l The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, December 16, 1998 Section Two Page 7 WED., DECEMBER 16 CHRISTMAS CONCERT -- A Christmas Concert by the 100 voice mixed choir, concert band and Kooy Sisters of the Ontario Christian Music Assembly; Lccndcrl Kooy, director will be held on Wednesday, December 16 in the Maranatha Christian Reformed Church (Hwy. 2 E) Bowmanvillc. Call (905) 623-7196 for information and admission costs. Bring the whole family and celebrate with us the true joy of Christmas! hold its 15th annual Living Nativity December 20, 21, 22, 7:30 p.m. This is a live re-enactment which includes live animals and a participating carol sing. It will be taking taking place at St. Paul's United Church, 178 Church St. in Bowmanvillc. Come travel with us back to Bethlehem. DEVRIES FAMILY AND KINGSMEN CONCERT -- The DeVries Family and Kingsmcn Concert will be held on Wednesday, December 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rchoboth Christian Reformed Church, DeVries Family Ministry. Phone 786-2545 for ticket information. THURS., DECEMBER 17 DECK YOUR CALENDAR WITH FESTIVE FAMILY FAMILY FUN! -- 'Tis the Season to be Jolly'...so bring the whole gang and celebrate with us at the Clarington Public Library! Family Storylimc at the Courlice Branch on Thursday, December 17th, at 7:00 p.m. FOR YOUR INFORMATION DURHAM ASSOCIATION FOR FAMILY RESPITE SERVICES -- Is a non-profit agency, committed to families who arc caring for an individual with a developmental developmental or physical disability. Presently Durham Family Respite Services is looking for caring volunteers who arc able to provide a temporary break in their home for people people living with a disability. A screening process is required and a small per diem will be paid to successful applicants. If interested please call 905-427-3541, ext 306. FRI., DECEMBER 18 CHRISTMAS MUSIC -- an evening of Christmas You arc invited to come to music with the Durham Adventist Community Choir. This 3rd annual Christmas concert will be presented on Friday, December 18, 1998, at 7:15 p.m. at the Bowmanvillc Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2850 Hwy. #2 E. (at Lamb's Rd.) in Bowmanvillc. All arc welcome. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP-- Have you experienced the death of a loved one? No matter if you are 2 or 102 years old, this loss impacts and can cripple you physically physically and emotionally. Please, if you are experiencing grief, come share the understanding and encouragement of the Monday Night Mutual support group for men and women. The group meets Monday evenings 7:00 p.m. at Trull's Road Free Methodist Church and will commence a new session covering the period January 25 to March 22, 1999. For further information or to register, contact Jack or Lori at 432-9281. No fee involved. Confidentiality assured. FREE FAMILY SKATE-A-THON -- Sponsored by the Clarington Speed Skating Club will be held on Friday, December 18th, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. It will be at the Garnett B. Rickard Arena. There will be speed skating demonstrations at 6:00 p.m. (Donations will be accepted for the club.) THE OPTIMIST CLUB -- The Optimist Club arc again selling Christmas trees at the corner of Simpson Avc and Hwy. #2. This is one of our fundraiser's which supports children's programs, so please come out and support us. Lest We Forget Two St. Stephen's Secondary School students were among the winners in the Bowmanvillc Legion Branch 178 Remembrance Day poster contest this year. Grade 12 student Andrew Tutte (left) came first, and his poster has been sent off to the regional portion of the contest. OAC student Lisamaria Akeson, pictured above with her prize-winning poster, placed second in the contest. SAT., DECEMBER 19 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA -- The Optimist club of Newcastle Village is holding its 8th Breakfast with Santa. It will be held on Saturday, December 19, from 8 - 11 a.m. at the Newcastle Community Hall. All you can cat, pancakes, bacon, sausage, juice, tea and coffee are available. available. Have a visit with Santa and sing carols. There will also be candy canes, balloons, colouring contest and "Sparky" the Safety Dog. Please help the Newcastle Food Bank and bring a donation. Tickets arc limited to 500, advanced tickets recommended. To order and purchase purchase tickets call 987-5653. COOL'N FUNKY NEW T-SHIRTS AT CPL! -- Excellent gift idea! Perfect for stocking staffers ! Help spread the word about the importance of reading and libraries! Check out the shirts at your nearest CPL branch! Adult $ 10, Youth $8. Share the Gift of Giving This Holiday Season DUCA COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION -- As a special special Christmas giving effort, the DUCA Community Credit Union, 136 King St. E., Bowmanvillc, is urging citizens to join them to think about sharing during this special season. Non perishable food items and toys may be dropped off at their branch and all items will be kept in the community and distributed by our local Salvation Army. Your contributions would be greatly appreciated. CHRISTMAS CONCERT -- The combined choirs of Maranatha Christian Reformed Church (Hwy. 2 ,E, Bowmanvillc) Saturday, December 19, at 8:00 and First Baptist Church, (812 Hortop, Oshawa) Sunday, December 20, at 7:00 p.m. present their annual Christmas Concert, under the direction of Mr. Cory Kuipers. Free admission. Babysitting available at Bowmanvillc. ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES -- The March of Dimes is gearing up for the 1999 Door to Door Campaign in January. Funds raised by volunteer canvassers canvassers and Area Captains in Bowmanvillc and surrounding surrounding communities will provide assistance and encourage independence lor adults with physical disabilities. disabilities. If you can volunteer some time for this worthy cause, please call the Area Coordinator at 987-3537. SUN., DECEMBER 20 ST. PAUL'S LIVING NATIVITY -- St. Paul's will VISUAL ARTS CENTRE -- It's here again ! The Visual Arts Centre's annual show and sale of 100 Small Paintings (and prints and drawings). Just in time for the holiday season, this exhibition is an added feature of our Yulctide celebrations. It is a celebration of small - small pieces at small prices. Artists connected with the VAC are invited to participate in this annual event and as usual, the reception on Friday night is a special time for collectors since all pieces in the show are sold at a discount of 10% - an early present from the artists and the centre. While the show is on until December 12, the discount applies on Yuletide Friday night only. Admission is free. International child sponsorship sponsorship agency Foster Parents Plan suggests a special special gift this season, sponsoring sponsoring a Foster Child on behalf of a loved one. Whether the recipient is a child, spouse, relative or friend, the gift of sponsorship sponsorship connects people around the world, providing essential essential support for Foster Children and a rewarding experience for Foster Parents. "A sponsorship really is a gift that continues to give," says Carol Wilding, National Director, Foster Parents Plan of Canada. "It brings hope and help to the thousands of children, families families and communities who need support. Sponsorship is also about welcoming new people into our families, families, and it's an ideal way to celebrate the importance of family during the holiday season." The latest news about Foster Parents Plan of Canada and its initiatives to help children around the world is available at their new web site, www.foste'r- parentsplan.ca beginning December 1, 1998. The new site features general information information about Foster Parents Plan, information on how to become a Foster Parent, and updated articles about Foster Parents Plan activities, activities, including its response to Hurricanes Georges and Mitch which recently dev- asted communities in Breathing Easy Each year since the new General Motors Canadian Headquarters opened in Oshawa, employees and retirees have celebrated the season with the General Motors Choir presenting a Christmas Mini-Gilt of Music. During the concert last Wednesday, Janet Georgieff (right), executive director of The Lung Association of Durham Region, accepted a cheque for $2,040 from Richard Matthews, GM Choir Treasurer, and Miriam Beach, of Hampton, a member of both the choir and the fund-raising committee committee of The Lung Association. The money was raised through donations donations and the sale of refreshments, which were provided by Gits Brown Pontine Bnick Ltd,, at the Choir's annual concerts held recently in Oshawa, The Choir has supported The Lung Association as its charity since 1981 because the singers understand the importance of breathing with healthy lungs, "KRACO" CARPENTRY & CONTRACTING Est 1976 Complete Carpentry Services • Designing • Custom Built Homes > Renovations > Additions • Decks, etc. ^ERSf^ William Kraayvanger P.O. Box 14, Bowmanville ON L1C3K8 (905) 623-1101 1 ejp, Turkey Time at Clement Poultry Order your farm-fresh certified organic chickens or turkeys ' for Christmas. Limited Supply... Don't Miss Out! Order Today - Call (905) 987-7239 • Antibiotic and hormone-free • Fed only certified organic grains Certified by the Organic Crop Improvement Assoc. FREE TURKEYS! SAVE UP TO i $300 j on deductible of most windshield claims plus LQ.N E_FR_E E_C_H RiSJMAS JU RKEYj flutoGlo// 623-8451 12 Temperance Street Bowmanville Free Mobile Service Some restrictions apply. While supplies last. „ UP JAMES R. YAHCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY DIANE E. COUTURE • ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 72 1-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG 72 King St. W. 371-4744 0,11> SATURDAY AND I VI \1\(, APPOINTMENTS AVAII Altl.K FREE IHITIAL CONSULTATION Central America. Sponsorship is an affordable affordable gift, costing only 89 cents a day, or $29 each month. Those who wish to share the spirit of giving and support better lives for children children around the world can contact Foster Parents Plan at 1-800-387-1418 for more information on gift sponsorships. sponsorships. Foster Parents Plan is a member of PLAN International, a humanitari an, child-focused, international international development organization organization that has been making a difference in the lives of children and their communities communities for over 60 years. More than 85,000 Canadians are Foster Parents, contributing to a variety of community development development programs through their sponsorship of more than 100,000 Foster Children in 42 countries. Shoestring Performers. Holding Auditions On Wednesday, December 16, 1998, at 7:30 p.m. Durham Shoestring Performers is holding auditions for their last production of the season: The Saint Nicholas Hotel by Dr. James Reaney. The plays run April 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1999. The Saint Nicholas Hotel is the second play in the critically acclaimed The Donnelly Trilogy, though it stands well by itself. Focusing on the murder of Mike Donnelly, owner of the hotel, the play takes us backwards backwards and forwards in time, showing us the roots of the hatred towards the Donnellys and the terrible tragedy it causes. Director Doug Craven is looking for up to 17 actors to perform more than 25 parts. Four to six women 18 or older and eleven to thirteen men 18 or older will be cast. Significant movement is required; some roles demand dancing or fighting. Auditions arc held at the Arts Resource Centre, behind Oshawa City Hall Complex and are open to the public. No Ices or experience necessary. For more information information or to borrow a script, call Carolyn Wilson at 905- 725-9256. Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday X no 166 King St. East Telephone 623-3396 Recovering Sofas & Chairs • Office Furniture • Antique Restoration Litige Selection of Fabrics & Leathers SHOP AT HOME SERVICE ORONO 983-9874 3375 Concession Rd. #7