Page 10 The Claringion/Couriicc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, Novemmber 28, Tis the Season It wasn't that many years ago that people laughed at all the lights Chevy Chase put on and around his house in the movie Christmas Vacation. Now, more and more people people arc adding to that simple simple row of lights that rest under the eaves trough. Their efforts arc no longer a movie sight gag. Their creations creations arc now recognized as a gift to anyone that passes by. Through their time and effort, not to mention mention their electric bill, we get a sense of wonder and joy that adds to the holiday spirit. The more extravagant extravagant the display, the more people flock to see it. One such destination that draws people from miles around is Vicki Drive in Pickering. Take the Whites Road exit south from the 401. Turn left at Oklahoma Drive, the second second set of lights south of the 401, then turn at the fourth left, Victory Drive. At the corner of Victory and Vicki you will see a street sign that reads, "The North Pole", and everything around you will make you believe it is true. Seasonal displays along with tens of thousands of lights will spellbound you. If you get out of your car and walk around, you might even hear Christmas carols playing. playing. Another mind boggling display can be found at the intersection of Jolliffc Street and Living Court in Courlicc. Go north on Courlice Rd. from Highway 2 one short block to Moysc Drive. Go right on Moyse to your first right which will be Jolliffc. If you want to take a drive around Bowmanvillc, though not quite as extravagant, extravagant, there are some nice displays. Cheek out 42 Concession Street E., where you'll sec a full size Santa in his sleigh. There is a nice display combining cartoon characters and lights at 44 and 46 Mann Street and four colourful full sized reindeer at Concession and Soper Creek. As well, 54 and 58 Soper Creek certainly have the holiday spirit. As the big day draws near, more lights and displays displays will be going up around town. Some streets already have lights on almost every house, just check out Fenwick Avenue in the Liberty Rd. and 3rd Concession area. Spectacular Christmas light displays can also be found on Old Scugog Rd., north of Bowmanvillc. Now, here's my Christmas gift to you. I have a weekend for two in Niagara Falls to give away. Twq nights at the Best Western Fireside Hotel, 4067 River Rd, Niagara The Traveller by Rob Evans Falls, any weekend up to May 1, 1999, excluding holidays and Valentine's Day. Included in the package package is breakfast for two on Saturday and Sunday and dinner for two on Saturday night. Your room will have a fireplace in it and the hotel has an indoor pool, sauna and whirlpool. If you arc 19 years of age or older and would like to have this mini vacation just send a letter with your name and phone number to: The Traveller, Niagara Falls Weekend, P.O. Box 92, Bowmanvillc, Ontario, L1C 3K8. I will make the draw on December 18. So enter soon and enter as often as you wish. Good luck and happy travels. Lions and Tigers and Bears... All of these creatures -- and more -- were on hand to greet children at last Saturday's 37th annual Bowmanvillc Santa Claus Parade. Waiting for the parade to get underway are Miranda Monahan, Eleanor Arsenault, Julie Sidock, Sltawna Perry, Sheena Andrade, and Tara DeHart. RENIAIS EVERYDAY! MEW RELEASES INCIMED! 1 Come in to BLOCKBUSTER® any day and rent any movie or game for only $1.99! ieenwisi® 0 iw Ca» 1 ada' jfawdW fcntertainineri t Store. Hurry In Today! Limited time only. Offer valid only at: 1403 Highway #2 (905) 432-1627 Courtice HI/X'KBUSIM itamo, ilvsiyn and tvlalud mmksmu Inutemaiks of Hlockliusk'r lnc.011W8 Blockbuster Inc. All Rights Rcst-mxl. All sties taxes uxtia wliviu applicable. Make It A BLOCKBUSTER Night 9 GREAT SELECTION Thousands of rental movies to choose from CONVENIENT HOURS Open 10am to Midnight 7 days a week THE LATEST IN VIDEO GAMES Make It A BLOCKBUSTER Night* BLOCKBUSTER $5 to $50 values TM hot selling CDs^ Extended 17-night rentals on all kids' movies Guaranteed Rentals SO HOME HAPPY' BLOCKBUSTER Phone Cards 20, k0 or 70 minutes!