The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, December 16, 1VU8 Page 3 Bits and Pieces TIME'S RUNNING OUT -- The weather may not agree. But, the calendar certainly will confirm that Christinas is quickly approaching. In fact, there arc just nine days left until Christmas. There are 15 days remaining in the year. And, may I be the first to remind you that there arc just 380 days remaining in this century. century. (And, millennium, for that matter.) So little time! So much to do! BUSY FELLA -- Santa Claus will be on duty in downtown Bowmanville this Saturday morning and afternoon, for one final consultation before Dec. 25th. There's also a Breakfast With Santa in Newcastle Village this Saturday, December 19th, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Advance tickets for the breakfast are recommended, since numbers will be limited; Call 987-5653 for details. A donation to the food bank would be appreciated. That Santa Claus really docs gel around. And we thought we were busy this time of the year! NEW YEAR'S LEVEE -- Durham East MPP John O'Toole and the Durham Provincial P.C. Association will be holding a New Year's Levee on January 10th. Hours are from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m„ at the Simcoe St. N. United Church in Columbus. (That's at 3285 Simcoe St. N.) LIVE, FROM BETHLEHEM -- St. Paul's United Church will feature live animals, live actors, and a lively, carol-singing audience at its annual Living Nativity. It takes place December 20, 21, and 22 this year on the front lawn of the church at the corner of Church St. and Silver St. in Bowmanville. The program program begins at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to drop by and share in the program which illustrates the"reason the"reason for the season." HOLIDAY HOURS -- We'd be willing to predict that most of next week will seem like one big Christmas Eve as children of all ages anxiously await Friday's celebrations. Our schedule for the week is as follows: The Statesman will appear on Wednesday, as usual. However, The Clariiigton Independent will be printed one day early in order to have it delivered on Thursday. The classified advertising deadline for the Dec. 23rd edition of The Canadian Statesman and the Dec. 26th edition of the Clarington/Courtice Independent will be Monday, December 21st, at four p.m. The same deadline will apply to display advertising. advertising. Your co-operation in getting articles and advertising advertising to us as, early as possible would be appreciated. BETHESDA HOUSE CHRISTMAS NEEDS DONATIONS -- Contributions oPloys and clothing to the Bcthcsda House Women's Shelter arc low this year. They need toys for girls and boys aged six to 18 and also hats, mittens and scarves for all ages. If you can help, call the donation hotline at 623-6045. Or, drop off donations at 150 Port Darlington Rd. When security matters Come Bank with Us ✓ Term Deposits ✓ T-Bill Account ✓ RRSP/RRIF's ✓ Index Linked Term Oshawa Branch Donncltc 15 Charles Street Deposits (905) 728-4658 ✓ Daily Interest Account Bowmanville Branch 136 King Street East (905) 623-6343 IDUCA r CREDIT UNION |0'â S th r#ü. ■■V WA -*4 li|W , 111!. 1 t •.n n -ih ta '!S i f .... ; • » 'h :' ; irfck ■ >-vkga,V'T-. ' : That's Entertainment Del Dickenson, more commonly known by his stage name, "The Yorkshire Lad," provided the entertainment Wednesday afternoon during the Clarington Older Adults' Association Christmas party. The party took place at the Clarington Beech Centre, with over 100 in attendance. Here, "The Yorkshire Lad" entertains with old favorites, seasonal numbers, and lots of audience participation. Vicious Dog? Clarington Council has decided to revoke part of the vicious dog declaration served on a Newcastle resident resident that requires the dog to be photographed and permanently permanently identified by microchip. On Sept. 15, Michele and James Thompson of Newcastle pled guilty to charges of allowing their dog to run at large and failing failing to obtain a licence for the dog. They were fined $75 and given 30 days to pay. At the same time, a Declaration of Vicious Dog was also served in connection connection with an attack on a five- year-old boy and his black lab. The lab sustained injuries which caused breathing difficulties and the owner sustained injuries to his right ankle. Since then, the Thompsons have purchased a dog licence, which is the goal of the first part of the declaration, and town staff has recommended that the microchip requirement be lifted. The other sections of the declaration will still be enforced. They require the dog to be restrained at all times to prevent it from leaving the property and having contact with people and animals. As well, the dog must be in the care of a person who is 18 years of age or older and be on a leash and a muzzle when taken off the property. "This is the third incident incident involving this dog," said Councillor Mary Novak. "I'm sorry. I can't support this. My fear is that, if it happens again, I will feel responsible for this dog not being declared vicious." Since the incident with the lab, Animal Control has had no further complaints about the dog, but the municipality did receive two verbal complaints prior to the incident. These resulted resulted in the vicious dog declaration. declaration. "This dog is not vicious towards people but to other dogs - it is just territorial I guess," said Councillor Jane Rowe. "If it's kept on a leash, then I don't see it being a problem." The other sections of the declaration of a vicious dog will remain in effect for six months, after which time the declaration will be revoked, provided that no further incidents arc reported reported to the municipality. INTOWNE GALLERY & GIFT SHOPPE Orchard Hit Again For the third time in less than two months, Empire Orchards and Herb Farm has been the target of criminals. The Taunton Road store was broken into overnight between last Saturday and Sunday. A small amount of cash and a stereo were stolen. Durham Regional Police say access was gained through the front door of the store. The kiosk was also broken into twice in early .•.November.., In those, i/i n s tances j iij'lsm al 1 amount '.of mo'ncy;.was taken, and the store suffered extensive extensive vandalism. Durham Regional Police are investigating the incidents. Women's Shelter y To Get Today's Best GIC Rates, Simply Call Investment Advisor Ted Trueman Today. Call (905) 434-7286 or 1-800-267-1522 4-sa RBC DOMINION SECURITIES H Member ol Royal Bank Financial Group @ur TRISHA ROMANCE 7 King Street East, Bowmanville $ 580 w framed ïïïïMRVYff Toys And Clothing Bcthcsda House, a local women's shelter, is appealing to area residents for donations to get them through the holiday season. season. Peggy, a volunteer coordinator coordinator with Bcthcsda House, says the shelter is finding itself very low on donations this year. "We were sorting gifts last night for the children's children's Christmas party we have coming up and found that we don't have enough to give each of the kids a gift." ■ The shelter is looking for a range of gifts, including including clothing for boys and girls ranging in age from six to eighteen. As well they need hats, mitts and scarves for all ages. Donations can be dropped off at the resource centre at 150 Port Darlington Road. For more information about what is needed, call the donation hotline at 623- 6045. Ballot Boxes at Participating Merchants vvv: . , . - A■■■■■ .v CHRYSLER'!. «'# -••••• ••*•••••,> • .• '«>*••*. • ... , y. -, > .: V . > V y * SALES • LEASING OVER 40 QUALITY USED CARS ANDTRUCKS OVER 200 NEW VEHICLES IN STOCK ON SALE NOW VISIT US TODAY AND TAKE A LOOK AT THE BEST! T ■ * 1 iRINDURHAM' , V >'v v , Vi. V '■v-.'V'.'v ' V..■ ' SHUTTLE SERVICE •SERVICE •PARTS PHRY^TFR y * NEW MODERN 12 BAY SERVICE DEPT. LtIlIYlDJjLtI\ J ALSO EXPANDED PARTS DEPT. 799 BLOOR ST. W M OSHAWA (905) 404-0525 •o CC c o £ s 401 Blnor St South Service Rtl '* V L > I db Durham m • M Dodge Oshawa Chrysler GO Station ' rairntraiirinniiraniti: