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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1998, p. 5

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The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, August 29, 1998 Page 5 No Short-Term Solution to Canadian Unity Problem Thank you for your understanding understanding while I took time off for a vacation. In this job, you can never really get away from your duties. My wife Peggy and I visited visited our daughter Rebecca and her husband David who live near Newcastle, Australia. I believe that each one of us needs a break to refresh ourselves ourselves and keep in touch with our families. Although I did keep in touch with my office, I realized realized that things usually go on without us. I want to thank my constituency team for keeping the telephones on and assisting where we could. We had a wonderful time and 1 am glad to be back. There were a number of tragedies but none closer to home than the tragic killing of Jennifer Copithorn. This kind of senseless violence is all too common today. In the reports I read, it is no surprise how our community responded. I extend my respects to the families involved. Recently, the Supreme Court decision on the ability of Quebec to unilaterally separate separate was made public. Our Premier's office is reviewing the decision and at this point has not officially responded to the court decision. The ice storm in Eastern Ontario and Quebec this past winter appeared to draw us closer together. However, during the public meetings we had on "Ontario Speaks" regarding Canadian unity and the Calgary Framework, I sensed this issue is not solvable in the short term. As I said once, it is a case of "referendum never endum". If a married couple cannot possibly reconcile reconcile their differences, one partner cannot simply walk away with all the keys and assets. I would rather focus on those things we can agree on and try to respect the unique role of each of the provinces that make up Canada. What we really need is leadership at the federal level. Our municipal tax bills will soon be upon us. I want to reassure you that for the past couple of decades everyone everyone agrees that we had to first fix the assessment system. Furthermore, everyone has been saying that the province should fund education so every child had the same opportunity. Numerous reports have suggested that we had to disentangle who paid for what service (provincial (provincial or municipal). This sensitive sensitive exercise has been handled by previous governments by using the, "do nothing option". I recognize that we have put all three of these age-old problems together. This has been difficult for municipalities and others to deal with in such a short time frame. However, most agree it had to be done. Some have suggested it is too much too fast. Most governments have backed off for these same reasons. reasons. We have put in place a number of options for municipalities municipalities to smooth this transition. transition. I would refer you to my columns from February 23/98 and April 6/98 where I explained this in some detail. I maintain that the down loading between the province and the municipalities is revenue revenue neutral as promised by our Premier. We call this part the (LSR) local services realignment. This is where the province took off your tax bill 50% of the educational levy in exchange for other services which were cost shared between the province and municipalities. The second part of the change was announced in 1995, a three-year phase out of the (MSG) Municipal Support Grants. Municipalities were expected to find efficiencies just as the province has. The third part of the change, the new assessment system, should by itself, not result in any new revenue. This was simply an exercise to ensure that the municipal tax burden was apportioned fairly between property classes. classes. In conclusion, your property property tax bill will probably be calculated by multiplying your new assessment value by between 1.5 or 1.8. Some taxes will go up and some will go down. None of the provincial changes have anticipated any new expenditure expenditure decisions by the Region of Durham or the local municipality. The councillors pay the 20 new Durham Regional Police officers, contingency contingency funds, etc. or deficits from previous years' budgets. The simple solution of course will be to blame the Harris government for any tax increases while taking credit for any tax reductions. Please call if you want any more detailed information (905) 697-1501 or 1-800-661-2433. Report from Queen's Park by John O'Toole r from the Past A Look Back at the Stories That Helped Shape Our Community J Always Popular Ferris Wheel Provides Thrills VOLUME 119 20 Pages BOVVMANVILLE. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 12. I!l7a 15c Pur Com NVMBKIi 57 Election Candidates Scarce The anticipated làst-minute rush to file nomination papers for the October 1 st Regional Government elections never materialized. As a result, two of the se.ven elected positions in the new town of Newcastle were won by acclamation. Darlington Reeve Garnet Rickard was unopposed for the position of Mayor of the new municipality and in Ward Two (Bowmanvillc) no one stepped forward to give present Council member Don Allin a run for the position of Local Councillor. At one point, Darlington resident Alex Matthews was listed as a candidate for Mayor but he had filed nomination nomination papers for two other spots and decided to run for Regional Councillor Councillor in Ward One (Darlington Twp.l, leaving Rickard, as the only Mayoralty candidate.[Continued on Page Two) Temporary Solution Found for Waverley Gardens Sewer System Town Engineer Charles an casement to build a shallow Proctor and liedlern repre- Watt and the Bowmanvillc drainage swail across 200-300 sentativo Ian Butler lhal a Town Council have come up feet of their farm. The ditch, temporary structure be built with a temporary solution to which would be two to three at the edge of the subdivision the stalemate which exists feet deep and 50 to 00 feel The storm sewers will not between the developers of the wide, was planned to carry the empty directly onto the Waverley Gardens Sub'diV- run-off waters froth'the storni Schwarz property but father' ision and the family of Joe and sewer system from the Waver- will collect in a'submerged Carl Schwarz, who own the Icy Road subdivisions into the " -- farm directly to.the cast of the Bowmanvillc Creek, new subdivision. Instead of the ditch. Council The Schwarz family have approved the recommenda- refused tn give the developers tion of Engineer Watt and Mayor Pitches First Ball in Kiwanis Final t Continued on Page I wo J Three Acclamations In Scugog Regional Rotary Car Wash This Saturday rian Stew.trt McT At Orono Fair last weekend, there were many attractions for young and old, including this ferris wheel guaranteed to-provide thrills and chills' as it spun around. It was part of the popular midway attractions. The fair attracted large crowds as it celebrated its 121st year, under ideal weather conditions. \ At Rotary j Head of Sf. Mary s Plant Discusses Collective Rotarian Stew.trt McTavisti has received the blessing of the Bowmanvillc Town Council Council to stage the annual Rotary Club Car Wash on Saturday. e September 15th, in the parking ■ Governmen t Election y " kof Monlrcalon In the new municipality ol three different wards, while "Hopefully, " said Car Wash Scugog. which consists of the the tour remaining elections Chairman McTavish. "we will Townships of Cartwright, Scu- will be contested by a total ol have occasional line-ups and gog and Reach plus the village in candidates we plan to move all excess of Port Perry, the Regional Scugog has a rather com cars around the block to a Government elections are plex system of elections A second car wash area at the either a case of feast or ( Continued on Pane Two / (Continued on Paae Two) lamine. 1 ' -- --* Three Local Council Seats 1 O Î q4- A mmi • /** I t-fi/f* were won by acclamation I X. f D I SaIIIIUKJI rull when only one candidate filed nomination papers in each of Bargaining Agreements STRUM AN'S . GRAND OPENING I'he revamped nod ciilar- Attracts Big Crowds .... 0n Sunday afternoon and evening, Kiwdnis Club ball teams from Usliawa. Lindsay and Bowmanvillc held their annual district tournament at Memorial Park. This photo was. taken at the start of the final game between Oshawa VVestmount and Bowmanvillc when His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs pitched the first ball to District Governor Ian McNab with the incoming District Governor John Rieger doing the catching The ^Bowmanvillc club won the game and the trophy for the first time. Consumers Gas Plans to Start Pipeline Rebuilding Program Every year, in recognition rôthe Labor Day holiday, the -2fcwmanville Rotary Club bgranrtt .._5Te2**d progfàflflo some --,>ecl of the labor movement. On Thursday, September Gth, the collective bargaining process process and the 'legalistic aspect of collective agreements' were examined by one of the club's own members. > F rom Thursday to Saturday evening, when u crowd ui night last webk, the place trt be about noo showed up to watch was the Qurham Central the contestants. 17-year-old Within tin- nexi lew week}; miles of lour inch and six inch'ga> m the town ul Bowman- x West will holt) its Grand Agricultural Society's 12!st 'Lorna; Lowery ol Kirby was Consumers' Gas Company supply line from Highway it:, ville This demand has been Originally, Program Chair- ter m the person uf tor Opening, starting ■ Thors- fall fair at Ororlo Fairgrounds the winher and became Miss will-commence a major gas to Bowmanvillc and 1.5 miles caused by the recent resides an Art Ribev had lined nn a «>:>. ' day. (ty* detalfc -«fe.» lb»/ that, was b!esa*J"wUh perfect Durban) Central. Runpers-up link re-building project in the of six inch gas main within the titU subdivision building in/tiv .. w»^ Waldi|^.ypnfer^^k Toum of Bowmanville.., x Bowmanviljc to\yn limits. ^.und.the inumseiliito.v! gains on "pige ,Tj>1innns. -liW' [ uvewW^j3m \yith"a IfTtrOroncr; TfclufltfeflrtTmef. * ; \if. tl Nfilburn. district The additional supply lines natural gas for commercial edition. . bç.auty cont^sl Thursday 17 of Bowmanvillc and Ruth Manager, has announced that are required to meet the and industrial purposes (Continued on Page Two)- the^Compony will he laying 4.7 growing demand for natural * •- jtedi Steclmnn Store on King ™» " 'i" 0- .'.'. - " 7 mi m me person ui rasr, l ?l ~ : « - man Art Ribey had lined up a President Bill Wilson.' the '•»>• 'tfw details-«fcuth Labor Relations «Pert Mafcf-rimed TnrmUn bul j® Operation "in tiuwmanvillb Toronto lawyer was called The Sl Marys plan , begon RnarO Th J hÏLiïïî'" °l ,CraliC,n . "L '« . wi »' «p-' 1 1,„ i„„, • .1 MHviuuuii m i y do wim up- Board at the last minute and proximntely 75 employées and could n°, make it to Bowman- has grown to the point/where Fortunately, the club has a -[.Continued on Paqe Two) more than capable pinch-hit- I RANKS BOUNCE BACK Last night at Memorial Park. Frank's Variety reversed reversed the trend that was set last week to defeat Stephen's Stephen's Fuels :U! in a tight hall game. The series now stands at two gapies to one for the Fuelers, with the fmirtli game ot the best of seven tonight i Wed > at x p.iu. Franks' held Stephens scoreless until the top ot the seventh. 3 More Winners Cartoon Contest The fact that we goofed and left the word naughty' in from the week before didn't phase the hundreds who must have had trouble figuring out the right caption for last week's cartoon contest. We've accepted the entries that had all the correct words included and added the word 'naughty' in various places. The winners this week are: Mrs. Olive Watson, 37 Nelson St., won two $5 vouchers good at Breslin's Shoppes and McGregor Hardware. In second place was Mrs. Ann White, Townlinc North, R. R. 2, Oshawa, who will receive one $5 voucher good at Frederick's Pharmacy. 16-year-old Jean Braybrook, 33 Centre St., was third and will receive one $5 voucher good al Glen Rae Dairy. This Week, we have been especially careful to make certain everything is right, we hope. Try your luck, you'll have fun and might be a winner. The right wording was "It's a deal . . One large bone if you don't bring him into the shop!" Queen of Durham Central Fair Fieads Parade BITS MW> PIECES Arbitration Awards PAPER CARRIERS - Anyone in the Waverley (TA /I/I/I D • , T 1 Gardens area who would like The Statesman Jt) */(/I# tffTlSf* LO t jOf*f1,l, delivered each week should contact Jamie Hayes 7r W at. 623-7809 who is working (ip a route in that jTJ W • /") j i section of town. Wc also need paper carriers for r*till f Prospect, Elgin, High, Summerfield Court and"* WLzlI/oe/M/l/l/tT-o Sunset Road. Anyone interested should call at the With this current supply line project anil other distribution \vstem work recently com •plcted or m progress, the Company estimates that close to one million dollars will have been spent in the Bowmanvitlv area The schedule lor ihe new -•upply line calls tor completion completion by the end ol December. Statesman office for information. As the result of an arbitration report. First i or eouri appearances or Cake Auction Woman Hurt When Car Rolls \ tu-> enr oll! Darlington woman was taken to hospital in M'lioiis condition alter she swvrvvu her car to avoid hitting a pedestrian on Taunton Taunton Road on Saturday night. September Bill Mrs .loan Gibbs, ol R H 4. Bowman ville, was headed west on Taunton Road near Count> Road 57 when the mishap occurred When' she spoiled llle pedestrian on the roailuav she pulled her car t Continued on Pope Two) RESULTS -- Apparently, there is a considerable considerable market in town for used pianos. Last week one was advertised in tile classified section and the seller received ilbout 3U calls. As it was sold to the first person who called, the advertiser had to tell all the rest they were too late. Those classified advts. certainly do get results. Anything you want to sell? Class Police Constables-in Bowmanvillc have lectures, instca'd of the former Af 01*0110 Fflll* received a $900 raise, making them some of the "'mi'mim of three hours pay wivnv lull highest salaried policemen in the area. , L . t l t h C d a r nu,nber n 0 f C r P eq r U q.sts The increase brings the salary of Bow- manvillc's First Class Constables'to $11,900 per year. This is $200 more than their counterparts counterparts in Port Hope and Cobourg and $17ü per year more than is paid in Oshawa and Whitby. The salaries of the other ranks will go up correspondingly. PAPER DRIVE -- This Saturday, Bowmanvillc Scouts will be holding their first paper drive of the fall season, so have those bundles tied on the curb to midnight shift ami à is vs tor early and tliev will be picked up before file end of vuntspcrhoui differential will liutirs pay ui nvertlniv rate the dav. made by the local police association. The police had asked thaï a new rank structure be insti luted They wanted the rank ol corporal replaced by a ser gentil 's status and the rank ol sergeant replaced by stall sergeant a* well as adding the In addition to the raise, a be paid during the midnight to new ranks ni detective and shift bonus of to cents per hour fi: no a m shift vadot was awarded for the 3:00 p.m The agreement also provid Thomas 1' Mulver. ij( i minimum uf four the Toronto lawyer who hand I Continued on Paae Two) With Mrs Thos Cowan and Garnet Rickard vying for the 1st prize Banana Cake in the Cake Auction at Orono Fair cm Friday evening, a new reedfd was make « Auctioneers Chas Reid ahd Arnold Wotton set a brisk nave, and Mr Rickard finally bowed out to the fair lady, who bid $40 for Lois Brown's cake Altogether. 17 cakes were auctioned, boosting the Fair Board's finances by a total of <175 The Committee in charge (Continuedon Paqe Two) SAFE AND SOUND -- Apparently, Recreation Recreation Director Bml Fanning and Father Ray lleffermm were not near the spot in Mexico where the earthquake hit recently. After an item appeared in last week's edition, we received a call that word had been received from them and they were safe and sound, They're probably home by now and amazed at the number of people asking them about it. It was good news anvwav. Tear Wall Apart to Bring in Ftuge Dry Cleaning Machine Miss Durham Central, along with an attendant, headed the Saturday parade lo the h air In Orono. Miss Lorna Lowery, Miss Durham Central, is shown on llu Miss l.mverv will Ml« s IliiUi ('hater on ihe loft who allended with Ihe official opening ol Ihe fuir. I'holoConrlesN Orono Times EARLY,CHURCH-GOERS -- Several members of Trinity United Church's congregation lost an hour's sleep on Sunday. It was our fault and wc apologize. The regular church ndvt was to have been changed, making the service starting time II. Unfortunately, the alteration wasn't made, so Ihe lu a.m lime appeared OKTOBERI'EST -- Lots of action this weekend weekend with Port Hope's Animal Fair on Friday, Saturday mid Sunday. On Saturday In Newcastle, Newcastle, (lie Chamber of Commerce's 2nd Annual Oktoberfest, the Lions Chill's Auction Sale anil Farmers' Market will begin at 1:3» mid finish off in the evening with a dance al s : (ill o'clock. I'OLITIl'AI. MEETING -- Now the regional and municipal nominations are over, the election campaign gets underway preparatory to voting on Oct. tst. The Knights of Columbus Club In Bowmanvillc is planning an All-Candidates meeting at SI. Joseph's Great Hall, Liberty St. S.. oil Monday, Sent. 17th at 8:30 to give electors an opportunity to near mid discuss the election with those who have allowed their mimes lo stand. Everybody Is invited. It's just too bad there are mil more candidates In the running Last Wednesday morning, Bowmanvillc Cleaners, King St. W„ took delivery ol this large cleaning machine that will double their capacity and enable them to give even faster service. But Ihe doorway at Ihe west side of the building didn't provide enough space to permit entry Into the building, so part of the wall had to he removed. After quite a bit of lifting and pushing, the heavy machine came through the door and Is now In place.

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