The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday. November 14. 1998 Page 3 W Clarington Snbepenbent v Z™ilZ s ;l urFirst Concem Has Been a 0 ,"™™!! Slje Courttce 3nbepenbent -John M. James Plant Manager - Rick Patterson Ad. Manager - Brian G. Purdy Production âmes Editor - Peter Parrott Produced weekly by James Publishing Company Limited Publishers of The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190,62 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K9 P.O. Box 2000,1712 Baseline West, Courtice, Ontario L1C 2S8 905-623-3303 Fax: 905-623-6161 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Internet - Supervisor - Ralph Rozema, Tim Bowers, Kevin Britton, Suzanne Christie, Sharon Cole, Laurens Kaldeway, Barb Patterson, Sean Pickard, Tyler Sellick, Jim Snoek, James Stephenson, Vance Sutherland, Jim Tuuramo Editorial Advertising Laverne Morrison Brad Kelly, Jennifer Stone Office Supervisor-Angela Luscher, Junia Hodge, Grace McGregor, Nancy Pleasance-Sturman, Marilyn Rutherford, Libby Smithson Late Niaht Blaze NOVEMBER .... 1 A " |5\ Annual Saturday, November 21st For entry information pfibase call 434-6535 cl) CP Cy \y y/ 1 liJCS-ic: .( I,/' V | V7 ■ >>> IJ (îMDx^ baking results Quick and easy clean ups • Extra large oven •i window i provides a clear view • ACCUCHILL" System • Quiet operation • Easy loading and unloading Reg. price from $999 1 .V; ! Oil Reg. price from $999 üüve $99,00 on $999 5-Level Direct Feed, POWER CLEAN y Filter Wash System Reg. price from $679 Lkive $67.90 on $679 FREE DELIVERY j !' \ ' Z.r,\i ' 7 j .9) JvX l'VT',7 j' JVM. i :.! New & Reconditioned Appliances Sales • Service • Parts BUSINESS HOURS: Mon. • Fri, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sal. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 263-8369 Taunton Rd., Hampton (3 miles east of Courtice) 1-800-798-5502 5 SK ii-iy -- 1 N Î PADDY'S MARKET Tminlon Rd. ■ s Œ Hwv. 2 IS - i X (J Hwy. : Total Rises to $4,520 UGLY Contest a Big Success The cause of fire in this home on Trulls Road is still under investigation by Clarington Fire Department. Approximately $70,000 damage was done in the Wednesday night blaze, which claimed the life of three puppies. Seven dogs were rescued from the house. Five fire trucks responded to the 11:30 p.m. call. There are a lot of Understanding, Generous, Lovable People in Clarington and they helped the nine restaurants participating participating in the U.G.L.Y. Server Contest raise $14384.70 for Big Brothers of Clarington. The winner of the U.G.L.Y. Server Contest was Michelle from King St. Bar and Grill who raised $5006.21. Leslie from Bow and Fiddle secured second place with $4520. It was a real battle for third place. But, just edging out Janet from Tim's Fifth Wired by $32, was Margaret from Hanc's Too. Their totals were: $1654 for Hanc's Too and $1612 for Tim's Fifth Wheel. Sophie from Massey House captured fifth place with $520.32. Terry from Swiss Chalet maintained sixth place with $429 and Paul of Eastside Mario's, Belinda, of Silks Café and the Port Darlington Marina combined combined to raise over $500. The U.G.L.Y Contest began on September 22 with a "beauty contest" at Silks Café. Then, for six weeks, servers from participating participating restaurants competed competed to see who would be the "U.G.L.Y.est" in Clarington. To win the title, the servers and managers managers from the establishments establishments encouraged their patrons to deposit their votes (a loonie or more) into the ballot jar and held special events. Tim Powers, owner of Tim's Fifth Wheel and Alex Hunter and Martin Wood, owners of the Bow and Fiddle, shaved their heads to help their servers, Janet and Leslie, win the title. Patrons of the Bow and Fiddle couldn't resist Organizes Service for 50 Years From Page One remembers Mr. Walton, who was once president of Branch 178. He refuses to take all the credit for organizing Newcastle's Remembrance Day service service for the past half-century. half-century. He points out that Brcreton, who now lives in Orono, played every bit as large a role as he has. "He and I have been doing it all these years," Mr. Walton explains. "I could give you a list as long as your arm of people who have helped." "It wasn't all done just by me," he insists. The Newcastle man says the local event draws a good crowd each year, even among the younger generation. This year, students students from several schools in town gathered along the main street in Newcastle to participate in the service. service. "It seems better now than it did a lew years ago. We get a pretty good response from the schools," he says. "But it's taken a long time." Mr. Walton doesn't think he'll give up his organizational position right away. "I'm in my 76th year. It's getting tougher all the time. But, I'd like to make it to the year 2000," he says. getting involved and two regulars had their heads shaved too. The most creative fundraiser fundraiser of the U.G.L.Y. event was the "Tote the Goat" organized by Kathy Porter, manager of Tim's Fifth Wheel. A goat was placed on the yard of an unsuspecting employee. And, for a small donation, the goat could be taken to another location; Other events planned during this six-week period were a car wash, windshield washing, raffles, barbecue, bake sale, face painting and clown nose sales. Michelle will be presented presented her trophy at the Wrap Party at King Street Bar and Grill on Tuesday, November 17, at 7:00 p.m. That night, the prizes will also be given to the servers for their hard work. Big Brothers of Clarington would like to thank the restaurants and their customers for helping make our first U.G.L.Y. Contest a success. All money raised will be directly used to fund Big Brothers friendship programs. programs. from Guys & Gals Call 623-1341 28 Division St., Bowmanville SANTA SAYS... See you in HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE at the Santa Claus Parade on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 at the Tree-Lighting Ceremony on FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4 and With my Elves and Sleigh on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5,12 & 19 Manufacturer Authorized Sale You CAN Teach An Old Blind New Tricks. Introducing l.cuiloi Cordless metal blinds. One simple touch raises or lowers your blinds. It s so easy even Rusty can do it. No hones about it! Best ol all. your blinds look beautiful. No messy cords to worry about, l.exolor . setting new standards lot product safely and innovation. LEVOLOR" - Vertical or Venetian Blinds & Cellular Shades All Vertical Blinds r Fabric & PVC Vinyl Visions 'The PVC that looks and feels like , fabric." 100's of colours lo, choose from.. Hurry, Sale Ends Nov. 14, 199S Introductory ■ 4t<y g Special *%N 0 f Over 1000 Fabric samples on Display in our showroom Riviera ^Venetian BlindsX 'The Best Blind on the Market lodayl" Duslauard treated. Available in 1/2", 1", 1 3/8" and 2" slat v width. Ask about Light y Master for ■Total privacy. All Cellular Shades Delicate yet durable. Jhe "NEW" Soft kooky . for Windows. Since 1968 VALEO DRAPERIES Call for FREE in-home consultation & estimate Courtice Court, 1415 Hwy. #2 (just East of Townline) 436 ,, 3o36 SALES « LEASING OVER 40 QUALITY USED CARS ANDTRUCKS OVER 200 NEW VEHICLES IN STOCK ON SALE NOW VISIT US TODAY AND TAKE A LOOK AT THE BEST -, • . ' • ••• 'W?. "-.'I"' fl m SHUTTLE SERVICE • SERVICE •PARTS • NEW MODERN 12 BAY SERVICE DEPT. ALSO EXPANDED PARTS DEPT. 799 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA (905) 404-0525^ Bloor SI South SeivlcoR I rfb Durham ■ ■ w Dodge Oshawa Chrysler GO Station ' mmumminminiinn