The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 25,1998 Section Two Page 7 Barrage Entertains at St. Paul's Invigorating, dramatic and energetic are a few words to describe the performance of Barrage. The group based out of Calgary entertained a crowd of 200 at St. Paul's United Church last month. St. Paul's Arts Council was thrilled to have Barrage, since they have been touring parts of Canada, the Mid West and western western United States and Great Britain. The talented group of musicians between the ages of 18 and 23 include 11 members, seven fiddles, guitar, drum kit, percussion, keyboard/bass. With wide-ranging styles of fiddle music, they had young and old dancing in their seats. Edwardian Christmas Open House Once again the Bowmanville Museum continues continues its holiday traditions by holding its Annual Edwardian Christmas Open House. It will be held on three days: Friday, December 4th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, December 5th and 6th, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Museum will be decorated decorated in festive finery and homemade holiday treats will be available. Entertainment will be in the parlour provided by pianist Janet McGregor on Friday night, Allanah Coles and Doug Dewell on Saturday, and Alexis Ward on Sunday and it is all FREE. Be sure to check out the Museum Shop for gift ideas and local history books and as a Special Beanie Baby Promotion each day of the Christmas Open House we will be raffling off two Beanie Baby Bears. On Friday the draw will be held at 9 p.m. for 'Valentino' and 'Curly'. On Saturday at 3:30 p.m. the draw will be held for 'Fortune' and 'Glory' and on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. the draw will be held for 'Peace' and 'Maple'. To get a chance at these bears all you have to do is purchase a regular Beanie Baby for $10. (Taxes included) from now until the draws and you will receive a ballot for each Beanie purchased. purchased. The more Beanies you buy the more chances you will have for each draw. Our regular raffle for a watercolour painting of the Museum by Bernice Harper will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 6th. Second prize is a lovely homemade Teddy Bear by Carol Anderson. Tickets are on sale at the Museum and local businesses for $1.00 each. Call the Museum Office for more information at 623-2734. Café Cosima We'd like to welcome our former patrons and guests to our Sunday Buffet starting November 29th from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Our new location is the German Club Loreley 389 Dean Avenue - Oshawa Buffet also available Thursdays and Fridays from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. For reservations, call 697-3770 Cullens Gardens Festival of Lights Helps Children Stephen Burns, President of STARLIGHT CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S FOUNDATION CANADA, is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Starlight Children's Foundation of Canada "Festival of Lights" Celebration on Saturday, November 28, 1998 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village, The event promises to be a magical experience with a spectacular "Festival of Lights" on a stunningly decorated 40 foot tree donated by a Whitby resident. resident. The "Festival of Lights" will launch Starlight's "12 Days of Wishes" fundraising campaign to help make wishes wishes come true for seriously ill children. The Starlight Children's Foundation has invited 500 wish families to share in this special day. Fun and entertaining activities will be abundant with colourful colourful face paintings by fairy dust clowns, a performance by the ever popular "Dan the Music Man", holiday carols by the Whitby Children's Choir and a visit by wacky cartoon characters "Starlight" and "Domer". A special treat will be in store for children and adults when Cullen Garden's Santa Claus parade (static display) makes an appearance down Main Street and will feature over 20 wonderfully wonderfully decorated floats and a not to be missed opportunity opportunity to see Santa Claus in person person in his cabin. This special day is open to the public. The premises arc completely wheelchair acces- Hymn Sing Raises Funds Lakcridgc Health Bowmanville chaplaincy services will be the beneficiary beneficiary of proceeds raised at a special hymn service organized organized by Maranatlm Christian Reformed Church in Bowmanville, Sunday, November 29lh. The hymn service, at 6 p.m. in the church just cast of Bowmanville, will feature feature a number of local choirs and celebrate the opening of the church's renovated renovated facilities. The community is invited invited to attend, enjoy the hymn and song lest service, A voluntary voluntary offering will be taken up for the work of chaplaincy chaplaincy at Lakcridgc Health Bowmanville. Maranalhn Christian Reformed Church is at 2805 Highway 112 Hast. siblc with free parking, restaurant and cafe and have a variety of unique gift shops to browse in. The 35 acres is a Holiday Wonderland with over 100,000 twinkling lights, giant motion light displays, displays, live entertainment nightly at 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Each year, thousands of children between the age of 4 and 18 benefit from Starlight's efforts to grant wishes to children stricken with serious illnesses. To date, over 1,700 wishes have been granted by Starlight Canada and more than 57,000 children and their families arc touched by one of Starlight International's programs each month. SHOWTIMIS EFFECTIVE NOV. 27 - DEC. 3, 1998 ✓The Wokfboy (PG) Fri. • Thurs. 7:20, 9:20; Sol. - Sun. Mat. 1:15,3:20,5:15 /The Siege (AA) Fri. • Thurs. 9:40 ✓Meet Joe Black (AA) Fri. • Thurs. 8:00; Sal. ■ Sun. Mol. 1:05,4:25 ✓I Still Know Whol You Did Last Summer |AA| Fri. • Thurs. 7:40,9:50; Sal. • Sun. Mai. 2:00,4:15 ✓Enemy of the Stole (AA) Fri.- Thurs. 7:10,9:50; Sat. - Sun. Mat. 1:20,4:10 ✓The Rvgrafs Movie (F) Fri.- Thurs. 6:50,8:45; Sal.- Sun. Mal. 1:00,3:00, 5:00 ✓A Bug's life (PG) Fri. -Thurs. 7:00, 9:15; Sal.-Sun. Mai. 12:15,2:30,4:45 ✓Jerry Springer: Ringmaster (R) Fri. ■ Thurs. 7:45,9:55; Sal. - Sun. Mai. 1:45; 4:00 ✓Babe: Pig in the City; Fri. • Thurs. 6:45, 9:00; Sol.-Sun. Mai. 12:00,2:15,4:30 |No Passes) ✓Home Fries (PG| Fri.-Thurs. 7:30, 9:35; Sal.-Sun. Mai. 1:30,3:45 ✓Celebrity (AA| Fri. - Thurs. 7:15; Sal. - Sun. Mol. 12:45,4:35 ✓Very Bad Things (R| Fri. • Thurs. 7:25, 9:45; Sal. -Sun. Mai. 5:05 ✓I'll Be Home For Christmas |F) Sal. - Sun. Mat. 3:05 A "Drive Through"; Live Nativity December 4,5 & 6; 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 9 Dramatic Scenes, with Live Actors and Authentic Costumes Live Animals, see Wisemans Camel Mary's Donkey and Soldiers' Horses ') )■ !■ A Christmas Gift to you, from , ,i-u X' TRULLS ROAD FREE METHODIST CHURCH 2301 Trulls Road, 1 km. south ofHwy. #2 Courtice, Ont. 436-2300 Please bring a non-perishable food item. Last year's donations fed 47families. Men seeking... SEEKING ROMANCE Single female, polite, professional, I blonde, romanllc, prelly, III, enjoy I antiques, old cars, weight lilting, travel-1 ling, dancing, seeking a male who Is F i NE dining charming A easy going. Ad# 4000 single white malo, 20 5'10", 160lbs, starting nvFp attractive, sandy blond hair, hazel-green S^sWr^tv'Mo'! osfabllshodflnanclallyi'onfoy reading! uoman with similar interests. Ad# 4041 | 1oa rtod and intelligent. AD#4025 SPICE TO MY LIFE Slnglo female, alloclionalo, looking for singiom^o 5°O' A, jb0Îbs A woN build someone lo bring spico Info my>o, ohsygoTna loves id frovti boon onev) honos? OMd 0 sônso S oniumolir Ca w n hn ldoas ' on i°Y lon 9 romanlic'walks on Iho nnlnvs rlan°r?nn 5 ™fdr°r -Snn a' rhi? boach * romantic moments, slow danc- dmn y Ari» TQ1K ' p 9 & chil ' Ing. Seeking a pretty, petite, attraclivo «'"Hi# wm, °™iie l a iu , lau.aarK, aron. Ad# 3916 lady who enjoys weight lilting, travelling, handsome, 16Blbs, clean cut, athletic, i ikp ciquiur antiques, and lois of love. ADW4013 energetic, sexy, understanding, ouloo- just CURIOUS Single fonaaloV^^ls^Ibs.. going fa FAMILY VALUES W t h» 2 chll- collggs, also work part limo, on|oy fish- slnglo dad, 5'10, 170lbs, tall, dark & ous - Sooking a lady to shore, connect & cwtous Ihsîoncounlor ° AD»4S67 ° ° r Ing, canoeing sooking a malo who Is handsome, younb at heart c oan cut grow together wilh/AD»4526 cu,lous ll,sl encounlor ' AD * 4567 n= n nsmakor m Ad# C 37 U 46 '° Vi " 9 ' S ° nSUa ' & L ovos =°°4 kids animals'the out- .... INr NOTIES nonsmokor. Ad# 3746 doors, spending weekends travelling, Cl . . SAILING Male, 30 5'11" I60lbs brown hair WHAT'<; insidf that mi intc non-smoHor. Seeking a lady 5'4"-5 , 9", Single male, 510 , 160lbs, blond hair, blue eyes -short'beard Lookina for à urod, sooking slnglo while malo, 32-40, " mcrncTc curni.u-rcne must be IlnanclalTy socuro liko mysoll, OLDER WOMAN CONSERVATIVE GENTLEMAN aS m V als Ol Ài 0 3279 n9 ' CamP ' n9 ' '° mily ' si "9'° male 40 attraclivo lean build. Sjjikr male 45 conssrvallvo looking, ^ItowmTnvillo oVa Sooking a ! ! ^£ n , 9 g a ci'SSs 0 'a 0 ^ 0 ia W n2S a d!n°: ,0 ' To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 PARTNERS FOREVER Alternative lifestyles.. NEW TO AREA Women seeking. ROMANTIC MOMENTS Slnglo loriialo, 35, nllracllvo, Iriondly, outgoing, ready to oxploro now pleasures. pleasures. Sooking a malo lot long loan relationship. AD»479G NIFTY 50'S Slnglo lomalo, early 50's, 5'3", brown hair 4 oyos, 130lbs, attraclivo, onloy canoeing, working out, Ihundor slorms, palnllng, candle making, loading, honest, honest, caring, compnsslonnlo, spontaneous. spontaneous. Sooking a malo, 45-55, tor lasting lasting relationship. AD»4015 LET'S HAVE COFFEE Slnglo tomato, 30, non-smokor, 5'B", employed, no children, on|oy dining & dancing, long walks, horseback riding. Sooking n malo, D'+, honosl, sincere, caring lor lasting relationship. AD»4G05 LIGHT MY FIRE Slnglo whllo lomalo, pollto, llro-llghlor. Sooking a malo, 33-40, no couch pota- loos, no llamo too hot lo handle. AD»4599 ROMANTIC AT HEART Slnglo whllo lomalo, 5'2", 113lhs, dark brown hair & oyos, on|oy ouldoor adlvl- tins, spoils, movlos, dining & dancing, cronllvo, lovos chlldron. Seeking a mafo with similar Inlorosts 4 voluos. AD»4407 SHARING HOPES 4 DREAMS Slnglo lomalo, loving, caring, willing lo shnro tier lilo, onloy motor cycles, going to Iho boach, dancing, qulol limes. Sooking a malo, 30-45, honosl, slncoro, likos to cuddlo 4 laugh. AD*4201 BIG 4 HUSKY Slnglo lomalo, 57', brown hair 4 oyos, posy going, on|oy animals. Sooking a big 4 husky malo, 6'+, that onloys lilo 4 ouldoor acllvlllos. AD»429I Whllo lomalo, from Toronto, finding II hard lo got lo know pooplo horo casual gel togollmrs and dancing, din- Ing, and lo have lun. AD»475I ADH4490 oncounlots. AD44309 LMklng lo moor guys or glrlsïor friend- slnglo malo? blond'halr'moen oyos Divorc °d malo,34, attraclivo, blond hair, ship only. AD» 3072 5'9' «uo oyes, |!!L gma, ÿapp, SepkN a , ^^H^B7 i ° nC0Un ' tars, discretion oxpoclod 4 assured. nopM uiruncn tun attcxotiuc outdoors, qulol ovonlng's." Sooking a slim, nllracllvo tomato, 25-40, to spend »d»4415 OPEN-MINDED AND ATTRACTIVE special lady with a god sonso ol a ° mo 9° od dean lun time logofhor. nTi°hL n ilih? U cSkvin 1 )!humour, lo on|oy Iho spodal momonls ADH44I3 OPEN MINDED nllracllvo, slim and hoallhy, sooking W i|h ad«475G ... „ UPC , M T l , nu Ll: , . opon-rnindod, ensuol, ollracllvo mnio " ' VERY EASY GOING Allraclivo couplo, Jala 20 s, Indopon- who likos 10 have lun. AD» 3140 CASUAL DATING Single whllo malo, 19, groon oyos. short socu.o P 'SoS^a"fiZs "&TÜÏ FRIENDSHIP FIRST , fo^ctnToWr io^âr^î^JîS'Sfd WMSShbl his 20's lor lun o y o s ! °c fîa r I sm at fc,° r o "m a n 11 c, Chelan & Stogt tio ' aC ° a '° n °' lmP0,1anl ' AD ' 4327 „. LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SS&'SaSrZW'i» casua,da,,n g . 9 AD»4669 s|ng| „ Stive. slim, g' ! a a-. ,a 9 v . las .L can _ dl0 . '!? h J djnnois, looking CARIBBEAN BORN muscular, rospocllul, easy lo got along ,° n s soSkNa'shmS Slnglo black nmlo.5'0- IGOIbs, soil- Ja'iay I o lo Iho lu os,L on|oy Iho X's wolllS, liu'lm? ^worthy? on to Europe and ?,ï d ,ÎS!?4,. a S. I !!; l ! !, „S,!. <l ,'ï?. l ?..)! , ï?. onlo f s lun loving, slncoro. Ad* 4234 DURHAM REGION ono lunriy, mil. easy golngf attraclivo, dd n Twhil72£^ DISCREET ENCOUNTERS W hil ° bl-malo. 35. 6T, blondo hair, soil sulliciont malo. Ad* 2539 llonshlp, no hood gamos. AD»4672 oM casu.^glft't^SlhS?. MM19B GREAT SENSE OF HUMOUR LET'S HAVE coffeei child,omployod, honosl, coring, sooking JUST HAVING FUN To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 £*1.88 lor Irlondshlp first. Ad» 2917 CONFIDENT4 ATTRACTIVE «S'tSp&.'tt S&anT&Kg lilo.volupluous4'likoslohavolunf dIvo 9 mod 1 "p° hïïnn ' Mî SM' romande oVonlngs? SûlUoor'S Ad» 4102 iim? hm 9 nu 2 mi Sooking a lomalo, non-smokor, social nnn Innnv Inll nn«u nnlnn nllrnrll un dllnkOI, WllllO, 25-30, lOI SOllOUS ' llonshlp, no lioad gamos. ADW4672 LET'S HAVE COFFEEI clilld/omployod, honosl, coring, sooking msTHAvmin cmh f ra?°cmo siSkîng 0 |nHhandsomô n mml l ln fl!° n ""| l ' ,1 r s" 1 ". hnndsomo. | ad Y. l L al ' ,a 0 * a lor dl = c ' a( " a " coun - Slnglo lomalo? 120 lbs? aUrnclivo, bl- Sllm ' V ° Ung curious blondlsh brown hair down Ip or, occasional Urlnkor, II you want lo got lhlnklna Womnn ' AD,450 ° SMOKER PREFERRED . ^ Ulu w 0 al Xg ' "ll^.wpihlnq oui. having lun, seeking a lomalo or ' ' Inolr bl-curlous logolhor 1er a cup ol colloo loavo a mes- rock 4 ROLL Gonllomnn, sooking Iho company ol a sago, Ad» 2020 Slnglo dad, 32?5'11", I75lbs, brown Young, swool, sexy, allraclfve/opon S| , QUIET TIMES =' d - AdMieS dm?. 37? totog ,n2 U °°0?q!,lSi hm" ! ttlltoalilSo AOMsÏd" l0mal ° ° ,0 ' 1 ' ™ - OPENMINDED omnlovnd. onlnv ouldoors. Imnllv liln II 101,1,011 l0f " 11,0 llm0, AU*'lel3 , cr.o n . lo bars 4 Just omployod, on|oy ouldoors, larnlly lilo, II Ibis sounds llko you call mo. Ad» 2290 let's do it together Allochod malo, 30, prolosslonal, soak- --I Sinnlo male SMO' aionn nvoi wnll knnl ln 0 nn °P° n mlndod nllracllvo couplo OLDER WOMAN omyiu mnio, o ru , groon oyos, won xopr n f or ns|od In hoi davllmc oncounlms have El IN sinplo mnio, 40, sllm, clonn shnvon, P™'™- handspmo, onjoy swimming, X™» 4,33 V HAVE FUN kind, oonorous. liko nnliiinls nlco nor* JooolBOi nnlmols* chlldforii sooKino o Sinnlo whllo fomnlo, 5 7, 1u0 lbs,, sook* SO n sooklnn n slim, nllrncilvo, old or honlthy, III foninlo, 25*35, non* DISCREET encounter SS Z» X 24 3 mn ' 0510 90 ° Ul & hav ° wornan 0 AD» 9 45 n ,0 nUr " C " V °' smojor n llllfo on Iho wild sldo. slnglo nm^ST? l""n hair, -- clonn slmvon, sooklnn a couplo lor 1 woman. AD«45I0 Questions?? 416-236-6644 kino i tilscrool oncounlors, Ad# 3900