•4 , Pace : The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanviilc. Wednesday. December 23, 1998 Overwhelming Response for Fire Victims by Jennifer Stone Staff Writer The community has rallied rallied around families left homeless after a lire swept through a Maple Grove apartment building earlier this month. Madeline Kemp shared one of three apartments in the building with her husband, husband, Brent Gilliland, and her six-year-old daughter. Another apartment was home to Kemp's sister Trina and Trina's four- year-old son. The third apartment was vacant at the time of the December 14th lire, which began in the attic of building, and quickly spread. Fire department officials say the cause of the blaze was electrical. Marion Hockney, of Bob's Towing in Maple Grove, began accepting donations for two families after their Highway Two apartments burned. She says the outpouring of support support from the' community lias been overwhelming. In fact, two tractor trailers have been filled with donations donations for the fire victims. "I'm not really surprised with the response. For something like this, people come together." ■Marion Hockney "It has just been fantastic," fantastic," says Hockney. "I'm not really surprised with the response. For something something like this, people come together." Hockney says the drive to help the families has even garnered support from celebrities. Former Olympic figure skater Barbara Underhill contacted contacted Hockney through the Internet, asking how she could help out. And locally, locally, Hockney says support has conic from all corners of the community. "They have everything from microwaves, to beds, tables, chairs, fridges, new furniture -- things you wouldn't think of, like a strainer," she says. Given the huge amount of support, Hockney says what is now most needed is money to help the families families get back on their feet. A trust fund has been set up through the Royal Bank. Donations can be made by referencing Branch number 3692, Account number 5000724. The trust is in the name of the Bowmanviilc Burn-out Victims. Hockney partially credits credits the Christmas season with bringing so many people out to help. She's thrilled with the amount they've been able to collect. collect. "Things arc going just super," she says. Police Briefs Man Assaulted in Parking Lot A 42-year-old Bowmanviilc man was treated and released from Lakcridgc Health Bowmanviilc after being assaulted in the parking lot of a downtown bar. Durham Regional Police say the man was in the rear parking lot of the Fe From page 1 they have not been able to catch the hunters yet. In the meantime, Mr. Lee . has taken down their equipment and plans to sell it. "I'll sell their stuff to any hunter who can guarantee me that it won't end up on my property again," lie said. "The money will be used to repair the damaged fences." "We've found four so far, but I have a sneaking suspicion that there arc more out there," lie added. Scott Lee is not happy about hunters trespassing on his land. Above he holds one of the bolts hunters have been using to secure their equipment in his trees. He says hunters have set up at least four scats on Mr. Lee's property and on his neighbours land in Clarke township. . Castle Hotel on Sunday when lie was assaulted by live men. The victim says the men left in an unknown direction. The incident is currently currently under investigation by Durham Regional Police. Break and Enter In Courtice A video camera is missing after a break-in at a Courtice home. Police say the home on Old Varcoe Road was ransacked ransacked last Thursday morning. The phone line and satellite dish lines were cut. It is believed the home was entered through a window, which was also broken during the incident. incident. Rifle Found After Break-In A rifle stolen in a break-in at a Bowmanviilc home has been located. The rifle was stolen from a west-end home during a break-in December 15th. It was found by the home owner shortly after the break-in on a walking path near the house. Police believed entry was gained to the home through a basement window. window. A stereo was also reported missing. Bits and Pieces COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS IN NEWCASTLE -- Everyone is invited to enjoy a community Christmas dinner in the Newcastle Community Hall this Friday afternoon. The dinner takes place from noon to three p.m. Organizers suggest those attending the dinner bring along a salad, bowl of vegetables or dessert, but only if that's convenient. Everyone is welcome. AND THE WINNER IS -- Congratulations to A. Surette, who won the weekend for two in Niagara Falls which was offered by Rob Evans, who writes The Traveller column in The Independent. LIBRARY HOURS -- On Thursday, December 24th, the Bowmanviilc and Clarke, branches of the Clarington Public Library will be open from 10 a.m. to noon only. Courtice and Newcastle Village branches will be closed that day. All branches will also remain closed Friday, Saturday and Monday,' with regular hours resuming on Tuesday, December 29th. So, if you plan to stock up for some holiday reading, you'll have to act soon. STATESMAN OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY -- Since Boxing Day falls on a Saturday, staff of The James Publishing Company will observe the Boxing Day holiday on Monday, December 28th. Our offices will be closed that day. But, we'll be back bright and early on Tuesday morning, December 29th. INDEPENDENT PUBLISHED EARLY -- In view of Christmas arriving this Friday, The Courticc/Clarington Independent will be off the press-' es and delivered tomorrow, on Christinas Eve. Next week, The Statesman will be published on its usual Wednesday date, with The Independent published one day earlier, on Dec, 31st. CHRISTMAS .ARTICLES -- Our thanks to the students students from Knox Christian School and St. Elizabeth Elementary School who contributed wonderful poems and other seasonal stories for our Christmas editions. We will try to use as many of them as possible in the next few editions of The Statesman and The Independent. However, space limitations will prevent us from publishing them all. FAMILIES HELPED -- There was a fantastic response to the call for help from the community after the December 14th fire in Maple Grove. Two families were left homeless as a result of the blaze. Marion Hockney, who helped organize the collection, says sufficient sufficient household goods, furniture and other items have been collected. However, monetary donations arc still needed. A trust fund for that purpose has been set up at the Royal Bank. Donations can be made by referencing Branch number 3692, Account number 5000724. The trust is in the name of the Bowmanviilc Burn-out Victims. Budget Approved From page I Only about 3.5 percent of the Board's annual operating budget is being spent on Board administration and governance, which includes trustee and Board administration costs. In addition, addition, 65.5 percent goes toward what the Ministry defines as direct classroom instruction. The remaining 31 percent is spent on school supports, including principals and vice-principals, school custodians and secretaries, student transportation, and the costs of heating, lighting, repairing and maintaining school buildings. Board chair Angela Lloyd says the Board is already two years ahead in meeting the Ministry's rules for classroom spending. "We would have liked to do more, but the Ministry funding did not allow us to. I'm particularly concerned that we expect to receive less and less funding per pupil, now that the Ministry is controlling all of our funding. In 1997, we received $5,878 per pupil. That dropped to $5,837 this year and will go down further to $5,777 in 1999-2000, according to Ministry projections. projections. This is frustrating for all of us who care about the quality quality of the education we provide to our children," says Lloyd in the Board's media release. Board administrators plan to start work almost immediately immediately on the 1999-2000 budget, says Willshcr. Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that make up our community. Category 1 Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription at our offices aller 11 a.in. Wednesday. You will be given a card to present each week when you pick up your Statesman. Category 2 Subscribers within Canada Category ii Subscribers outside of Canada Sub. G.S.T. Total per year $25 $1.75 $20.75 $30 $2.10 $32.10 $100 $7.00 $107.00 I I Name: _ Subscription Order Form Address:. Nuw [ | 1 or n 1 Renewal LJ I Postal Code: . Telephone No,:. Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. I VIHA/MC Number:. . Expiry Date: _ ®jê Canadian i>tntcsinaii P.0. Box 190,62 King Street West, Bowmanviilc, Ontario, L1C3K9 Second Class Mail Permit No. 1561 December 10th to January 11th 1999 GM Card Points Accepted GM Employee & Eligible Relatives Discount in Effect PLENTY OF INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM!!