Page 10 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, September 19,1998 WINGING IT -- Delicious chicken wings helped thé 19£>8 United Way Campaign take flight at the General Sikorski Hall last week. Here; Sylvia Beaudry and Sandy Mowers, of the Don Cherry's staff, serve United Way President Faye McFarlane during the kick-off to the fall campaign. About a dozen Oshawa; Whitby and Clarington restaurants served up their best wings at the United Way kick-off for campaign volunteers September 10th. The goal this year is $3 million. Pumpkin Hunt Helps Hospital The Association of Hospital Volunteers Bowmanvillc and Watson Farms arc teaming up once again this year to host the Second Annual Great Pumpkin Hunt and Fun Fair to raise money for equipment at Lakcridgc Health Bowmanvillc (formerly Memorial Hospital Bowmanvillc). This year's event is Sunday, September 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It's an entire day of fun and activities activities for the whole family including face painting, a petting zoo, fish pond, jumping jumping castle, pick-your-own- apples, wagon rides, basketball basketball throw, mini-putt, plus refreshments and fresh popcorn. popcorn. The Durham Region Fire Department and the Durham Regional Police will also be on hand with displays and information. Kaye and Bob Ellies of Bowmanvillc, volunteer co- convenors, arc organizing the event and Ted Watson, owner of Watson Farms, is generously generously donating his farm for the day's activities. Last Bus Tour Etiquette If you take a tour package package to almost any part of the world, there is a good chance that you are going to be spending a fair amount of time on board a bus. In addition to the driver, driver, there will more than likely be a tour director, possibly a walk-on guide and up to 50 passengers. This many people in a confined confined area require certain rules in order to not only enjoy the tour, but just to survive it. Do not wear perfume perfume or cologne. If you don't want to get stuck beside "stink/' it means that you can't wear the stuff yourself. Before boarding, your tour director should outline outline expected behaviour for everyone in the group. These may also include special requests from the bus driver who may speak to you directly. Here are a few pointers that can make your trip more enjoyable. Listen to and obey the bus driver's rules. These might include no eating on the bus or not using the washroom on board except for emergencies. Making friends with your bus driver driver can get you a number of extras on your trip. It is common for the tour director director and bus driver to collaborate collaborate on the best route to take, the best place to stop to cat and how far a driver will go out of their way to do something nice for the group. If you upset your driver, you arc going to be missing out on a lot of these extras. Listen to and obey your tour leader or director. Evcrytimc the bus stops, there should be instructions instructions given to the group. Sit and listen to them, they are important. The most important thing they will tell you is what time to meet back with the group and where. DO NOT BE LATE! There arc many other people on the trip who managed to be back on time, don't hold them up. II it is a stop to get something to cat and shop, cat first and use whatever time you have left to shop. I was leading a bus lour in Austria when we were delayed for 45 minutes, Three people tried to gel lunch in a crowded restaurant restaurant with only a half an hour left in the slop. The service was slow and they were delayed. They wanted wanted to hlatne the waiter. I blamed them. The same applies for getting on the Inis each morning, Your tour director director will probably leave an itinerary posted in the lobby of your hotel. Check what time you board the bus in the morning and be there early. Once, while leading a tour to New York City, I had a group of four in one hotel room that slept in. It took close to an hour to get them up and ready to get on the bus. Not only did this make everyone already on the bus angry, but we missed our appointment at the U.N. and this cost us money since it was prepaid with no refund. Do not wear perfume or cologne on the bus. Whenever I lead a group, I ask that no one puts on any added scents. Imagine having to sit next to a man on a bus for six to eight hours when his cologne is giving you a first class headache or making you sick to your stomach. You didn't pay all that money to become ill, you want to enjoy your holiday. So if you don't want to get stuck beside 'stinky' it means that you can't wear the stuff yourself. The same goes for applying nail polish polish or hairspray, don't do it on or just before you get on the bus. Everytime you get off the bus, pick up the garbage around your seat. The Traveller Women Artists Form New Group The IRIS Group is a recently-formed group of women artists and writers whose aim is to raise the levels of access for women in the arts. Members are located in Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Cobourg and Peterborough, and meet to develop projects which further further the overall intentions of the group. The IRIS Show is the first public exhibition by the group, although many of its members are well-known artists in the area. Works include individual pieces plus a collaborative project entitled copperquilt, consisting of several copper panels joined in a quilt formation. This work hangs across the second floor balcony at the entrance to the Atrium (Durham Board of Education Administration Office), offering a stunning invitation for viewers to peruse the exhibition. Works arc installed in the second floor corridor and in the Atrium itself, and will be on view until September 25. year's event drew more than 3,000 people and raised $1,500 for hospital equipment. equipment. Watson Farms is located at 2287 Highway 2 West, across from the Clarington Driving Range, just outside Bowmanvillc. Lakeridge Health Bowmanvillc is one of the sites of Lakcridgc Health Corporation. Lakeridge Health Corporation consists of five hospital sites in Bowmanvillc, Oshawa, Port Perry, Uxbridge, and Whitby. Lakeridge Health Corporation's vision is to work with our health partners to promote health and deliver excellence in care to more than 500,000 people in our rural and urban communities. The talents of over 3,500 staff and physicians arc combining combining to realize this vision' by using their expertise, energy and commitment to putting patients first. Lakeridge Health Corporation has an operating budget of $150 million and is developing the Durham Regional Cancer Centre, to open in 2001. Lakcridgc Health Corporation is one of the largest community hospitals hospitals in Ontario. **•**■»# llllEPLEX ODEON momm Clarington Place Cinemas hwy -2 & *57 ; BOWMAN VILLE (905) 697-0308 CINESAVE TUESDAYS ONLY ALL SHOWS ✓ PRESENTED IN DIGITAL SOUND NIW PRICING POLICY - CHIU), YOUTH 17 & UNDER, SENIOR, TOES DAYS i MATINEES $4.25 Buy gas at participating Esso stations, and get a coupon worth $2,00 oft at the mcMes", with your ESSO EXTRA CARD and a 25 L fHI. Ask for details. CMWXOMOM •Some restrictions apply. While supplies last Coupon opires December 10,1998. SH0WTIMES FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 TO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 ✓SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (AA) Fri-Thurs; 8:00 SatSunMat: 1:00,4:25 ✓EVER AFTER (PG) FrKThure: 6:55,9:25 Sat/Sun Mat: 1:20,3:55 ✓54 (AA) Fri-Thurs: 7:45,9:55 ✓BLADE (R) Fri-Thurs: 7:15,9:45 SaVSunMat: 1:50,4:20 ✓ RUSH HOUR (AA) (twoscreens) Fri-Tburs: 7:00,7:40,9:10,9:50 Sat/Sun Mat: 12:55,1:35,3:00,4:10,5:00 AIR BUD 2X GOLDEN RECEIVER (F) SaVSunMat: 12:40,2:45,4:45 •SSty' 1 fsomeNnnql W'SKv*» {jDiiggggggj u The driver usually puts a garbage bag at the front and the rear of the bus for passengers to use. This little little effort can have some big payoffs in driver attitude. attitude. So, listen to the people running your trip. Don't be late. Avoid wearing perfumed perfumed products. And, pick up after yourself. Whether' you are going on a day trip or a month long tour, if your group can follow these simple instructions, you are going to have an amazing time. Happy travels. Men seeking... Women seeking... SHARING HOPES A DREAMS Single lomalo, loving, eating, willing to share hot Ilia, onjoy motor cycles, going to Iho boach, dancing, qulol umos. Booking a malo, 38-45, honest, sincere, likes lo cuddle S laugh. AOH4210 BIG & HUSKY Single lomalo, 57", brown hair & eyas, easy going, enjoy animals. Seeking n big & husky mole, G't, Ihol enjoys lilo & outdooracllvillos. AOI4291 SEEKING ROMANCE Single lomalo. polllo, professional, blonde, romnnllc, prolly, III, enjoy antiques, old cors, weight lilting, Iravol- ling, dancing, seeking o male who is charming & easy going. Ad» 4000 Questions?? 416-236-6644 STARTING OVER Single divorcod lomalo, 34, Bowmanvillc area, 5'3", 150 lbs., very shy, enjoy many outdoor acllvillos, looking lor gon- lloman with similar Intorosts. Ad# 4041 SPICE TO MY LIFE Slnglo lomalo, alloctlonalo, looking lor somoono lo bring splco into my lllo, seeking a malo, tall, good build, caring, honosl, good sonso ol humour, who enjoys dancing, music, camping & children. children. Ad# 3916 LIKE FISHING Slnglo lomalo, 37, 5'5", 150 lbs., going lo collogo, also work port llino, onjoy tishlng, canoeing, sooklng a malo who Is smeoro, romantic, lun loving, sonsual & nonsmokor. Ad# 3740 WHAT'S INSIDE THAT COUNTS Slnglo whilo lomalo, divorcod, 33, smoker, smoker, light brown hair, brown oyos, lull figured, figured, sooklng slnglo whilo malo, 32-40, must bo financially socuro liko mysoll, onjoy collogo, llshing, camping, family, animals. Ad# 3270 To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Ext.88 NEW TO AREA Whilo lomalo, Irom Toronto, finding it hard to got lo know people hero. Looking to meet guys or girls for friendship friendship only. ADN 3072 GREAT SHAPE ...r. Divorced malo, 34, attractive, blond hair, OPEN-MINDED AND ATTRACTIVE bluo oyos, In great shape. Seeking a Opon-mmdod, easy-going couplo, very S |j mi attractive female, 25-40, to spend attractive, slim and healthy, sooklng SO mo good clean lun time together, open-minded, casual, attractive malo ad#4413 who likes to have fun. AD* 3140 VERY EASY GOING . FRIENDSHIP FIRST Single white mate, 19, green eyes, short Singlo wh to lomalo, 42, 5 9, hazel dark hair, very open minded. Seeking a oyos, charismatic, romantic, Christian f^dy lor possible relationship, ago & values, family time very important, onjoy rac £ ar0 no , important. AD/14327 outdoor activities, walks, cycling, camping, camping, movies, candle light dinners, looking MUSCULAR BUILD for friendship lirst. Ad// 2917 Singlo white malo, 32, attractive, slim, . .rtn.AT.ur muscular, respectful, easy to got along Ol , CO ufIDENT & ATTRACT!IVE _ with, onjoy lilo to the fullest, onjoy the Singlo white tomato, silly, un lovihg girl, outdoors, seeking a female who enjoys divorced, 2 children, looking lor some- |j( 0 voluptuous & likes lo have fun. one lunny, tall, easy going, attractive, Ad//4182 sell sufficient malo. Ad/# 2539 „ nr ., T( , pll((r lri DISCREET ENCOUNTERS .. , GRE A T SENSE OF HUMOUR Slnglo white malo, blonde hair, bluo Slnglo whilo lomalo, 32, singlo mom, oyo 5| good looking, single dad ol 1 short, culo , sooking tall handsome man child, employed, honosl, caring, seeking who loves kids & has a wild side, smok- | a( jy, fj|, attractive for discreet oncoun- or, ocasslonal drmkor, II you want to got ( 0rs Ad/# 4192 together for a cup ol colloo leave a message. message. Ad# 2G2G SMOKER PREFERRED • nnicT rince Gentleman, sooking the company ol n , ... uuiti iiMtb young, swoot, sexy, attractive, open Singlo whilo lomalo, queen size, 2 chll* mlrtdod lady, for those special romantic dron 37, sooklng male for quiet limes, umos, Irom Iho Oshawa/Bowmanvlllo employed, onjoy outdoors, family Ido. It nroa . A d* 4204 this sounds like you call mo. Ad# 2290 UAUC LET'S DO IT TOGETHER -, , ... , HA y E r,-7. , Single malo, 5'10", green oyos, well kept Slnglo while female, 5 7 , 150 lbs., seek- goatoo, handsome, enjoy swimming, ing bisexual females to go out & have fboglng, animals, children, sooklng a lun. Ad# 2413 slim, healthy, lit female, 25-35, non- LONG DRIVES smoker, a little on the wild sldo.Ad#4115 Slnglo while lomalo, 5'4\ 120 lbs., ENJOY LIFE blonde hair, onjoy rollerskating, walking single malo, 34, 6', 100 lbs., attractive, along the bench, long dnvos, eating oui, onorgotlc, easy to got along with, dancing, sooklng honest & kind malo. rospoctlul, clean shaven, muscular ™# 2310 build, onjoy outdoor activities, sooklng a tomato who onjoys lilo. Ad# 4141 SEEKING SPECIAL PRINCE ' SWF, 30, S'3-,135 lbs., onjoy dancing, INCURABLE ROMANTIC pool, movies, sooklng spoclnl prince, Gonlloman, 40, slnglo, 57", slim, shy, slncoro, romantic, 30-40, tall & confidant, honosl, kind, gonorous, romantic, pas- Ad# 2254 slonalo, liko lo Iravol, dining & dancing, sooklng a Indy, slim, nllrncllvo, vory „„ „ , GOOD TIMES lomlnlno, ago not Important. Ad# 4157 SWF, looking lor Irlond, somoono lor good Umos & bad. AD# 2170 GOOD TIMES „ Slnglo malo, 37, GT, brown hair, bluo CURIOUS FEMALE oyos, well buill, In good slmpo, onjoy oil SWF, married, 2 children, curious In pointing, dancing, boss llshing, sooklng mooting & bolng wild onollior woman. „ | oma lo with similar Intorosts.Ad# 4007 AD#2104 MARRIAGE MINDED SEEKING TALL MALE Gonlloman, 31, I GO lbs., slncoro, kind, SWF, 5T, hr, hair, hr. oyos, enjoy llsli- on i 0 y | 0 ng romnnllc walks, movlos, (lining, (lining, skating, enmpinn, hockey games, | ng & dancing, qulol overlings, good walks, Booking loll malo, 32-40. Umos, sooklng Iho company ol n down AD# 2155 |o omlh Indy, good sonso ol humour A ATTRACTIVE FEMALE V0,y " mr ' ln0 ° A " 0n, ° " llmMAdW 3907 SWF, nllrnclivo, bl-soxunl, 27, 57", 1G0 LET'S SHARE OUR DREAMS lbs., sooklng F or couplo. ADI 2000 Gonllomnn, 29, hnndsomo, outgoing Cnncor, good sonso ol humour, dark ATTRACTIVE A AFFECTIONATE | in ir, hnzul oyos, onjoy Iravol, dining, SWF, 30, slnglo molhor, 5 G , olliocllvo, dancing, outdoor acllvillos, vory nlhlollc, To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 nllocllonnto, onsy going, Inlolllgonl, cooking'n Indy (Gomlnl with passion lor sookln^nllactlonalo, strong, honosl i mV ol A ndvonluro. Ad# 3090 malo. I 1000 SPICE OF LIFE Slnglo whilo malo, hnndsomo, onorgotlc, onorgotlc, blondo, muscular build, clean shavon, liko lo onjoy lilo, sooklng Iho company ol lull ligurod ladles who also onjoys lilo. Ad# 4009 DISCREET ENCOUNTERS Gonlloman, 22, 5'10", 190 lbs., brown hair, hazol oyos, sooking ladlos lor dis- crool oncounlors & lun limos. Ad# 3072 GOOD FRIENDS Unhappily mnrrlod malo, 25, 5'G", long brown hair, brown oyos, onjoy long romantic walks, cooking, romantic momonls, sooklng unhappily married lady lor special momonls. Ad# 3876 BOATING MATE Sopnrnlod malo, 42, dork hoir, soil omployod, onjoy dining, dnndng, outdoor outdoor acllvillos, booling, soaking lady, honosl, lull ol lllo, financially socuro, emotionally socuro, lovo kids, dogs & boating. Ad# 3801 COUNTRY LIFE Gonlloman, 5'10", 170 lbs., dark brown hair, brown oyos, honosl, slncoro, spontaneous, spontaneous, onjoy lonnls, baseball, all outdoor outdoor activities, painting, movlos, looking lor atlrocllvo lady lo slmro lilo In Iho country with. Ad# 3093 FAMILY MAN Gonlloman, 170 lbs., 5'10", clean cut, slnglo dad, dark hair, hazol oyos, lit, liko sports, outdoor acllvillos, summor & wlntor, movlos, pot lovor, long walks, onlay nil nspocls ol family lilo, sooklng lady wllh strong sonso ol family values. Ad# 3031 REAL LOVE Slnglo dad, high school tonclmr, medium medium build, Inlolllgonl, strong sonso ol humour, honosl, slncoro, sooklng Indy lor slncoro long lorm rololionship. Ad# 3775 SINGLE DAD Gonllomnn, 42, O', dnik hair, sopnrnlod wllh children A a dog, sail omployod, onjoy music, dining A dancing, good conversation, booling, camping, sooklng Indy, must lovo boating A klds.Ad# 3075 LIKE TO MEET NEW PEOPLE Slnglo whilo malo, 32, O', medium build, short dark hoir, sooklng n lomalo, 25-40 who onjoys outdoors, long walks, car shows, movlos & dancing, A Is onsy going, sponlnnoous. Ad# 3U05 Alternative lifestyles.. DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Slnglo while malo, 38, S'G", 1701bs, Irom Iho Bowmanvillo area, Sooklng a malo, ago not Important lor discrete oncounlors. AD#4389 FULLY FEATURED Slnglo malo, sooklng a transsexual wllh lull foaluros lor dayllmo encounters, encounters, discretion oxpoclod A assured. ADM4415 OPEN MINDED Allrocllvo couplo, lato 20's, Independent, Independent, open mlndod, easy going, vory socuro. Sooklng a bl-curlous mala In Ills 20's lor lun A ndvonluro. ADM43I2 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP Slnglo molo, 5'9", 165 lbs., groon oyos, hnndsomo, wall built, work out dolly, onjoy sporis, bowling, cooking, drlvo In Ihoolros, sooklng o sho-molo who Is woll lonod, lit, trim, trustworthy, lun loving, slncoro. Ad# 4234 DURHAM REGION Whilo bl-mnlo, 35, GT, blondo hair, bluo oyos, sooklng oilier bl-mnlos lor casual got logolhor. Ad# 4100 JUST HAVING FUN Slnglo lomalo. 120 lbs, nllrncllvo, bl- curlous, blondlsh brown hair down lo waist, bluo oyos, onjoy working oui, dancing, walking, going lo bars A just having lun, sooklng n lomalo or lomnlos lo oxploro lliolr bl-curlous sldos. Ad# 41GG OPEN MINDED Attached malo, 30, professional, Booking Booking an opon mlndod nllrncllvo couplo Inloroslod In hoi doyllmo oncounlors. Ad#4133 DISCREET ENCOUNTER Slnglo rnnlo, 57", 150 lbs., brown hnlr, clonn shavon, soaking n couplo lor dlscrool oncounlors, Au# 3900 TRY NEW THINGS Slnglo mnlo, 19, brown hnlr & oyos, looking lor lun, oxclllng dnytlmo oncounlors wllh olhor rnnlos, 35-GO. Ad#3914 GOOD TIMES Slnglo mnlo, 35, 175 IDs., woll built, sooklng olhor rnnlos or couplos lor lun Hums, any ago or rnco, must bo dis- crool, Ad# 3047