Page 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 16,1998 Annual Fair was a Big Success by Isabelle Challice Durham Central Fair 1998 was a huge success, with perfect fair weather, and overall attendance up in most areas. The Demolition Derby offered a jam-packed crowd. Sunday's Tractor Pull provided a real blast of noise, but even at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon, the grandstand was full. Congratulations to all hardworking members and executives! Quote - "Authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe, without an edge, fitter to bruise than polish." Well dear folks, another "Durham Central Fair" is over and really excellent weather, very little rain and really quite warm. Orono News Mr. and Grucnvcld, Minn., were Mrs. James St. Cloud, visitors this past week with her sister Mrs. Inez Harris, Church St. and also her daughter Evelyn, from Mcaford. A really surprise visitor at Friday Night's fair, dressed in black leather and rhinestone jumpsuit, none other than a real live "Elvis Presley" impersonator. impersonator. More news about him later! The music was thrilling to the large crowd. Watch for further news! He's really coming to Orono November 15! Company all week at the Challices - Mrs. Nancy Kelly and girls, Osliawa, Wednesday; Mrs. Marie Reuben, and Mrs. Dale Fcrricr, Peterborough and Mrs. Deanna Harnter, Oshawa, all on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown, Peterborough, Saturday; Denise, Corey and Amanda, and Glenn, Peterborough, weekend guests at the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bales are entertaining her sister and hubby from England this week and the couples' plans fell apart, re Air Canada's strike! New stores arc opening in Orono September 15. They include T.V., music, gifts, etc. Watch for grand opening! Lob Ball Tournament Weekend by Harvey Yellowlees "Don't try to sweep someone else's porch until your own is clean." "There's nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting." Fall is coming. Not much corn is harvested yet, but the soybeans are turning colour fast. Cards at Hampton had 10 tables and a good time was enjoyed. Results were: High - Ace Richards 90, Muriel Butson 86, Hilda Caswell 84, Agnes Schofield 81, Marg Hall 80. Low - Meta Swain. Most lone hands - Martha Clarke. Special no. June Marchant. There were two skunks. Bernice Moffat and Ruby Trewin had trouble trouble keeping them in control. control. Lucky draws - June Wilson, Vera Downey, Agnes Schofield, Edgar Millson, and Win Brown. Lunch was served by the committee. Come again. Cards at Solina Hall will start again this Friday, September 18. Some very active ball games were played by the men this past week, leading leading up to the tournament son Saturday and Sunday. 7The weather was perfect for both players and spectators. spectators. Saturday saw some excellent games and both days had a super job done by the umpires. The results of the Country Men's Lob Solina News Ball League Playoffs were: A champs Henry's Deli (runner-up Solina Combines). B champs Hampton Cowboys (runner-up (runner-up Solina Nailers). C champs Courlice (runner- up Enniskillen Pine Ridge). . D champs Hampton Restaurant (runner-up (runner-up Solina Computes). Good games men. We'll see you next year. Many from the community community enjoyed Orono Fair on the weekend - the different exhibits and displays. The 4-H members did well showing their animals and other projects. Our sympathy to Brad Hinchey and his family on the passing of his sister. Valerie Kauffcldt of Plano, Texas is spending some time with her parents Don and Joyce Taylor while her husband Hal is away on a business trip. Fred and Bernice Watson were in Peterborough on Sunday for a barbecue with granddaughter Carissa and her husband. George and Helen Gilroy, Oshawa were Saturday callers at the Harvey Yellowlees. Sunday service at Eldad - Greeter was Dorothy Snowden. Lay reader was Church Choir Seeks More Voices Enniskillen News by Betty Wright The Enniskillen Stewards have completed their chocolate fund-raiser. Thank you to all those who sold and bought the chocolates. Returning soon: Afternoon Bible Study is Tuesdays from 1:30-3:00 p.m. at Enniskillen Church. Take A Break is Monday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Enniskillen Church. Evening Bible Study is back, resuming on Wednesday, September 23, 7:00-9:00 p.m. (unless someone has a better plan!) at Tyrone Church. For any and all church bookings, please be sure to contact the church. For Enniskillen Church please call Ruth McGill at 263- 2135. Children of all ages arc welcome to worship with us for the whole church service or to join in the Sunday School programme programme after the theme story in the service. Our Sunday School's have completed programmes for children of all ages and we also provide a nursery for the very young among us. Children arc welcome to join the nursery before or during the service. At Enniskillen our Sunday School superintendent is Newtonville Card Results On Friday evening, September 11, there were 48 card players at Newtonville Hall, Winners of the euchre games were: 1st Velma Clark with 90 points, 2nd Jean O'Neill 85, 3rd Lil Bolderstone 84,4th Doris .loll 81,5th Cleo Dey 80, 6lh Lyle McMahon 77. Draws were won by Doug McGimpsey, Ron Burley, Hilda Caswell, Loretta OTIalloran, Frances Cntheart, Lena Graham and June Wilson. Next card game at Newtonville will he held on September 25, Mary Millson. The choir sang "Everything You've Got". Reverend Munro's message was "Found by a Caring God". The George Knox Memorial Fund Award was presented by his daughter, Marilyn Morawctz to Ben Millson. Ben was supported at the service by all his family and expressed his thanks for this help. 7 Ben is presently attending attending Kemptville Agricultural College. Service closed with "Come let us sing" and the choral benediction "Go Now and Pass It On". Come out next Sunday for the Sunday School. A Promotion Service will be held. Our two parades, one on Thursday night really classy! Also the school parade on Friday afternoon. afternoon. Parades always bring a festive feel to warm everyone up for the "big fair". Orono United Church News Fashion Show: St. Mark's United church, 201 Centre Street, Whitby. Wednesday, September 23, 7:30 p.m. Fashions from Sears. Gourmet dessert and coffee are included. Tickets: $8. available from church office, 668-3091. Fashions & Dessert: Faith United Church at Ebenezer United Church, Tuesday, September 29, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $7. Contact Kathleen Littlewood: 432-6994. Tai Chi/Qigong Classes: The intermediate class continues on Tuesday, September 15, 7:15 p.m. A new beginner's beginner's class continues on Thursday, September 17,9 a.m., lower level, Orono United Church, $5.00 per session. For more information information call Pat Lycett at 983- 9475. Blood Donor Clinic: Wednesday, September 16, 12:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, 130 Scugog St. (at Jackman). The 50+ Movin' & Groovin' Line Dancing begins its fall classes on Tuesday, September 15, 11 a.m. - 12 noon. To register call Community Care at 623-2261 or at thé first class. To be held at Orono Church. Cookbooks: Kirby is selling copies of "Let's Break Bread" and "Country Cooking". The cost is $15.00. If you would like a copy please call Marlene at 983-5500. Men's Breakfast: The fall session begins on Saturday, September 26, 8:30 a.m. at the Dutch Oven Restaurant. For more information call Reverend Mervyn Russell at 983- 5502. Upcoming Services: Sunday, September 20 - Sunday School begins during during regular services - Kirby 9:30 a.m., Orono 11 a.m. followed by a barbecue barbecue hosted by the Trustees. Sunday, September 27 - Orono service at 9:30 a.m. Kirby Anniversary Service at 11 a.m. Guest speaker: Reverend Don Stiles. Lunch follows. Donations of sandwiches and squares/cookies would be appreciated. Kerygma Bible Study begins September 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Small Committee Room, Orono Church. The study books are here. Gate #316 is urgently in need of bedding, blankets, sleeping bags, warm winter winter clothing for men and women. Please leave your donations in the Supply Room #5, Lower C.E. Hall, Orono Church. The Green Monster Stephen and Victoria Haines stand beside a giant castor bean plant at their parents' cast Bowmanville home. Their father, Stuart Haines, planted one bean which he bought this spring and started indoors last May. It now measures more than 11 feet and has been growing almost an inch a day, Mr. Haines says. He adds the first frost will knock the plant down, as it is a poisonous, subtropical variety. 4-H Horse Club Visits Research Centre The fourth meeting of the Durham East Horse Club was held on August 10, 1998 at the Equine Research Centre in Guelph. Our tour started in the Library at the Centre which is open to the public. We learned about the insemination insemination process, the horse treadmills, treadmills, the ongoing research at the facility and we toured the labs. We thanked our speaker. Following lunch we toured the campus of the University of Guelph, led by our leaders, Karen Barkey and Kathleen Dewell. Our meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. The fifth meeting of the Durham East Horse Club was held on August 18, 1998 at the home of Karen Barkey. At 7:30 p.m. we recited the 4-H pledge. Roll call was "Name one thing you learned in this club." Our senior members Summer Holmes, Somcr Vcrhocven and Liz Millson made a presentation on the foaling process. Following some questions we watched a video about the birth of a foal. Refreshments were served and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Jennifer Kroft Diane McGill and she will be happy to answer any questions. The Enniskillen Choir is looking for some voices. Practice is on Thursday evenings. If you arc interested, interested, please speak with Ray Ashton. Tyrone Farmer's Market will be held on Saturday, September 19, from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. as part of the Durham Countryside Adventure Adventure. Come on out, pick up some pickles and show your support. They arc still in need of produce, produce, preserves and crafts. All items can be dropped off at the Church on Friday, September 18, between 6-9 p.m. or Saturday at 8 a.m. There will be a tour of the church on Sunday and lots of singing. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ax ford, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sanderson, Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanderson, Brooklin attended the Stephens-Spry wedding in Rochester, New York on September 12. Alter the wedding they stayed at Mr. and Mrs. Glen Spry's Bed and Breakfast at Oswego, New York.