Page 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, July 29, 1998 Cross Canada Marketplace BUSINESS OPPS. KWIK KERB • Own your own Business. Business. Part-time or full-time. Installing Installing on-site, continuous concrete, concrete, landscape edging. Total equipment. Proven system, training. training. 1-800-667-KERB. ACCESS TO CASH ASSETS! RRSP, LIRA or LIF owners, you can turn your investments into cash RIGHT NOW without paying paying taxes. Deed before a solicitor. solicitor. No deposit. Tel: 1-800-399- 7040. FREE INCOME TAX franchise limited time. Canada's 2nd largest and fastest growing income tax preparation franchise. No initial franchise fee. Low start=up costs. Excellent Territories available. 1- 800-665-5144. CHRISTIAN MINISTRY/BUSINESS MINISTRY/BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Join growing netwoikof Christian Franchisees. Franchisees. Serve the Lord & your Community. Protected territories. Investment required, SIGNIFICANT SIGNIFICANT ROI. Training & support. Call 1-800-663-7326. FISHING! HUNTING! MEETING TRAVELLERS! Consider this Northern Ontario tourist outfitter establishment located in great fishing and excellent hunting area near Wawa! Seasonal operation with 6 housekeepng units suitable suitable for daily or term rentals. Store/office facility. Year-round residence. Located beside Trans- Canada highway. Extensively renovated. renovated. Excellent well water and approved septic. WMU 32 Moose, tag allocations. Low taxes and land lease. Room for expansion. Call 705-856-4491 after August 3. Write Box 208, Wawa, ON P0S 1K0 THE GREATEST WEALTH BUILDING program on the planet planet - Period. Bar None, End of Story. Story. Not MLM. No Selling. 2 min. msg.: (800)322-6169 ext. 3651. CAREER OPPS. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held August 15-21, '98. For information contact: Southwestern Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9.1-888-673-6999. CAREER TRAINING COMPUTERS. No previous computer computer experience necessary. Exciting Exciting opportunities now available in computer programming. We will train suitable applicants. Call CMS toll-freel-800-477-9578. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home-study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 3054, Ottawa, ON K1L6R2. FOR SALE SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566-6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario Ontario POE 1G0. SALES HELP WANTED SATTENRON STUDENTSS Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. ARCHITECTURAL SALES AGENT. An outstanding opportunity opportunity for independent sales agent with Architectural and Specification Specification writing experience. Several product lines available. Fax resume: resume: 416-259-3586. Mail: ABS, 266 Royal York Road, Etobicoke, Ont, M8V 2V9. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. WE WILL RENEW YOUR FAITH IN PSYCHICS. Gifted, honest, masters reveal pathways and advise on love, success, work, money, relationships. 24 hr. Live. 18+ $3.39/min. 1-900-451-0070. PERSONALS LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE? Then buy, read and use "Dia- netics' by L. Hon Hubbard, only S8.99 (pb)+GST. Call 1-800-561- 5808 today. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS...Ends Included. Included. Go Direct. 16 x 24 $2,988.00.21x30 $3,760.00.25 x 40 $5,624.00.32 x 44 $6,835.00. 34 x 56 $8,360.00. 40 x 60 $9,988.00.46x70 $13,044.00. 56 x 90 $22,888.00. Others. Pioneer Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. WANTED WANTED TO BUY EASTERN WHITE CEDAR. Standing, roadside roadside or delivered. Call for current prices. Williamsburg Woods and Garden. Tel: (613)543-2666. Fax (613)543-4258. Toll Free': 1-800- 465-6656 Lung Association News They are searching for enthusiastic volunteers interested in enhancing their skills in the office and during special events. The Lung Association offers volunteer positions in areas such as event support, public relations, ornament sales and office, tasks. Experience with the Lung Association will benefit your resume, expand your future and you can have fbn while you're at it! Call (905)436-1046. Crime Stoppers Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking asking for your assistance in solving a Hit and Run motor vehicle collision that occurred in Oshawa on April 30 of this year. Around 8:00 p.m. a resident at 4694 Old Simcoe Road in the village of Raglan was speaking to the driver of a vehicle near his residence. The conversation, which centered on the motorists vehicle creating excessive noise quickly escalated into a verbal altercation. The vit; tim sustained serious injuries when struck by the vehicle as the motorist hurriedly left the scene. The driver of the vehicle is described as male, while, 30 to 40 years of age; 6 fool tall, thin build with dark hair. The vehicle is described as a 1990 to 93 Pontiac Bonneville four door, burgundy in colour with aluminum alloy rims. There possibly could be damage to the windf shield and front fender area. ; Crime Stoppers will pay a cash reward for any information information that will lead to an arrest in this incident. Callers never have to give their name or testily in court and we do not use call display. Remember, Crime Stoppers is interested in What You Know, not Who You Arc. Our numbers arc 436-8477 or 1-800-222-TIPS. ' ; Sergeant Kevin Slancy is the police co-ordinator with the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers program and submits submits this article in the interest of solving crime. ; A Look Back at the Stories That Helped Shape Our Community me Weather Helps Merchants' Sidewalk Sale VOLUME It!) IK Pages BOWM.A.WII.I.E. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. .11 I. Y I!i7 Residents Question Hydro's Proposals Bowmanville merchants were blessed with ideal weather for their annual Sidewalk Sale last week, and the crowds turned out en masse to enjoy the special bargains and other attractions. After a busy three days and two evenings, most of the store owners reported excellent business and clerks complained of aching leg muscles and tired bodies after being on their feet throughout the sale. This young fellow in the carriage appears to be complaining because somebody is blocking his view of a store window. John D. Gowing Joins Staff Board Hires Hew Superintendent ment ot Glen McLeod after 39 Margaret Senior Public years service to education School in Niagara Falls will Mr. Cowing who is presently * a ke up his new duties with the the principal al the Princess i Continued on Page Two j Reserve Judgement on Cartwright Landfill Site A three-man Ontario Envir- acres ot an unused gravel pit 1 mental Hearing Board held as a sanitar a public meeting in Block solid waste- The N-D Board of Education has a new Superintendent of Instruction, tic is John D Cowing a former senior public school principal from Niagara Falls. necessary due to the retire- PONTYPOOI, WINNERS The draw prize money at the Street Dance and Fair in Pontypool last week iayed in the village. Mrs. *" "cKay won first prj^ç; tr JirttV Ann Mitchell won second prize of 51 Ot). The event was a great success, aided considerably considerably by ideal weather. Crowds ot close to 300 residents from Clarke, Darlington and East Whitby Townships packed packed into the gym at M. J. Hobbs School near Hampton to attend the two Ontario Hydro- sponsored public meetings meetings on Julv 23rd and 24th. Hydro officials, headed headed by meetings chairman chairman Norman Manning from Belleville, attempted attempted to answer the many, often angry questions questions fired at them concerning the proposed routes of the 500,000 volt power lines from Lennox Lennox to Oshawa. Monday's meeting, the first of 10 Hydro has scheduled along the 100 mile route of the power corridor, began at 8:00 'p.m. and lasted until" close to midnight. Many residents of both Darlington rind Clarke Town-, ships urged Hydro to locate a fourth, 2,400 feet wide corridor farther north than the three i Continued on Page Two) SELBY GRANT DIES Word was received this morning that well-known Selby Grant of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. who for many years was in the heating and rooting business here, died of a heart attack Tuesday at Burk's Falls, Ontario. Funeral arrangements are still uncertain as his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Bebee and her husband could not be located ns they arc on a camping trip to the cast coast. The body will be brought home to Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home for service and burial. The auditorium of M. J. Hobbs Public School was a busy spot on Monday and Tuesday as residents of the area who may have their properties affected by the proposed 500,000 volt power corridor from Lennox to Oshawa swarmed into the place. They wanted answers and gave the hydro officials a rough time, especially at the Monday night meeting. This photo shows two people from the audience on their feet asking questions while officials prepare to write them down on large sheets of paper before replying. SPECIAL MEETING OF CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL A special meeting ol Cartwright Council has been called for Thursday. July 2lllh at 7:30 p.m. to deal with complaints from residents of homes built in the area recently. It is understood the builder will be present al the meeting. Durham Liberals Get Together To Plan Reorganization Activities Till- recently-elected cxecu- was established to review tlie- tive and a group of enthusias- Hiding organization. Initially tic members of the Durham named to serve an this Liberal Association met at the committee were Mr. K Em- home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan wisle. Mr. K Van Nest and Beer on Saturday evening, Mr E Scon. July 14th. A discussion ol suggested Early discussion centred social and fund-raising active GOOFED - Ontario Hydro certainly didn't help foTthe Snffcomnft 5 U " follnwd A cummit,c " SUPER MA YOB • Around Oshawa morning, the numeftifijl Waller Bcath, Chairman of 7 ^ the Central Ontario Joint -Planning Board, is being mooted as the first Chairman Chairman of the new Durham Region. BITS m PIECES onmental Hearing Board held as a sanitary landfill site for their C3USC any last week when somebody goofed , - u "" „ ',- ™ waste- • ■ '-"rihdsent-ndtices Put to householder^ about the Boni net WoiriKor stock on Tuesday morntng. The sttv ,s located on a 400 proposed power corridors that didn't T „„,t Pe 9 lt1S SeptemPer i Continued un Page Two) 600 People Watch Donkey Baseball at Soper Creek Park , , . . 1 on a 400 July 24lh. to investigate the acre property on the border of application ol H It Ambrose, Darlington and ~ ofll It 2, Oshawa. to use 20-25 do,, Page A crowd ot close to fil'd Herd Uingleti with Nicky l>« •»!»)<• turned up at Soper sevt-rtil'mncs and, much to Che Park to watch the delight of the crowd, Nicky Cigar Ashes Improve Flavor of Pancakes r! Cartwright with the maps in the newspaper advertisements. --r\i r- azi t» z^ Pag,. Two I Those attending the meetings at Hobbs school V CtlclBQI L/IS6QS6 have been rubbing it in ever since and all the officials can do is smile grimly and say they're p |-qq TQ IT1 /XODrOVGO For High Schools sorry. HUMAN -- We know that feeling all too well in the newspaper business. Last week, everything everything was going well until the paper came off the presses when we noticed very quickly that the pictures on the front page had been printed printed in reverse. As a result there was a left handed handshake by the Lions President, a left-handed accordion player and a southpaw guitar player. That was bad enough but on page two the Artrck artist and the Maple, Grove Cubs changed places, proving once again that humans make mistakes. Beginning Ibis September, special educational kit about secondary school students in the disease throughout the the Nortliumberlnnd-Durliam eight area high schools The Board of Education area will decision came aller Dr Charlie Charlie taught the facts about lotte Horner. I tic Medical venereal disease. .Continued on Page two, ' The board trustees unimi mously approved circulating a Plan Public Meeting at Tyrone Next Mon. Greek Kiwanis Club ol Bowmanville lake on the local Kinsmen in a game of donkey baseball on Tuesday evening. July 24th The donkeys certainly proved proved their reputation for stubb- or ness to the service club members Some of the animals animals refused to move at all and «fibers resisted any and all attempts to be ridden Al least one of the donkeys would have been more al* home in a western rodeo, bucking of! riders The beast in question was named Nicky a net he for she i was one ol the donkeys used lor the base runners. Kiwarns President Charlie won every encounter The game was, more or less lied at a to n after three long innings and a donkey race to break the tie was won by a Kiwanis Club member. The game bore only a passing resemblance to baseball baseball bill a couple of hundred children didn't really seem to mind that and had a whale of a lime The Kiwanis club raised over $150 for their treasury through the game, part of which will he used to purchase an emergency boat for the Bowmanville Fire Department Department Worry Clan Has its Own Coat of Arms NEW BUCKETS -- The town's main street has, 1 been supplied with some new and very attractive . A A , p „ if h , vl(1 garbage containers by Mario Vcltri o* Marianna Developments. There are lots of them available schnni. many people put forth now, so please help to keep Bowmanville clean by using them instead of just dropping your junk on lltc sidewalk when you are through with it. BLOOD CLINIC -- Next Wednesday, the Ited Cross Blood Clinic will lie held at the Lions Centre on Beech Avenue from 1:30 to 4:30 and 0:30 to 9:00 p.m. At this time of year because of the number of motor accidents'and other reasons, the demand for blood transfusions is at an all time high and many donors are away on holidays. So, please drop over and leave a hit of the life-saving stuff. You might need some one of these days and wouldn't it he awful if the blood hank was hare? reasons lo oppose all of the alternait 1 high voltage power line routes proposed by Ontario Ontario Hydro and their Consultants Consultants Residents ol East Whitby. Darlington and Clarke Town ships who would lie interested m submitting a local rest dents' brit'l lo the Solandt Commission are urged lo attend a meeting in the Tyrone ('mnmunity Hall on Monday. July Jtilli. ai ii:0ii p.m sharp This meeting will basically consider proposing a more Northerly route, probably near the Bill concession ol East Whitby, the 0th ol Darlington, and the tilth ol Clarke The Lions Club did ;i roaring business at their Western-style breakfast on Sunday morning M their Beech Avenue Community Centre wIi-tc in addition lo the Antique Car Club guests, a large number of llowmamillu citizens turned up. Fortunately, there was plenty of fowl wiilt many ol tin- early morning breakfnsturs digging into second helpings of sausages, bacon and flapjacks Official mixer of I lie pancake beitei Dr. Ed Kwerl was kepi busy pouring out his special mixture, while lltt'iee Lulling looks on in lltc picture Dr Ewert assured The Statesman Jnulograplior Hint vigor ttslies really add an interesting flavor to the VARIETY NIGHT -- Well, we had the hilarious donkey baseball game on Tuesday that everybody seemed lo enjoy, now there's another attraction coming up on Thursday at the Town Hall when the Recreation Department will present it Variety Night, probably featuring artists from the playgrounds who have been working hard preparing their specialties. Everybody's welcome and best of nil it's FREE! That's at 7:00 p.m. LOST - Some youngster Inst Ills or her wrist- watch at the wading pool at Memorial Park. It's at the Recreation office waiting to he restored to its rightful owner. SPUD THIEF - We mid it hard to believe hut hear a rumor that an area farmer is most upset, not over the proposed hydro power corridor through his property, but something else. The way we heat'd It lie went mil to look at Ills potato crop lltc other morning mid some miserable human skunk had dug up and stolen the whole works. No doubt that farmer was annoyed lo put It mildly nnrl who rmitrl hlunm him* 1 1)1 IIIIAM EXHIBITORS WIN MANY FAIR AWARDS \l Ushuxxu Full Iasi week. .1 vniisiileruhle am- mini «il the prize mime* unit die uumils weal tu icsi- ih'iils ul Durham (uunh Mrs. Un mm* link ul snllnu turn llie Simile* Batut Irnpli* lui (lie tliusl imliits m dip liurlirnltunil ilivlslim mnl Mrs \\ Olll- iHH ul Hum mini ville alsu mmi> prizes. The Hum mini- * llle iWdvnlliind Sui'lel* **im die awards far (he livsi illsiila* covering a space I II. 11> Il II 11 R (indium al Enniskillen tt as alsu iimmiit Hie prize winners. In die Aiti'liyilliirnl classes. classes. (ilea anil Wcslc.v (tins pell. It. It. Oshawa. ilumlmiteil (lie eiiirles. Bill Sim will'll ul II II. i Enniskillen, anil Siexeii and T V. I'lruMiiicc. It. It V Hun mini ville, were prize winners, alunit with (lui chit l'Iiik ul It It i llapipliiii During me loom anniversary Worry picnic celebrations in Blneksltiek last weekend, it wits disclosed Unit the family has its own coat of arms, shown here by Mrs. Glenn I, armer. The plaques are available from n firm to Winnipeg, til a nisi of $29.50