The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 16,1998 Section Two Page? Bowmanville Drama Club Prepares for Halloween As the time of Ghosts and Goblins rapidly approaches, Bowmanville Drama Club, formerly Bowmanville Drama Workshop, is rehearsing its fall production, "Which Witch is Which?" Chosen to entertain the younger members of the family, this delightful comedy, set in the "Scary School for Wicked Witches" will even entertain entertain Mom and Dad and grandparents, too. There will be four performances. performances. The first three are October 15, 16 and 17 at 7:00 p.m., and also a 3:00 p.m. matinee on Saturday, October 17. All tickets arc $5.00 each and can be ordered by calling 697-3374 or 623-2059. Watch for our Program Colouring Contest with prizes of Free Family Tickets and more! Church Offers Program To Help Quit Smoking There's good news for the person who quits smoking. smoking. Former cigarette smokers smokers can expect decreasing death ratios as the years of not smoking increase. Fifteen years after quitting, quitting, the chance of dying for former smokers is about the same as for those who never smoked. Death ratios for former smokers at any given age arc determined by how much they smoked and their age when they began the habit. However, as long as the person is not seriously ill . when he stops, his risk of dying is reduced at any age. While women smokers have somewhat less chance •of dying than male smokers, smokers, those women who smoke as much as men experience the same death ratio. If you do smoke, stop; and if you don't smoke, don't start; if you're ready to quit, the successful Breathe Free Plan to Stop Smoking can help you! The next class starts September 23,1998 at 7:15 p.m. There are eight sessions over 3 weeks and pre-registration is helpful. Phone 905-623- 6031 or 905-438-0987. • The Breathe Free Plan to Stop Smoking is presented presented locally as a community service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 'The Affections of May" Oshawa Little Theatre opens a Norm Foster play entitled The Affections of May this month. The show runs from September 17 to 19; September 24 to 27 and October 1 to 3, with curtain time at eight p.m. There is also a September 20th matinee at two p.m. Pictured above, during a recent rehearsal are Linda Chapman, who portrays May, and Ken Bond, who has the role of Quinn, a handyman. All performances are at the Oshawa Little Theatre's headquarters on Russett Ave. Shoestring Performers Celebrate 25 Years Alzheimer Society Holds Coffee Break Fund-Raiser Sept. 24 On Thursday, September 24, Canadians can make their caffeine count by participating in one of the over 12,000 Coffee Break events across the country. Coffee Break is the Alzheimer Society's major nationwide fundraising fundraising event. Money raised will help fund local programs programs and services for the over 3000 families in Durham Region living with the effects of Alzheimer Disease and related dementias. There are over 1/4 million Canadians and their caregivers who are coping with the debilitation and fatal effects of Alzheimer Disease. "I lost my dad to Alzheimer Disease," said Brendan Shanahan, NHL hockey star and event spokesperson. "I'm dedicated to continuing the fight." Brendan Shanahan has been an active supporter and fund-raiser for Alzheimer Disease since his father, Donal Shanahan, died in 1990. Close to $4 billion yearly is spent on Alzheimer Disease, a figure which will sky-rocket. By the year 2030, it is estimated that over 3/4 million Canadians will be affected by Alzheimer Disease and related dementias. Coffee breaks to benefit the Alzheimer Society will be held in Bowmanville at Marnwood Lifecare Centre, Strathaven Lifecare Centre, Clarington Community Care, the RCMP Bowmanville detachment, Clarington Hydro Electric Commission and Avery Dennison Canada Inc. Oshawa's dynamic smaller theatre turns 25 in 1999. Durham Shoestring Performers once again is offering our Season Package: four plays for only $26.00 - a savings of $6.00! Season Packages will be available to purchase purchase at the party, and must be purchased by November 13, 1998. For more information on DSP or details about our Season Package, please check out our website at: www.lis- DSP has performed for 24 seasons from the Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa City Hall. Because of the intimacy of the 104-seat space, this venue offers a powerful theatrical experience for audiences; no seat is more than 6 metres from the stage. DSP chooses plays that suit this close contact well. A heavy emphasis is placed on programming Canadian material. In recent seasons, work by at Clarington Public Libraries The Dark Garden by Margaret Buffie YA FIC Buffi: Murder, passion and ghosts all rolled into one...what more could anyone want in a book? Thea is suffering from amnesia and experiencing voices and visions of people people that no one else sees. A romantic thriller guaranteed guaranteed to make your hair stand on end! Eva by Peter Dickinson YA FIC Dicki: You've just come out of a look down at your body.. .but it isn't yours, in fact, it's not even human! A traffic accident leaves thirteen year old Eva in a come... she teeters between life and death until her parents make the final decision, they want her to live...easy decision, you think?...not when her survival means she'll be living the rest of her life as a chimp! Gallows Hill by Lois Duncan YA FIC Dunca: While working in a fortune telling booth at a high school fundraiser, Sarah discovers her incredible ability to read a crystal Simplex odeon CINIMAC',1 lint ball. Disturbed by Sarah's new 'talent', the other students students begin a modern day witch-hunt. Dragonfire by Karleen Brandford YA FIC Bradf: Dahl, King of Taun, has been hidden on Earth since his birth. The Usurper has stolen Dahl's place on the throne, so the time has come to recapture his rightful seat, and save the destruction of his homeland. homeland. But things are further complicated when Dahl's friend Catryn, follows him from Earth. An action- packed adventure! Spud in Winter by Brian Doyle YA FIC Doyle: Spud Sweetgrass witnesses a murder committed committed by a man with "the most beautiful hair in the world",..but he's afraid to tell the police, afraid for himself, and afraid for his girlfriend Connie Pan. Together, with Connie and his best friend Dink the Thinker, Spud must find his way out of this terrible mess. For more information or to register call (905) 435-0762 SHOWTIMIS KFFICTIVI SERI. 18 SERI. 24, 1998 ✓There's Something About Mary (AA| Fri. • Ihvrs. 7:05,9:40; Sal. • Sun. Mol. 1:25,4:00 ✓Saving Frivole Ryan |AA| Fri. • Thurs. 8:00; Sal.-Sun. Mai. 1:00,4:25 ✓Ever After (PG) Fri. • Ihurs. 6:55,9:25; Sal. • Sun. Mol. 1:20,3:55 ✓Blade |R) Fri. • Thurs. 7:15,9:45; Sal. • Sun. Mai, 1:50,4:20 ✓54 |AA) Fri. • Thurs. 7:45,9:55 Knock Off (AA) Fri. • Thurs. 7:30,10.00; Sal. • Sun. Mai. 1:30,3:45 ✓The Mark of Zorro (AA) Fri. ■ ihurs. 6:45,9:30; Sal.-Sun. Mol. 12:45,3:40 ✓Rounders (AA) Fri. • Ihurs. 7:10,9:40; Sol. ■ Sun. Mai. 1:45,4:30 ✓Rush Hour (AA) Fri. ■ ihurs. 7:00, 7:40,9:10,9:50; Sal. • Sun. Mol. 12:55, 1:35,3:00,4:10,5:00 ✓One True thing (FG) Fri. • Thurs. 6:50, 9:35; Sol. • Sun. Mai. 1:15,4:05 (No Passes) Air Bud: Golden Reteiver |F) Sal. • Sun. Mai. 12:40,2:45,4:45 NEW TO AREA White tamale, from Toronto, finding II I hard to get lo know people hero. I Looking to meet guys or girls 1er Irlond- mly. / Men seeking... ship only. AD* 3072 GREAT SHAPE OPEN-MINDED AND ATTRACTIVE bluo r ovos m în 0 aroà| 0 sha C D0 0 ' Kino a a&acihrol'famdo. &-4ofto wSlâ ----;mïnàeRa"i!ah aUracilve nsalo cloan lun ,lmo "' 0 ° ihor - open who likes lo hâve lun. ÀD# 3140 FRIENDSHIP FIRST VERY EASY GOING Se&S s „„„ jRKMfc» To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1- 900-451-4552 Ext. 88 SPICE OF LIFE Singlo whito malo, handsomo, oner- muscular, respectful, easy to got'along 9° ,ic * blonde, muscular build, cloan I with, enjoy life to the fullosl, enjoy Iho shaven, like lo enjoy life, seeking the i ! _ i i rnmnnnv rxl Tull limireirl Inrline uilm nlnn Alternative lifestyles... CONFIDENT & ATTRACTIVE wim nmnv mn in inn miinci nntnv inn -omowwii, nnv iu uiuvy iiiu. ouunmu mu DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Single white male, 38, S'a'. 170lbs, from the Bowmanville area. Seeking a DISCREET ENCOUNTERS SÎSlSPnSS™ mM - ,0r discre,e SInalewMo M E malo°32 H s| MO | UR Slnglo^M^rmlo^blondohnh. blue halh'Sl'byM, seokingTadkrs'lo^dTs'l FULLy FEATURED whlio^Mmahs^O^shiglo niom, o^ s . s| h0lo dad oM =r=o. encounters » lun I,me, Ad, 3872 single m^YoK^^nssexua, ds & has a wild side, smok- Hr' ff I ^!H£S2tJ2?2S s i,£?;J!5S , i!S2S2? GOOD FRIENDS " llh lu)l loalures lor dayljme encoun- dlvnrred^ p°rhUdrnn S |nnk!nn outdoors, seeking a lomalo who enjoys company ol lull ligùréd ladies who also nnn hmnu 2 hi uïi, mi™ In' S0 ,V'°" lifo. volupluous & likes lo have fun. onjoys life. Ad* 4009 one tunny, tall, easy going, attractive, ahm air? sell sullicienl malo. Ad* 2539 Women seeking. SHARING HOPES 8 DREAMS Single lomalo, loving, caring, willing lo shore her lifo, enjoy molar cyctos, going lo Ilia bench, dancing, quloi limas. Socking a mala, 38-45, honest, sincere, likes lo cuddlo & laugh. ADI4210 BIG 8 HUSKY Singlo lomalo, 57", brown hair & oyos, easy going, onjoy animals. Socking n STARTING OVER Singlo divorcod lomalo, 34, Bowmanvillo 1 aroa, 5'3\ 150 lbs., very shy, onjoy deni, open minded, oasy going, vary secure. Seeking a bi-curious malo In Ills 20's lor lun 8 advonluro. ADI4312 big 8 husky male, G't, Hint enjoys lilo 8 , . U outdoor eclivillos. ADI4291 Singlo lomalo, whotovo's kids & has o wild sFdo.smoir- jjJJIy ' (Yl ' n'urncliva^lor^discro'cft ' onccmn^ - , , or, ocosslonal drinker, II you wanl lo gel j" v ' Ad» -n92 Unhappily married malo, 25, 5'5", long '."n.'J s = crollon oxpoclod 4 as,u,ed ' togolhor 1er n cup ol coltoo leave a mes- brown hair, brown oyos, enjoy long AD * 4415 sogo. Ad* 2626 SMOKER PREFERRED romantic walks, cooking, romantic open mindfd muer mice ' Gonlloman, socking Iho company ol n momonls, spoking unhappily married Atlraellva eounlo lain 20's Inrienen Single while tomalo/quoon size, 2 chit- minded lady^iMhoso^pmtai'ro'manBc ^ WS * > ° C3 momonls ' Ad * 3370 dron 37, seeking male lor quiet Unies, umos. Iroin'tho OshawaZBowmanvillo OOATING MATE employed, enjoy ouldoois, family lilo, II ni on. ^d* 4204 Sopnrntod mole, 42, dark hair, soil this sounds liko you call mo. Ad* 2296 omployod, onjoy dining, dancing, oui- , nNfi TFnM rfi ationship havf FUN LET ' S 00 ITTOGETHER door ocllvlllos, boating, seeking lady, S |nglo male *9"165 Ibsqroen many outdoor activities, looking fo/gom Slng.o wh„o foKriSO lbs., sock- --oil so u?' ' ,nanC "" IV S " U, °- ' ' ' ' ' ' " Homan will, similar Inlorosls. Ad* 4041 ng bisexual lomalos lo go oui 8 have nnhnajs, ciiddron, soKg°n boating. Aâ» 3001 SPICE TO MY LIFE ÜÜÎÜl,!! 0 !! nl/' 111 m 5 "5 5 ,L V.°. n ,' country I IFF who ls wo11 loned ' RI. Mm, trustworthy, Singlo lomalo, alfocllonalo, looking lor LONG DRIVES ^ oKof ' 0 " °" 11,0 Wlld sldo ' Ad *'" U Gonl|oma 5°"; no tbs. E daik brown ,un lovlng ' 5lnco, °' Ad * 4234 L° , b _ rl M, s Pl c _°. !n l °, m 7J! , o, Single while lomalo, 5'4", 120 lbs., ENJOY LIFE hair, brown oyos, honosl, sincere, spon- DURHAM REGION nlo, 35, 6T, blonde heir, . . seeking oilier bl-malos lor builii, enjoy outdoor nciiviiios, seeking a country wilh. Ad* 3093 casual got togolhor. Ad* 4198 LIKE FISHING SEEKING SPECIAL PRINCE lomalo who onjoys hlo. Ad# 4141 famh v man _ . JUST HAVING FUN "lo. 'j"v eyes, handsome, well belli, woik out ; u s ccur°, lovo kids, dogs & dally| onjoy sporl5| bow |, ng< CO oklng, drivo In theatres, seeking a she-mafe aumuuiiu !U unrig spice mo my 1110, bingio wnno tomnio, 5'4", 120 lbs., enjoy life hair, brown oyos, honosl, sincere, spon- nllBU hnnnî? n2rî!°inïL' 9 °n carir ? 9, bjondo hair, enjoy rollerskating, walking singlo malo, 34, G', 100 lbs. attractive hinoous, enjoy tennis, baseball, all out- Whiln humnln^ honest, good sonso ol humour, who along Iho boacti, long drivos, oaling out, nnnrnniir msv in nnt ninnn «uiih 1 door activities, painting, movies, lookino K. ® bl-malo, SMS'S mUSlC ' Ca " ,pln! ' & Chll ' t#23?b SOOk ' n0 hOn0Sl & klnd ?nal ° ; 'o^ocHuf, cionn shnvon. nlusculnr MSil SEEKING ROMANCE Singlo lomalo, polilo, prolosslonnl, blonde, romantic, prolly, III, onjoy nntiquos, old cars, wolglil lining, Irnvof- ling, dancing, sooklng a malo who Is charming & oasy going. Ad# 4000 Questions?? 416-236-6644 37, 5'5 H , 150 lbs„ going SWF, 30, ST,135 lbs., onjoy dancing, o --u t • -social -- jo college, also work pnrt llmo,' onjoy pool,' rnôvles, 'sooklng' spoefnf prince] GonlIomîmVSo °4înoïî? shv fishing, canoeing, sooklng a malo who Is slncoro, romantic. 30-40, tall & confidant. honosMdnli nnnnrnu-r 7 , ' s - ^ slncoro, romanlic, lun loving, sonsual 8 Ad# 2254 nonsmokor. Ad* 3740 FAMILY MAN Gonlloman, 170 lbs., 6'10", singlo dad, dark hair, hazel o sports, outdoor ocllvlllos,.summer 8 danclh0i wn | k , ng ; cimn mi slngl ° ,omol °- 120 lbs . atlracllve, bl- single dad, dark hair, hazel dyes. III,like b 0 Ty cnnrtc nnlilnnr nrllulllnc cnmmor *. *1®"' Onjoy WOfKinQ OUI» GOOD TIMES WHAT'S INSIDE THAT COUNTS SWF, looking 1er Irlond, so Singlo while lomalo, divorcod, 33, smok- goodllmosSbad. AD# 2170 or, light brown hair, brown oyos, lull figured, figured, sooklng singlo while ninlo, 32-4' SalMk n o U io 0 hwlil, U dinN& n dalic'ngi wlnloh rnSbT^,'p'oTjovo/ITong w'al'hs" having 0 ',™' 1 ' seeking n lady, slim, ollrXclivo, ve/y «MJ» loSslo'i -, - ... CURIOUS FEMALE rnusl bo IlnanclaHy socuro liko mysoll, SWF, married, 2 chlldron, curious In ilr- ' lomlnlno, ago nol Imporlanl. Ad* 4157 ' GOOD TIMES Singlo male, 37, 6T, brown linlr, bluo going lo bars sooklng a . just lomalo or lady willi strong sonso ol family vnluos. Ad#3831 9 explore Iholr bl-curlous sides. Ad# 4168 REAL LOVE , OPEN MINDED oyos, woll built, In good sliopo, onjoy oil Singlo dad, high school loachor, modi- in^an^o'n'nilndod'aluacbvo'coupio palming, dancing, tinss lishing sooklng bulld , Inloll gonl, strong sense ol SlorosloSlnho dairtlml ïnco2m«i n lomalo with similar Inlorosls Ad* 4087 mniour, honosl. slncoro, seeking lady ffi " y encounler., 1er sincere long loim rolallonslilp. ■ AU " 3775 DISCREET ENCOUNTER SINGLE DAD Singlo malo, 57", 150 lbs„ blown hair, s, good Gonlloman, 42, 6', dark hair, separated lTeolonc°olll,lo?s 0kl A n 3, a -i9on Pl0 '° r company ol ri down wllh chlldron & o dog, sell employed, u™rool oncounlois. Ad# 3908 " - on|oy music, dining & dancing, good try nfw tuinpq convoisallon, boating, camping, sooklng C i nn i„ V'vl 1 '."t. , lady, must love boating 8 klds.AU# 387S f^ 1 ," /u^^ning daylïmd oncounlors wllh oilier moles, 35-80. onloy collage, lishing, cnmplng, lamlly, mooting 8 being with onollior woman, onlmab. Ad# 3279 AD# 2184 To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Ext.88 cpfviwr tai i liai r MARRIAGE MINDED Qwn r'?h# lïir iVr n,ïî nnim im. Gonlloman, 31, 100 lbs., slncoro, kind, I 705 !! u 5 " onjoy long loinoiillc walks, movies, din- wnlLe k cnnld,'m C û,M mnPn nÿm 7 U' 11 " 05 ' IllU & UnilCllig, (|UlOl UVOIlllll Aniofr 00 ™ 0 IImale. 32-40. timos, sooklng Iho company o nux 4Iuj |o oarlli lady, good sonso ul humour & ATTRACTIVE FEMALE V0,y mn,lltl ° 0 " ll0 " 10 llllnl, l'b AUir 3987 SWF, ollrncllvo, bl-soxual, 27, 87", ICO lbs., sooklng P or coupla. AD# 2080 LET'S SHARE OUR DREAMS Goiillomnri, 29, handsomo, LIKE TO MEET NEW PEOPLE Ad# 3914 GOOD TIMES attraptivf a AFFFrnnNATr Concor - flood sonso of huniour.°SnîR Singlo while male, 32, O', modlym build, eu ATTRACTIVE AFFECTIONATE | in | r | mzo j oy03 on i oy tJ | n | nn short dark hoir, sooklng a lomalo, 25-40 Sll^nSX 01 ool'ng In Wl f 0 X"' n °, U att Single male,:35,175 lb,w„, bulll, Sl,0n °' " L " Stia^ l »S la " ,0,lto ' going, spontaneous. Ad# 3005 ««» CIOOl, Ad# 3047