Page 10 The ClaringtonZCourticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, December 12, 1998 Your Guide To: Health, Hobbies and Entertainment s> i. Local Men Back White Ribbon Campaign r. t !< r * f: p-. tV; h * • P- „ by Nancy Pleasance- Sturman Slofl Writer Domestic abuse and sexual sexual assault arc words that, sadly, arc becoming a larger larger part of the vocabulary of the 90's. On Saturday, December 5, approximately 30 Clarington men gathered at St. Paul's United Church in Bowmanvillc to hear about domestic violence and what to do to help those in need. One of the guest speakers speakers was Judy Morine, Domestic Violence Awareness Coordinator for the Sexual Assault Centre at Lakcridgc Health Oshawa. Ms. Morine stated stated that physical abuse happens happens in every generation, no one is immune,. Cases she knows of, from her work with abused women, involve individuals from 17 to 68 years old. Statistics show that, on average, women are abused 35 times before they gain the courage to leave. Some factors that frd prevent women from leav- L\' ing an abusive relationship include financial conditions conditions and the abusing partner's partner's remorse and promises promises of change. When a woman comes to the hospital for treatment treatment of a bad cut or bruise caused by physical abuse, she very often will not admit the violence, but instead will invent an excuse, such as "I ran into the door" or "I fell down the stairs." If abuse is alleged, the emergency room staff alerts the domestic violence team. These individuals are specially specially trained to deal with such a victim and are available to be. present within 30 minutes *■ for I" immediate counseling, as soon as the physical £> injuries are attended to. A p,' private room is provided to gv her to tell her story to a jC team member. So often, these stories are all too >" familiar to these trained tp; counsellors. The case is £• documented and photos ■v are taken of the injuries. £ Charges may be laid by 0 police, but this is not ip mandatory and is totally at the discretion of the vic- i- tim. If charges arc not laid, the evidence is filed for future reference by the hospital. P Morine stressed the j; importance of the victims' (-; stories being believed, as it ; : may be extremely difficult j ; for the victim to come forward. forward. One clue one might look for that could indicate abuse in a relationship would be frequent, apparently apparently accidental injury or a controlling partner. Some abusing partners appear as caring and respectable people in the community, but may be very different people at home. When children arc involved, they may be found to be fearful r or anxious for their molh- » cr's safety. Even if chil- r dren have not actually seen the violence, they arc fre- P quently aware. ; Family, friends and pco- ; pie from the victim's ► church, community groups -Ictc. need to be supportive pas some women aren't Palways aware of their options. Abuse can begin any time during the relationship. relationship. Even before marriages marriages begin, there may be . Seniors' Light Tour Sunday This year's Kinsmen Club Senior Citizens' Tour of Christmas Lights will be held Sunday, December 13th. Buses leave approximately approximately 6 p.m. from Trinity Church, Bowmanvillc. > Refreshments will be provided provided after the lour. Those wishing to go, or needing transportation to the has, please call McGregor Drugs 623-5792 or Wayne I lodge 623-5258. I We urge citizens to please co-operate hy illuminating your homes. ; This project is sponsored by the Bowmanvillc Kinsmen and Kinetic Clubs. control issues and 50% of abuse starts during a pregnancy, pregnancy, since that's when women arc most vulnerable. vulnerable. The second speaker at the breakfast, is a former victim herself and shared her experience. While the abuse was occurring in her marriage, she considered herself "crazy" at times and consequently did not report the problem right away. She told the group she always could come up with a reason for keeping it to herself. She was afraid of how her family would react and scared she couldn't couldn't make it on her own. The first year after she left was the hardest time of her life as she had many decisions decisions to make. Some scary figures in Ontario are that 40 women each year are murdered by their partners. With statistics showing that one in four women will experience abuse at the hands of a partner, virtually virtually every one of us knows someone who has been or is a victim. This is a startling and sad revelation revelation about our society. Men at the breakfast were asked to examine their place in the world. Where do you sit? Where arc the power and balances? balances? On the eve of the anniversary of the massacre massacre of 14 young women in Montreal in 1989, the group was asked what arc men doing to prevent this from ever happening again? Hugh Donnelly, minister from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, spoke on the White Ribbon Campaign and how it was created to raise awareness of oppression, abuse and violence. During a marriage ceremony, ceremony, when the minister says, "for belter or worse," the vows do not mean tolerating tolerating abuse, said Mcrvyn Russell, Minister of the Orono United Church. There is help out there for all. [• ^ ■ ' OFFERING SUPPORT -- Approximately 30 men came out for breakfast on Saturday morning in support of the White Ribbon Campaign. Speakers representing Bethcsda House and the Domestic Violence Awareness Co-ordinator for the Sexual Assault Centre at Lakeridge Health Oshawa were on hand to answer any questions. Allyn Todd (left), Harold Yellowlees, Mike Micdema (minister from Maranatha Christian Reformed Church), Hugh Donnelly (minister from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church), Jim Vaughan-Evans, Jeff Laforet and Mervyn Russell (minister from Orono/Kirby United Church) all showed their support for action against violence against women. , ODEON CINEMAGUIDE Clarington Place Cinemas hwy -2 & -57 BOWMAN VILLE (905> 69/0308 CINESAVE TUESDAYS ONLY $A25 ✓presented i ALL SHOWS DIGITAL SOUN | NEW PRICING POLICY - CHIlD.YOlffH 17t UNDER, SENIOR, TUESDAYS l MAtlHtES $435 SHOWTIMES FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 TO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 i- dlowanhflohnson Clarington Hotel 143 Dulic Street, Bowmanvillc (905) 623-3373 END OF YEAR FESTIVITIES Christmas Day, December 25 Flying Dutchman Restaurant dosed all day Saturday and Sunday, December 26 & 27 SPECIAL BOXING DAY BUFFET BRUNCH 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Price $8.95/person" New Year's Eve, December 31 ^RESERVE AND PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS NOW! if _. :i:"Ring out the old and ring in the new!" GALA DINNER DANCE in newly renovated Durham ■ ; Room, with welcome cocktail, 5 course dinner, midnight champagne, party favours, noise makers, decorations, D.J. music and door prizes. Table of 8 persons (4 couples sharing) $59.00/person (all taxes and gratuities induded) SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S EVE PACKAGES * Dinner/Dance and overnight accommodations $179. per couple * Dinner/Dance, overnight accommodations and New Year's Day Brunch $199. per couple (all taxes and gratuities included) New Year's Day, January 1st Flying Dutchman restaurant and lounge Start the new year 1999 with * 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. BUFFET BRUNCH $9.95/pcrson" *5 p.m. - 9 p.m. BUFFET DINNER $10.95/person" Children half price - 4 years and under FREE SPECIAL GUEST ROOM RATE DEC. 7 - JAN. 17,1999 Our newly renovated rooms $5.9.00/night + taxes ✓ I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DtoUST SUMMER (AA) Frf-Str: 1235,5:20,7:40,9:55 Mon-Thm: 530,7:40,9.55 ✓ ENEMY OF THE STATE (AA) Fri-Sm 1:20,4:10,705,9:45 Moo-Thn: 4:10,705,9:45 ÎTHE PORT DARLINGTON! MARINA-HOTEL 70 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanvillc (905) 623-4925 presents a ^e/e/wedum in the "Bridge" Banquet Hall Includes: ..4,'.;' Cocktail Buffet at 11 p.m. . V Balloons and Party Favours Champagne at Midnight $60.00 per couple or $30.00 per person . „ » "YELLOW JACKET SOUND" D.J. SERVICES Spinning the music to your requests! Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Tickets available in the "Lighthouse Lounge" : dr at the office at the Marina • SHUTTLE SERVICE IN EFFECT • If \ ! J \ _ (tax included) is ✓ STAR TREK-INSURRECTION (PG) (Two Saw-*) Fn-Sur 12:40,130,3.00,4.00,5:15,7:00,7:35,925,9:50 Mon-Thin: 3:00,4:00,5:15,7.00,73S,92S.9-.50 ✓ THE MATEABOY (PG) Frf-Sur 1:35,3:40,725,925 Moo-Tlw: 3:40,725,9:25 ✓ PSYCHO (AA) FH-Sott 1:45,420,7:30,9:40 Mon-Thre 420,7:30,9:40 ✓ MEET JOE BUCK (AA) FrvSur 100,4:25,600 Mco-THn: 425,6.00 ✓ RUCRATS-THE MOVIE (F) Fri-Sur 12.00,200,415,6:50,8:45 Mcn-Thn: 200,415,6:50,6:45 ✓ BABE-A PIG IN THECfTY (PG) Frl&Sur 1210,215,430,6:45,9.00 Sit 1210,215,4:30,900 Mco-Thtn; 215,4:30.6:45,900 ✓ PATCH ADAMS (STC) Special Sotafc PrtvW Satirday M 7:00 ✓ RUGRATS-THEMOVIE (F) Frt-Sur 12.00,200,415.6:50,8:45 Mon-Tim: 2.00.415,6:50,8:45 ✓ JACK FROST (PG) Frf-Suï 1230,245,5;00,7:15,925 Mon-Thu*: 245,5,00,7:15,925 LE FOR EHAS BEGUN ■ n=r ME CI I Oil www.slatltek.coni ![•[ if- . "• i UJ -Jl V.. TV.'- ' WiimTH c m mm - 4 . v U 4*: P ms M't'i- ' . Wi t U; \ . VTf )t. W' ' Vrt'i ' • ? STARTING OVER Singlo divorced female, 34, Bowmanvillo area, 5'3", 150 lbs., very shy. enjoy many outdoor activities, looking lor gentleman gentleman with similar interests. Ad# 4041 ROMANTIC AT HEART Singlo while (ornate. 5'2", 113lbs. dark brown hair & eyes, enjoy outdoor activities, activities, sports, movies, dining & dancing, creative, loves children. Seeking a mate with similar interests & values. ÀDW44Q7 SHARING HOPES & DREAMS Singlo lomalo, loving, caring, willing to share her life, enjoy motor cycles, going to Ihe boach. dancing, quiet limes. Seeking a male, 38-45, honest, sincere, likes to cuddle & laugh. AD/M2B1 Men seeking... \ Ë BE HONEST Singlo male, 31. 5*10", medium build, soil-employed, good, listener, sensitive, honest, confident, caring, enjoy movies, sports, romantic evenings, seeking a (emalo with similar interests. ADM8G0 LET'S UNITE IN A COMMON BOND Sirtglo male, golden brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'10", sincere, honest, athletic, enjoy reading, writing, sports, swimming, swimming, dancing, camp tires, walks along the beach, tennis, fishing, roller blading, romancing. Seeking a boaulilul sunshine sunshine girl. AD/M800 c . . , , BI 9.5. H u USKY l CASUAL FUN RELATIONSHIP Singlo (emalo, 5 7 , brown hair & eyes, Separated male, 41, 57", slim, clean oasy going, enjoy animals/ Socking a CU | > blue eyes. Seeking an intelligent big & husky male, 6+. that enjoys lilo & ( G malo. honest, kind, likes to explore her outdoor activities. ADW4291 fantasies and now things. AD#4007 SEEKING ROMANCE NEW TO THE SYSTEM Singlo lomalo, petite . professional, single while male, 5'11", 170lbs, enjoy blondo, romantic, pretty, til, on joy the simple things in lilo, sports, llio out- nnliquos, old cars, woighl tilling, Iravol- doors, vory oasy going sooking a ling, dancing, sooking a malo who is lomalo, nut llio slim motlol typo, tohavo charming & oasy going Ad* 4000 j un an( j onjoy lilo's pleasures. AD*4905 To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1- 900-451-4552 Ext. 88 Women seeking... FUN TO BE WITH Singlo while lomalo. 21, 57", reddish- blond hair, bluoish-groon oyes, honost, outgoing, very nclivo, tun lo bo with. Sooking a male, around same ago, who has an interest in art. ADW493G LOVELY LADY Singlo lomalo, 39, 5'0", employed, no children, enjoy long walks, horseback riding, travel, dining & dancing. Sooking a male, non-smokor, employed, with similar inlorosls. ADW4072 WINTER ROMANCE Separated whilo lomalo, 34, 5*11", medium build, honost, hardworking, employed, non-smokor, social drinker, enjoy long walks, horses, good conversation conversation Seeking a male, honost, tall, considerate, good sonso ol humour. ADK490Û LIGHT MY FIRE Singlo whilo female, potilo, liro-fighlor. Seeking a male, 33-40, no couch pola- I loos, no flamo loo hoi lo handle. ADH4599 ROMANTIC MOMENTS Singlo lomalo, 35, attractive, friendly, outgoing, ready lo explore now pleasures. pleasures. Seeking a malo tor long term relationship, ADM796 NIFTY 50'S Singlo lomalo, early 50's, 5'3", brown hair & eyes, 130lbs, otlracllvo, onjoy canoeing, working oui, Ihundor storms, painting, candle making, reading, hon- osl, caring, compnsslonalo, spontaneous. spontaneous. Sooking a male, 45-55, for lasting lasting relationship. ADH4815 LET'S HAVE COFFEE Singlo lomalo, 38, non-smokor, 5'8", employed, no children, onjoy dining & dancing, long walks, horseback riding, Seeking a malo, 6't, honest, sincere, caring tor lasting rololionshlp. ADW4GB5 To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1 -888-400-3283 Ext. 88 SPICE TO MY LIFE Singlo (emalo, alloclionalo, looking lor somoono lo bring spico into my lilo, seeking a malo, tall, good build, caring, honobt, good sonso ol humour, who enjoys dancing, music, camping & children. children. Ad*3916 LIKE FISHING Singlo female, 37,5'5", 150 lbs., going lo college, also work part time, onjoy fishing, fishing, canoeing, sooking a male who is sincoro, romantic, tun loving, sensual & nonsmoker. Ad* 3746 WHAT'S INSIDE THAT COUNTS Singlo while lomalo, divorced, 33, smoker, smoker, light brown hair, brown eyes, lull figured, figured, sooking single whilo malo, 32-40, must bo financially socuro liko mysoll, onjoy collage, fishing, camping, family, animals. Ad* 3279 NEW TO AREA Whilo lomalo, Irom Toronlo, finding il hard to got to know people horo. Looking lo rnool guys or girls lor friendship friendship only. AD* 3072 OPEN-MINDED AND ATTRACTIVE Open-minded, onsy-going couple, vory attractive, slim and hoallhy, sooking open-minded, casual, nllraclivo malo who likes lo have lun. AD* 3140 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Singlo while lomalo, 42, 5'9", hnzol oyos, charismatic, romantic, Christian vnluos, family luno vory Important, onjoy outdoor activities, walks, cycling, camping, camping, movies, cnndlo light dinners, looking for Iriondship firsl. Ad* 2917 CONFIDENT A ATTRACTIVE Singlo whilo lomalo, silly, lun loving girl, divorcod, 2 chlldron, looking lor conio- one lunny, tall, onny going, nllraclivo, coll culllcionl mnlo. Ad* 2539 FINE DINING Singlo whilo malo. 28, 5'10". IGOIbs, nllraclivo, sandy blond hair, hazel-green oyos, non-smokor, social drinkor, well established financially, onjoy reading, outdoors, movies, quiet limes Seeking an attractive lomalo, 28-30, who is warm hoartod and inlolligonl..AD#4B25 SEEKING ROMANTIC PARTNER Singlo malo, 5' 10". 1 GBIbs. woll build, easy going, lovos lo travel, open lo now Ideas, onjoy long romantic walks on llio boach, romantic momonls, slow dancing. dancing. Sooking a proltv, petite, allraclivo lady who enjoys woighl lilling, travelling, antiques, and lots ollovo. AÜW4013 CARIBBEAN BORN Singlo black malo, 5'8", IGOIbs, soll- ompioyod, travels oilen to Europo and Iho tropics, onjoy dining and dancing, romantic ovonings, outdoor activities. Sooking a lomalo, non-smokor, social drinker, whilo, 25-30, lor sorious relationship, relationship, no head games. AD*4672 LET'S HAVE COFFEE! Singlo mol, 41, slim, handsomo. Seeking an older, allraclivo, slim, young thinking woman. AD#4500 ROCK & ROLL Singlo dad, 32, S'il", 175lbs, biown hair, hluo oyos. muslacho, onjoy Hailoys. Rock & Roll, sports, horseback riding, havo tatooos. Socking a lomalo lo spoil lor a Mo timo. ADW45Î3 Alternative lifestyles.. antiques, i FAMILY VALUES Singlo dad, 5'10, 170lbs, tall, dark, A handsome, young at heart, clean cut, lovos cooking, kids, animals. Iho outdoors, outdoors, spending wookonds Irnvollinn, non-smokor. Sooking a lady 5'4"-5'D , 115lbs-120lbs, with a zosl lor lilo, sharing, sharing, generous, open minded, and cuddly. cuddly. AD*4748 OLDER WOMAN Singlo malo, 40, nllraclivo, loan build, sooking an allraclivo, older woman, lor casual got logolhors and dancing, dining, dining, and to have lun. AD*4751 LET'S CONNECT Singlo malo, blond finir, groon oyos, 5'9', 170lbs, nlhlofic, onjoy lonms, Iho outdoors, (pilot ovonings Sooking n spoclnl Indy with n god sonso ol humour, lo onjoy Iho special momonls with. AO*475G CASUAL DATING Singlo whilo mnlo, 30, 5'10", r/Olhs, rospuclablo, down lo ooitli, now lo llio mon, onjoy working out, having a good llmo. Seeking n lomalo In tho (iron tor casual dating. ADW4GG9 OLDER WOMAN Singlo mnlo, 40, slim, clean shnvon, kind, gonorous, liko animals, nico person, person, sooking a slim, allraclivo, oldor woman. ADW451G PARTNERS FOREVER Singlo whilo mnlo, 5'10", tall, dark, handsomo, IGOIbs, clonn cut, atlilobc. onorgolic, soxy, understanding, oulno- ing, advonlurous, lovo spring, working oui, John Grisham novels, vory humorous, humorous, Sooking a lady lo sharo, connect & grow together with. AÜW452G SAILING Singlo mnlo, 5'10", IGOIbs, blond hair, groon oyos, athlolic, honost, humorous, onjoy sailing, lonnls. Sooking a lomalo with similar interests. AD/14475 CONSERVATIVE GENTLEMAN Singlo malo, 45, consorvalivo looking, business degroo, slock mnrkol analyst. Sooking a singlo lomalo, moms OK. ADW4490 GREAT SHAPE Divorced mnlo, 34, allraclivo, blond hair, hluo oyos, In grunt shnpo. Sooking a slim, nllraclivo lomalo, 25-40, lo spend somo good clean lun tlmo logolhor. ADM4413 VERY EASY GOING Singlo whilo mnlo, 19, groon oyos, shod dark hair, vory open minded. Sooking n Indy lor posslblo rolalionshlp, ago & roco aro not Imporlnnl. AD*4327 Questions?? 416-236-6644 Dl CURIOUS Bi curious malo, 40, married, GT, 220lbs, livo in Iho Clarington area, clean, discrete. Seeking males ol similar similar ago or couples for discrolo day- limo encounter. AD*4857 JUST CURIOUS Married whilo lomalo, 32. has 2 children, children, is sooking a hi-soxunl lomalo lor curious lust oncounlor. AD*45G7 NOTIES Malo, 30, 5'11", IGOIbs. brown hair, bluo oyos, short board Looking lor a malo with similar inlorosls lor casual got logollior and nolios ADM4477 DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Singlo whilo malo, 30, 5'0'\ 170lbs, Irom tho Bowmanvillo area. Sooking a mnlo, ago not important lor discrolo cncounlors. ADM4309 FULLY FEATURED Singlo mnlo, sooking a transsexual with lull foaluros tor dnytimo oncoun- tors, discrolion oxpoctod & assured. ADW4415 OPEN MINDED Atlrncbvo couplo. Into 20's, indopon- donl, open minded, oasy going, vory socuro Sooking a bi-curious mnlo in his 20's tor tun & advonturo. AD*4312 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP Singlo mnlo, 5'9", 1G5 lbs., groon oyos, handsomo, woll built, work out daily, onjoy sports, bowling, cooking, dnvo In thoalros, sooking a sho-malo who is woll lonod, lit. trim, trustworthy, lun loving, sincoro. Ad# 4234 DURHAM REGION Whilo bi-malo, 35. GT, blondo hair, bluo oyos, sooking oilier bl-mnlos lor casual got logolhor. Ad# 4190 JUST HAVING FUN Single lomalo, 120 lbs, allraclivo, bi- curious, blondis!» brown hair down lo wnlsl, bluo oyos, onjoy working oui, dancing, walking, ooing to bars A just having lun, sooking a lomalo or females lo oxploro lljolr bi-curious sidus. Ad* 41GU OPEN MINDED Atlachod malo, 30, pmtossional, sooking sooking an open minded nllraclivo couplo mlorostnd in hoi dnytimo oncounlors Ad* 4133 I".; : Fit.;