Page 8 The Clarington/Courlicc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, Novemmbcr 28, Santa Touches Down in Newcastle Santa and his sleigh appeared Friday evening at the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting in Newcastle. Many gathered to sec the jolly elf. Children of all ages sang Christmas carols and kids" favourites. In addition, the stores were open later for the convenience of shoppers. Diabetes Program Agricultural Leaders Ready To Share their Experiences Looking for a guest speaker? speaker? Participants in the current Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) are available to speak to your group and share their experiences experiences after having completed eight of the eleven sessions that make up the two-year program. The summer North American Study Travel, which included over 100 speakers and 5,800 miles of travel, will be the feature of a slide presentation that available for local groups. For more information or the name of a participant nearest you, contact Cathy Hondcrich at the AALP office at 519-826- 4204. An important aim of the AALP is to provide future leaders with an understanding of the complex forces driving national and international agriculture. The North American tour offered opportunities opportunities to meet with producers, producers, politicians and industry leaders in both Canada and the U.S. while examining trade, policy, social, cultural and environmental issues in both countries. The AALP is a training program for men and women in the early stages of a leadership leadership career. Participants arc farmers, employees of agricultural-related agricultural-related business arid- other individuals involved in the agri-food industry. This class will complete their study in April 1999. Information on the next two- year course can be obtained from the AALP office at 519- 826-4204. A "Drive Through"; Live Nativity December 4,5 & 6; 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m, Agricultural Calendar jv- 9 Dramatic Scenes, £ with Live Actors and F- Authentic Costumes F Live Animals, see Jt Wiseman's Camel H' Mary's Donkey L and Soldiers' Horses ' ') >■ ! A Christmas Gift from November 30, 8:00 p.m. Durham Farm Fresh Association Annual Meeting, OMAFRA, Port Perry. December 1, 8:00 p.m. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture Meeting, OMAFRA, Port Perry. December 1, 7:30 p.m. York Federation of Agriculture Meeting, York Region Civic Centre, Newmarket. December 7, 10:00 a.m. Gcncor Zone Meeting, (York, Peel, Halton), Caledon East Community Centre. The Ministry of Health Diabetes Complication Prevention Strategy has chosen chosen the Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre staff in Oshawa to run a New Diabetes Education Program for Young Adults oi" age 19 to 35 with Type 1 Diabetes. Participants may join the program at diagnosis (often preventing the need for hospitalization) hospitalization) or have established established Type 1 Diabetes. The program, designed exclusively exclusively for Type 1 Adults, is now underway, highly endorsed by current participants and growing rapidly. Certified Diabetes Educators specializing in Type 1 Diabetes will administer administer this education and management management program, in partnership partnership with the referring physician. physician. The program will deal with: • issues of intensified management (including insulin pumps); • diabetes complication prevention; financial resources for supplies; • family planning and pregnancy; travel planning; effects of exercise and sports; • shift work; emotional adjustment; advocacy in the workplace; and current management management and research issues. Type 1 Insulin Dependent Diabetes can develop at any age most commonly under the age of 30 years. The body stops ' producing insulin. If undiagnosed it can rapidly lead to diabetic coma and evcifticath. Type 1 diabetes is one of thc,_most common childhood diseases. It can be identified by the following dramatic symptoms, excessive excessive thirst and urination, weight loss, dehydration and fatigue. Treatment must start immediately at diagnosis with insulin injections in addition to diet and activity programming and will continue continue for a lifetime. The Centre, established in 1989, to serve children and youth with Type 1 Diabetes up to the age of 19 years is delighted to serve as the site and staffing for this new initiative. initiative. The Young Adult Program can utilize the Best Centre's highlights of flexible, flexible, immediate scheduling including evenings, early mornings and weekend appointments as well as immediate response of the Centre's staff 24-hours a day to assist in solving diabetes management problems. For information contact the Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre in Oshawa, at (905) 434-7233. Jlowanl-ÿoliiMii I Claringfton Hotel : (905) 623-3373 SPECIAL GUEST ROOM RATE DEC 7-JAN. 17,19» Our newly renovated rooms- $59.00/night r taxes ?IŒND OF YEAR FESTIVITIES* Christmas Day, December 25 Flying Dutchman Restaurant closed all day Saturday and Sunday, December 26 & 27 SPECIAL BOXING DAY BUFFET BRUNCH 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Price 58.95/person" New Year's Eve, December 31 "Ring out the old and ring in the new!" GALA DINNER DANCE in newly renovated Durham Room, with: welcome cocktail, 5 course dinner, midnight champagne, party favours, noise makers, decorations, D.J. music and door prizes. Table of 8 persons (d couples sharing) $59.00/person (all taxes and gratuities included) SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S EVE PACKAGES * Dinner/Dance and overnight accommodations $179. per couple ' Dinncr/Dance, overnight accommodations and New Year's Day Brunch $199. per couple (all raxes and griluiiics included) RESERVE AND PURCHASEYOUR TICKETS NOW! New Year's Day, January 1st Flying Dutchman restaurant and lounge Start the new year 1999 with • 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. BUFFET BRUNCH $9.95/person" '5 p.m. - 9 p.m. BUFFET DINNER $10.95/pcrson" Children half price - d years and under FREE DURHAM REGION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Health and Social Service Committee of the Regional Municipality of Durham invite the general public to attend a Land Ambulance Service Review orientation session at any of the following locations: Thursday Dec. 3,1998 Wednesday Dec. 9,1998 Thursday Dec. 10,1998 Uxbridge Public Library (Gould Room) OshaWa Public Library (auditorium) Pickering Town Hall (Council Chamber) 9 Toronto Street, Uxbridge 65 Bagot Street, Oshawa 1 the Esplanade, 1 Pickering 7 to 9 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. The purpose of these meetings is to provide residents with preliminary information and to receive comments about the options being considered for municipal governance, funding and administration of land ambulance sen/ices in Durham Region. This information is also contained in a Land Ambulance Service Review discussion paper. To obtain a copy of this document please contact Linda Kehoe at the Health Department 1 (800) 841-2729 or (905) 723-8521 ext. 2101. @JR DON'T FALL FOR IT! 50% - 70% OFF!! OFF WHAT? Is there such a thing as a true discount? Yes, there is!! But as a smart consumer, be aware!! It could be that a "regular" price is inflated to lure you into thinking you're getting a bargain. One store's 30%, 40%, 50% or 70% "OFF" could be the same as another store's regular priqe! Deceptive advertising is not what we are about! WE CONSISTENTLY OFFER LEGITIMATE PRICÈS WITH PERSONAL, KNOWLEDGEABLE SERVICE. COMPARE OUR PRICES AND MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICE. ooper's Jewellers Ltd. A SIGN YOU CAN TRÜST "Your Family Jewellers since.19-15" 39 King St. W„ Bowmanvillc (905) (523-5747 A MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN JEWELLERS ASSOCIATION to you, TRULLS ROAD FREE METHODIST CHURCH - 2301 Trulls Road, 1 km. south ofHwy. #2 | Courtice, Ont. 436-2300 : r Please bring a non-perishable food item. Last years donations fed 47families. F 2 Simplex odeon CINEMAGUIDE CINESAVE TUESDAYS ONLY 25 ✓ presented in ALL SHOWS ■W DIGITAL SOUND | NtW PKICING POIICY - CHIU), YOUTH 171 UHDtR, StWKXt, TUESDAYS t MATlHttS 54.25 I SH0WTIMES FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 77 TO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 03 ✓ 1 STILL KNOW WHAT YOU END LAST SUMNER (AA) Frt-Thun: 7:40,9:50 Sat-Sun Mat: 2.00,4:15 ✓ ENEMY OF THE STATE (AA) FrVIhurt: 7:10,9:50 Sat-Sun Mat: 120,4:10 ✓ HOME FRIES (PG) Frt-Thun: 7:30,9:35 Sat-Sun Mat: 130,3:45 ✓ VERY BAD THINGS (R) Fri-Tuet: 7:25,9:45 Sat-Sun Mat 5:05 ✓ THE WATERBOY (PG) Frt-Thun: 750,920 Sat-Sun Mat 1:15,320,5:15 ✓ THE SIEGE (AA) Frt-Thur»: 9:40 ✓ CELEBRITY (R) Frt-Thun: 7:15 Sat-Sun Mat: 12:45,4:35 ✓ MEET JOE BLACK (AA) Frt-Thuri: 6.00 Sat-Sun Mat 1.05,4:25 ✓ RUGRATS.THE MOVIE (F) Frt-Thun: 6:50,8:45 Sat-Sun Mat: 1.00,3:00,5.00 ✓ M BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (F) Sat-Sun Mat: 3:05 ✓ BABE • A PK> M THE CfTY (PG) (No Pa*tec) Fri-Tliun: 6:45,9.00 Sat-Sun Mat: 12.00,2:15.4:30 ✓ JERRY SPRINGER: R MCMASTER (F) Frt-Thun: 7:45,9:55 Sat-Sun Mat: 1:45,4:00 ✓ A BUG'S LIFE (PG) Frt-Thun: 700,9:15 Sat-Sun Mat: 12:15,2:30,4:45 HUM CMZ VERY BAD 53 SCARIER THAN THE FIRST!" i^Sfow WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER BV/stei 'SXtlil UTYW1'. . [OARM UNOVAOI IHOMtlNWO KIWI ■■ vOUNCE NOT RECOMMENCED IOI OMDtIN JERRY SPRINGER IN tV/NOMASrtR X K 11 SAN OALLIANCE COMPACT CARS - : I I IA . ÎS- fSi:i : " ; ' Z:; {!■/) m « É1 fill Jjf| wii CAVALIER 1998 Cavalier Red, auto, air, 31,400 km. I*ljr025 1998 Cavalier Gold, air, a.ulo, $ cassette, 31,200 km. 1998 Cavalier Green, auto, air, power $ « e AAfi locks & windows, keyless ■ V entry, cruise, 31,200 km. 1997 Cavalier Green, auto, air, $ , 15,495 1997 Cavalier *12,995 Green, auto, air, cassette, 58,700 km, cassette, 52,800 km. v 1 2y995 1996 Cavalier Black, auto, air, cassette, 42,200 km. 1993 Cavalier RS *7,995 Grey, V6, air, power locks, 126,300 km. SPECIAL *10,925 1993 Cavalier RS Blue, V6, air, auto, $ power locks, 55,000 km. "OPTIMUM :A jj SUNFIRE J.E. Hwy. #2 EAST END OF PORT HOPE 1991 1995 SunEire Orchid, 5 spd., air, 66,400 km. MID SIZE CARS if f'i" it SPORT UTILITY 4x4 1996 Blazer LT Maroon, leather, ▲ loaded, 60,500 km, 5 25,995 1997 Blazer LT Grecn/Silvcr, loaded, leather, CD, 35,000 km. *29,995 SUBURBAN'^5 1995 Suburban LS Teal, 350, V8, loaded, 99,900 km. *29,995 OLDSMOBILE INTRIGUE CAPRICE ngm 1998 Intrigue GL While, 3.8 V6, CD, $«4 005 power seal, loaded, •• ^t ~ ® 26,000 km. 1995 Caprice Tan, VB, loaded, $ ■ --r An - 38,300 km. 7,995 • WARRANTY • INSPECTION â ffîït • EXCHANGE P "Program and warranties backed ny v nrmi M MÊÊÊÊÊ I OLDS ACHIEVAsp 1996 Achieve Red, V6, loaded, CD, 47,906 km. ' *14,998- LUMINA 1998 Lumina ITZ Maroon, 3.8 V6, looded, CD, > -- _ . poweneal, spoiler, 12,500 Ian. '21,* MONTE CARLO 1995 Monte Carlo Zr34 Green,?"" ■ . 3.4 Vâ, loaded, t m jc buckets, spoiler, 1 0,995. KJi.V. 1 ■I -y TRACKER 1995 Tracker Black, 5 spd,, cassolle, 88,300 km. *10,995