l'asc S Plis Claringicm/Courlicc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, December 12, 1998 Mega Board's Powers are Limited This article is a continuation continuation front last week on the topic of Bill 56, the creation of the Greater Toronto Services Board. Let me assure you that I have had many meetings and conversations on this issue. For the record, the new hoard does not have extensive powers. This legislation simply allows two things to happen: happen: I ) to promote and facilitate facilitate co-ordinated decision making among the municipalities municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area 2) to exercise general direction and control over GT Transit and allocate costs of GT Transit in accordance with the Act. Note GT Transit is the new name for GO Transit Before December 2000, the Board shall conduct a review of its size, membership membership and its powers and report back to the Government. It is this point where many constituents constituents argue that the future is inevitably going to draw us into the Toronto centered urban form. Many tell me that they do not want Mayors Mel and Hazel, along with possible chairman Alan Tonks, running running our community. At the same time, we welcome welcome GT Transit with open arms, we also want the 407 Highway and to be part of the G TA economy. You cannot have it both ways. In my remarks in the legislature last week, I indicated that I have listened listened to my constituents and could not support the legislation unless there were amendments made. I have put forward spccilic amendments as follows: a) : to allow an opting out process in the year 2000 for those municipalities municipalities who choose to not be part of the GTSB. b) : strong language to ensure that the rural and agricultural issues arc addressed in the development development of policies. 1 have had meetings with most of the mayors and the regional chair, as well as at the highest level at Queen's Park. I tried to help those at Queen's Park to understand how important important this legislation is not only to my riding, which has a very large rural component, component, but to all in Durham Region. I am assured that there will be amendments made this week in committee before the legislation is reported for third reading. I was pleased this week that Health Minister Elizabeth Witmcr announced improvements to the Trillium Drug Program. Low-income families with high drug costs and no private covcr- McHappy Day At Hospital Emergency Department McHappy Day was May 6th at McDonald's in Bowmanvillc, hut for the Emergency Department at Lakeridgc Health Bowmanvillc, December il 0th was just as 'McHappy'. : The proceeds of the day and continued donations 'from McDonald's customers resulted in a $3,000.00 donation donation for the purchase of a Tympanogram for the Emergency Department. I; A tympanogram is an •instrument that provides an •exact measurement of pressure pressure in the middle ear that is dicing exerted on the eardrum. This allows the 'physician to make a more 'informed decision about ■treatment choices, such as medication or tubes to relieve pressure and pain. Attention Local Authors ; As part of Clarington's • 25 111 Anniversary, the ICIarmgton Public Library would like to celebrate by ■having an evening program • with local authors. , There's a lot of talent in jClaringlon, ami we'd like ■you to be recognized! If you're a published kiulhor who formerly or currently currently resides in Clarington, please let ns know! ; Contact: Catherine 'Presant, Marketing and Partnerships Librarian, [Clarington Public Library, 623-7322. age will be able to pay the premiums in prorated quarterly payments and still receive the high cost prescription drugs they need. Bill 81 last week brought forward a number of tax and budget measures. measures. The child care supplement supplement means that low- income families with children children under age seven can qualify for a direct provincial provincial child tax credit of just over $1,000.00 per year per child. This support is good news for many young working families. Last week's unemployment unemployment numbers were released. Ontario and indeed Canada has the lowest unemployment lev els in the past decade. Ontario has a rate of 6.8%, the lowest for years. Youth unemployment is still far too high. Our premier has urged Ottawa to eliminate the E.I. premium for our youth. Many arc complaining, complaining, especially in Ontario, that we pay in over 60% of the El fund and yet gel back less than 25%. In the next month, Ottawa is also going to increase the CPP premiums premiums by some 30%. This time of year, the police are involved with the RIDE program. It is never okay to drink and drive. At the same time, your Ontario government is introducing measures to increase fines. Those who arc under a criminal code suspension will have their cars impounded. Take care and don't drink and drive at any time of the year. After much pressure, Minister of Transportation, the Hon. Tony Clement is bringing forward legislation legislation to allow the use of Red Light Cameras. The proposed pilot will allow some municipalities to use cameras and enforcement at high-risk intersections to catch people running red lights. There are other measures which include setting up community safely zones around parks and schools as well as increased fines. Road safety safety is an important priority with our minister. The Durham Catholic District School Board approved their budget last week. The budget is up for 1998/99 to $166.2 million. Average class size at the secondary level is down to 21.9 from 27, in elementary elementary it is under 25 as; required by Bill 160. The Board has 50 new educational educational assistants and teaching teaching staff, up from 1,872 to 1,950. Their budget has $24 million for new schools or capital improvements. Board Chair, Jim McCafferty said, "I am quite pleased with the improvements we have been able to fund including including reduced class size, continued progress in implementing the computers computers in the classroom, increase services in special education and significant steps in providing more student accommodations." It is strange that Durham public and separate separate school boards both get considerably less money than many other areas of the province and, from their press release, they appear to be getting on with the job. Congratulations to the Board, the staff and to the teachers, students and parents. parents. It is great to hear good news in the education education field. Our students will thrive in an atmosphere atmosphere to hope and optimism. optimism. Report from Queen's Park by John O'Toole Yeah, 1 want to feel good. For life. '...helping young people get ready for the future' No one likes to be told what to do. But you decide. Smoking Would you like to quit smoking? Would you like to help a friend quit? There is information to help. Like Quit 4 Life, a website (quit4life.com) for teenage smokers who really want to quit. Materials are also available on smoking prevention and second-hand smoke. Alcohol and Other Drugs What are drugs? Why do people use them? How do they affect your life? Even if you don't drink or use drugs, you probably know someone who does. We have information to help peers and youth groups deal with alcohol and other drug-related issues. Nutrition How you feel about yourself is very important. Good nutrition is all about making healthy food choices and achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating can help you make the right decisions so that you feel good about yourself. Fitness and Active Living Being active is another thing that can help you feel really good about yourself. Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living can help you make choices about physical activity - choices that are right for you. For information on these and other Health Canada publications, please call: 1-800-OCanada (1-800-622-6232) TTY: 1-800-465-7735 Or visit us at: www.canada.gc.ca Canada