1 The Clarington/Courtice Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, September 5, 1998 Page 9 Getting Ready for the Terry Fox Run Across Clarington, scores of volunteers are joining Terry's Team. They're preparing for the annual Terry Fox Run which will be held at Memorial Park in Bowmanville on Sunday, September 20. The run kicks off at 9 a.m. Three of the volunteers are shown above with a poster publicizing the event. From left are: Liz Bateman, a coordinator coordinator of the local run; Josh Terry, one of the run's younger volunteers and Arthur Morton, of Hampton, who will be the official starter. Pledge sheets are available at the Big Brothers office in Clarington or at many local businesses. If you require information or wish to volunteer, call 263-2960. Report from Queen's Park by John O'Toole • Back to School • Last week, we had a very severe rain and hail storm in the area. For some parts of my riding, there was crop damage that certainly caused problems problems with field crops. We should still be grateful when we sec the reports from the southeast coast of the United States. Summer is not over but we are moving into the last long weekend Labour Day. Each of us looks forward to something. For some, it is returning to school, for others returning to their regular work routines and for some the time of year to enjoy the fall fairs. This past weekend was the 133rd annual Blackstock Fair. The new grandstand and organization of the attractions are a credit to the many community volunteers. volunteers. The weather was great and I imagine the attendance reflected increased numbers over other years. The 142nd Port Perry Fair will be held September 4th to the 7th with their family rodeo ' and crafts and 4-H competitions. competitions. On September 10th to the 13th, the Durham Central Agricultural Fair will be held in Orono. Nice sunny cooler weather makes each of these annual annual events a great time to get out in Durham. I am looking looking forward to the Durham Countryside Adventure on September 19 and 20. This year, locations in Clarington and Scugog will offer visitors some 40 attractions of milk production, production, wine production, honey production and give visitors a taste of all that Durham has to offer. Invite your city friends to the countryside in Durham. The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board will hold classes starting Tuesday, September 1 with Friday, September 4 off. The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Separate District Board will start classes September 8. The Durham District and the Durham Catholic School Boards will begin their classes on'September 8 as well. " According to news reports and conversations with trustees and school board officials, there may be some concerns in our secondary schools. Let me first explain, that the num- AKZO NOBEL sikkens A Quality Start Deserves a Quality Finish /\fiBERNETHY'S PAINT and WflLLPflPER amiiiii HB 55 King St. W. Hours: Mon. - Wed. 8 ■ 623-5431 6; Thurs. - Fri. 8 • Bowmanville 8; Sat. 8:30 - 5 Lung Association Strives To Reduce Youth Smoking Teenagers smoke more than one billion cigarettes each year. That's a billion cigarettes too many, and The Lung Association is striving to "reduce and prevent prevent smoking • among youth through its partnerships partnerships and programs. "Smoking related illnesses illnesses and disease are the number one preventable cause of death today," says Dr. Roland Skrastins, a respirologist and volunteer president of The Lung Association's medical section. section. "With our partners in the community, we are making major strides in educating our youth and keeping them from light- ■ pj.p 7 -v-Y *- 1 ' ■■ | 1 • - y», WVy-f,', V 4.--w ~i i CE» VA TION • RECONDITIONING WtVILEGE r.erci Mu 1 vs of Canada (*on selected vehicles) E OF MIND Op USED imum VEHICLES Eiiitviidiuie rw pr is 885-4573 1-800-297-4876 ,? V/iffy ", »' "$"1 yt#. 1 ÜH 1 : * ! /< î Hi - ' ~ - -- ------ -- fw-*-. ~*pgwr 7.^ - xggiv OLDSMOBILE 98 OLDSMOBILE 88 | ggy ■ 1992 Olds 98 White, blue leather, fully loaded, 105,000 km, *12,995 BUICK LeSABRE 1994 Olds 88 ' Blue,-V6-, loadèd^T'OXXX) km. * ] *14,995 1991 Buick leSabre Maroon, loaded, 134,000 km. $9,495 1 : 1 ûv. FULL SIZE CARS l: , ; OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE GRAND PRIX mum 1 $98 Oldsmoblle Intrigue Maroon, 3.8 litre, V6, loaded, 22,000 km. I: « *26,995 1997 Grand Prix SE White, 3.8 V6, loaded, 26,100 km. *23,995 OLDS ClERA 19*97 Lumina OAflMiite, Ÿ6, loaded, 27,000 km.' m V 8,995 -'JBUICK REGAL - tK .4 DOOR 1993 Ciera White, V6, loaded, 95,600 km. *10,595 BUICK REGAL - 2 DOOR lui 1996 Bui(k Regal Green, 3,8, V6, loaded, 47,445 km. * 17,995 1993 Buick Regal 2 Door White, loaded, clean and snarp, 99,000 km. *10,595 'MM ■m • S' MALIBU 1998 Malibu IS Silver, V6, loaded, sun roof, 22,000 km. *21,995 GRAND AM 1997 Olds Achieva Red, V-6, loaded, 38,000 km. *17,995 1997 Grand AM Red, 4-door, loaded, 31,000 km. *16,995 /;.. fj : . .;< V, : " ÿrji < M SUB-COMPACT CARS METRO LeMANS 1997 Metro Maroon, auto, cassette, 39,000 km. *10,995 1995 Metro Purple,5spd,,6/10km.warranty,59,000km. *7,995 1992 Pontiac leMans Red, 4 spd., 77,000 km. *4,295 "y " •} . , JIMMY mi i HONDA WiWlWT' zMt-i : 1991 Jimnty SLS 4 Door Blue, air, auto, locks, 4.3 litre V6,. windows, 108,000 km. ♦12,995 ■mr-- : . . ,. .„ • ■■ ■ . r. 'l I'r Vv/w • ",, • ' . ■ 1 ' ■ HONDA ACCORD 1997 Accord EX Black, 5 spd., p. locks, p. windows, till, cruise,-gold package, 39,400 k'm. *19,999 WHfBSBBHSBSKKÉBfl n Wï-frrry: KW.rr* mg up." Liberal Senator Colin Kenny visited The Lung Association's provincial office recently to explain the details of his Bill to initiate a levy of 50 cents/carton of cigarettes in order to create a $120 million annual fund to prevent prevent youth smoking. Bill Industry Responsibility Act, would see the funding exclusively directed to programs at the national, regional and local level with emphasis on education education and smoking prevention prevention for youth. The Lung Association is working with Senator Kenny and urgés" "everyone To show their support of the Bill by writing to their Member of Parliament. The Lung Association is also promoting its Lungs Are For Life program. program. Lungs Are For Life, one of the top three smoking smoking prevention programs in Canada, provides teachers with outlines and guidelines guidelines for introducing Canadian youth to the health issues involved with smoking. The Lung Association is working in partnership with OPHEA, the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association, in promoting the program and training teachers to provide Lungs Are For Life in the classroom, classroom, It has been highly praised by students and teachers alike. Oshowa Hospital Construction The Oshawa Hospital began construction on August 10, to prepare for the closure of Alma Street at the intersection with Golf Street. This closure is in response to the Ontario Municipal Board Order. Alma Street, (west of Simcoe and east of Golf) has now been conveyed to the hospital from the City of Oshawa. The Hospital Court entrance adjacent to the new Patient / Visitor Parking Garage will become the main entrance (for a period of up to six months). Alma Street will be redesigned to service new loading, docks, parking parking for staff and Parkwood visitors and it - will continue to be the access to Emergency Department. Priority access will be given at all times to Emergency vehicles. vehicles. her of instructional days our students receive has been increased: • Secondary school from 170 days to 180 days with fewer examination days and professional activity days. • Elementary school increases from 185 days to 190 days. • The amount of teaching teaching time in secondary ' school has been increased by 25 minutes per day to 4 hours and 10 minutes per day. • In elementary school, there is no change in teaching time per day. • Average class size will be 22 in secondary school. • Average class size will be 25 in elementary school. The main issue appears to be the increase in teaching teaching time in our secondary schools. I believe that our teachers will actually have fewer students even though they will be teaching teaching more periods. The phrase that is being used is that teachers in secondary schools are being asked to teach 7 out of 8 periods in a school day as opposed to the 6 out of 8 periods they teach today. I recognize that teachers are being asked to do more and their leadership is strongly opposed. Individual teachers teachers probably would adjust to teaching the additional 25 minutes or at the average average of the other provinces. We will certainly hear more about this, I am sure. My sincere hope is that our students don't suffer in the process. After all, this entire debate should be abolit educating our children, children, not about the teachers'job teachers'job situation. I am hopeful that Minister Ernie Eves' commitment commitment to extend the assessment appeal period until the end of October is adopted by the other two ^•parties.,The original dead-. .. line was AugusV-31, 1998'. That being'said, I would encourage each property owner to examine your assessment notice. With the new current value assessment, the value placed on your property should reflect what you believe the property is worth. If you think it is too high, speak to a neighbour or similar property owner in your area. For assistance, assistance, call the assessment office or call my office at (905) 697-1501 or 1-800- 661-2433. Glucose Control Clinic Opens Dr. Ian Blumer, a diabetes diabetes specialist providing care to patients in the Durham and Northumberland regions, has announced the opening opening of Canada's first clinic dealing exclusively with improving blood sugar control in people with diabetes. diabetes. "Diabetes, a potentially devastating disease, is reaching epidemic proportions proportions in this country. It affects up to ten per cent of all Canadians and is the leading cause of blindness and kidney failure," Dr. Blumer said. "I Iccl that it is a tragedy that these complications occur. We know that if we can maintain maintain excellent blood sugar control, diabetes complications complications arc often avoidable. avoidable. We have to be more aggressive in our management." management." The Glucose Control Clinic will begin operation operation the week of September 8, 1998 and is located at 401-95 Bayly Street West ("The Baywood Centre"). The phone number is 905-427- 2678, Patients will be seen upon referral by their family family physician. There will be no charge for using the clinic.