Page 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 12, 1998 VVèrrys Holds 125th Reunion Blackstock News > The 125th Worry Family Picnic was held on .Saturday, July 18, 1998 at yhc Blackstock Recreation [Centre with over 220 family family members in attendance. ; The registration began ;at 11 a.m. and continued ^throughout the day. Family members Marguerite '.Wright, Norma iOrminston, Marion [Starkoski and Ralph Worry presided over the registration registration tables. Enniskillen News Vacation Bible School Now Underway by Betty Wright On Aug. 2nd our joint church service was held at •Enfield Church with Ralph Worry as our speaker. speaker. We held our Worship Service at Enfield Church on the 9th with Reverend ;Norman Scli worshipping with us. On August 16, 23 and 30 the services will be !at Tyrone. Reverend Seli ;will be taking the 16th and ;30th services and on the ■23 rd Mr. Murdoch •Robertson. • It's time for Vacation Bible School. This year >ve will be in Tyrone Aug, 10 - 14 and in Enniskillen Aug. 17 - 21, Monday fo Friday,. .9:30 - 12 noon. Ages 4 and up. We run programmes with a Bible theme. Programmes of story, song, activity and Fin. If you would like to help plan, or lead (even ifor one day) please call Sharon Trudeau (263- J 022) for the Tyrone programme programme and Janine McGill (263-8808) for the Enniskillen programme. Your correspondent ;had a brief visit with a former former minister of ours on Saturday. ' Michelle Hoffman asked me to send her regards to everyone. ; To book any and all church bookings please be 'sure to call Ruth McGill at 263-2135. For. Tyrone Church; please calLElsic |oÿ;?263-8430.v-;ii!;i.i w:;.-, j? Annual. Pork Supper af' Tyrone Community Centre is on Sunday, August 30. For tickets please call Betty Pascoe (263-8424) or Sandra Milne (697-2997). • On Sun., Aug. 9 our church Worship Service was held at Enfield United .Church with the church being full almost to capacity. capacity. We celebrated with family and friends the Baptism of Melyssa Evelyn Sargent, daughter of Sharyn Marie (Barkey) and Timothy Carl Sargent. After the service, Melyssa's family were entertained at Donna and Frank Barkey's for the afternoon celebrating Melyssa's baptism and they held a Barkey family picnic. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Patrick (nee Nancy McGregor) who were married in our church on Sat. Aug. 8. Our thoughts and prayers arc with Mrs. Harold (Gladys) Ashton who is a patient at the Lodge in Toronto. Anyone wishing to send a card to Gladys can leave it with Harold and he will see she gets it. Please no flowers or plants to be sent to the hospital or at home. Silk flowers arc okay. In early July, Marguerite Lcadbeatcr entertained her three sons and their families on the lovely roof top garden of Strathavcn Retirement Home when a lovely afternoon afternoon was enjoyed. The group included her brother George and friend and a few of her new friends at the residence. The get- together ended with a potluck supper. Enniskillen 2nd Annual BBQ, Raffle and Dance will be held on Saturday, Sept. 5, at 4 p.m, Wc are asking for donations of items to be raffled. Suggested cost of items should he $5 or less. Children really appreciate items that arc especially for them. Baking, crafts, soaps, etc. arc other items. Items may be left at Sonya Pratt's, 8196 Old Scugog Rd„ Enniskillen. Her phone number is 263- 2661. The D.J. for the dance is Don Del Greco and the proceeds will go to the roof repairs, President David Wcrry officially opened the 125th celebration at 12:30 p.m., then called on Glenn Farmer and Pauline Wcrry to lead the group in grace, after which a delicious potluck lunch was enjoyed. The Wcrry Clan is indeed blessed to have so many great cooks. Following the luncheon, luncheon, the Worry Clan was officially welcomed to Blackstock, Ontario by the Mayor of Scugog, Doug Moffatt. Ralph Werry then introduced two very special special guests, John and Ann Werry who took us back in time to the late 1700's and early 1800's when they raised their family of 12 children in Cornwall, England. John and Ann sure looked super for being over 200 years in age. John and Ann then started the fun and games, with some novelty contests contests inside the hall. Some of the award winners were as follows: Youngest Person Present - Javon Preecc (2 months old), Oldest Person Present - Marguerite Wright (88 years young), person with the most grandchildren present at the picnic - Thelma Lane, and family member who travelled the farthest for the picnic - Gary Mcllor (Kelowna, B.C.). The Wcrry Clan then moved outside where a family group picture was taken; my hat goes off to the photographer for getting getting over 120 people to smile at the same time. The family members broke up into their designated designated teams for the remainder of the afternoon's afternoon's sport events. A great deal of fun was had by all, as we made our way around the 6 events. As family members gathered in the hall once again, a great old croki- nolc tournament got underway. The Werry Clan sure take their crokinolc seriously, as wc had trouble trouble getting them to take a break for supper. The crokinolc champion was our president, David Wcrry. Rumor has it, the tournament was fixed! At 5:30 p.m., 160 members members of the Werry family gathered for a delicious meal catered by The Caterin' Kin. (They were some of our own "kin". No wonder it was so tasty.) Community Mourns Stabbing Victim by Joyce Kelly Marie and Bob Atlficld, Jamie, Mark and Scott of Delta, British Columbia are spending a week's holidays with relatives in the area. On Friday evening a Come and Go Open House was held for them at the Rcc Centre where many relatives relatives and friends had the opportunity opportunity to meet and visit with them. From here they are travelling on to Europe where they are going to tour until early September. The news of the tragic murder in Bowmanville last week certainly had local connections. The victim, Jennifer Copithorn, lived in Blackstock on Greensboro Drive for many years along with her parents parents Brenda and Glen Copithorn and her brother, Ryan, until they moved about seven years ago to Courtice where the family now lives. Quite a number of former neighbours and Blackstock friends attended the visitation and funeral on Friday and Saturday. Our sincere sincere sympathy goes out to the family. family. All members of the Blackstock Fair Board are reminded of the upcoming upcoming meeting this Wednesday. As the fair on August 29 is fast approaching, it is important that a large number attend. If you arc interested in photography, contact cither Janice Bccchey at 986-0035 or Joan Graham at 986-4856 regarding a very exciting contest. In it, if you register, you will receive a free film to take photos at the fair. The film will be developed and you will be eligible for exciting exciting prizes. But you must enter as soon as possible. Another interesting interesting contest that happens before the . fair, is the advertisement using natural natural materials such as bales, corn, grain, etc. on your lawn or driveway driveway telling the date of the Blackstock Fair. Excellent prizes arc available for this contest so let your imagination run. Once again you must register with the secretary, secretary, Janice Bccchey. Let's sec many up and around our area. Abby McLaughlin and Ramy McCoy travelled by train to Belleville to visit their cousin Emily Wills. What an exciting trip for these young folk! Jason Kytc, Allan and Sandy Urquart, Tracy Urquart of Montreal visited Jason's parents Donna and David Kyle over the weekend and other relatives. About 60 members of the VanCamp family gathered.for the annual reunion on Sunday at the Recreation Centre. After a bountiful bountiful pot luck buffet dinner, Merrill VanCamp, President, conducted the business portion of the gathering. gathering. An ambitious sports programme programme was conducted by Ailcen VanCamp and Debbie Showier. After much visiting, a delicious evening meal was enjoyed. There were 14 tables at the Tuesday evening card party with the following winners - Verna Robinson, Grace Manns, Charlie Campbell, Marie Gibson, Elsie Pogue, Bert Watts and Myrtle Gimblctt. Lucky draws were won by Ada Richards, Pal VanDam (2), Charlie Stapleton, Ruby Smith and Aldcn Hubbard. You are reminded of the two upcoming bridal showers - on Friday evening for Cheryl Gibson - money donations to cither Pat Obslfeld or Linda Kyte - will be held at the United Church CE room, and a Miscellaneous shower for Marilyn Green Tobin at the St. John's Parish Hall on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Unveils Plaque Honoring Former Star Publisher VOLUME 119 16 Payes BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. AUGUSTS, 197:1 NUMBER 62 JOSEPH E. ATKINSON J865-194A ZttltTO w». bm, frm lb Ob*' fowwtop aal d dflfotwi t*gbb bh dunwJ- k«Qr tuw with (to- ft*1 Hcpo Thru Ho nvtncquitiJ)i n**r««l to Trcrto to ww ««ployed Dret xfOi the W/rtd and terr U*. CM* t puled wtth U*. ALolrii HcnH. Afttaro to IW9 brew* edftor end naaxfr <A 0* fcrwfc Ewtifc* frxr Hp ctaopd the name to TV fonuti Ltojto 'ju* (IQOOl a/ri poLlhhnd h until tjja dndh la |t)10 to Maajrd «V Star «««MUM radio CKA to 1922 and twrtl TV Star Into Canada* lajjaan dally D'-wwpop.f" with a «Utod pot *7 d mjtyçrftof tV tlrV man' I*. d>-j h, )t+4b j Wertnf mo*t of hit r'vnOdenfctr wtatih to TV /fohiwje i Otari Uhl* lormdaOort 1 New Industry Buys Seven Acre Site On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. J. H. Crang ... .... historic plaque honoring her grandfather, the late Joseph E. Atkinson, who left Newcastle at the age of IB to eventually become one of the world's leading publishers as head of tile Toronto Daily Star. Town Must Spend More To Maintain Two Dumps Says Ontario Official Qrange Parade X Bowmanvillé's Industrial Committee closed a deal just prior to IhcTuesday. Augosl 7th meeting of Town Council which will bring another industry to Bowmanville. Council approved the sale of seven acres of industrial land on the West Beach Itoad, just west of Simpson Avenue, to Truwnll Concrete Forming Limited. The Downsvicw- based company paid 112,MW for the property. Tlie Truwall firm, which reportedly will produce ready-mix concrete products, has one year to begin work on their plant. However, Clerk-Administrator Joe Mellroy indicated that company officials advised him they hope to get started as soon as possible. ' .;.VltMi,-hg a .fairly, large , plant," .said . MiThoy, "and it'll he.a fairly spr.cad.pul set-'"' ■'! up over the seven acre site.": ' j Oshawa Couple Injured In Car, Motorcycle Crash A h'llliL' ini' Kino rral "-'Slide l>uilllill|! on I he SI reel 'K ill î F ' Sh vrl nn oll,ur C . vr »'»* unable III TOT dw Ai nusI hid sent S s,u| ' his "'"'"reyele and slid 80 m»r In liiKiiif-il tvilli -i virinlv M |5 >- C)T bUhlaWCd «iblNlS* S In , in? 1 inns to her shoulder blades. U„ ,.,|d' it Cvr 31 vears bullocks and lellfoot and was i|..„,,i, sock East in reported In salisfaelory condi- ,,i 'S Hon in Bowmanville Memorial p m 0r ï y ear "K, hy C \e| : ™ «emTalwhl, laecrMion^mhis Ririiivh nf It r |f S llnumln l C * 1 t**P 'inti leg 30(1 fl SCVCTt* ville*, pulled out from Frank He^vï^ïiisSiSrKotï'on ' tSIs- Street and headed across King ,Y.L mLnim, L -,i, Sircel lam the driveway o( the 11 V° c ™'mntorevcle incur- e - |e red S50D in damages while the Rllllflinn Daam damage to the Cornish vehicle DUIlQing Doom Wils estimated at $400. PC It. Schumacher of the Bowmanville Police investigated investigated the accident. Newtonville Man Enjoys Thrill of Driving His Steam Engine Leland Payne of Newtonville is a dedicated steam engine buff. He acquired this beauty several years ago and has.spcnt a considerable amount of time/ energy and money restoring it to better Ulan its original condition. Thnrn'c nnlhinrf ho n n in,.r n J Ui .. Is Continuing " As just about anyone in town can confirm. Bowmanvilie's building boom is progressing at lull speed ahead these days. Building Inspector Howard , Wight issued his report for the î$"! Northumberland County r . , , - There's nothing he enjoys more than donning his special coveralls, popping on his bowler hat and taking part in a show or parade. His gleaming machine, complete with bell and shrill whistle, puffs out smoke and steam as it cruises along smoothly. This picture was taken at the parade in Newcastle on Monday. y Appoint New Task Force To Develop Strategy for indicated that till building permits were issued during llie month. A provincial-municipal task The decision to establish the Wood yard tuuvhcu oil a minor force has been appointed to task force with separate furor "on Wednesday evening, Closed Mosport Meeting Upsets Clarke Residents Clarke Township Reeve Ted Newcastle OIM», and month- Environment and the Ministry ■ t the Ministry of the of Tourism. Residential construction ac- design and develop strategy committees of elected officials August 1st. when hi* annouiic- of the permits for the municipalities in and support stall jvas made ed that a special Council Itussell Brown the Counts Counts Master of the Orange Association of Durham West, appealed helm* Town Couni'H on Tuesda>. August Ilh, to inform tin- tow n fathers that the Orangemen intend to hold their annual Orange parade parade in Bow mantille next summer. Brown said Ma tor I Infills had suggvst- ed (lie idea to I he area Orangemen and Diet are pleased In he aide to accept "The celebration of the Battle ul Ihe Hot in-" will take place on .hiIt Mh. I!i7l. Orangeman Brown added I ha l "ttilh the co-operation of Die lotto ol llott mantille and the local nieiclianK we hope In make it a good, htg parade " < on nt-11 lor l.att ■ m.milam Hi ilason's complaint I hat dumps it Ihet , ".I yafl't aw why tve should open jump through the hoop every In a n*p< counted for 114 of Ihe permits for the municipal!! issued in June, which is Northumberland County almost as many us worts i in P'anted during the entire five m t emu in mm „|, pvriod preceding June. ,So tar this year Wight's office has approved 267 building building permits in Bowmanville. representing a,total construction construction value ut dost* to $4.5 million (Turn lo Page Two) in Council on , time some feat her-duster Tuvalu \. August 7th. Town comes down from Toronto. " it Engineer Charles Wall staled appears that the Town nt "due m increased pressure Bow inancilh will have losiarl Iront Ihe Ministry ol the spending mure moncx In i Turn lo Pago Two) Musical Play'Moses' Fine Accomplishment meeting lo discuss iln* Mos- porl problem'. would be held belli lid closed doors. Several Clarke Township residents and Newcastle Itu- porter editor, ken Lyall, turned up at the meeting TIMELY -- Car draws used to be the big î®-', a "' L ' 11 lla , d lm 'n assumed attractions for carnivals and other occasions, hut !j! JJmK'S l"Iii "Üid °St h.-î- s times have changed apparently, the big deal liicsc "ho wrcaskvii lo leave ma\k it clear they didn't like it BITS K»» PIECES h> Boh ItvnsoM if iwo-acl musical play ni Moses opened on Fri evening. August ini to a ».ii m reception in Ihe •casih* Community Hall ne the near capacity audi Mose*. i> an enlireh origin,tl product mu linM'd mi ihe lile ol ihe chaiaclei ol Ihe -aim* name In the tradition ol moments The audience was ■Jesus Christ. Superstar, the particularly delighted by the sequences presented m Moses t*o guards ol the Egyptian are all relatively accurate In pharaoh, played to the hilt by history hut ihe Ian- Allan Short and Joint Sheri- gunge has been modernized dan Their song and dance and includes much con I cm- number. The Hebrews to I s 11.ox largmi Crap on Me. was one ol the Ihe'plav. alilioneii serions highlights ol the play and Hioiigliitiil in overall Joshua tiruher was east in mluhl ha* smile I me emnie I Turn IÔ I'.iqc Two) days is beef. At-Orono Steam and Antique Show, they held a draw for a steer and in Newcastle, a ■irasion. Ac.-oriiing m une similar prize was on display at the Lions Carnival, ?r?!ii,.,. i!? j?' |l ,'!, r ; all 975 pounds of Shorthorn. Winner at Newcastle was Mrs. Sylvia McDonald of Oshawa with ticket The im ciini; hail hi™ tailed 5751. Tito Lionettes chaise lounge draw was won to discus* aliened nuisances by R. Fredericks of West Beach, Bowmanville. A m '; ll ,V l1 •" alll | nt ' a f j 1 "-' lravk . ntan from Belleville won Uie Orono steer. aml ,l,r V.*'.'." ur k '! kl : s "! Mony Impressive Demonstrations at Orono Steam Show ■Several spec'lulm's look on while sleain eiimne enllinsiasl.s operale an early plimmg mill at Ihe E.i.' lern Ontario Slciini and Anlitme Slmw held in Orono over Ihe Civic Day Holiday Weekend. The 1 1 . • ■.mill Is heinc, powered by theslemn engined leaelor (in Ihe Imekgrmind nf Ihe plelurel via a .itiv. lii'll allai lied lo Ihe leailor's exterior ilywheel. There were several such Ingenious, < ■> i runny mills operating al Hie fairgrounds Thousands of speelalurs afleiided Hie llireedlay sTioa ond Marlin Mainlers Ii iiiii Kendal, president ol the steam association, said "II was a real good no inmi .is lor ns we re conrrrucil ll was' i very goad erowil. es|ieelally oil Sunday " (IUITE A CHANGE -- None of the speakers mentioned it publicly on Sunday, hut there were quite a few oldsters present who in side remarks, recalled the late Joseph E. Atkinson's Atkinson's feelings about alcoholic beverages, lie frowned on booze so much that lie wouldn't accept any such advertising in Hie Toronto Star, lie would probably turn over in liis grave if lie could have seen the big O'Keefe Brewing trailer Hint supplied the loud speaking speaking system for Ills historic plaque ceremony in Newcastle oil Sunday. WOMEN'S Lilt -- Females are certainly coining into their own those days. When Hie four regional government chairmen and women were announced announced Iasi week, salaries for Hie three men were set al $27.0110 and the one woman will receive $31,000. II certainly looks like discrimination, even if Hie area site will govern is larger . NO FESTIVAL -- Word leaked out aeoiiml last week that there might he another ol those stimulating rock festivals at Mosport over the Lnlior Day weekend. We still have pictures from tile last one a few years ago a ml I'cnill (lie event quite clearly. Remember how they enjoyed themselves frolicking in Ihe pond ill Tyrone, Hie lake and any other body of water they could find. No IiilillilHons . . . no mailing! Well, those includes on Clnrkv eoiin- ell have apparently frowned on Hie Idea mill Hie Mosport officials have also had second llmiiglits. so ll's not to lie. Just ns well, our liloml pressure probably eoulilii'l have taken It again. IIKAl "I'lVUL GLADS -- One thunks to that expert gladiolus grower Mrs. J. A. Hnrnes ol It. It 2, who lii'ouglit in ii gorgeous Imuquul ol Hie colorful homilies Hits week. They have been much appreciated li> Hie entire stall M.VRDl-tiltAS PARADE - lloii'l target the big Itrereatloii Department Playground MimlMinis pnenile next Tuesday ul 7:ml pan. They lire winking liiml oil their limits mill simiitu tome up with n great slum. UNDER THE SVIIWAV -- Tuesday was a big (lav ni'imml Iowa, with vehicles being t outed through tlie new subway a I the west end of limit. The new road lo tlie south, up to Waverly Itoad was also living used, as was Ihe new roule on Martin Itoad In IIwv. nil. Many look mlvanlage of Hie opening In milite a Imir of tlie changes. II will he greal will'll It's all finished but rigid now, It's liaiil lo recognize the new west end entry to town. We lient' the second bridge Is being held up by a crane operaltirs strike , umm n" had bmi submitted lo (.'mini'll for discussion. Two Mosport representatives. representatives. Bnney Klatnan and Harvey Hudcs. were present at t hi* meet urn. as were Durham MPI* Alex Carruth- vrs. two Health Unit officials, t'pl hen James from Ihe Big Contest Starts Next Week Next Wednesday is the start of the exciting "Name the Cartoon" contest in the Canadian Statesman. Marchandé vouchers will be awartfed f vvoffily .wfüi Vjfjpal BffimTiM of $foil tin m t* rcTm ntlise wj ILte ttrewn from all entries fecelvcd during (b^.six weeks the contest is published. Watch for next week's Statesman for complete details and look lor Hu* contest signs in store windows. Read the ads and patronize these local merchants. They all have official contest entry forms -- all you need to enter. Among Ihe sponsoring merchants arc: Canadian Tire, Sudtlard Gulf. Dykstra's, Jeffrey's Superette, Aber- nethy s, County Chrysler, Glen Rac Dairy, Maryanne's Fabrics, Cowan Motors, Tim's Kent-All, Brcslin's, McGregor Hardware. Western Tire. Mother Mod, McGregor Drugs, Nichols Motors, Frederick's Pharmacy, Kul n Kurl. McDonald's Variety, Stephen Fuels, Percy's Fina, Artistic Beauty Salon. The three lucky winners' names'will be published weekly and full details of the big grand prize draw will appear in a later edition of The Canadian Statesman. Gives Blood at Lions Centre Gill t'orttmi ol Bow niiin- ville Millies bnivel) as a lied Class nuise pi n ks her linger lo hike a liland sample at Ihe Blood I>oinn Chiuv held ol tlie I .mils Ceiili e last Wedni'Mlo) allé moon and emiing It was the Him lime Miss Contenu had gut'll blood and she «itimilleil la being more Ilian a hit nmmiH However, she was oi ,oid out in iiliout IA inimités, none the worse lor wear, so she'll probably be- i unie a regular ihmur now that the initial apprehensions have been uveivmne and she reall/.- es it s really quite on easy According lo Mrs .1 Parker, Parker, one ol the atlemf,nils at the clinic, a total ol Jiiti pints were dnimlcd mi Wednesday AI though this lulls hlioil - 4 Ihe record ol :i:i:i pints t an earlier clinic In Mile. Mrs. Parker lutiimil was "prcllj Huh lime of year, ct mi maux people lioliilays The next regul dimin' clinic will hi Wednesday. Octohc Ihe l.loiis Centre.