Page 12 The Claringion/Couriice Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, December 12, 1998 Credit Counselling Service Offers Tips to Avoiding The holidays arc rapidly rapidly approaching. Soon we'll be indulging in favourite seasonal rituals: decorating decorating hearth and home, baking baking traditional treats, singing carols and corresponding corresponding with faraway friends. Then there is that most popular holiday activity of them all.!! According to Credit Counselling Service (CCS) of Durham Region, indulging in the last 1 ' endeavour is what often lands consumers in financial financial trouble. "It's easy to get caught up in the holiday spirit and buy, buy, buy," says Sandra Sherk, Executive Director. "But it's the Grinch who appears after January 1st when you're facing a slack of bills you can't pay." Mrs. Sherk adds that holiday merry makers can best avoid the financial Grinch by shopping shopping carefully and sticking to a spending plan. To help consumers, CCS of Durham Region offers the following tips on preventing overspending: • Get a plan. You should develop a workable holiday budget. To do so, first list all holiday-related expenses, starling with the obvious gifts and decorations. decorations. However, remember items such as postage,, extra meals, charitable] donations and travel.'Add up the total and compare with'what you have available available to spend. If it's more than you can afford, look for areas to trim expenses. • Evaluate your gift list. Your list should be limited to family and perhaps perhaps close friends, depending on your budget. For arcunablc to buy for, send a'personal holiday card or note. ^Determine how much you : wanyo spend on each per- 1 son and ; keep fin mind that some of the most thought- x.ful gifts cost next to nothing. nothing. For instance, give time or services such as babysitting or create a handcrafted instead of store-bought item. Often these gifts can mean more to a recipient than something something on which you've spent a lot of money. * Shop smart. Never shop in a rush or under pressure because that can lead to overspending. With extra time, you can comparison comparison shop and search for the best possible deal. Before you buy, take a time-out and ask yourself if the gift is appropriate for the recipient and within your spending limit. • Use credit wisely. Decide what items you will buy on credit and remember these tips: 1. Limit your credit purchases purchases to one or two cards. 2,_ Try to use a card with thc_ lowest interest rate. 3. Keep track of your credit purchases by writing them down and clipping your receipts together. 4. , Monitor your credit purchase purchase totals so you know how much you have chargqd. 5. Don't charge more than you can afford to repay in three months. '• Don't tempt yourself. yourself. Sometimes we can't . resist the "one little extra gift";- But these small items often .break our budget. Just staying away from the mall can keep you from making unnecessary unnecessary purchases. Plan nonshopping nonshopping related outings instead. If you need help keeping keeping away the financial Grinch or developing a holiday budget, contact Credit Counselling Service of Durham Region at 905-579-1951 or 1-877- 579-DEBT. They offer free budget counselling and money management education. Trent Professors Help Elementary Schools With Math, Science In the first such known program, Trent University professors and practising scientists scientists will not only offer math and science science instruction to elementary school teachers, they'll also go to classrooms in both local school boards to help with classroom implementation. This special new initiative is modelled on previous Trent success with teaching such subjects to non-science teachers; as well as what works well with teachers and teacher-candidates, says Deborah Berrill, Co-ordinator of Science and Mathematics' Mqdules for Elementary Teachers and a professor teased at Trent with the Trent-Que'ert's.f'Cqncurrent Education Program. Dr. Berrill said she is delighted with the number of Trent professors who have agreed to offer instruction, as well as the interest professors in other Trent disciplines disciplines have shown if the program continues continues as planned and expands to new curriculum curriculum in the secondary level. Schools in both boards have just received course information from Trent regarding the short course modules. Dr. Berrill hopes that the Ontario College of Teachers will accredit them. "We've been in conversation with the College of Teachers to have the courses accredited and the College has been very encouraging encouraging about this initiative." x. FLYERS FLYER PRINTING AND DELIVERY PACKAGE! PRINTED ONE SIDE 8 1/2" x, 11" flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the areas of your choice 5 #3 (f 6ctCh plus taxes *Offer good for quantities over 15,000 PRINTED TWO SIDES 8 1/2" x 11" flyers on white bond I colour of ink (your choice) We typeset, print and distribute flyers to the A • "areas of your choice 6.51 Bach plus taxes *Offer good for quantities over 15,000 Add a 2nd colour of ink to your flyer $ 100.00 per colour - per side of flyer : X \ James Publishing Publishers of The Canadian Statesman and Clarington/Courtice Independent 62 King Street West, Bowmanville Phone:(905) 623-3303 Fax:(905) 623-6161 Down on the Corner The Down on the Corner Gang performed at the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce Christmas Concert at Newcastle Community Hall Sunday afternoon, Dec. 6. They arc: (left to right) Steve and BcV Tullett, Bruce Mortimer a'nd Bdnnie Cowle. Santa Claus also made an appearance at the concert to hand out candy canes and dance with the children. / vai t (Mato Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de l'Ontario PL970051 PL957107 At the request of the various parties, the Regional .Municipality of Durham, has referred lo the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 17(24) and 17(33) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as amended, portions of the Official Plan for the Municipality of Clarington as they apply to the specific policies or land use designations within the Plan Referral No. 3 by Courtice Heights Developments Region's File No. LOPA-C-96-001 - OMB File No. 0970004 (OMB Case No. PL970051) JL Courtice Heights Developments has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 34 (11) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13 from Council's refusal or neglect to enact a proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law 84-63 of the Municipality ol Clarington to rezone land respecting Part Lot 28, Concession 3 from Agricultural (A) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Urban Residential type One (R1), Urban Residential Type Two (R2) and Urban Residential Type Three (R3) to permit the proposed plan of subdivision OMB File No. Z950164 (OMB Case No. PL957107) JL> Courtice Heights Developments has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 34 (11) of the Planning Act, R.S.O, 1990, c.P. 13, from Council's refusal or neglect to enact a proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law 84-63 ol the former Town ol Newcastle (now in the Municipality of Clarington) to rezone land respecting Part Lot 27, Concession 3 from Agricultural (A) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Urban Residential Type One (R1), Holding Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1), Urban Residential Type Two (R2) and Holding Urban Residential Type Two ((H)R2) to permit the proposed plan of subdivision OMB Fite No. Z950165 (OMB Case No. PL957107) J L At the request of Courtice Heights Developments, the Regional Municipality ol Durham has referred to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22 (1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, Council's refusal or neglect to enact a proposed amendment to the Official Plan lor the former Town of Newcastle (now the Municipality of Clarington) to redesignate land at the northeast corner ol Courtice Road and Highway 2 from Residential and Hazard to Residential and associated uses to facilitate the approval ol two proposed plans of subdivision Region's File No. OPA 92-N/0007 0MB File No. 0960140 (OMB Case No. PL957107) JL Courtice Heights Developments has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 22 (7) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P. 13, as amended, from Council's refusal or neglect to enact a proposed amendment to the Official Flan for the Municipality of Clarington to modify housing targets for the Courtice Urban area, housing and population targets for the Hancock neighbourhood, and to remove the medium density designation in the northwest corner of the Hancock neighbourhood to facilitate the approval ol two proposed plans ot subdivision Region's File No. D09.COPA.97.0O7 OMB File No. 0980028 (OMB Case No. PL957107) JL At the request of Courtice Heights Developments, the Regional Municipality of Durham has referred to the Ontario Municipal Board, under subsection 51 (15) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, a proposed plan of subdivision on lands composed of Part Lot 27, Concession 3, in the former Town ol Newcastle (now the Municipality,of Clarington) Region's File No. 18T-92014 / OMB File No. S960055 (OMB Case No. PL957107) JL At the request ol Courtice Heights Developments, the Regional Municipality of, Durham has referred to the Ontario Municipal Board, under subsection 51 (15) of'the Plannlng Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, a proposed plan of subdiVisipn .'on lands composed of Part Lot 28, Concession 3, In the Municipality of Clarington x -, ,v. ,, , . , Region's File No. 13T-94027 - 6 4' i i OMB File No. S960058 (OMB Case No. PL957107) _ JL APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING The Ontario Municipal Board hereby appoints MONDAY, the 11TH day of JANUARY 1999, at the hours of 10:30 O'CLOCK (LOCAL TIME) in the forenoon at the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, for the hearing of these matters. All parties and participants should attend at the start of the hearing at the time and date indicated, irrespective of the number ol.days scheduled. Hearing dates are firm - adjournments will not be granted except in the most serious circumstances, and only In accordance with the Board's Practice Direction Number 6. It you do not attend and are not represented at this-hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing and wishing a copy of the decision may request a copy from the presiding Board member or, in writing, from the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. ( Pour recevoir des services en français, veuillez communiquer avec la Division des audiences au (416) 326-6800, au moins 25 jours civils avant la date fixée pour l'audience. DATED at Toronto, this 23rd day of November, 1998. EXPLANATORY NOTE ACTING SECRETARY This hearing relates to Official Plan/policies, zoning by-laws and subdivision applications for two plans of subdivision In the north "Cpurtice.area (Hancock neighbourhood). The two subdivisions are located in the area north of Nash Road, east ol Courtice Road, and we'st of Hancock Road (a map is shown below). A number of private appeal files by Claret Investments and Uvalde Investment Co. (Courtice Heights Developments) have been consolidated with appeal files relating to municipal approvals. The Board is being asked to consider Official Plan policies, allowing a total population of 2900 for the Hancock neighbourhood, with resulting adjustments to the housing targets for the Hancock neighbourhood and Courtice urb^n area. The southern parcel of land (Part Lot 27) Is the subject of a proposed zoning by-law and subdivision approval lor 110 residential dwelling units in single detached and semi-detached houses. The northern parcel of land (FJart Lot 28) Is the subjectif- a proposed zoning by-law and subdivision approval 1er 151 residential dwelling units in single detacher! and semi-detached hotfses. LOT 29 LOCATION MAP LOT 28 LOT 27 to o (7) (Z) LU u z o o COURTICE KEY MAP 'ay Jp'-C;:::; ^*3 HANCOCK neighbourhood COURTICE HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENTS SITES <N Z g to y o z o Ü