Z The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, September 19, 1998 Page 3 ®fje Clarington 2lnbepenbent Sïje Courtice Snbepenbent Produced weekly by James Publishing Company Limited Publishers of The Canadien Statesman P.O. Box 190,62 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K9 P.O. Box 2000,1712 Baseline West, Courtice, Ontario L1C 2S8 905-623-3303 Fax: 905-623-6161 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Inlernet-statesman@ocna.org w CONTROLLED For 144 Years, Our First Concern Has Been Our Community Publisher - John M. James Assoc. Publisher - Rick James Plant Manager - Rick Patterson Ad. Manager - Brian G. Purdy Editor - Peter Parrott Production Supervisor - Ralph Rozema, Suzanne Bennett, Tim Bowers, Kevin Britton, Sharon Cole, Laurens Kaldeway, Barb Patterson, Sean Pickard, Tyler Sellick, Jim Snoek, James Stephenson, Vance Sutherland, Jim Tuuramo Advertising Editorial Laverne Morrison Brad Kelly, Lorraine Manfredo, Jennifer Stone Office Supervisor - Angela Luscher, Junia Hodge, Grace McGregor, Nancy Pleasance-Sturman, Marilyn Rutherford, Libby Smithson Rules of the Road SAFETY FIRST - The team of Bus Patrollers at Ontario Street Public School gather gather around driver Ted Boricic's bus. They are joined by (in background from right) Const. Doug McFeetcrs, Const. Jim Rutherford, and Community Services Officer, Const. Paul Hawrychuk, all of Durham Regional Police. The police will be keeping an eye on drivers who don't stop for school buses. Not stopping for a school bus could mean a big fine for drivers. According to the Ontario School Bus Association News, "drivers passing a school bus with its stop arm out and overhead overhead red lights flashing will face fines doubled to between $400 and $2,000 for a first offence. Repeat offenders (face fines) in the range of $ 1,000 to $4,000. At six demerit points, the only offence to exact a more severe penalty is failing failing to remain at an accident scene. Offenders may also face up to six months in jail." Rules for drivers around school buses and schools are set out in the province's Highway Traffic Act. The law says drivers meeting a stopped school bus, with overhead red signal signal lights flashing and stop arm out, must stop before reaching the bus. Drivers must remain stopped until the bus moves or the overhead overhead red lights have stopped flashing. Cars approaching a stopped school bus from behind must halt at least 20 metres before reaching the bus and not proceed until the biis moves or the overhead overhead red signal lights have of the crossing when a crossing guard is displaying displaying the school crossing stop sign. stopped flashing. The law also applies to drivers approaching crossing crossing guards. Drivers arc required to stop in advance Crackdown on Ignoring Bus Signals From page 1 driver, along with a licence plate number, they can notify notify Durham Regional Police. Offenders may receive notice by mail, and repeat offenders may even receive a visit from a police officer, who will issue the warning. As a former bus driver, the concerns Carroll hears from other drivers don't surprise her at all. "I used to see it every day when I was driving," she says, adding there have even been instances of cars running running into the back of buses while the bus, with lights flashing, was stopped at a railroad crossing. "They just get thinking about other things and don't pay attention," says the safety officer. Rotarians Welcome District Governor Bowmanville Rotarians heard from the Governor of Rotary District 7070 at a recent meeting. ! Nick Baker is a Rotary Club member and a dentist in Whitby i He spoke to Rotarians here about his dreams for the club, including successful successful recruitment of new members and keeping the club involved in good works for community and abroad. He complimented the ❖ Cancer Insurance ❖ ❖ Heart Attack Insurance ❖ ❖ Stroke Insurance ❖ REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS LTD. Call 623-1936 Bowmanville Club on its past service. "This year you'll be celebrating your 75th anniversary. What a legacy of service you've gathered over those 75 years!" he said. "You should all be extremely proud. As we are poised for the millennium millennium change this year, I think it is a good time this year to reflect back on those successes and also those of Rotary International." It is only by looking back with pride that we can prepare for the future, he added. Having visited most of the clubs in District 7070 last fall, Baker observed that successful clubs have three things in common: humour, (provided by club comedians), interesting and varied speakers at weekly meetings, and lots of partner and family events planned throughout the year. , Rotary has over 1.2 million members worldwide. worldwide. Rotary International Nick Baker projects have helped sick, suffering and illiterate peoples around the world. Baker says every individual individual club is essential to achieving Rotary goals. "I'd like all of you to feel like I do, part of our big Rotary tree. I'd like you to feel that you are close to the District and to Rotary International, and that you, by your contribution contribution and commitment and enthusiasm, can nurture and strengthen our tree." Upcoming Events DURHAM COUNTRYSIDE ADVENTURE -- A rural open house and harvest celebration in beautiful Durham Region, September 19 and 20. The two-day self guided tour includes over 40 different and unique sites. These sites are nestled within a farm landscape and offer educational and entertaining experiences. The tour takes place in the Township of Scugog and the Municipality of Clarington and sites are open from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. each day. For information you can call the Adventure Line at 1- 800-416-2057. For the student in your life! Remember PERSONALIZED school ring Hooper's Jewellers "Your Family 39 King St. W. Jewellers Since 1945" 623-5747 Bowmanville ANXIETY & PANIC Six years ago, Mike Glugosh was a hostage to his own (ears and depression. Constantly worried about his health and his own state ol mind, he found himself wanting to avoid situations that made him feel anxious such as being alone, going to work and socializing. In time Mike realized he was not alone in his suffering. Anxiety disorder Is the number one emotional problem In our country today. Mike will share the story ol Ills recovery and provide coping skills at a seminar open to the public In your area. Symptoms ol anxiety, panic and depression Include: honrt palpitations, chost pains, dizziness, stomach problems, bewildered & spacod out toolings, contusion, shortness ol breath, scary thoughts, trembling or shaking and nervous or panicky toolings, fooling helpless and hopeless, loss ot appetite, excessively tired, and easily prone go guilt. Generally poople' loar what Mike calls "losing control", having a heart attack, embarrassing themselves, or losing their minds. The Midwest Centre For Stress and Anxiety, with whom Mike works, has done stress and anxiety seminars lor companies such as Chrysler, AT&T, and McDonald's. They have also been featured on OPRAH, REGIS and KATHY LEE and many other well known programs. II you cannot attend, please call 1-800-318-7766 lor further Information. The Midwest Centre specializes In programs lor anxiety, panic and depression. FREE SEMINAR See Mike Glugosh at: Wed. Sept. 23, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Holiday Inn 150 George Street North PETERBOROUGH Thurs. Sept, 24,7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Clarington Howard Johnson 143 Duke Street BOWMANVILLE l WINDSHIELD i I l I I I WASHER ANTI FREEZE - 4L REG. $1.79 • WITHOUT COUPON $1.39 I I I I I L «* WED. SEPT. 23 - SAT. SEPT. 26 » * 1 PK. m l ™ m 1 IGARBAGE I WITH COUPON LIMIT 2 99 REG. $3.99 WITH COUPON LIMIT 2 26X36 WITHOUT COUPON $2.99 99 i i i i i RUBBERMAID DISCONTINUED LINES ^ #* FRI. SEPT. 25 ONUf ^ J WHILE QUANTITIES LAST «'NO RAINCHECKS* BOWMANVILLE MALL 243 KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE STORE HOURS: Mon. • Fri. 9:30 - 9:00, Set 9:30- 6.00-, Sun. 11:00-*00 -i 71 • •WED. SEPT. 23- SAT. SEPT. 26 •• m 4 DAYS ONLY _ WED. SEPT. 23- ■ SAT. SEPT. 26 riwiÜRipi'j ! 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