i Page 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, December 9. 1998 Section Two WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9 FESTIVE FAMILY FUN AT CPL -- Jingle all the way to the library for some holiday tales and festivities for the whole family! This takes place at the Bowmanvillc Branch, Wednesday, December 9 at 7:00 p.m., Courticc Branch, Thursday, December 17th, 7:00 p.m. THURSDAY, DEC.10 "LIGHT A CANDLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS" -- Amnesty International (Clarington Group) will be holding a Candle Lighting Vigil at Clarington Town Hall, Bowmanvillc, at 7:00 p,m. on December I0. This event will be part of an international celebration marking the 50th- anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For information, contact Mary Ellen at 987-5740. Everyone is invited to attend. SATURDAY, DEC. 12 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 178 -- Help us stuff a van. We will have our vans parked in our parking lot at 109 King St. E. Bowmanvillc from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, December 12, 1998. We would like non-perishable non-perishable foods to go to Bowmanvillc Salvation Army food banks and for Christmas baskets to the needy. Lets all pull together, so, when doing your shopping for home, just add a couple extra items for a family to share during the holidays. Toys are also accepted. 2545 for ticket information. FRIDAY, DEC. 18 FREE FAMILY SKATE-A-THON -- Sponsored by the Clarington Speed Skating Club will be held on Friday, December 18th, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. It will be at the Garnett B. Rickard Arena. There will be speed skating demonstrations at 6:00 p.m. (Donations will be accepted for the club.) SATURDAY, DEC. 19 CHRISTMAS CONCERT -- The combined choirs of Maranatha Christian Reformed Church (Hwy. 2 E. Bowmanvillc) Saturday, December 19, at 8:00 and First Baptist Church, (812 Hortop, Oshawa) Sunday, December 20, at 7:00 p.m. present their annual Christmas Concert, under the direction of Mr. Cory Kuipers. Free admission. Babysitting available at Bowmanvillc. SUNDAY, DEC. 20 ST. PAUL'S LIVING NATIVITY -- St. Paul's will hold its. 15th annual Living Nativity December 20, 21, 22, 7:30 p.m. This is a live reenactment reenactment which includes live animals and a participating participating carol sing. It will be taking place at St. Paul's United Church, 178 Church St. in Bowmanvillc. Come travel with us back to Bethlehem. Wheel of Fortune Bowmanvillc Lions Club members and their guests tried their hand at winning their Christmas turkeys Friday evening, December 4th, during the club's annual Turkey Roll. The Turkey Roll and other draws took place at the Clarington Beech Centre. Here, Doug Caston, of the Bowmanvillc Lions Club, gives the wheel a spin. SUNDAY, DEC. 13 LIBERTY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH -- Presents the children's musical "Three Wisemcn and a Baby" on Sunday, December 13 at 6:30 p.m. (Treat bag for every child under 12). Located at the corner of Hwys. #57 and #2. Everyone welcome. For more information please call the church office at 623-5100. OFFICIAL OPENING -- Of the Garnet B. Rickard Complex Addition on Sunday, December 13, 1998 at 1:00 p.m. Great fun and many activities activities including Joe Tilley, CFTO Sports Anchor will be the Master of Ceremonies. Meet the O.H.A. Junior A. Bowmanvillc Eagles and the Canadian Championship Founders Cup winners "The Green Gaels" Lacrosse Team. Free skate with the Bowmanvillc Eagles, speed skating and figure skating demonstrations, "Chuck The Puck" and free giveaways and many great door prizes to be won. LOCAL PIANIST LAUNCHES CD -- Gladys Brown, a long-time resident of Orono, is now featured featured in her own compact disc entitled "Reminiscing with Glady Brown." Her CD will be launched on Sunday, December 13th, at the Orono Town Hall. There will be a party in honor of the occasion from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Glady Brown's CD contains mainly jazz piano numbers and other old favorites. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16 CHRISTMAS CONCERT -- A Christmas Concert by the 100 voice mixed choir, concert band and Kooy Sisters of the Ontario Christian Music Assembly; Leendert Kooy, director will be held on Wednesday, December 16 in the Maranatha Christian Reformed Church (Hwy. 2 E) Bowmanvillc. Call (905) 623-7196 for information information and admission costs. Bring the whole family and celebrate with us the true joy of Christmas! DEVRIES FAMILY AND KINGSMEN CONCERT CONCERT -- The DeVries Family and Kingsmcn Concert will be held on Wednesday, December 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, DeVries Family Ministry. Phone 786- FOR YOUR INFO GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP-- Have you experienced experienced the death of a loved one? No matter if you are 2 or 102 years old, this loss impacts and can cripple you physically and emotionally. Please, if you are experiencing grief, come share the understanding understanding and encouragement of the Monday Night Mutual support group for men and women. The group meets Monday evenings 7:00 p.m. at Trull's Road Free Methodist Church and will commence a new session covering the period January 25 to March 22, 1999. For further information information or to register, contact Jack or Lori at 432- 9281. No fee involved. Confidentiality assured. some time for this worthy cause, please call the Area Coordinator at 987-3537. VISUAL ARTS CENTRE -- It's here again! The Visual Arts Centre's annual show and sale of 100 Small Paintings (and prints and drawings). Just in time for the holiday season, this exhibition is an added feature of our Yulctide celebrations. It is a celebration of small - small pieces at small prices. Artists connected with the VAC arc invited invited to participate in this annual event and as usual, the reception on Friday night is a special time for collectors since all pieces in the show arc sold at a discount of 10% - an early present from the artists and the centre. While the show is on until December 12, the discount applies on Yuletide Friday night only. Admission is free. THE OPTIMIST CLUB -- The Optimist Club are again selling Christmas trees at the corner of Simpson Ave and Hwy. #2. This is one of our fundraiser's which supports children's programs, so please come out and support us. COOL'N FUNKY NEW T-SHIRTS AT CPL! -- Excellent gift idea! Perfect for stocking stuffers! Help spread the word about the importance importance of reading and 'libraries! Check out the shirts at your nearest CPL branch! Adult $10, Youth $8. Yoga Classes Offered At Beech Centre by Jennifer Somerscales is a definite aid in solving this problem. Bowmanvillc seniors arc getting a taste of one of The yoga class is extremely beneficial for those the newest most popular forms of exercise. who find their bodies to be less flexible as they age. For the past few years, yoga has made a huge Often people forget to stretch and by participating m impact in the fitness field and it is riow available hère' ' 1 the class 'muscles begin to get stronger, the body in Bowmanvillc specifically for seniors. - stops shrinking and soon begins to lengthen. The Senior Centre has had the class up and run- To join the class, one must be a member of the 55 ning for about two years and Karen Budel, the and over club and pay a nominal fee. Seniors'Yoga is DUCA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION -- As a special Christmas giving effort, the DUCA Community Credit Union, 136 King St. E., Bowmanvillc, is urging citizens to join them to think about sharing during this special season. Non perishable food items and toys may be dropped off at their branch and all items will be kept in the community and distributed by our local Salvation Army. Your contributions would be greatly appreciated. ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES -- The March of Dimes is gearing up for the 1999 Door to Door Campaign in January. Funds raised by volunteer canvassers and Area Captains in Bowmanvillc and surrounding communities will provide assistance assistance and encourage independence for adults with physical disabilities. If you can volunteer instructor of the class is pleased about the amount of participation. "The class is very popular with the seniors and extremely well attended", she comments. "28 people are registered presently and there is usually a turn out of about 20 or 22, which is really high". Because the class is aimed at people ages 55 and over, Budel explained that some forms of yoga must be modified to suit the needs of those attending. Stretching and breathing are more emphasized emphasized and the movements are revised for a gentler form of work out. The relief of stress is also a major factor factor concerning yoga. Relaxation methods are used to help seniors focus better. Budel explained that often in every day life, people people have difficulty concentrating and yoga available at the centre on Beech St. on Monday afternoons. afternoons. The atmosphere is fun, relaxing and it proves to be a beneficial hour out of your day. ATTENTION 18" DISH OWNERS!! irs time to consider your options IT COULD SAVE YOU SOME MONEY irLL SURE GIVE YOU MORE CHANNELS It you're not getting all 160 channels available on your 18" dish Including Pay Per View moWcs on channels 101 lo 193 or Sports channels 300 lo 500 then Ils time to change who you buy programming from. HO activation tees EVER • NO credit car'd numbers • Always same price Canadian Funds ■ • NO lludualing monthly bills • NO changeover fees* Lowest Subscription Prices» Call 1-800-8GG-03G2 for moro information. Quality Body Work FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday f *"j[ *1 i Vm tjUf iJ BOWMANVILLC - ONT. 166 King St. East Telephone 623-3396 JAMES R. YAHCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY DIANE E. COUTURE • ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services OSHAWA 122 Albert St. Z2I-Z506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave, 019-1471 COBOURG 72 King St. W. 371-4744 0.1 P SATURDAY AND HVHNINU AITOINTMI NTS AVAI1 Alll I- FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION 1 Recovering Sofas & Chairs • Office Furniture • Antique Restoration Large Selection of Fabrics & Leathers SHOP AT HOME SERVICE ORONO 985-9874 3375 Concession Rtl. #7 FLYERS FLYER PRINTING AND DELIVERY PACKAGE! PRINTED ONE SIDE 8 1/2" x 11" flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 5.3^ each pi ilus taxes ♦Offer good for quantities over 15,000 PRINTED TWO SIDES 8 1/2" x 11 " flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 6.51 ed.Ch plus taxes ♦Offer good for quantities over 15,000 Add a 2nd colour of ink to your flyer $ 100.00 per colour - per side of flyer James Publishing Publishers of The Canadian Statesman and Clarington/Courtlcc Independent 62 King Street West, Bowmanville Phone: (905) 623-3303 Fax: (905) 623-6161