lois Huntington, Velma Johnston, Teresa Berkcr, Milt Ldcey, Ruby Hewitt and El va Bothwell. Lucky draws were won by Edna Manns, May Shortridge, Milt Lacey, Verna Robinson, Irene Hoffman and Merv Storrie. Region of Durham Long Term Waste Management Strategy Plan The Region of Durham has initiated a Long Term Waste Management Strategy Plan to examine how best to manage waste over the next 20 year period. The plan will examine the 3R's (Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle) opportunities, composting alternatives, and other options for the disposal of the remaining waste, A Public Advisory Committee is being formed to enable active public participation and will be comprised of volunteer members who are interested in the process of finding a long term solution to managing our solid waste. If you wish to become a part of this project, please contact Mr. Peter Watson, P.Eng., Manager of Waste Management, Region of Durham Works Department at (905) 668-7721 extension 5235, prior to August 21, 1998. The Public Advisory Committee will be selected in early September. Councillor Rick Johnson Chair,. Works Committee DUNN'S in the Oshawa Centre ||yu HOT SUMMER PRICE BRAND NAME MEN'S WEAR! L/men s suits * DRESS & SPORT r M1 U2 PRICE i SHIRTS A i nwn k cwnoT ci rcuc REG. TO V&M NOW ' SHIRTS LONG & SHORT SLEEVE < B.V.D. ARROW & HATHAWAY t ....1/2 PRIG MEN'S SLACKS Casual or Dress 1/2 PRICE VALUES TO S0095 S60 NOW 29 VALUES TO so coo S70 NOW 03 VALUES TO s 00 S80 NOW MEN'S SHORTS 1/2 PRICE Values to s 40 00 iiw ¥• 19 MEN'S GOLF JACKETS 1/2 PRICE Reg. 59" now s 29 Reg. 79" N0W s 39 95 MEN'S SHOES NUNN BUSH &FL0RSHE1M ROCKPORT & CLARKS VALUES TO SCÛ95 S100 NOW OÜ VALUES TO $0095 S11S NOW 09 VALUES TO SO 095 $150 NOW 99" DUNN'S Tailors - Oshawa Centre A SIZE FOR EVERY MAN T' 111 OPEN: bailors - Oshawa Centre ■ !■ H ■ II If Sunday i2:oo-5:oo AcrOSS from Reltmans we carry suit sizes from 34 to 52 MON. TO FRI. 10:00-9:00 SATURDAY 9:30-6:00