Page 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviilc, Wednesday, December 23, 1998 Knox Christian Christmas Stories Grade 1 If I was a shepherd, I would take care of my sheep. I would protect my sheep and give a sheep to the wise men. Cameron Jansma If I was a shepherd, 1 would take care of my sheep. I would give a sheep and I would protect my sheep. Brennan Leroux If 1 was a shepherd, I would give him perfume that smelt like a flower. 1 would give Him gold and silver to share. Ryan Smii If 1 was an angel, I would sing and tell Mary that she is having a baby. I would tell Joseph that he has to take a little son to Bethlehem. Jesse Morrison If I was a shepherd, I would keep watch over my flock by night. I would take care of my sheep when they get sick. Kevin Noorclslra If 1 was a shepherd, I would give a present. I would watch Mary take care of her baby and I would see the wise men. Alysia Kobes If I was a shepherd, 1 would give Jesus gold. 1 would give Jesus gifts because Jesus is born on Christmas Day. Nicholas DeVries If I was an angel, I would give messages. If I was a Christmas tree, I would give praises. If I was Mary, I would feel happy. Monica Zwart If 1 was an angel, I would sing and tell Mary that she was going to have a baby. 1 would sing when baby Jesus was born. Julia Wood If 1 was a shepherd, I would look after my sheep. 1 would take my sheep to water and 1 would carry a staff. Hilary Oudyk If 1 was an angel, 1 would tell Mary first and I would sing and fly. 1 would tell the shepherds that Mary had a baby. Nathan Flint If I was a shepherd, I would take care of my sheep and protect them from wolves. I would take them to see baby Jesus. Regan Trolly If I was a shepherd, I would keep watch over my flock by night. 1 would watch out for bears and lions. I would take care of my sheep when they get sick. Bradley Verwoerd If I was a sheep , 1 would follow my shepherd. I would eat grass and run. Clieiyl Ritskes Grade 8 A Higher Perspective I led the wisemen to the wondrous place, I saw the expression on each wiseman's face. As I shone brightly in the night sky, I looked down below me and wondered why. Why everyone's making such a fuss, Why God loves each and every one of us, Why the virgin Mary conceived, conceived, Why I am supposed to believe. I went down lower to take a peek, And saw the baby small and weak. l ie shone brightly just like me, Except lie shone with God's glory. Now I know why to believe: Jesus is true! He cares for everyone, especially you! Leah Vivian Reason For This Season Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem the "City of David" The inn was full so they had to slay in a stall. Baby Jesus was born in a manger beside the cows, sheep and chickens. l ie was born to the virgin Mary. There was a grand light in the sky. Some great wise men saw this light from the east. They travelled many miles to see this extraordinary extraordinary sight. The sight was the Lord in human form. The wise men brought gifts of gold, incense and myrrh. This is why giving gifts is part of Christmas. This is the true meaning of Christmas. Matthew Scltroor December 25th Changed the World!!! A manger stood alone but made a beautiful home. To donkeys, a family and cattle. Tonight Satan will begin his battle. Choirs sing, bells ring, Because today is a happy day. For Jesus has come to prepare prepare the way! Each year we celebrate the birth of Jesus who came to earth. He came to wash away all sin. Jesus is here to win! On the cross Jesus died. He walks with us side by side. l ie loves us all, let us follow his call! Ashley Stoter The Christmas Story "Mary do not be afraid, this is an angel of the Lord, you will conceive and have a son. You are to call this son Jesus and he is to be the king of the Jews." Mary and Joseph travelled to the distant land of Bethlehem, Where they went to an inn and only saw the door slam, They had to settle for a manger with a little hay, But, they could always hope for a better day! As they lay there with their new born babe, They spotted three wise men in the distance. The wise men brought gifts of myrrh, frankincense and gold, What a treat! But look there in the distance distance were some shepherds, They too had come to worship the new born king, Oh what an exciting night! The night when the Lamb of God was born! Kyle Moore A Poolside Christmas A group of swimmers, nick-named the 'veterans of the noon hour swim', paid tribute to staff at the Clarington Fitness Centre Monday, December 21. The group of about 25 people who swim at the centre regularly gave gifts and serenaded pool staff to wish them a merry Christmas. Above (left to right): Dave Widdificld and Mark Wheatley accepted the gifts from Rhoda Srnale, Dan Girardi and Louise Barrett. 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