I Page 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, November 25,1998 Section Two THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 NEWTONVILLE TIME AND TALENT AUCTION AUCTION -- Starts at 7 p.m. at Newtonvillc United Church. Auctioned off will be services (time), baking, woodworking, crafts etc. Refreshments available. Proceeds to Newtonvillc United Church. NEWCASTLE RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION -- Will be holding their regular meeting on Thursday, November 26, in the Lions Room, Community Hall. Guest speaker will be longtime longtime Newcastle resident, Charles Packer,- who holds the position of Site Vice President of Darlington Nuclear, Ontario Hydro. Plan to attend and hear him speak about the role Darlington Nuclear has within our community and the direction Ontario Hydro Nuclear Division is taking. All are welcome. CHRISTMAS PENNY SALE -- A Christmas Penny Sale will be held at Enfield United Church, 1640 Concession Rd. 9 Enfield, on Thursday, November 26. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Draw to be held at 7:30 p.m. Admission includes a light lunch. HO HO HO -- The Community Care Adult Day Program in Newcastle will be hosting a Christmas Tea and Craft Sale on Thursday, November 26 from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. All items for sale have been made by our members. Admission includes refreshments. We are located at 20 Robert Street W., Newcastle (corner of Robert and Mill St.). For further information call (905) 987-3000. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 THE BOWMANVILLE LEGION -- The Downstairs Club of the Bowmanvillc Legion invites members and guests to an evening of Song and Comedy, on Friday, November 27, at 8 p.m., with special guests Betty-Anne and Brian. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28 PET PICTURES WITH SANTA -- The 6th Annual Pet Pictures with Santa will be held on Saturday, November 28,12 p.m. - 4 p.m.; Sunday, November ,29, 12 p.m. - 4-p.m., Tuesday, December 1, ; 6 p.m.<- 9 p.m.and,Wednesday;,- -j-December 2',"6 p.m. <9 p.m. It will take place at Pet Valu, 1801 Dundas St. fe., Whitby,' (Kcndalwood Plaza). Please call (905) 438-8411 for an appointment to reserve your sitting with Santa. All dogs must be on a leash and all cats in carriers, please. GANARASKA FOREST CENTRE -- Join us at the Ganaraska Forest Centre on Saturday, November 28th to create Holiday Nature Crafts. From 1 - 4 p.m., Alison and Kat, the teachers at the Forest Centre will be hosting an open house afternoon of making ornaments, evergreen and grapevine wreaths. This fun spirited activity is open to all who wish to explore their creative side the natural way. For more information call (905) 797-2721. "LET'S TALK" -- A support group for those in bereavement will meet this Saturday, November 28th at 10:30 a.m. in lecture room "C" at our local hospital, Lakcridge Health - Bowmanvillc, 47 Liberty St. S. As the holiday season approaches approaches it may seem as if there is nothing to celebrate. If you would like support at this difficult time, join us for an informal get-together with others in similar circumstances. No need to register. This is a free service offered by the Clarington Grief Support Association. ROAST BEEF DINNER -- St. Paul's United Church, 178 Church St. Bowmanvillc will hold a Roast Beef Dinner on Saturday, November 28, 7 p.m. Adults $12, 5-14 yrs. $7, Under 5 FREE. Family $35 (Family consists of parcnt(s) and children under 14). For tickets call the church office at 623-7361. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR -- Will be held on Saturday, November 28 from 11:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. This will be at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 214 King St. E., Newcastle. Come and enjoy. at 983-5139 or Diane Trcssider at 987-5653. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29 LOCAL CHURCH CELEBRATES 4TH ANNIVERSARY -- The Newcastle Crossroads Christian Assembly will be holding a special day of celebration on Sunday, November 29. Reverend Bill Morrow, General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada will be the featured speaker in the 10:30 a.m. service. At 6:30 p.m. a Celebration Concert will feature one of Canada's up and coming gospel quartets, "The Unashamed Quartet". Free admission. Childcare and nursery provided. Call 987-9955 for more information. LIONS TURKEY ROLL -- Come and enjoy the Lions Turkey Roll on Friday, December 4, at the Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanvillc. This event will take place at 7 p.m. Union, 136 King St. E„ Bowmanvillc, is urging citizens to join them to think about sharing during this special season. Non perishable food items and toys may be dropped off at their branch and all items will be kept in the community and distributed distributed by our local Salvation Army. Your contributions contributions would be greatly appreciated. SPECIAL HYMN SERVICE -- Sunday, November 29, 6 p.m. there will be a Special Hymn Service. It will be held at the Maranatha Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanvillc. The church is hosting this special service to celebrate the opening of its renovated facilities. Everyone is invited to attend to hear a number of local choirs perform. A voluntary offering will be taken for chaplaincy services at Lakcridge Health Bowmanvillc. The church is located at 2805 Highway 2 East. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 CHRISTMAS AT HORSE FARM -- On Saturday, December 5 between 1 and 4 p.m., the Trillium Morgan Horse Farm in Orono will host its ninth annual Christmas Festival. The general public is invited to visit the farm and cast their. votes for their favourite stall in the popular Stall Decorating Contest. There will be demonstrations and tours, along with the occasional antique carriage carriage ride. Hot apple cider will be served to the guests and door prizes offered. On Friday evening (Dec. 4) a special Moonlight Preview will be offered when the public can catch a glimpse of the contestants putting the final touches on their displays. ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES -- The March of Dimes is gearing up for the 1999 Door to Dpor Campaign in January. Funds raised by volunteer canvassers and Area Captains in Bowmanvillc and surrounding communities will provide assistance assistance and encourage independence for adults with physical disabilities. If you can volunteer some time for this worthy cause, please call the Area Coordinator at 987-3537. LOCAL CHURCH CELEBRATES 4TII ANNIVERSARY -- Newcastle's Crossroads Christian Assembly will be holding a special day of celebration on Sunday, November 29th. Reverend Bill Morrow, General Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada will be the featured speaker in the 10:30 a.m. service. At 6:30 p.m. a Celebration Concert will feature one of Canada's up and coming gospel quartets, "the Unashamed Quartet". Free admission. Childcare and nursery available. Please call 987-9955 for more information. MEN'S BREAKFAST -- White Ribbon Campaign is holding a Men's Breakfast on Saturday, December 5. It will be held at St. Paul's United Church, in Bowmanvillc, from 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Come and support action against violence violence against women. Speakers representing Bcthcsda House, Domestic Violence Response Team, Lakcridge Health Oshawa will be present. Contact Mcrvyn Russell (905) 983-5502 for more information. VISUAL ARTS CENTRE -- It's here again! The Visual Arts Centre's annual show and sale of 100 Small Paintings (and prints and drawings). Just in time for the holiday season, this exhibition is an added feature of our Yulclidc celebrations. It is a celebration of small - small pieces at small prices. Artists connected with the VAC are invited invited to participate in this annual event and as usual, the reception on Friday night is a special time for collectors since all pieces in the show are sold at a discount of 10% - an early present from the artists and the centre. While the show is on until December 12, the discount applies on Yuletide Friday night only. Admission is free. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 CALL FOR PROPOSALS -- The Durham Special Needs Allocation Program is currently accepting proposals for innovative approaches for supports for individuals with special needs. Deadline for submissions is November 30, 1998. For further information please contact Dena Lamànna at (905) 427-8862 ext. 327. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN -- FOCUS invites everyone to join them on December 6th (National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women) at 1 p.m. outside National Trust in Bowmanvillc to honour the memory of Jennifer Copithorne, the fourteen women killed in the Montreal Massacre at Ecole Polytechnique, and all other female victims of violence. We will be walking (along the sidewalks) sidewalks) down to the Visual Arts Centre, where we will place roses at the memorial stone (at approximately approximately 1:30 p.m.) You arc welcome to join us in either location. WALKING PROGRAM -- Older Adults are invited to join the walking program for Clarington older adults Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanvillc. For information phone Jean Broad at 697-2856. YWCA PROGRAMS -- Looking to get physically physically active while having fun? The YWCA is offering Adult low-impact aerobics in the Bowmanvillc/Courtice area. All levels are welcome. welcome. Special Effects for Special Kids!! Monday afternoon programs based on themes with crafts, songs, games and friends. Call to reserve your spot for Space and Stars, Dino-mitc Daze or Christmas Kringle. Ages 2 1/2 to 5 will have a blast in this program. For information on these programs call 623-YWCA (9922). TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 ONTARIO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY -- The Whitby-Oshawa Branch (Region of Durham) of the Ontario Genealogical Society, meet on Tuesday, December 1, at 7:30 p.m. at the Arts Resources Centre, 45 Queen St. Oshawa (back of City Hall). This will be a Show and Tell Christmas Party. Bring Christmas goodies to share. All meetings are free and open to members and the general public. For more information call Marion at 683-2476 or Bessie at 723-7460. FREE CHRISTMAS CONCERT -- Once again, the Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce is holding its annual free Christmas Concert on Sunday, December '6,"ai"2. J 00 p.mfaf*' the Newcastle Community Hall. Join us for Christmas music with the Down on the Corner Gang. There will be refreshments and of course Santa Claus will make a visit. Please bring a donation of a non-perishable food item for the Food Bank. THE LUNG ASSOCIATION DURHAM OFFERS SMOKER'S SUPPORT GROUP -- The Lung Association Durham Region offers S.O.S. (Smokers Overcoming Smoking), an ongoing peer-led support group for smokers who are at every stage of quitting. S.O.S. runs every Monday starting at 7 p.m. in the Lung " Association 1 office in Oshawa. To register, call the- Lung Association Durham Region at (905) 436- 1046. There is a one-time fee of $5 to cover print materials. FRIENDS OF THE CLARINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY -- Join the Friends of the Clarington Public Library for some festive cheer! At Courtice on December 1, 7 - 8 p.m.; Clarke, December 2, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.; Newcastle December 3, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.; Bowmanvillc December 4, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Enjoy delectable refreshments while browsing for your holiday readings. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 FESTIVE FAMILY FUN AT CPL -- Jingle all the way to the library for some holiday tales and festivities for the whole family! This takes place at the Bowmanvillc Branch, Wednesday, December 9 at 7:00 p.m. THE CLARINGTON COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE -- The John Howard Society and Oshawa/Clarington Association for Community Living are co-sponsoring a New Program. Need help with reading, writing, math, or high school credit courses. The Literacy/Upgrading Program allows you to work on your own program, at your own pace. One to one help is available from trained staff and volunteers. volunteers. Begin when you can. For further information information or to register call (905) 623-6814. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 TEEN DANCE -- The Optimist Club of Newcastle Village will be holding their monthly Teen Dance on December 4 at the Newcastle Community Hall from 7 - 10 p.m. The dance is for youth in grades 7 through 12. Admission is $4.00 per person and chips and pop arc sold for 50 cents each. Proceeds from the dance arc used to help fund other youth programs in the community. community. For more information, call Connie Trowsse THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 "LIGHT A CANDLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS" -- Amnesty International (Clarington Group) will be holding a Candle Lighting Vigil at Clarington Town Hall, Bowmanvillc, at 7:00 p.m. on December I0. This event will be part of an international celebration marking the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For information, contact Mary Ellen at 987-5740. Everyone is invited invited to attend. Liberty Pentecostal Church Events Live at Liberty Pentecostal Church, Sunday, November 22, at 6:30 p.m.. The 'Unshamed' Quartet. Come and enjoy the beautiful aeapella blend of this gospel quartet. Freewill offering. Call 623-5100 for more information. Located at the corners of Hwys #57 and #2, in Bowmanvillc. Ted Danson Honoured for Work with Parade Ted Danson was honoured on Saturday with the Edc Cole Memorial Award for his many years of contributing to the success of the Bowmanvillc Santa Claus Parade, Bob Marjerrison and Ted Danson have been involved with button sales for approximately 25 years, Bob Marjerrison (left) looks on as Valeric Gardiner (centre) presents the parade volunteer with his award. FOR YOUR INFO DUCA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION -- As a special Christmas giving effort, the DUCA Community Credit CNIB Needs Volunteers The Canadian National Institute for the Blind is seeking seeking Team Leaders to lead an education program on coping coping with the loss of vision. The eight week program run by Peers, who also have a vision impairment, educates people on how to more effectively cope with their loss of vision. The training of team leaders will take place in January. If you would like to find out more information on becoming a Team Leader, please contact Pam at CNIB at 905-436-7732. from Guys & Gals Call 623-1341 )JP 28 Division St., Bowmanville Quality Body Work FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open SI Days a Week Monday through Friday tmuLLir u ':'c BOWMANVILLE -» ONT. 166 King St. East Telephone 623-3396 OJ.R JAMES R, YAHCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY DIANE E. COUTURE • ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 711-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COIIOURG 72 King St. W. 371-4744 SATVHDAY AND IVkNINO APPOINTMENTS AVAII.AI1I E FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION