Page 4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 29, 1998 Section Two Eniskillen News Japanese Exchange Student Arrives by Betty Wright 125th Annual Reunion On Saturday, July 18, descendants of John Worry and Ann Congdon, whose children settled this area in the 1800's, met for their 125th annual reunion in Blackslock. Members of the family arrived from all over Ontario and as far away as British Columbia, Manitoba, and the Atlantic provinces. Pictured above is the group who arrived for lunch. More attended later for dinner. 90 Children Attend Vacation Bible School Newcastle News In the summer months Enniskillen and Tyrone United Churches will worship worship together at 10:00 a.m. August 2nd, Enfield Church, Mr. Ralph Worry; August 9lh, Enfield Church, Reverend Norm Scli; August 16th, Tyrone Church, Reverend Norm Seli; August 23rd, Tyrone Church, Mr. Murdock Robertson; August 30th, Tyrone Church, Reverend Norm Scli. It's time for Vacation Bible School. We run morning programs for kids. The programs will have a Bible theme. Children 4 and up arc welcome. welcome. Tyrone, August 10- 14 and in Enniskillen August 17-21. If you would like to help plan or lead please call Sharon Trudeau (263-1022) for the Tyrone program and Janine McGill (263-8808) for Enniskillen. Annual Pork Supper at Tyrone Community Centre on Sunday, August 30th. For tickets please call Betty Pascoe (263-8424) or Sandra Milne (697- 2997). On Saturday, July 25th a miscellaneous bridal shower was held at the home of Mrs. Brad Clemens, Newcastle in honour of Carol MacLean, bride-to-be of Brooke Clemens. They are being married in August. The shower was hosted by the bridesmaids. Family and friends were in attendance. Reverend R.B. Green wishes to thank the many friends in Enniskillen and area for the congratulations congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his ordination. ordination. He sends his greetings greetings to the Pastoral Charge that he was privileged to serve 40 years ago. We extend our prayers and get well wishes to Mrs. William Axford (Nana), Hampton who is a patient in Bowmanville hospital and to Mrs. Leona Adams (Bradley), Osliawa a former girl of Enniskillen who is a patient in Osliawa hospital. Both Nana and Leona have had nasty falls with broken bones. The family of the later Earl (Bud) and Phyllis McNair had a very successful successful auction sale on Saturday, our ladies served the lunch. Don't forget your raffle donations for the barbeque in September. Your donations donations may be left with Sonya Pratt. The proceeds from this barbeque will go to the new roof committee. Sonya's phone number is 263-2661 and she lives at 8196 Old Scugog Rd., Enniskillen. Alaina and Carissa Sharpe have been exchanging exchanging letters and pictures with Chika Tanaka from Ncyagawa-Shi, Osaka, Japan. She is an exchange student with the "Labo International Exchange Foundation". The Sharpes found out about this opportunity opportunity through 4-H. Chika is 14 years old and she will be spending a month with Al, Wanda, Alaina and Carissa. On Monday, July 27th, the Sharpe family were very excited as that was the day Chika arrived. Hope you have a wonderful wonderful month together. by Hazel Crago On Sunday, July 19, Jack and Helen Glover (nee Darlington) celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at Osliawa Golf Club. Mrs. Irene Peel of Bowmanville accompanied by her father Jack Kimball, of Port Granby and her aunt Lena Graham of Newcastle were guests of their cousins on this happy occasion. Jack and Hazel Crago observed their 49th wedding anniversary on July 23rd. On July 23rd Mrs. Mary Garrod celebrated her 85th birthday. Congratulations and best wishes Mary. On Saturday, July 25th, Brad Hopkins, Toronto, Doug, Donna and Phil Hopkins, of Bowmanville, Gary and Jennifer Powell, Osliawa, were home with their parents, Elma and Roy Hopkins, celebrating Roy's 65th birthday. All the best, Roy! Mr. Jack Kimball, of Port Granby, hosted a family family get-together on Sunday, July 26th. Daughter June Armstrong and sons are home from the West for a summer vacation and enjoyed meeting relatives. Aunts Kay Kimball of Bowmanville and Lena Graham of Newcastle were among the guests. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Isobel Wright and family family on the death of her daughter Linda Wright McNeil, aged 51 years. Linda passed away on July 21st at her home in Tampa, Florida. Condolences to family and friends of Evelyn Norlhrup, who passed away on Friday, July 24th. Service was held on Monday from the Newcastle Funeral Home. After a successful successful career, working at the Newcastle branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Evelyn retired in 1983. She had a few years maternity leave when son Bob was born. After retirement retirement Evelyn continued working with figures taking care of the Newcastle Seniors' treasury and auditing auditing books for many Newcastle organizations. She was a dedicated member member of the Newcastle United Church, being a choir member member who loved to sing and an active UCW worker and will be sadly missed. Evelyn was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen (nee Bca Toms). It was impossible to attend all the great functions of this past weekend. We were invited Friday evening to visit Ron and Pam Daley on their beautiful wooden boat (1959), a veritable cottage cottage on water at Newcastle Marina. Saturday was "We're In the Hayfield Day" and Sunday, Gloria Gordon of Waverly House of Travel toured a busload to Riverdance - what a performance. performance. Cullen Gardens also had a Bower and vegetable show on the weekend. St. George's News On Sunday, July 26, Pentecost 8, Holy Communion was celebrated at 8 a.m. and Morning Prayer at 11 a.m. with the Reverend David Saunders. Doris and Oakley Peters expressed thanks and appreciation appreciation for all the kindness and wonderful memories of friends at St. George's. Holy Communion will be celebrated at both 8 and 11 a.m. services on Sunday, August 2nd. As Padre Saunders will be on vacation August 16 to September 1 there will be no 8 a.m. services on August 16, 23 and September 1. United Church On an average, ninety children attended Vacation Bible School last week and all who helped in any way arc thanked. Church is closed July 27th all week for painting and laying of new carpets. No service will be held on August 2nd as Reverend Chisling will be in Nova Scotia on holiday. Durham East 4-H Horse Club The third meeting of the Durham East 4-H Horse club was held on June 23, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. at Coalition Acres, Ncwtonville. Kathleen Dowell opened the meeting by having everyone recite the 4-H Pledge. Our President, Liz Millson led us in the Roll Call asking us to state our name and give one sign that à horse has parasites. Kathleen and Karen led us in a discussion about external and internal parasites. Parasites arc small pests that make their home on another animal. External parasites such as mosquitoes and flies attack the horse from the outside. Internal parasites such as bloodworms and roundworm live inside the animal. We discussed colic, what to do if your horse has colic and when to call a vet. The meeting was adjourned by Karen Barkeyat 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be on July 21 at the home of Brad Goslin, Blackstock at 7:30 p.m. Press Reporter Jennifer Kroft Take advantage of a weekend of racing and camping! Order your tickets now. For ticket information call: 905-983-9141 or 1-888-368-5989 • Ticketmaster: 416-870-8000