t The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, November 18, 1998 Section Two Page 9 Solina W,l. Enjoys The Russian Far East The November lltli, meeting opened with the President Jean Taylor using the Remembrance Day poem. Jean welcomed our guests and the Ode was sung and the Collect repeated. We were pleased to view the "Literacy Video" witli the help of Harry Rowscll at the controls. Jean called on Lois Ycllowlces, of the Village Group to congratulate newlyweds Nigel and Christina Ford. Lois presented presented them with additional additional place settings of their dishes and placcmats and tea towels to match their kitchen. Nigel and Christina both expressed their appreciation. The October minutes and treasurer's report were given. Correspondence was a thank you note from Erie and Christine Barkey for their wedding gifts. The friendship report was given by Blaikic Rowscll of sympathy cards to the Mil Ison families and get well wishes to Lois Neill after her injury in Arcadia, Florida. Jean expressed thanks to all who donated items and helped at the Fun Fair at Maple Grove and to Elaine Baker and Betty Grant for the skit. Donna Barkey was Solina's delegate to the 96th Central Area Convention. She gave an informative report and some of the highlights. There is to be a new Handbook insertion in February 1999. The F.W.I.O. office is requesting requesting Canadian Tire money or coupons for some of the furnishings that arc needed. needed. Two of our Solina members, Vi Ashton and Lois Ycllowlces, arc on the Central Area Executive. Providence Shaw's W.l. Focuses On Driving Education Our meeting was held Thursday, November 12th at the home of Marilyn Marlin was convened by Narda Hoogkamp and the Family and Consumer Affairs Committee. President Betty Lou Locke opened the meeting with a poem followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Marilyn Martin introduced introduced speaker Doug Stevenson, owner/operator owner/operator of a Driving Education School. Mr Stevenson dealt with our primary frustrations frustrations as answered in the Roll Call, reviewed Drivers' Education information information and responded to questions. We were presented with a questionnaire "Can You Make the Grade?" Narda Hoogkamp thanked our speaker and presented him with a gift of appreciation. Narda gave the motto and turned the meeting over to the president. Correspondence included an invitation from Blackstock W.l. to join them Monday, November 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Centre for a presentation from the Arthritis Society. Discussion followed on funding projects and donation to F.W.I.O. (Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario). The December meeting will allow members to make further presentations and decisions. Education and Culture convenor Inez Boughen will convene the December l()th meeting, 1:30 p.m. at the Wooden Carousel located on Regional Rd. 42. For more information contact Inez at 786-2239. Guests are always wel- Doris Hills of Bakers group presided for the program. program. She asked for the tribute to Remembrance Day and .Blaikic Rowscll very capably recited "In Flanders Fields". Bernice Hoag welcomed welcomed Roy and Blaikic Rowscll to show their pictures pictures of the Russian Far East, with Roy's humour and witty commentary this was an outstanding trip for all of us. The many different different rock formations along the coast lines with many different kinds of birds, and surprisingly some lovely flowers in such a cool climate. Roy's photography photography showed such spectacular designs on the icebergs, some of the smaller bergs has walruses and polar bears on them. The ship the Rowsclls were on was designed to handle some of the ice break-ups. It was a very enjoyable trip. Ida Bray, on behalf of the membership and guests, thanked Roy and Blaikic and presented them with a plant. Jean Taylor added her thanks to the Rowsclls and Bakers group for the program. Lois Ycllowlces of the village group announced the December 9th meeting to be at 6:30 p.m. The spouses or guests are invited. invited. An unwrapped gift for the Salvation Army and a pen-pal gift. The village group was in charge of the A.C.W.W. draws. Meeting closed with O'Canada and the W.l. Grace. A very tasty lunch was enjoyed and much fellowship. Alma Langmaid P.R.O. LOOKING A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS - It was a busy weekend at Trinity United Church in Bowmanvillc last Saturday, November 14, as the congregation held its annual Christmas bazaar. The display of quilts and pillows (above) was a big attraction, as was the baked goods table which sold out early. Light (Jp À Child's Life. Help us make sure no child wakes up Christmas morning to find Santa has passed them by. Bring in a new, unwrapped toy and we'll give you a 1 month subscription. We need your help this holiday season. Toys will be collected by the Salvation Army for distribution to local children. You can make sure Santa doesn't miss a single child in Clarington. come. Marilvim Dow P.R.O, Give to the Statesman Toy Drive and light up a child's life! The Statesman Toy Drive For more information contact our office at 62 King Street West, Bowmanville or 623-3303