Page 4 The Claringlon/Courlice lndependenl. Bowmanvillc, Saturday, Febmary 7, 1998 You'll Love Shopping In the 'r of Bowmanville Drama Workshop Dates Remember these dates - March 4,5,6,7. The Bowmanvillc Drama Workshop is presenting a three- act comedy "Opening Night" in B.H.S. Theatre at 8:00 p.m each evening. For tickets phone 623-4732 or 623-5700. Send your Valentine Love & Kisses. Valentine's Day is Saturday, February 14. The HERSHEY KISSES" Bear Bouquet from Tclcflora features a fresh flower bouquet and a lovable, huggablc bear cradling a stuffed replica of HERSHEY KISSES® chocolates. Show how truly sweet your Valentine is. To send this charming gift almost anywhere in Canada or the U.S., just call or visit our shop. $ 00 50 _ las mine Florists 16 Temperance Street S., Bowmanville OMetioiit 697-0030 EBB Wellness Counsellor Visits Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club Program Chair Irene Konzclmann and President Judy Hagcrman thank member Sue Valentine for her efforts in describing 'How to Perk Up Without Going Away.' Valentine is a wellness counsellor who lives in Bowmanvillc. Entry Deadline is March 31 Library Logo Contest Calling all artistically inclined people in Clarington! The Friends of the Clarington Public Library, a group of concerned citizens who want to promote and enhance the services and programmes offered at the Library, need your help in designing a logo. Logo entries must be submitted on a 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper, contain two colours or less, and include a brief explanation of 25 words or less describing what the logo symbolizes and how it relates to the library or learning learning in general. The contest is open to all ages and prizes and will be awarded to the finalists, who will also have their winning entries posted in the library. The deadline to submit entries is March 31, 1998. More Staff for Children's Aid Minister of Community and Social Services, and MPP for Durham West, Janet Ecker, announced recently that almost half a xvxvxv; S TJ'S MOTORSPORT CAFE presents Thé Ultimate Auto Racing Contest!!! You could win a trip for two to the "Southern 500" in Darlington, S.C. including hotel accommodations. Prizes awarded for 2nd and 3rd place plus weekly prize for top point-getter. Join the "Fantasy Cup" Nascar Challenge Only $30.00 for the year! Choose your own "Fantasy Race Team" plus trade weekly to improve your team. Match wits against fellow Nascar Race fans!! For more information or to register Call (905) 623-1307 or ~~~ Fax: (905) 623-1148 fill 68 King St. E. Bowmanville, ON j , c y7>/ t V/orif 1 c Pa/entme' gf* Jfàstenÿ' (d/Beauttf \ />"' "X^X W $329 '\ x /v /.f "v. \ i;# X A A" 1 jF,- Break-A-Heart $279 Balloon Save 10-25% On Valentine's Day Diamonds Speak Louder Than Words Chance to win a romantic Dinner for Two oopers Jewellers Ltd. Your Family Jewellers for Over 50 Years 39 King St. VV., Bowmanville Store Hours: Mon. - Wed. 9 - 6 Thurs. 9-8 Fri.9-9 Sat. 9 - 5 Tel. 623-5747 million dollars will be spent to hire child protection protection staff at the Durham Children's Aid Society. "We are continuing to make changes to strengthen strengthen the child protection system. system. This funding will make it possible for the Durham CAS to hire more staff to help keep children safe". Minister Ecker explained that this funding is part of $15 million announced in the last provincial budget. Across Ontario, $11.3 million in annual funding will be used to hire over 220 child protection staff, including 39 supervisors, for children's children's aid societies (CASs). An additional $3.7 million million will provide supports for front-line child protection protection workers. These include a computer database database to link all CASs across the province and CAS staff training on the new risk assessment system system and other specialized training. The mandatory risk assessment system will be fully implemented in all CASs this year. It will help front-line workers make better judgements about children at risk. Training is expected to be completed province wide by August. An independent review of a random sampling of child abuse and neglect Enniskillen U.C.W. Enniskillen U.C.W. met on Wednesday, January 21st with ten ladies present. The committee of Marie Sharp and Margaret Stain ton arranged a short programme as we got organized to move into the New Year. The minutes were read, also the correspondence and the treasurer's report. It was moved and carried that at this time we make a donation to Quin Mo Lac and the Francis Sandy Theological Centre. Our church will host "The World Day of Prayer this year on March 6. The ladies from Eldad, Hampton, Tyrone and Zion arc invited to join with us. Please save your A & P Store tapes dated from November 17/97 to November 17/98. We arc planning a hake sale for February 20th. More details later. Some of our members are vacationing in Florida, others arc unable to he with us for poor health, wc wisli them well. cases in all 55 CASs and an external review by an independent consultant to look at how the Ministry can improve its management management and monitoring of the child protection system arc underway. The government's steps to improve the system are based on the recommendations recommendations from last year's Ontario Child Mortality Task Force and the ongoing ongoing coroner's inquests. "We will, continue to,, reform the child protection system to better protect children in Ontario," said Minister Ecker. You'll jôVf- Our Low Prices! U Valentine Cards U Candies and Novelties^ U Gifts Easter Gift Items Now Arriving! .. _ ^ fïïïïï 13 King St. West. 697-0316 If you're ready to change the look of your surroundings, then it's time to see us. High quality furnishings, the lowest possible prices, and the advice of our interior decorating experts will make enhancing your home a real breeze! A Valentine Gift to You... We'll Pay the GST During the Month of February and You Pay No Interest for Six MonthsV Deluxe Over 100 Sofa Beds Occasional Chairs from 00 starting at $249 00 innDmdRK HOME FURNISHINGS 77 King Street East Bowmanville Telephone: (905) 697-2225 Tm dedication myself to providing Clarington residents with the finest In home furnishings, at the lowest possible prices, ' -George Khourl, Omcr/Opcralor •O.A.C. 'Does not apply to previous purclmsos 'Chuck with store lor lull dolalls