The Clarington/Courtice Independent, Ihtwnianvinc^j^iUirday^chnur)^^^^ Paee 3 You'll Love Shopping lL< In the -K^of Bowmanville Ï t < Snow Fort Fraser Rowe, Danny Fowler, Aaron Andringa and', Jane il Johnson of Bowmanvillc spent hours chopping, shaping, and piling up blocks of snow to build a great ' backyard snow fortress on Wellington Street last week. The kids wound up with a wall five feet high and fifteen fifteen feet wide. And after all that, they still had enough energy left for a snowball battle. .. CfflBpS HSH î es mil UEUl Book now for Valentines Dinner at ^cafe ffrcsfi 'Martlet Cuisine • wheelchair accessible • Licensed by L.L.B. O. Telephone: (905) 623-8772 73 King St. W., Bowmanvillc ©J.P. 1 . ' t,:,* :/ ' . ;V ■y-f'U H > Are You Heart Broken over your OLD FURNITURE? Y smm* Visit our showroom at Orchard Park Furniture 28 King St. West, Bowmanvillc 623-1131 [US lilt Courtice Clinic From page 1 with x-rays, EKG, and an urgent care area. "There would be a pharmacy pharmacy and a small number of retailers related to health care," he said. The second component of the proposed project is an "assisted living" seniors' complex. I-lorricks said, "we feel this facility makes an ideal mix." He added "the need (for the seniors apartments) is well document by the Health Services Study" and adds that lie had a letter of support from Community Care featuring a four course meal with choice of Prime Rib or Lobster Newburg or Chicken F lorentina. <3 Price $29.95 a couple Dance the Night to *76e yZtofUUtticb by reservation only Saturday, February 14th 8:00 p.m. includes FREE RIDE HOME 3 6234Ï68 E '^=^ lilt Administrator Sally Barrie. A partnership has already been struck with Divcrsacarc to manage and operate the seniors' building, I-lorricks said. "We estimate that between 50 to 60 new jobs would be created," he predicted. The buildings have been designed to be presented as "a gateway to the municipality," municipality," said Brian Saul, an architect architect with Barry-Bryan Ltd. The clinic building will be "highly visible, with well defined entrances." , He noted .the building plans utilized comments fronr clinic patients and put them to work to become "a pleasant pleasant place, with lots of light, glass and air. Both buildings will be landscaped." Also, the plans include 203 parking spaces. During a public meeting held on the proposal, Libby Racansky of Hancock Road asked that the trees on the property be made available for the Friends of the Second Marsh. She was told during the applicant's comments at the meeting that the trees would not be salvaged but that "wc would be happy to make them available." Stan Racansky asked that the exit proposed onto 11 wy 2 be placed elsewhere. Racansky noted this stretch of roadway in Claringlon has "the largest number of accidents." lie said a number of near-misses and actual traffic accidents have taken place here. February gatf*. 698# On now until Feb. 28/98 * Starter BROOKS JACKETS T-SHIRTS 25% OFF FIGURE SKATING Apparel 25% 0FF Select HOCKEY EQUIPMENT I FREE SKATE SHARPENING WITH PURCHASE g | OF ANY HOCKEY STICK OR BLADE 1 i Bowmanvillc Sports Shop 56 King St. West 623-0322 OPEN EVENINGS S P E C I A L S Men's and Women's Gift Sets Now OFF McGregor I.D.A. Drugs All In-stock Russell Stover Chocolates Now OFF Sunglasses 1/2 Price Cover Girl Lipstick Special $ 3." Cover Girl Nail Polish Special lilt «TLva We have a wonderful selection of 5 King st West Bowmanvillc Valentine Ca rds, Gift Wrap and Novelties In-stock oZo-57"Z . p r j ces i n effect from February 7lh to 14th, 1998 - ©j.p.