Page 4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, November 18, 1998 Section Two Santa Claus Arrives on Friday Night by Hazel Crago On Friday, November 20th. at six o'clock, that special fellow, Santa Claus, should arrive in the village. At that time, Christmas lights will be illuminated. Come along and join in the fun. Sing some carols! To Nancy Armishaw and Elaine Lament (and families) families) whose mother passed away recently, we extend sympathy. On Thursday, November 12, Jack and Gloria Gordon attended the Britz for Baby Campbell, son of Timothy and Laura Campbell, Whitby. On Tuesday afternoon, November 10, the Seniors enjoyed lunch after bowling. bowling. Card games followed the luncheon. Winners of the draws were Vance Cooper, John Scott, Brcnton Rickard, Wilma Scott, Alice Hopson, Alec Martin, Bertha Fisher, June Wilson, Jean Rickard, Russell Powell and Jean Holmes. Euchre winners were Ruby Brunt, John Guay, Audrey Gogerty, Marilyn Martin, Eva Smith. Two hidden numbers were won by Stan Powell and Albert Pearce. On December 10th, the Seniors have their Christmas dinner at the Newcastle Community Hall. For tickets, contact Marilyn at 987-4937. Lucky lady Ethelyn Murphy won the second Sears draw - a Sony CD player on November 7 at Scars. Maybe next time! Sympathy is extended to Sylvia and Ed Vanhaverbeke and families, in the death of her father, Frank Kitchener Lisk. The funeral was held in Bcctonon, Thursday, November 12th. Mr. Harry Jones, who was a long-time resident of Newcastle Versa-care Centre, passed away on Friday, November 13. Rested at Newcastle Funeral Home with funeral on Tuesday. Burial at St. George's Cemetery. Sympathy to friends and relatives. relatives. A private burial at Orono Cemetery was held on Tuesday, November 17 for James (Jim) Barham, who passed away November 14. Sympathy to friends. Mr. Ian Milton, son of Mary Grace and David Milton, Whitby, is now attending University of Toronto. On Friday evening, grandparents Murray and Marjorie Paterson attended his graduation exercises from Sinclair Secondary School, Whitby. St. Francis of Assisi Bazaar will be held on Saturday, November 28. St. George's News On Sunday, November 15, Holy Communion was celebrated at both 8 and 11 o'clock services at St. George's Anglican Church. Flowers at the altar were in memory of the Coulson Family from Helen Anderson Coulson and the Lovekin Family. Padre David Saunders delivered the sermon. Happy anniversary to Ken and Joan Haring and Happy Birthday to Ab Mavin. On Sunday, November 22nd, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8 a.m. and Morning Prayer at 11 a.m. Items for the newsletter are requested by November 22nd. United Church On Sunday, November 15, at Newcastle United Church, Associate Minister Reverend Doug Warren led Newcastle News the service. Mrs. Warren told the children's story. It was requested that UNICEF boxes be returned to Sunday School Superintendent Janet Cringle or treasurer Dorclla Forget. November 26th Talent Auction at Newtonvillc United Church was announced. Erl a Jose requested help for the Saturday evening Turkey Supper. Donations to Central America relief will be accepted at Church Headquarters. The choir, under the direction of Ross Metcalf, sang Hands United in Peace. God's Provisions for a Changing World was the title of Reverend Warren's sermon. Love, healing and power are these provisions. There arc still tickets for the 4:30 sitting of the November 21st Turkey Supper. Call Marj at 987- 4628. Gospel Concert In the afternoon a wonderful wonderful Gospel Concert was held at the church. The proceeds proceeds of this program go to the Clarington East Food Bank. Entertainers were Lyle and Yvonne Bender, their daughter Dolores Bender Hone and her three sons Joshua and Matthew who are soon to be 10 years old and 7 year old Christopher. The first of David Black's renditions was The King is Coming. Ken and Ann Clarke of the Salvation Army, Cobourg and friend Terry also livened up the concert with It Is No Secret, The Old Country Church and Ann sang On the Wings Of a Dove. Grant McConaghy sang five songs. Each of the Hone boys sang a solo and also songs with their mother. mother. Thanks to the Benders for organizing such great entertainment on behalf of the Food Bank. Remembrance Day How good it is to see the well-behaved children (coached by their teachers) attending the service at the King St. cenotaph. Acting Padre Sterling Mather and Comrade Doug Walton conducted conducted the Remembrance Service. A student from St. Francis of Assisi School and two from Newcastle Public School read the scriptures well as the great winds of the day echoed through the sound system. The names of the fallen were read by Regional Councillor John Mutton: 1914-1918 A.B. Bloom, E.A.Coulson, P.C. Gomme, F.W. Gibson, G.E. Howard, W.W. Jose, D.G. Law, W.E. Lockhart, G.N. Noden, D.M. McDonald, D.W. Parker, G.E. Simmons. 1939-1945 Alfred Alldread, Murray Butler, Glenn Brooks, Donald Powell. Korea 1950-1953 Jarvis Belsey. About twenty wreaths were laid at the cenotaph. Greetings from the Town of Clarington were brought by Regional Councillor John Mutton. Participants, children children and general public were thanked by both Comrade Doug Walton and Acting Padre Sterling Mather. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Ladies League Sharon Bestcr 194, Linda Hawrylak 230, 192, 180, Dorclla Lancastcr- Forgct 188, Belly Major 211, 201, 194, Marilyn Major 176, 197, Linda Norrish 198, Mary Pierik 237, 223, 208, Jean Pollard "Best Time of Year" for General Motors Choir Mary Tillcock, President, is shown reviewing the Christmas Program with Ralph Shaw, Pasl President and Marion Buttery, Publicist. Mary, a resident of Bowmanvillc, assumed the office of President in September after having sung with the Choir for five years. This year, the GM Choir presents "The Best Time Of The Year" at Easldale Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 265 Harmony Rd. N,, Oshnwa, on Saturday, November 28th at 7:30 p.m., and on Sunday, November 29th at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Complimentary tickets are available from Choir members or at the reception desk of GM Canadian Headquarters, GM Gale 5, GM Gate 8, Cliff Mills Motors in Oshnwa, Motoreity Saliirn-Satih-lsu/.ii in Whitby, and Roy Nichols Motors in Courlice. 184, 226, 191, Shirley Talbot 186, Val Withcridgc 175, 212. Tuesday Seniors Russell Powell 226, Stan Powell 162, Joyce Stacey 199, John Tigwell 186, 235, Merril Henry 172, Ron Burley 165, 175, Hilda Call 166, Eleanor Perrin 152, 160 Ruby Brunt 171, Alec Martin 178, 178, Sheila Stiles 158, Maureen Powell 163, 163, Marg Wade 160, Vance Cooper Ï77. Mixed League Fifty-fifty winner Fae Forget Strike jackpot Susan Armstrong Joe Forget 211,202, 202, John McGuey 196, 188, Dcbi Hannigan 202, 194, Gregg Kchoe 213, Cindy Reichert 185, Bill Brown 183, Fae Forget 260, 249, 250, Joe Mcndonca 186, 197, Ruth Forget 190, 190, Susan Armstrong 177, Roy Hopkins 178, Jean Hall 190, Joyce Stacey 181, Donna Adams 179, Garry Saxby 243, 187, Kathryn Brown 175, Sharon Saxby 218, Jim Armstrong 195, Lyle Jackson 211. Youth Bowling Seniors 125 games and over Nickic 138, 146, Stephanie 183, 135, Vicky 136, Jennifer 153, Kim 180, Gavin E 196, 136, Chris 137, 143, Deanna 163, 137, Leah 147, Anthony 142, 131, Danny 156, 142, Steve 126. Intermediate Katie 101, Jackie 136, 141, Kyle 111, Katie 119, Dustin 120, 118, Jeremy 113, 103, Daniel 128, 107, Michael 130, Ashley 115. Juniors Bradley 100, Conner 112, Eric 78, Alex 92, Curtis 86, Luke 85, John 73, Alex 97, Mark 73. Happy Halloween These students from the Bowmanvillc Nursery School put on their finest Halloween finery for a party last month. They also took some time out from the fun to pose for our photographer. Hampton Still Leads Bowling League by Harvey Yellowlees "One disadvantage with having nothing to do is you can't stop and rest." "Some people arc like blisters. They don't show up until the work is done". Well, in bowling this week there is one happy man. John Pleasance won the 50/50 draw. Hampton lost one point this week, but are still on top with 36 points. Solina has 31, Newtonshaw 17, Courtice 16, Hi C's 16, and my team with 4. If we can't do better, I may have to get some ladies to help out. Barry Wood still has high average with 228. High single goes to Ron Broome 328. High triple to Steve Pleasance with 781. I received my annual Amaryllis bulb on Friday so the competition is on. But I do know one of my sisters has a 6" start on hers. There were seven tables for cards at Hampton Wednesday. The winners were high: Barb Cochrane 83, Clifford Stevenson 78, Verna Slutc 77, Muriel Butson 75, Doreen McLean 74. Low: Verna Robinson. Most lone hands: Clifford Stevenson. Special No. June Marchant. Lucky draws: May Shortridge, Muriel Butson, Meta Swain, Beulah Barrett and Ruby Griffin. Friday at Solina's card parly there were 8 1/2 tables. Lunch was provided by Em Brown and Leone Wright. Winners were: High scores Dick Scoble 91, Franc Svctec 81, Ruth Gay 78, Clarence Bray 76. Low score - Ross Cryderman. Special no. - Fred Watson. Most lone hands - Don Cochrane. Lucky draws - Lyra Flintoff, Nellie Wright, Helen Trewin, Albert Pearce, Alida McKinley, Roger Annaert, Marjorie Cryderman and Betty Ann Dodds. See you this week. Oh yes, we had the animals in again and Leona Wilson and Fred Watson along with Leone Wright and Nellie Wright took complete control of them. Our sympathy to Wesley and Doris Hills and family on the passing of Doris' brother Harland McCaroll. Fred and Bernice Watson spent Saturday with their son Paul and family of Barrie. Doris Flctt entertained a few neighbours Saturday evening for cards and of course, lunch. Most of the Yellowlees family attended service at Solina News Ebenezer Church on Sunday for the baptism of our great granddaughter, Kassidy Eileen Gilroy and were entertained entertained later for lunch at Ron and Brenda Metcalf's. At Eldad Church service on Sunday the greeters were Fred and Bernice Watson and the lay reader was Don Taylor. Super Sundae will be held at Eldad Church from 10:30 a.m. till 1 p.m. on November 22. Come and enjoy a bowl of soup and a yummy Sundae of your own choice, November 22, 1998. Cindy Ashton sang a solo "Colours of the Wind", accompanied by Joyce Taylor. Reverend Munro's message was "1 Will Trust and Not Be Afraid". Communion was served by the Elders. Service closed with the hymn "Sent Forth" and the Choral Benediction. We'd like to see you some Sunday. Don't forget the Men's Breakfast at Zion on November 29th at 8:00 a.m. Also, the Advent Carol Service at Zion at 7:30 p.m. November 29th. Lloyd and Marion Broome, Harry and Loraine Knox have returned from an enjoyable bus trip to Branson Missouri. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 4.9 %t Purchase Financing available up to 60 months. Only from your Ontario Pontiac Dealers m You should know tills: 'Basod on n 30 month ionso lor tiro 1909 Grand Am Sodan I SA oqulppod ns described. A down paymonl ol $2,500 ronuliod, No security deposit rouulred. Total obllq.ilion Is $11,000. Annual kilomolro limit: 20.000 km. $0.12 per excess kilomolro. Ollier lease options available, , |Fiol(]lil, ns Indicated, licence, Insur- once, air conditioning excise lax and taxes are not Included Dealer trade may bo necessary. Denier may coll/loaso lor loos, tFinancier) on approved GMAC credit only. Example: $10,000 ni 2.9% API!, lire monthly paymonl Is $290.37 lor 30 months. Cost ol borrowing Is $'153,32. Total oblloallon Is $10,453.32, Exomplo: $10,000 nl 4,0% APR, the monthly paymonl Is $100,25 lor GO months, Cost ol borrowing Is $1,295,00. Total obligation Is $11,205.00. Down paymonl, trade nnd/or security deposit may bo louunod. Monthly paymonl and coal ol hollowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down pnyrnont/liado. Soo Dealer lor details. •) (Ollor applies to 1099 now or demonstrator models ouulppod us described and applies lo uunliliod retail customers In Onlailo (excluding Thunder Bay and Honora) only. Llinilod time ollor may not bo • >m Is a linuomaik ol General Motors Corpora"* r r>, or uomon&irtiior mouoiu uuuijjijuu uu uu-uuiuuu unu iu (|iiiiii[iou rouiii cusiomora in uiwmu tuxuuumt munuui uuy k 111,1 coinblnod or uood with ollior offoro. Soo your Doalor lor condition!) mul dotalla. www,(jmcnnndn,com la n Irndomnik ol Qonoml Molora Corporation,