F Insurance Bureau of Canada Let it Snow, Let it Snow, but Check Your Insurance First! The C'lnringtun/( onlin e Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, December I 1 ), 1991; Dear Paula C:. With the arrival of win- iter (ugh!) I couldn't help ; thinking about the terrible ice storm that hit Quebec 'and eastern Ontario last year. Now I'm wondering 1 whether damage caused by ;ice and snow is covered ' under my insurance policy. ! - Winter Worry Wart ; Dear Worry Wart: ■ I'll have to skate 1 around the answer to that jonc a bit, because it all idepends on the insurer. | Different companies have jdifferent policies When it iconics to covering snow J and ice damage, so it's -important that you check I with your insurance Jprovidcr. - However, generally (speaking, most home politics politics would not cover dam- -age to television antennae 'or satellite dishes caused Jby the weight of ice or isnow. Couch potatoes, be J forewarned! ; ■ If, on the other hand, «your roof were to collapse I from the weight of snow or (ice, many - but not all - ipolicies would cover the (damage to the roof. And as • for any damage to the con- dents UNDER the collapsed collapsed roof, don't worry - •most homeowners or tenants tenants package policies would come to your rescue. rescue. , Now supposing your jroof held up, but you lost ^electrical power in an ice J storm, and your pipes : Local Student ; Brainstorms (With Premier by Danielle Mosey Premier Mike Harris ! wants to give Ontario's youth a few pointers on . employment and ask their ; opinion on future government government action. At least that's ; the impression Ryan : McGill received after "attending a seminar at the j Metro Toronto Convention • Centre on Friday, ; November 27. ! McGill, a grade 11 student student at St. Stephen's ■Secondary School and also The Minister of Revenue for j Student Council, received (an invitation to the seminar ; after responding to a government government questionnaire J issued to members of •Student Councils in the I Durham Region last sum- jiner. ! Students who attended ;the seminar were given a • package consisting of three J booklets which outlined -Ontario's changing trends land proposed strategics for •the future development of 1 employment. Mike Harris ■then took the limelight for a (pep talk that included his J government's plan for job «reform to ensure today's J youth a spot in tomorrow's • working world. Mr. Harris's I advice is that you can never -be too young to start ! preparing. j Students were split into ! groups of three to review ; and brainstorm feedback on The three booklets containing containing the issues Harris wanted 'to draw attention to. These '.included preparing people ; for tomorrow's jobs, creating creating an innovation culture (and creating infrastructure I to support growth and com- Jpctitivcncss. Topics dis- icusscd covered actions J needed to prepare youth for •the future and what our J region needs to do to be (prosperous in the next live, Ten and fifteen years, The (groups then shared their ideas with a panel that included Minister of •Education, Dave Johnson. (Durham's own John 'O'Toole also attended the (conference. ; When asked if Harris's (efforts arc really helping to (promote youth employ- •ment, McGill suggested (that important information jis being provided for youth (who take the time to access (it. The biggest cncouragc- •ment from the day came (from "the feeling that the ■premier is actually listening (to you. lie re-capped a lot ;of the things people said, so (you knew he was listening." (As for McGill's confidence ■in obtaining the career he (seeks, he says we'll see •what the future holds. The three booklets can be found at www.onlario- eanada.com/johgrow. froze and burst. That damage damage would be covered, but ONLY IF you were living in the house when it happened, happened, or you had arranged for a competent person to check your house daily if you yvere absent more than four consecutive consecutive days. So, if you are forced to vacate your house due to a power failure, failure, be sure to check it on a daily basis, or arrange for someone else to do so. Just to be safe and sure, it's a good idea to drain all pipes and appliances including toilets and water heaters. Another consequence of a lengthy power failure age if you rambunctious roltwcillcr knocked out the freezer plug, because that is considered preventable on your part. Finally, as Old man Winter tightens his grip, you'll want to hunker down in front of your fireplace fireplace or wood-burning stove. But first make sure the chimney and flue pipe arc free of creosote, and burn only property seasoned seasoned hardwoods. Finally, keep your walkways free of ice and snow. Although your homeowners policy will protect you if the delivery boy slips and breaks his hip, and sues you for his hill to spring! Note: Remember, policies policies vary, so when in doubt, consult your insurance insurance representative. Understand your insurance. insurance. Make it your policy. Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) represents the private (non-government) (non-government) insurance companies companies that protect your car, home and business. For more information on these and other non-life insurance insurance questions, call IBC in Toronto at (416) 362-9528 or from elsewhere in Ontario, 1-800-387-2880. Or, visit IBC on the Internet at http://www.ibc.ca. The Winner is ooo David Barlow, of Strike Avenue in Bowmanvillc, will be having a warm Christmas. He's the winner of a Dimplex Electric Fireplace in a draw held Iasi week at Clarington Hydro. The draw was open to anyone who is part of the residential residential pre-aulhorized payment plan. Barlow's name was drawn Friday, December II, by Irene D'Amours, Clarington Hydro Manager of Finance and Customer Service, and Clarington Hydro Commission Chair, George Vandyk. : ' wy Vy. ; '•'( r; ;• < ■' | ;• - i o i; ; |>/ . i I z : J : J) f ' / . { \ ; ( \ Ê I r, d_:_ (T.■ _ 2 ' , « ■ ' ; O'. I a i ~-i - ,'■ ' ; 0 ; i' I -■ ■ V 1 ! , If Âskftirÿôür IS .4- JJ'l ÜJJ 2 MEDIUM pPERONI PIZZAS isTis Hi® fXfn'iXi'Ri" I Mil>lUM RONI PI//A mm :-T%/ Æ* "As 9 ■■ ( ,/f m-. ■' /, ■• lfli JfSe *3* $&•■. ' ( i -iv.-' • T.r -.V.vV » --■ ■ A -Y--JT \< Ü T ■Jr* Pi A.f : 0: MÜ u üÿ* mâ>' /s yS P : D /S 1 I:.(« , WÏ0 (ti flTn ttfiw( f . 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