PRIZES TO WIN -- The owners and staff of the Mighty Dollar Store and the Big Deal Factory Outlet pose with some of the prizes available this Christmas season. From left arc: John Barker, Linda Bryan, Karen McAleese, Liz Welch and Ann Barker. Store's Christmas Contest Offers Big Prizes to Downtown Shoppers John and Ann Barker, owners of the Mighty Dollar and the Big Deal Factory Outlet in downtown downtown Bowmanvillc, arc ringing in the festive season season with a contest that offers over $ 1,000 worth of prizes. "We have 10 prizes that we're giving away," explains John Barker. They will go to the 10 downtown shoppers who have collected the most "prize dollars" by visiting the stores and joining the contest. Prizes include a Sansui 19-inch color TV; a bread- maker, VCR, microwave, and several other appliances, appliances, plus a dinner at Silk's Café. Details of the contest will be fully explained at the store. However, the idea behind the event is for customers customers to collect prize dollars dollars and record them at the Contest Desk. One way to accumulate prize dollars is to make a purchase at either store. You'll get $1,000 in prize dollars for every dollar spent. However, no purchase is necessary to pick up prize dollar points. For example, on Sundays, visitors visitors are awarded prize dollars dollars based on the number of miles they have travelled travelled to reach the store. If they've come from 1 to 10 miles away, they'll earn 10,000 prize dollars. If their home is more than 30 miles from the store, they'll earn 40,000. On Mondays, shoppers can answer a trivia question to earn 10,000 prize dollars. Tuesdays are Treasure Hunt Day; Wednesdays are Double Your Money Day; Thursdays you can bring your whole family to the store and earn prize dollars based on how much they weigh. Fridays arc Big Dividend day and the week ends with "Double Your Money Day" each Saturday. The contest will continue continue until December 24th, when the prizes will be awarded at two p.m. The store will post a "scoreboard" listing the shoppers who are in the race for total points.. John Barker explains that the idea behind the contest is to bring some added excitement to the downtown Christmas shopping experience. The Mighty Dollar and Big Deal Factory Outlet are adding to the excitement by not only launching the contest, but also offering an extended grand opening and extended hours. "We invite everybody to come downtown and join the fun," Barker says. â Trinity United Church Church and Division Streets |jlj| Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Rev. Dr. Frank W. Lockhart, M.A., iüBlKjni M.Div., M.Th., Th.D. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH, 1998 10:30 a.m. - FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT "Our Need for God's Forgiveness" Nursery Care and Church School Available B| J.p. A Warm Welcome To All Visitors BQ Anglican Cijurtib Temperance St. S., Bowmanville SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH, 1998 ADVENT I 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Contemporary Service 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Each Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying-on-ot-Hands lor Healing Reclor - The Reverend Canon Byron Yales, B.A., S.T.B. F Organist: Mr. Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH, 1998 Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. ADVENT I "We Have A Problem" Nursery Cure for Pre-School Children Every Sunday If you're new to Bowmanville, we invito you to make St. Paul's your church home. 178 Church Street Bowmanville The Region of Durham is pleased to announce that'fele&M? is now available for use by all. The next time you receive your water meter reading card, it will be your new card. Along with the card you will receive a brochure which will further explain how to use*fefaSSW. DURHAM REGION The new, more convenient way to provide your water meter reading, QUESTIONS? Local Calls: 571-6611 Toronto: 686-6611 Finance Uxbridge, Canninglon, Department Sunderland, Beaverton: 1-800-465-6611 l ne Canadian statesman, Bowmanville, iNovemner zx IW Page 3 Letters to the Editor Bank Merger Won't Hurt Rural Areas Dear Sir: In response to Mr. Alex Shepherd's column of November 7 about bank branch closures in rural areas and banking outlets in post office locations, I'd like to reiterate Royal Bank's and Bank of Montreal's pledge regarding branch banking services in rural communities in the context of our proposed merger. We have stated publicly and repeatedly that no rural or remote community in Canada will lose branch service as a result of the merger. In fact, we will increase our total number of staffed outlets to 3,000 from 2,500. Mr. Shepherd states that "Even without mergers there will be a continuing restructuring of the financial services network." And the Report of the MacKay Task Force ends with the words: "For financial institutions, their customers and public policy, reliance on the status quo is no option." The reality reality is that if our proposal is not approved we will not long be able to maintain the outlets we have now or our employment levels. Simply keeping up in the current highly competitive environment environment requires an enormous financial investment in technology, technology, research and development development and training. We cannot continue to do it alone. Mr. Shepherd is right; something will have to give in the form of restructuring. Canadians from coast to coast have our word that if our proposal is approved, no small town, rural area or remote location will lose branch access as a result of the merger. There will be no branch closings in any of the 286 communities where cither bank is the only bank. We will stay. In the 19 communities communities where both our banks have branches and no other bank does, we may amalgamate into one larger location. If that's the case, no employee will be laid off. That, too, is our pledge. And you can hold us to it. Another part of our pledge to Canadians is the provision of 20 new banking banking facilities in post offices in remote communities, some of which have never had banking services before and mobile bankers who meet with customers in their own homes and place of business. Mr Shepherd is hard lo please. He claims that the service our bank will provide provide through post office outlets outlets will be very basic and nol include financial advice or the selling of financial instruments. We need to merge precisely so that we can continue to be a full- service financial institution for the majority, if not every Canadian in a remote location. location. If we are not large enough to compete with the huge U.S. monoline companies companies like MBNA, we will indeed become niche players players in our own country within within a few years, able to concentrate concentrate only on a few lines of business. We do not believe that this is what Canadians want. Making banking affordable affordable and efficient in a rapidly rapidly changing and very competitive competitive environment is what our merger is all about. Sincerely K.B. Ken McLean AppleFest Thoughts Dear Sir: I was pleased lo read Ron Hooper's recent letter regarding regarding the parking situation at the 1998 AppleFest. It's certainly certainly to the credit of the BIA that they realized there was a problem and have taken the initiative to resolve it. I would like to correct a misunderstanding. I did not mean to imply that there was a lack of resting spots Downtown during Apple Festival. My words "there are very lew places to sit down and rest" came at the end of a sentence where I was explaining that a family with young children or elderly people would find it a long walk to Downtown from Concession or Wellington St. I should have added the words "en route" to my sentence sentence to make it clear that it was between Concession St. and Downtown that there isn't any place to rest. And that is hardly the fault of the organizers of AppleFest! The reason that the organizers organizers of the AppleFest deserve all the kudos, is that they have thought of everything everything that they could to make the experience enjoyable for visitors. And that includes places to sit Downtown. I look forward to an even bigger and better AppleFest next year! Yours in support, Evylin Slrottd ^Liberty Car Wash ffl| Santa Says ... Save 20% FIVE "WORKS" WASHES Reg. $34.95 Now $27.96 {plus gsd FIVE "DELUXE" WASHES Reg. S29.95 NOW $23.96 (plus GST) FIVE "BASIC" WASHES Reg. $24.95 NOW $19.96 (plus GST) || Until Christmas 1998 4 fit . 146 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville OPEN: Monday - Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.; p Sunday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. || :u Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, B.Sc. Phm. To control costs, most drug plans demand the least expensive version of each drug prescribed. Canadian generic drugs are well-made. There are a few situations where drugs are non- substitutable. Our pharmacists are well informed of the drugs that are in that group. The world of health has its share of frauds. Some examples of these frauds include: cancer cures, AIDS cures, instant weight loss cures, fraudulent sexual aids, baldness cures and false nutritional schemes. If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Do magnets really reduce pain? One study at the Baylor Institute in Houston did a good scientific study of 50 post-polio patients and found better pain reduction reported by those who used real magnets than those who used placebo magnets. That's one study only. More work has to be done on this subject. Caffeine is often added to pain relievers to increase the effect of ASA (Aspirin). You can increase the effect of the pain reliever Ibuprofen also, by taking it with a caffeinated beverage like coffee, tea or cola drinks. Talk to our pharmacists about this. Whether it be advice on pain relief, coughs, colds or flu, drop in and talk to us. We are always ready to help you with good advice. Pharmacist Orthotist Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. CONTEST RULES 1 Prizes will bo only awarded lo contestants registered at n sponsoring store. 2. All unities must bo complota lo bo eligible. 3, Entrants nood not bo prosont lo win. 4. Pooplo undor 10 and.pooplo nlllllnlod with llio sollor, sponsor, or marketing agoni aro Ineligible lo onlor Iho conlost and/or win any ol tho prizes. 5. No substitution will bo allowed and prizes may not bo rodoomod lor cash or ollior consideration oxcopl wlioro required by law. 6. A winner may bo required lo sign an allldavlt ol eligibility and a rocolpt. 7. Tho laxos, whore applicable, aro tho solo responsibility of Iho winner. 0. Prize Dollars aro nol lo bo considered logal louder. They aro todoomablo lor prizes only. 9. Prlzo Dollars may only bo rocolvod and deposited upon Iho contestants request al tho Contest Dusk on Iho day awarded and may nol bo translorrod alter thoy aro deposited. 10. Prlzo Dollars will bo deducted lor nutliodzod returns, 11. Prlzo Dollars will nol bo awarded lor bulk purchases by businesses or lor llxluro purchases. 12. Tho odds ol winning a prlzo aro dolurmlnod by Iho numbor ol registered contestants. 13. Tho Prlzo Conlosl Manager makes all final judgments on rules, awarding Prlzo Dollars and disqualification of any person lor just causo, 14. Dy accepting any prlzo from Ibis conlosl Iho recipient agroos that Iho recipient's name and photograph may bo usod In luluro ndvoillslng at Iho discretion ol Iho conlosl sponsor.