; / VJ/ y ÿ X 'Wy fl /x/' i ÈXvf,, It Wednesday, September 16, 1998 COMMUNITY CALENDAR • LIFESTYLES • SPORTS • COMMUNITY CORRESPONDENCE • TV LISTINGS W- ALL IN THE FAMILY -- The 1997 Fair Ambassador, Colleen Arbuckle, at left, had the honour of handing on the ambassador's title and crown to her sister, Marilynn Arbuckle, right, on Thursday night. Marilynn was one of four contestants. FOCUS ON THE FARM -- Kirby Public School's float was one of several in the School Parade last Friday at the Durham Central Fair. School children on the float displayed displayed many of the agricultural products produced in this area. The fair ran last Thursday through Sunday at the Orono Fairgrounds. "WHO BROKE THE COW?," Councillor Troy Young wonders aloud as he peers into his nearly-empty bucket during during the media milking challenge at the fair on Friday night. Young eventually managed to coax two teaspoons out of Vilda, a pretty co-operative côwj considering the circumstances. He saw his team of politicians out-milk the media representatives. HTTTTTT'Plii^r" IN THE RING -- Competitors make sure their animals are looking their best during beef cattle judging in the livestock livestock area on Saturday afternoon. Besides beef cattle, fair visitors had an opportunity to sec the best in what Ontario farmers have to offer. Entries ranged from champion rabbits, poultry, Holstcins and lamb, to choice field crops, fruits and vegetables. few* - . \s£ x v&r » top 9 WMil, ■!:.>» X v . v V | ' 'll ; V' 1, JL\ HORSING AROUND -- Some folks figure no trip to the fair is complete without a . , „ whirl on the merry-go-round, For others, watching the Farmers' Olympics or the demo- MIDWAY SMILES--Youngsters enjoy some thrills on the midway during the lour- day Orono Fair held September |j(j on derby was more their speed. But, no matter what your interest, there was certainly 10 to 13, lots to see and do at the 146th edition of the Durham Central Fair in Orono. >'! - «i : .. . ,j 1 -tt* 4 ■■■■■hHMaaa*--1' 9-1 I--fcimiT iwi 4 : Ui1 h--MHHMiWKumi • sn-. J " «I