Page 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, December 16, 1998 Province Passes Mega-Board Legislation "Any resolution made "Not only should the by any municipal council member municipalities be "It really depends what According to Anderson, the Region docs. I don't the opting out clause of the know - how Clarington bill may be something could possibly survive Durham could take advan- without the infrastructure tage of. from the Region," he says. . i by Jennifer Stone Sloff Writer Lccislation creating a musl respected," says looking at it, the Region Greater Toronto mega- O'Toole. Councillor should be looking at it," he board was passed by the Mutton hopes the amend- says, province last week, much me "' s arc enou S h - , Mutton says what to the chagrin of many 1 ho P= th ? amend- Clarington docs will lunge Durham politicians. nicnts make the GTSB on what the Regional level Bill 56, the legislation more of just a coordinating of government decides, creating the Greater he^says. Toronto Services Board, ' passed just before midnight midnight last Thursday night. The Board will oversee GO Transit and act as a forum for dispute resolution resolution among municipalities. But Durham's Regional Chairman foresees the role of the board broadening quickly. "To have them start dictating dictating where sewer and water goes, which is the direction they're going, could be bad for Durham Region," says Roger Anderson, who was at Queen's Park when the bill was passed. Clarington regional councillor John Mutton says he recently asked Minister of Municipal .Affairs and Housing A1 Leach if the new board would constitute another level of government, and "he said it was a step in that direction." "It's creating another level of government, which will probably remove the level of gov- ernnicnt that's closest to the people," says Mutton. Durham MPP John O'Toole says he successfully successfully introduced two amendments to the bill which will make it more beneficial to Clarington and the rest of Durham Region. First, he asked for a strategy to deal with the -rural and agricultural segments segments of the Greater Toronto Area, He also called for a clear provision to allow municipalities to opt out of the mega-board, should they decide membership membership is not worthwhile. Fire Destroys Building From page 1 Hockney. "There's been a lot of interest so far and donations arc already coming in, but there is so much that these people need." Area businesses and community groups have been quick to offer support support to the families with donations of furniture, gifts and a turkey dinner complete with all the trimmings for Christmas. "The phone calls have just been fantastic," fantastic," said Mrs. Hockney. The Coffee Time outlet outlet at Courticc Road and Highway 2 has also set NOTHING LEFT - The fire in this Highway Two apartment building is believed to 9 ut a * )0X l ? F°j*. ccl have started in the attic. Damage to the building and the residents' possessions is food, toys and clothing pegged at $180,000. Donations for the families involved are being accepted at Bob's donations for the fami- Towing at Holt Road and Highway 2. ' * lcSi Newlyweds Seek Apology Over Service From page 1 individual came before council," she said later. "If it's staffing that's an issue, then we're at fault and we have to put in the tools to do it properly." The issue has been referred to Frank Wu, the chief administrative officer, officer, to look into and take any necessary action. "I've been getting the run-around as it is for the last two months," said Mr. Terry after the meeting. "I don't know if this is more of that or if they really intend to clear this up.