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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1998, p. 14

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t Page 14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 14, 1998 Orono News by I. Challice Quote - "People will be more impressed by the depth of your conviction than the height of your logic". Well dear friends, of course the weather is always a safe topic these days! Our sincere sympathy and prayer to all our neighbours, here in Ontario and in Quebec for the dreadful icy weather conditions conditions they experienced all last week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan land Mrs. Ilcnc Malcolm, Yclvcrton, were last weeks visitors with Mrs. Vera ! Staples. Wednesday, more ; visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ■Mulligan, Pickering, also at !Mrs. Vera Staples, he was a ; former pupil of Vera's teaching teaching days. ! Mr. Donald Challice, ;Oshawa, was last Thursday dinner guest of his parents, the O. Challice's. Donald ; had recently retired from 35 years of service in formerly "Duplate", now P.P.G. Oshawa. He's so far received several presentations for his ■service. On January 8, Thursday, ; there were 14 Past Grands of Heather Rebckah Lodge, Orono, who met at the New Dutch Oven Restaurant with sister Gladys Gamsby and her daughter Kay Snell to celebrate and wish Gladys a very happy 90th birthday. The actual date is January 12, 1998. The 1998 executive of Orono Horticulture met Monday, January 5, at the home of President Mrs. Carol Mostert, for a very enjoyable and informative meeting, to plan years activities. activities. A busy year ahead! A surprise visitor on Saturday at Challiccs, our granddaughter Mrs. Nancy Kelly, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adams, Port Perry, were recent evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Pigott, Church St. Mr. Brian Molloy, Bowmanville, was Sunday visitor at Challiccs, also Laurie Dcveaux and Brandon. Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Ncwtonvillc was last Friday luncheon guest of the Pigotts. Mrs. Inez Harris attended a very happy event Sunday, January 4, when she spent Sunday at the home of son Charles and family, for a delayed New Year's dinner, but also a birthday party for granddaughter Rachel. Orono Town Hall Card Party Norma Moffat 84, Kay Boggs 83, Marion Sears 80, May Tabb 79, Aleck Moffat 79. Low score - Wilma Scott. Lucky draws - Ann Julicher, Gladys Greenwood (2), Joyce Cowan, Doreen Lowery. Euchre parties every Wednesday night 8 p.m. in the Town Hall. Remember, friends, this year our Town Hall is celebrating celebrating its Centennial. We felt it quite appropriate for the Mayors Levee to be held here this year! Quite a'number a'number of guests were heard to congratulate the committees in charge through the years, for the very attractive, appearance! Sr. C's Meeting The monthly meeting of Orono Sr. C's met Thursday, January 8 in Orono I.O.O.F. hall. The President, Mrs. Inez Harris welcomed everyone everyone and following a short business period, 6 tables of euchre were enjoyed and the following results - Bill Grady 72, Ray Staples 72, Aleck Moffat 68. Low score - June Wilson. Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that make up our community. Category 1 Sub. G.S.T. Total Subscribers who wish to pick up their own subscription at our offices after 11 a.m. Wednesday. You will be given a card to present each week when you per year . pick up your Statesman. $25 $1.75 $26.75 Category 2 Subscribers within Canada $30 $2.10 $32.10 Category 3 h ;' . Q.WWiÆfif c: ib VlKvii v : Subscribers outside of Canada, ivjj $100 $7.00 Subscription Order Form . | Name: New Q | or I Address: 1 Renewal U I I Postal Code: Telephone No.: \ Please pay by cheque, VISA, MasterCard, or money order. | VISA/MC Number: Expiry Date: ' I % Canabtan Statesman P.O. Box 190,62 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K9 Second Class Mail Permit No. 1561 Dollar$ & Sense with Deborah Kohlsmith Financial Consultant SPOVSALRRSP? Many clients ask me about the benefits of contributing to a : Spousal RRSP. Some scenarios include: a client with a good ! pension and the other spouse cams a smaller salary & does not j have a pension plan; or two spouses who are both employed, however one spouse cams significantly more income than the other spouse. It is important to balance out your investments (with your overall income) so you pay less taxes to Revenue Canada upon retirement. Bingo Prize - Ruth Grady. Next meeting - February 12, 1:30. Following the previous '"storm" reports. Late Saturday night, the T.V. reported it will be weeks and even months before homes in different regions can expect hydro. So much damage to homes, properties, cars, etc. I guess we have a personal personal interest in this disaster, as grandson and 2 great grandchildren grandchildren live in Montreal. They reported staying about two days in their cold homes and then went to a shelter, Rick had a gas stove to cook on, but you can't heat with the stove (carbon dioxide gas). _ They're now telling us the damage is even worse than the Manitoba floods! Get well wishes to Mrs. Mary Chalcr, Leskard; Bruce Yco Pontypool, at daughter Carol's; Mrs, Mary Clapdorp, Orono; Mrs. Bernice Moffat Orono. Up-coming Services Kirby United Church Sunday, January 18 - Regular services at 9:30 and Orono 11 a.m. Sunday, January 25 - Regular services at 9:30 and Orono 11 a.m. Coffee hour at Kirby following service. Sunday Evening January 25 - service at Kirby 7 p.m. Guest Speaker: Wendell White, Camp Quin- Mo-Lac. Topic - Church Camping. Special music by The Country Four. Refreshments. All are wel-"' come. Sunday, February 1 - Communion Service at Kirby 9:30 a.m. and Orono 11:00 a.m. Donations will be taken for the East Clarington Food Bank. Sunday Evening February 1 - Healing service at Orono 7 p.m. Proposed Tai Chi Classes: Probable days and times - Wednesday or Thursday morning and/or evening. Possible location - Orono United Church. Minimal fee. Starting mid-February. If you have an interest in this non- strenuous, health-enhancing exercise for all age groups, please call Pat Lycett, 983- 9475. Gate #316 urgently in need of warm winter clothing clothing for men. Please leave in the Supply Room #5, Lower C.E. Hall, Orono Church. Regal: The Spring Regal, catalogues «eatS'fifflfiÊ the churches.! Hcather.jyijj be putting in, an" order" 1 January 26, February 23 and March 23. This is an ongoing fundraiser for Kirby Church. Thank you for your support. Call Heather at 983-9891. Bible Study begins again on Wednesday, January 14, 1:30 p.m. Orono Church. Small Committee Room. All are welcome to come. M & S Committee meets on Thursday, January 22, 7 p.m. Orono church. "Embracing Transformation": This is a programme prepared by the United Church of Canada to try to promote Growth in our congregations. The main resources are a video about 'transformed' congregations, and a discussion guide. Two sessions have been planned for this programme: Saturday, January 24, 9:30 - 12 noon and Saturday, February 7,9:30 a.m. - noon, in the lower C.E. Hall at Orono. Late News Bulletin - (as of Sunday night). My brother-in-law, brother-in-law, Albert Munneke, is transporting truckloads of food for cattle in the troubled areas, around Ottawa. Just heard too our "Fifth Wheel Restaurant" in Bowmanville has already filled and sent 3 truckloads of donations to areas in need. It's wonderful how neighbours "help out" in such emergencies! A Spousal RRSP is usually set up by the spouse earning a higher income and is registered in the other spouse's name. Contributions to a Spousal RRSP are considered to be made by tire contributor and thus deducted from that person's RRSP contribution room for that given tax year. Technically, lire money held within the RRSP belongs to the spouse whose name it is registered in. If any of the money held within the Spousal RRSP is withdrawn within the first 3 years, the tax liability fails on the contributor - which means you (the contributor) would pay taxes on the amount withdrawn. After a 3 year period lire contributor is no longer responsible for taxes on any amount withdrawn (the Spousal RRSP at this time solely belongs to the registered owner). The advantage of having a Spousal RRSP is it allows you to split your income during your retirement, therefore each spouse pays lax in a lower bracket - equaling income and tax. Appropriate planning during your peak earning years can eventually save you money during your retirement years. If you have any further questions regarding this important and complex issue, or any other topics contact me. Join us January 20th, 1998 at the Garnet Kickaril Complex Financial Planning Seminar with Paul Rocket see "Dreamer or Planner?" ail in this week's paper for further details or call! ©J.P. REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS LTD. ATR1MARK' MUTUAL FUNDS HV Tt Qtlftifitm, 24 King St. E, Bowmanville, Ont, L1C 1N2 (905) 623-1936 or 1-800-668-9626 Give the "Gift Of Life" Bowmanville and area residents arc urged to start 1998 off right by giving blood, the 'Gift Of Life'. All blood types are needed, especially especially group O. Healthy individuals age 17 to 70, who have not donated in the previous 56 days, can give a special gift needed in one of 61 hospitals, throughout Central Ontario. Examples of recent blood recipients include a new mother, a patient with a brain tumour, patients with internal bleeding, motor vehicle accident accident victims, a liver transplant transplant recipient, and a number of individuals suffering from ruptured aneurysms. Thursday, January 15, Bowmanville Rchoboth Christian Reform Church, 130 Scugog Rd„ 12:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m, The Red Cross needs to collect at least 220 blood donations at this clinic, For more information about this and other clinic locations please call (416) 974-9900 or 1-800-701- 7803. Orono Masonic Lodge Officers Members of the Orono Masonic Lodge installed their officers at a meeting last Thursday, January 8. Pictured above, in the front row, arc: Wor. Bro. Bob McCutchcon, O.G.; Rt. Wor. Bro. George. Robbins, DDGM; Wor. Bro. Don Rees, IPM; Wor. Bro. Eric Garcau, W.M. and Wor. Bro. Alan Mote, SS. In the back row, from left are: Wor. Bro. Brian Schocnmaker, Chaplain; Bro. Alan Plummer, Trcas; Bro. Jim Irvine, Sn Warden; Bro. James Cowan, Jr. Warden and Wor. Bro. Bob Rosscau, 1 Inner Guard. Solina News by Harvey Yellowlees "Look on the world as a big fruit cake. It wouldn't be complete without a few nuts in it." . There were only five tables for cards at Hampton Wednesday night but all had a good time. The winners were high: Verna Robinson 91, Rod Simpson 84, Betty Kuycr 82, Bernice Renton 80, Wilma Kantor 80. Most lone hands - Ace Richards. Low - Richard Potter 50. Lucky draws - Ann Taylor (2), Pat Simpson, Verna Robinson, Richard Potter. Try the night out this week, you'll enjoy it! ; The rural bowling started their second half, with results as follows: Harvey's team no points - (I think there is a mistake but I can't say anything), Courticc has no points, Solina 2 points, Newtonshaw 2, Hampton 4 points (I don't understand how they got them), and Hi C's 4. (There must be a mistake mistake here too). But this I know for sure Bruce Taylor won the 50-50 draw. (He said it was just what he needed for help with the new house!). There were eight tables for cards Friday evening at Solina. Prizes were won by - High - Barbara Cochrane 89, Nellie Wright 87, Mary Balson 86, Franc Svetcc 83. Lucky number - Ross Crydcrman. Most Lone Hands - Franc Svetcc. Low - Lois Yellowlees. Lucky draws - Leona Wright, Ruth Gay, Gus Wilson, Dick Scoble, Mary Balson, Harry Knox. See you this week. Kay Kelly and Marion Peters looked after lunch. I had the privilege of looking after the elevator customers on Saturday for the 95th celebration of the Solina" Women's Institute. My granddaughter, Emily Metcalf, helped me with the passengers. They had an interesting day. A full report and pictures will be in the paper. Harold and Anita Jensen were at the Ross Crydermans for supper on Saturday evening. Ross and Marjorie were at Bob Flctt's for dinner Sunday evening. Harry and Loraine Knox were • greeters at church Sunday. Mary Millson was lay reader. The choir presented presented a good anthem under Ron Tidy's direction. Reverend Munro's story for the children about John the Baptist used the help of Benjamin Hinchcy. The message was This Is Our Faith, Our Eternal God. This was the first of 20 sermons sermons based on one of the 20 articles of Faith in the Basis of Union (1925). The closing hymn was "Be Thou My Vision". You are invited to service at Eldad any time. Our sympathy to the Lloyd Broome family on the passing of their nephew,; Rick Broome, and to his; father John. He was held in' high esteem by his friends and family. Also to Jim and Patsy Fctchison and family on the death of Patsy's mother. ! The Solina Silver Set . (Seniors) will be meeting Wednesday, January 21st for their Annual meeting. DUNN's in the Oshawa Centre BRAND NAME ZTlrX MERCHANDISE (JzL\ f JzLA ON SALE! W W • R0CKP0RT • CLARKS • FL0RSHEIM • GANT • LONDON FOG • ULTIMO U0M0 by MERIT • NUNN BUSH • NAUTICA • ARROW • HATHAWAY • BVD Leather Jackets gÆ Sport Jackets ■ MEN'S Outer Wear KKI irt MEN'S j I \\\V.; Dress, Casual & Corduroy Slacks MEN'S Sweaters MEN'S Dress & Casual Shirts •APPLIES TO ALL SUITS, LEATHER COATS, OUTERWEAR & TOPCOATS OVER $150" DUNN'S PAYS THE EQUIVALENT OF BOTH TAXES DUNN'S Tailors - Oshawa Centre Across from Rcitmans A SIZE FOR EVERY MAN fttm We carry suit sizes from 34 to 52 |l^^j OPEN Sunday 12:00-5:00 Mon. to Fri. 10:00-9:00 Saturday 9:306:00 ® 57 /ifgy/ cornerstone realty ltd., realtor 6\ 104 King St. £., Bowmanville 623-6000 3 MONTHS MORTGAGE "Some conditions apply. HOSPITAL AREA Lovely 3 level back- split, many upgrades. Fireplace in family room, eat-in kitchen. Asking $149,900,. ' Mobile home In park. Mobile home, woods and creek. Level lot 132'x 247' v 2 -10 acre treed parcels. ' V: / Country starter, outbuildings $146,900, 3 level backspllt by hospltal i ; $219,900. 25 acres, century home, workshop; Also: $15,900. . $33,900. $45,900. $49,900. $97,600. David Passant** Assoc. Broker ? Over 22 Years of Service For a market evaluation of your home, please ask for David Passant**, Associate Broker, todayl 623-6000. STEP UP TO QUALITY Ron Moore' Sales Rep. 623-6000 24 hr. pager 4 bedroom home that features 2 car garage, 2 1/2 baths Including a 5 piece ensuite In the huge master bedroom. Main floor laundry, extra large eal-ln kitchen with walkout to big back yard. Separate dining room 623-9263 (res.) and main floor family room. Plus many other features from this award winning builder. Priced at $188,990. Call Ron Moore* now to view 623-6000 • 24 hour pager Bowmanville. 100 X165 FOOT LOT! Attractive, spacious spacious 3 bedroom bedroom . raised bungalow 20 Separate side Call Linda McLennan** Associate Broker' . 623-6000 entrance. Huge rec room with gas airtight stove, bedroom, office and bathroom down, ' Fully fenced. $165,000. JUST 1 _ |STE q, Adorable 3 bedroom brick Oshawa bungalow close to all amenities. Newer oak kitchen cup r boards, Hardwood In bedrooms, Separate side onlranco. All windows updated. $124,999. il> DETACHED BUNGALOW NEW l LISTING 3 bedroom bungalow In desired North-end of Marg Bain* Bowmanville on a §3 x 118 ft. fenced lot with Sales Rep. court location and easy access lo schools. This Call for ■ home features a large eat-in kitchen, combined details at living and dining room, 1 • 4 pc. and 1 - 2 pc. (905) bath, full basement and Includes 4 appliances 623-6000 and numerous garden fools. Asking $134,900. Call Marg Bain* 905-623-6000. -, /J >1)3 tCCtak 29 ACHES BACKING ONTO CREEK - ASKING $249,000. Custom built Capo Cod stylo homo wllh wrap around dock. Loaded wllh oxlras. 4+ bedrooms, bedrooms, main floor family, room, Florida room, Inground pool with hot tub, largo country kitchon, , over 3000 sq, II. Largo 40 x 40 workshop garage. 10 min. from Potoiborough loss Ilian 45 mins, to Oslmwa. Call Paul peJager* for details 623-6000 or Res. 623-2712. Tony Klompmaker** Associate Broker Remax Cornerstone Realty 623-6000 or Res. 263-4448 JUST LISTED Gorgeous 3 + 1 bodroom sldo- spllt In maluro part of Bowmnnvlllo. 2 baths, oak kitchon, kitchon, lovoly opon concopt with largo llnlshod basomonl with air. tight. Asking $159,900, Call Tony Klompmaker Remax Realty Ltd. 623-6000 or res. JUST LISTED Newcastle Triplex with gross Income of $1,825. monthly. Great location and large loi with small • creek; Asking $124,900. Cornerstone 263-4448, ©4P

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