Page 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, September 16,1998 BITS Am COUNTRYSIDE ADVENTURE -- Local farms, along with rural gardens and businesses will be opening opening their doors to the public this weekend. The Durham Countryside Adventure takes place September 19 and 20. The adventure offers 41 stops, including dairy farms, herb gardens, historic sites, country churches, apiaries and lots more. Best of all, you can create your own adventure by choosing which of the sites you want to tour. Passes arc available locally at the Clarington Tourism office, 181 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvillc. For information, call 623-3379. TOUR THE OLDER ADULT CENTRE -- This Saturday, September 19th, you're invited to an Open House at the newly renovated Lions Centre on Beech Avc., in Bowmanvillc. This building will be known as the Clarington Beech Centre and will serve as the headquarters headquarters for many programs for older adults. You can enjoy a taste of the many activities the centre will offer this year. The Open House runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. Memberships in the centre will be available. Saturday evening, September 19th, there will be a buffet dinner and dance to mark the opening of the centre. GIVE BLOOD -- The Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church in Bowmanvillc is the site of a Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic this afternoon and evening. Hours are from 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Red Cross reminds donors that blood is urgently needed. TERRY FOX RUN ON SUNDAY -- At nine a.m. Sunday, Clarington runners, in-line skaters, cyclists, joggers and walkers will be at the starting line for the annual Terry Fox Run. Participants in the 10 kilometre or one-kilometre runs can also start as early as eight a.m. The course starts and ends at Memorial Park Clubhouse. The Marathon of Hope has raised about $200 million in the past 18 years. Last year there were over a million participants across the country. LEGION WEEK BEGINS -- Thé public is welcome to partake of the Legion Week activities which will run from September 20th to September 25. Sunday's events include a pancake breakfast at nine a.m. and a steak barbecue from five p.m. to eight p.m. Special activities throughout the week include a cribbage tournament, Ladies Auxiliary luncheon, bingo, spaghetti dinner and karaoke evening which includes a meat roll. See the advertisement in the classifieds for further details. CONDOLENCES -- We have just learned that Douglas Lycett, of the well-known "We're In the Hayfield Now" daylily farm, died Tuesday, September 15th. He had retired from Goodyear Canada after 33 years. He was an amateur figure skater and breeder of standardbred horses for 25 years. Funeral arrangements are to be announced Also, Harry Wade, a prominent Newcastle resident who was very active in local political political and community activities, died on Monday. Funeral arrangements appear in the notices in this edition. Our condolences to their families. s Come join the Orono Merchants Annual Sidewalk and Craft Sale Sat., Sept. 19 & Sun., Sept. 20 in Downtown Orono Vendor spaces still available. Contact Darlene 983-9089 L A S T 1 L E G A L O s L O U S N A A R O M A w H A T S H O R T B R E A D N E H 1 H E W W O O S p E A R S H E R R P O o R L A D 1 E S G A N G S T E R A D A P T M 1 N E O H E E P O T S D E L T A H A R E i R E G O A L S M 1 N 1 S S E R P E N T S Y A N K E E A M E S D E P T F L A W S S 1 L L H E Y L E V 1 T A T T L E T A L E A N O N O R A T E 1 L U L L P O N G T E N O R c L A P Answers to Saturday's Clarinaton/Courtice Independent Crossword Puzzle Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that make up our community. Category 1 Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription at our offices after 11 a.m. Wednesday. You will bo given a card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman. Category 2 Subscribers within Canada Category 3 Subscribers outside of Canada Sub. G.S.T. Total per year $25 $1.75 $20.75 $30 $2.10 $32.10 $100 $7.00 $107.00 Subscription Order Form Name: Address:. Now Q or n Renewal LJ Postal Code:. . Iblcphono No.:. Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. VISA/MC Number: Expiry Date: ®lje Caiiiibinn Statetinan P.0. Box 190,62 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K9 Second Class Mall Permit No, 1561 Mural Project Seeks Sponsors by Lorraine Manfredo Staff Writer A second mural depicting historic downtown Bowmanvillc is getting plenty of attention on King Street. The 10 by 16-foot painting, painting, installed on the east wall of The Book Studio last week, shows a bustling street scene from the four corners intersection of Temperance and King Slrccl circa 1910. Dominating the painting are the old Ontario Bank and the red brick Post Office, two fine architectural examples which stood side but side directly in front of the where the mural now hangs. The landmarks were torn down in 1966 and 1971 respectively. An earlier mural showing the Glover livery business was put up earlier this summer summer on the Pam Tile building near Scugog Street. Driving the project is the fear that Bowmanville may be losing touch with its roots, said Keith Swan one of the project organizers at town council meeting on Monday night. "As wc approach the millennium, millennium, the town is expanding, expanding, and it is not only moving out from its core, but away from its heritage," lie said. Keith Swan and Kevin Anyan initiated the project and arc currently seeking sponsors for more murals downtown. They appeared before Clarington Council on September 14th to request financial support and seek permission to put one mural on the outdoor Town Hall staircase by the cenotaph or possibly the old fireball. All murals would celebrate celebrate the downtown's proud past. The project was fortunate to receive sponsorship from Wcbco, a local manufacturer of commercial and industrial lighting, overhead doors and cranes, for the latest mural. Mike Brcscc, Wcbco's general manager, told The Statesman that the company decided to pitch in financially "because Bowmanvillc is such a great spot and wc wanted to support the community." community." Earlier on Monday, artist Todd Trcmccr added the finishing finishing touches and his signature signature to the newest mural and watched as a sign telling the history of the buildings was installed as well. A unique feature about the Ontario Bank were apartments apartments on the upper two floors with bar and ballroom for entertainment purposes. Anyan said the murals arc a good way to generate an interest and pride in the downtown. "The response to them is truly unbelievable," he said. "The artist's rendering has such an impact. People stare at it for a long period of time, just like you would a piece of fine art." He credits the City of Oshawa for its downtown murals but says ours are better. better. "Ours arc fine art. Oshawa has more commercial art." Letters arc being sent lo service clubs, community organizations, and businesses asking for support. Sponsors may contribute a full $2,500 for the cost of a single mural or donate $600 for one of the four panels needed to make a complete mural. Councillors voted on Monday to reserve judgement on giving financial support or permitting a mural to be hung on any town building until staff have had a chance to review the matter and report back. Mayor Hantrc did say, however, that siic lias been advised by staff that it "may not be wise" to have a mural on municipal buildings, "because you get into the situation situation where you can't please everyone." She mentioned that the wrought iron fence around the cenotaph had been painted painted three times until it was finally decided to settle on dark green, which tied in with the trim on the building. The mural project organizers organizers have five tentative sites for future murals, all on privately-owned privately-owned buildings. They hope lo have 10 completed over the next two years. 'ALn -, 1 WwwwVw.eZIrS? 1 m ' ' New Mural In Town A plan to install a series of murals celebrating celebrating historic downtown Bowmanville recently recently got a boost from Webco, a local manufacturer manufacturer and seller of cranes and hoists. Webco provided funds for the creation of a mural depicting a scene at the four comers circa 1910. Webco owners Alan and Dave Webb (at left) and general manager Mike Bresee (far right) joined mural project organizers Keith Swan and Kevin Anyan (centre) and artist Todd Tremeer (holding paint) to hang a printed sign noting some fascinating fascinating facts about the old Ontario Bank and the old Post Office. Both are seen in the artwork. ^eldmtma 50 yewJ Connie and "Slim" Graham HL September 11, 1998 With love pom the family! Watson Farms 0 Harvest Happenings Pick Your Own or Ready Picked Macintosh or Spartan SATURDAY. SF.PTF.MBER 19TH Don't forget to visit us during the Durham Countryside Adventure • Remote Car & Truck Demonstration SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 20TH Hosting the Bowmanville Hospital FUN FAIR - Fun for Everyone! • Pumpkin Hunt • Fish Pond • Bean Bag Toss • Sucker Pull • Fire Department Safety House • Sonshine the Clown • BBQ • Wagon Rides • Petting Zoo and much more! SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 27TH Harvest Happenings in support of Bethesda House ^VISÏT OUÏR FAKM^MARKiT • Sweet Corn • Tomatoes • Apples MARKET HOURS U-PICK HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily SMALL TREES • NO LADDERS CROP REPORT MARKET (905) 623-7252 (905) 623-9109 QUALITY FARM FRESH PRODUCE GfponTarms 2287 Hwy. 2 (just west of Bowmanville) RadioShack Firearms Owners Set To Protest From page 1 regulations as being a sufficient sufficient control on firearms in Canada. For example, through firearms acquisitions acquisitions certificates, there is already a record of citizens citizens who have purchased long guns, while handguns handguns have been registered since 1928. "Wc have some of the toughest legislation in the world in order lo purchase a long gun in this country," country," says Jung. He believes opposition from the public might convince federal politicians politicians to change their minds. At a meeting in Port Perry September 2, close to 300 citizens turned out to express their opposition. opposition. "A lot of politicians arc starting to look at things from a different point of view," Jung observed. He adds that most loeal gun clubs and ranges are sending buses to Ottawa, hut gun owners who aren't part of a federation or club can board a bus in Oshawa. 6-rj.txy electronics | PLUS RadioShack DEALER is proud to announce their GRAND RE-OPENING in the new Clarington Centre Hwy. 2, Bowmanville 697-0310 RadioShack k Celebrate with Incredible Savings! Thursday September IZ - Saturday September 16 You are invited to drop by and enjoy coffee and donuts with us! We are your One Stop Shop for Office Supplies, RadioShack Computers & Accessories! Panasonic GoldStar Hobbycraft Models Technics Sanyo »)Xx HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p, Sunday 12 noon• p.m. m. \v\ i