Page 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, January 14,1998 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 STOP SMOKING -- The "Breathe Free Plan to Stop Smoking" starts Wednesday, January 14, 1998, at 7:15 p.m., at the Bowmanvillc Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2850 Hwy. 2 E. (at Lamb's Rd.), Bowmanvillc. These eight sessions arc most helpful for those wanting to quit smoking. There is a nominal registration fee. Call 623-6031 to pre-register or for more information. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL -- Amnesty International Clarington Action Circle meets Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 47 Temperance St. Bowmanvillc. Everyone is invited. Learn about A.I. and explore activities and outreach. Contact Hugh Donnelly 697-3848 or Alice Dana 697-3006 for further details. YOGA FOR BODIES UNDER STRESS -- Offered to cancer patients or caregivers at Hearth Place, 86 Colbornc St. W., Oshawa, 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Space is limited. Bring a blanket and small pillow. Breast Cancer Peer Support Group for women living with breast cancer. Meetings are from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. No registration required. Call 579-4833 for information. THURSDAY* JANUARY 15 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC -- The Red Cross reminds everyone that the next regular local clinic is on Thursday, January 15th, in Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church which is located on Scugog Rd., Bowmanvillc. Hours arc 12:30 to 7:30 p.m. The relocation is necessary because of the renovations slated to begin at the Lions Centre. In view of the storm emergency in eastern Ontario and Quebec, donors are needed now more than ever, since regular clinics clinics in storm-stricken areas have been interrupted. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 OPTIMIST CLUB HOSTS TEEN DANCE -- The Optimist Club of Newcastle Village is sponsoring a teen dance for ages 12- 16 years. (Parents please note age category), January 16, 1998 from 7 - 10 p.m. at the Newcastle Community Hall. LADIES FITNESS CLASS -- Will be held on Tuesdays, at 7:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. at Crossroads Christian Assembly, 978 North Street, Newcastle. Childcare provided mornings mornings only. To register call 987-9955. Beginner Folk Art Classes with Karen Cox on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. for eight weeks, starting January 16th. Chicken Soup for the Feminine Soul is a seminar for ladies featuring crafts, fashion, health and fitness, on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. For further information call 987-9955. MONDAY, JANUARY 19 EAST CENTRAL CHRISTIAN FARMERS ASSOCIATION -- Invites you to their January meeting, Monday, January 19, 8:00 p.m. at the Manvers Community Centre, corner of Hwy. 35 and 7A, topic is "Biotechnology", Opportunities and Challenges for Farmers. Speaker is Dr. Gord Surgeoner, Plant Program Director (Crop Research), Environmental Biology Department, University of Guelph, For more information contact Herman Kapteyn, 905- 342-3131 or Tim Sikma 905-987-0526. TUESDAY^'JANUARY 20 1 CLARINGTON OLDER ADULTS --- During the renovations to the former Lions Community Centre on Beech Avenue, the temporary temporary location for the Clarington Older Adult Tuesday program, will be the Memorial Park Community Hall, 120 Liberty Street South in Bowmanvillc. The first meeting for this season will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 1998. At 9:30 a.m the Osteoporosis Support Group will meet. Call Barb Howe at 987-3494. At 10:30 a.m. • Registered Physiotherapist Sonya Duquay from Bowmanvillc Memorial Hospital will lead the discussions. Bridge and euchre players arc welcome. Square dancing is offered from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Lunch at noon and transportation for a nominal fee can be arranged when ordered in advance by Monday noon. Phone Community Care at 623-2261. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION -- This month's Clarington Business Group Breakfast Meeting will present a forum on Effective Business Communication Strategies featuring the communication communication techniques of Shcr Lcetoozc. During this forum, Ms. Lectooze will discuss ideas to help avoid common presentation pit- falls. The breakfast meeting takes place at Silks Cafe, 73 King Street West in downtown Bowmanvillc. Please register in advance by calling 697-3132 or e-mail: Wednesday" January 21 PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME -- Join the Clarington Library for stories, songs and finger plays as we kick off the 1998 season of Pre-School Storytimcs. These fun-filled programmes will begin at the Courticc Branch on Wednesday, January 21 and continue throughout the spring. Courticc Branch - Wednesday, January 21 - March 11, 10:30 - 11 a.m.; Thursdays, January 22 - March 12, 7 - 7:30 p.m. (Bedtime); Bowmanvillc Branch - Wednesdays, February 4 - March 25, 1:30 - 2 p.m.; Thursdays, February 5 - March 26, 10:30 - 11 a.m. Newcastle Village Branch - Thursdays, February 19 - April 9, 7 - 7:30 p.m. (Bedtime); Fridays, February 20-April 17, 10:30- 11 a.m. (please note, April 10 is Good Friday and the library will be closed). THÙRSDAY* JANUARY 22 NEWCASTLE RATEPAYERS' MEETING -- Newcastle Ratepayers' Association will be holding its Annual General Membership meeting on Thursday, January 22, at 7:30 p.m., in the Lions' Room of the Newcastle Community Hall, to elect the 1998 slate of officers. All members are encouraged to attend, and nominations nominations will also be accepted from the floor. DURHAM CENTRAL ARICULTURAL SOCIETY -- Is holding holding their annual meeting at the Orono Community Centre on Saturday, January 31 at 1 p.m. Refreshments will be served and all members are welcome. Other interested parties are welcome to attend as well. GIRLS' DROP-IN -- The YWCA Girls' Drop-In will start again on Mondays at Central Public School. You don't need to pre-regis- tcr, just arrive ready for fun! For more information call (905) 623- 9922. All girls aged 8 and up arc welcome. MINI PLAYSCHOOL -- The YWCA offers children ages 2 1/2- 5 the opportunity to sing and meet new friends in various structured preschool programs. Call 623-YWCA (9922) for more information. information. AEROBICS -- Why not join a Low-Impact Aerobics with the Clarington YWCA? Programs offered in Bowmanvillc and Courticc starting in January. Call 623-9922 for more information. PROGRAM FOR PARENTS OF TEENS -- Parents are invited to participate in an evening program held at St. Stephen's Secondary in Bowmanvillc on Wednesday, February 4, and Thursday, February 5, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., to learn effective ways of dealing with difficult issues that can arise in relationships with their teens. Confronting and learning from difficult situations does lead to healthier relationships. To register please call St. Stephen's Secondary School at 623-3990 or St. Joseph Parish Office at 623-3233. FOR YOUR INFORMATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP -- Provides an opportunity for people supporting a cancer patient to share feelings and coping strategies with others in a similar situation. Meetings are held weekly on a drop-in basis. Hearth Place, 86 Colborne St. W.,. Oshawa, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Stress Buster - relaxation and guided guided imagery techniques for cancer patients or caregivers meets twice a month if there is sufficient registration. Call Hearth Place to preregister preregister for classes from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.. Call 579-4833 for information. information. HAPPY TRAILS -- Is an informal support group for people living living with cancer. Meetings are every Wednesday morning from 10:00 to 11:00 at St. John's Anglican Church, 11 Temperance Street, Bowmanvillc. For more information please call Kathryn Roberts at Hospice Durham 623-3691. WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP -- A support group for women struggling with depression meets weekly. For information please call Janice Kroft, COPE Mental Health Program at 623-4123. New members are welcome. CELEBRATING ROBBIE BURNS -- Robbie Burns Dinner and Dance will be held Saturday, January 24, at Baseline Community Hall. This 10th annual tribute to Robbie Burns, complete with the "Address to the Haggis," is sponsored by Purple Hill Loyal Orange Lodge. For ticket information call 623-3521 or 623-2405. NATURALISTS MEETING -- Durham Region Field Naturalists meet January 26th, 7:30 p.m. at Northview Public Library, Oshawa. Dr. Otis Gard of Guelph, environmental biologist, will speak on "Butterflies in Ontario". Anyone interested is welcome. "BEAUTIFUL DREAMER" -- Clarington Older Adults presents the Smile's Theatre live musical production of "Beautiful Dreamer" a nostalgic musical note into the past, one you shouldn't miss. Baseline Community Centre, Bowmanvillc, Tuesday, January 27 at 7:30 p.m. sharp. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED -- The COPE Mental Health Program of Durham Region Community Care Association is looking looking for volunteers to work with clients on a one-to-one basis and in groups. An eight week training course in "Basic' Helping and Communication Skills" is provided free of charge. For information, please call Janice Kroft at 623-4123. WANTED: FRIENDLY VISITORS -- Give the gift of yourself. Share just a few hours a week with someone who is elderly, disabled disabled or chronically ill. Call the Friendly Visitor Program, Victorian Order of Nurses today, (905) 571-3151 or 1-800-263- 7970. CHURCH OFFERS FITNESS CLASSES -- Ladies' Fitness Classes are offered Tuesdays at two convenient times ( 9 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.), at Crossroads Christian Assembly, 978 North Street, Newcastle. To register, or for more information, please call 987- 9955. Also offered are beginner folk art classes and a seminar entitled entitled "Chicken Soup for the Feminine Soul". RCMP Rep Speaks to Canadian Club Chris Barrett, of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, meets some of those in attendance at the Bowmanvillc Men's Canadian Club which met at St. Paul's United Church. Pictured from left arc: Rev. Nancy Knox, Harold Hammond, Corporal Chris Barrett, Ken Flint and Henry Semplonius. At a meeting of the club on January 7th, the RCMP guest discussed the work of the Mounties and their plans to celebrate their organization's 125th anniversary this year. TOCO" CARPENTRY & CONTRACTING Est. 1975 Complete Carpentry Services • Designing • Custom Built Homes • Renovations • Additions • Decks, etc. / <0£RSl® William Kraayvanger P.O. Box 14, Bowmanville ON L1C3K8 (905) 623-1101 ejp, h Big Sisters Seek Volunteers Big Sisters, | Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, is in des- 1 perate need of volunteers. volunteers. Our waiting list of young girls is again nearing the 30 mark. We require adult women over the age of 18 to share in some of their lives, by becoming their Big Sister. How can you help? Attend the next Orientation Session on Wednesday, January 21st, 7 - 9 p.m., 555 Wentworth St, East (at Wilson), | Unit 1, Oshawa. Please call to register, and for further in for-1 malion call 725-9300. One on one friend-1 ship can be the turning turning point in some young women's lives...please he one that helps to gel that child to see her own potential, in a world | full of obstacles. JAMES R. YANCH Trustee in Bankruptcy Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St.-721-7506 Ajax: 50 Commercial Ave. - 619-1473 Cobourg: 72 King St. W. - 372-4744 Saturday and evening appointments available, FREE Initial consultation. HAIR CONNECTION f would like to welcome f Lisa Thomas 4 (formerly of First Choice Haircutters). ^ She would like to invite all A previous and new customers. ^ | $ 9 Cut and Shampoo/ $ 5 Buzz Cuts r Ap/rainmicnu welcome but not necessary y 623-0001 / Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday j COWAN PONTtAC -- BUICK LTD. BOWMANVILLE - ONT 166 King St. East Telephone 623-3396 ©j.p. KIDS KLOSET GIGANTIC WINTER CLOTHING SALE 50% OFF A HUGE SELECTION SB) OF CLOTHING ^selection!/ NEWBORN TO SIZE 16 AND MATERNITY WEAR , : ! 34A King St. West, Bowmanville Telephone 623-9331 OJ.P. Bowmanville Hearing Centre "Serving Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and surrounding areas." Complete Hearing Aid Service * Micro Canal Hearing Aids * Noise Attenuators * All Brand Name Aids * House Calls Available * Cleaning and * Earmolds Servicing * Musician Plugs * Tube Changes * Swimming Plugs * FM Audio Systems A.H.I.P., A.D.P., D.V.A. Blue Cross, Green Shield, Metlife. Memorial Hospital 47 Liberty Street South Bowmanvillc L1C 2N4 Phone: (905)623-6500 Invitation To Our Open House Saturday, January 24 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Featuring quality eyewear by German manufacturer Rodenstock Everyone is welcome to meet our staff and Doctors. Door prizes • Refreshments available dr. k. a. McPherson DR. F. LESSANI DR. K. LEE "We strive to exceed your expectations" 45 Liberty St. N v Bowmanville LIG 2L8 Phone: 905-623-3252 Fax: 905-623-4583 OJ.P.UU