i Pace 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 25, 1998 Section Two Business Women's Club Receives Update on Older Adults' Programs June Clark, of the Clarington Older Adults' Association, was the guest speaker at the latest meeting of the Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club. She addressed the group Thursday, November 19th, and brought the members an update on the progress in establishing a centre for older adults in Clarington. In her remarks, she discussed the past, present and future of the new facility on Beech Ave. Pictured above, from left, are: Judy Hagcrman, Program Chair; June Clark, the guest speaker and Gail Short, Vice President of the Business and Professional Women's Club. Group Discusses Help For Hurricane Victims The Tyrone UCW meeting began with each person reading an article, short story, or poem regarding Remembrance Day. Much discussion followed followed in the hope that we can pass on to our children and grandchildren some understanding of the sacrifices sacrifices made so we can live freely in this great country, Canada. We were reminded there will be a catering December 2nd, headed by Betty Pascoe and another catering headed by Jackie Vaneyk on December 9th. These women will be phoning for assistance from the ladies of the church. The various reports for U.C.W. were completed for presbyterial and the questionnaire on "Task Group on United Church Tyrone U.C.W. Women" was inserted in the Sunday church bulletin. bulletin. All women were asked to look it over and answer any or all the questions questions and return to Jackie or Bessie Vaneyk. The situation in Honduras and the results of hurricane "Mitch" were discussed and donations will be forwarded directly to Honduras to assist in rebuilding this country. We also have a Christmas Share Calendar available as an ongoing project for December and early January to enable us to send additional help later in January. It was decided to gather at the home of Gerry Butterfield on December Ebenezer U.C.W. used bright coloured material material to cover a styrofoam ball. Hazel Forsey thanked Giselle. Our Christmas meeting will be a catered Christmas dinner on Tuesday, December 8 at 6:30 p.m. All ladies of the congregation arc welcome. welcome. On December 5 from 2- 4 p.m. Wilma and Garnet Goync will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Tea and cookies were enjoyed as served by Gwen Muir and Eileen Down. Twelve ladies and young Nathan Knowlton gathered in the C.E. Hall for an interesting meeting of the Ebenezer United Church Women. It was held on November 17 at 1:30 p.m. With Eileen Down at the piano, we had a hymn sing. Treasurer Joan Down took up the offering and Eileen Down collected the pennies for the Fellowship of the Least Coin. She informed us of some of the areas that have been helped with the money. Giselle Pickell instructed instructed us as we made a Christmas tree bauble. We New VP of Academic Excellence for Durham College In a recent staff reorganization, Gary Polonsky, President of Durham College announced the promotion of MaryLynn Wcst-Moynes to Vice-President, Academic Excellence and Innovation. MaryLynn Wcst-Moynes, the former Executive Director Communications and Development, Durham College, holds a BA from University of Guelph and an MA in Adult Education from Central Michigan University. She has been employed in postsccondary education both in teaching and administration for over twelve years and has developed a passionate philosophy of collaboration, collaboration, teamwork, proactive/crcativc problem solving and accountability. In her most recent role, Ms. Wcst-Moynes played a lead role in developing the Durham College Strategic Plan in repositioning the College's communication strategies. Active in the community, Ms. Wcst-Moynes is a Director of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, member of the Port Perry Rotary Club, Terry Fox organizing committee for Port Perry, 1994-98, Chair of Preschool Speech and Language Implementation Committee for 1998 and member and chair YWCA Women of Distinction Selection Committee for 1996 and 1997. She was also recognized for "Leadership" by the Association of Canadian Community College Awards program and was nominated and selected by her peers to he the recipient recipient of the 1997 Durham College Administrative Staff Excellence award. In her new role, Ms. Wcst-Moynes will focus on academic academic excellence through student success strategies, program renewal and new program development. "We are experiencing incredible commitment from students who recognize that employers are hiring graduates with job-ready skills and a pro-active attitude, 'flic College is an exciting place to be these days. I look forward to working with students, staff, employers and our corporate corporate community partners," 10th, 7 p.m. to share pot luck desserts for a Christmas gathering. Please bring along a favourite Christmas reading, reading, poem or story and your voice all tuned for singing some favourite Christmas Carols. Our meeting closed with Bessie Vaneyk reading, reading, "Alzheimer's Answer", a poem by Dorothy Hoskins. 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