Page 14 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, Novcmmbcr 28, IN TUNE - Visitors to Moonlight Magic on Friday, December 4, will have the chance to sing some Christmas carols. Volunteers Needed At Christmas Dinner Volunteers arc needed to help with a dinner in honor of the late Carson Elliott. The Christmas dinner for seniors and shut-ins will take place Friday, December 11th, at the St. Joseph's Catholic Church Hall from six p.m. until 10 p.m. Local businesses will supply the dinner. The dinner honors Elliott, a former Durham Region councillor and long-time Bowmanvillc businessman who died in September. Elliott owned Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home from 1961 until 1988, and was active in many charitable and volunteer organizations. Organizers arc looking for volunteers to help serve dinner, provide entertainment, or offer rides to people who wish to attend. For information on how to volunteer, or to attend the dinner, call Viv Woolford at 697-3508, or George Khouri at 697-2225. arm's (Deficatessen Specializing in Fine European Foods 29 King Street East, Bowmanvllle 623-1533 SPECIAL Schnitzel, Save Valuable Time Pick up Dinner at Norm's and still have time to shop! Cabbage Roll $C95 and Perogies J Visit Norm's during Moonlight Magic to order your Fresh Free Range TURKEY for Christmas or our Special "Christmas Kolbassa Ring" PLANNING A PARTY? We Specialize in Party Trays for all occasions. . Made to order Meats, Cheese, Vegetable, Hot and Cold Buffet Items 4? S,U0CT3S ■ 8t)UQ33ili) 8,U0St3S » StHllfflBt) S,U0S?3S » StlUlfflllt) % Hey Everybody We'll pay the Taxes on any orders placed during Moonlight Magic Friday, Dec. 4th 6 p.m. until Midnight imoincf me CUSTOM DRAPERIES & INTER! 1 i o < r - t - r- r 1 ' i \ s * i.- I ... : .u J C > I G i\ oChVivi. SR «sas 34-B King St. W. Bowmanvillc 623-2826 Moonlight Magic Specials Friday and Saturday December 4th and 5th Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 12 midnight Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Save 25% on Any Purchases Leisure tiB 21 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 697-1963 ^©j.p. i ?>' Come in and meet me during JI/loQ*diqM Again this year, my dog "Ryley" wants to make sure all the pets at the local Animal Shelter have a Merry Christmas! We invite you to drop by and say hello and bring in a dog or cat treat between 8:00 p.m. and 12 midnight. We'll see that your gifts are given to the Animal Shelter for distribution. Your generosity the last few years has been wonderful! See you on Friday evening! Brian Purdy, Advertising Manager jje CanaMan Statesman ■ a ï&Zïiriià tarffirit-a.?}~-'S\ - V ■ 72 King St. W., 623-3303 Bowmanville ©j.p. Ajl Bowmanville jlA ★ Sports Shop Three Days Friday, Saturday and Sunday December 4, 5 and 6 Bowmanville Sports Shop 56 King St. West, Bowmanville 623-0322 CONTEST RULES 1 Prizes will bo only owardod to conlostnnls roglstorod at a sponsoring store. 2, All ontrlos must bo complolo to bo ollgiblo, 3, Entrants nood not bo prosont to win. 4. Pooplo undor 18 and pooplo alllllatod with tiro sollor, sponsor, or markollng agont aro Inollgiblo to ontor tiro contost and/or win any ol tiro prizes. G. No substitution will bo allowed and prizes may not bo rodoomod lor cash or othor consideration except whom required by law, 0. A winner may bo roqulrod to sign an affidavit ol ollglblllly and a rocolpl. 7. Tiro taxos, whom applicable, aro Iho solo responsibility ol tiro winner, 8. Prlzo Dollars aro not to bo consldorod legal tondor. They aro rodoomablo lor prizes only, 0, Prlzo Dollars may only bo rocolvod nnd doposllod upon Iho contestant's roquost at Iho Contost Dosk on tho day awarded and may not bo translorrod altor llroy aro doposltod. 10, Prlzo Dollars will bo doductod lor authorlzod rolurns, 11. Prlzo Dollars will not bo awarded lor bulk purchases by businesses or lor llxluro purclrasos, 12, Tho odds ol winning a prlzo aro dotormlnod by Iho number ol roglstorod conlostnnls, 13. Tho Prlzo Contost Manager makes all llnnl |udgmonts on rutos, awarding Prlzo Dollars nnd dlsqunllllcatlon ol any porson lor Just cause. 14. By accepting any prlzo Irani this contost Iho roclplont ngroos that Iho recipient's nnmo nnd photograph may bo usod In luluro ndvorllslng at tlm dlscrollon ol tho contost sponsor,