( The Clarington/Courlicc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, February 14. 1 W.S Page 7 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 YOUTH CENTRE OPEN HOUSE -- The new Clarington Youth Centre located in the former Bowmanvillc Fire Station on Church St. will be opening this Saturday. The Open House is from one p.m. to nine p.m. and will include some impromptu performances by local bands. Everyone is welcome. "LET'S TALK" -- On February 14th and 28th, an informal group of people experiencing bereavement, meet to share their feelings and receive support. If you would like to join, please come to Memorial Hospital on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of February at 10:30 a.m., lecture room "C". Sponsored by the Clarington Grief Support Association. Contact Bonita Kcales 623-8864 or Christine Ferguson 983-5928. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 TEN DAYS FOR GLOBAL JUSTICE -- Six local churches invite you to share a "poverty dinner" experience, a discussion of global issues and to hear guest speaker Adam Dudu, former resident resident of Central Africa. The meeting is to be held at Rchobolh Christian Reformed Church, 130 Scugog Street at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17, 1998. Tickets in advance arc required ($5 to defray expenses). They arc available at St. Paul's United Church office, telephone 623-7361, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. CHRISTIAN FARMERS' ANNUAL MEETING -- The East Central Christian Farmers' Association invites you to its Annual meeting. It will be held Tuesday, February 17, I998 at 7:30 p.m., in the Manvcrs Community Centre, Bethany (at the intersection of Hwy. 35A and Hwy. 7). "Stewardship, Like Charity, Begins at Home", is the topic by Henry Eygcnraam, Executive Director, Christian Stewardship Services, who will address the meeting. For information contact Tim Sikma, Secretary 905-987-0526. BUSINESS BREAKFAST -- The Clarington Business Group will be talking about effective brochure and flyer design at this breakfast meeting, Tuesday, February 17. Jean-Michel Komarnicky of JMK Imagc-ination, will conduct a round table discussion discussion on getting your message across using printed material. The breakfast meeting takes place at Silks Café, 73 King Street West in downtown Bowmanvillc. Everyone is welcome to attend, but space is limited, please register in advance by calling 697-3132 or e-mail collis-recd@sympatico.ca. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 BUSINESS WOMEN MEET -- The 3rd Thursday Breakfast Network meets February 19 at 7:30 a.m. at the Harmony Creek Golf Club. The goal of 3rd Thursday Breakfast Network is to bring together business and professional women of Durham Region for networking and the opportunity to hear speakers on topics related to women and business. This month's meeting features: celebration and acknowledgements of long-standing members for our 12th Anniversary. Breakfast cost is 59.00 and membership is 530 per year. Call Elaine 579-2696 to pre-register. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 TEEN DANCE -- Optimist Club of Newcastle Village is sponsoring sponsoring a Teen Dance for Grades 7-12 on February 20, 1998, from 7-I0 p.m. at Newcastle Community Hall. FOR YOUR INFORMATION NURSERY SCHOOL NEEDS DIRECTORS -- Small Miracles Nursery School needs community-minded people to fill volunteer directors' positions. Directors have the opportunity to learn about non-profit agencies, quality child care, government funding and fiscal responsibility. If you would like to share some skills and talent talent with a group of dedicated volunteers, call 987-3727 for more information. BAT EXHIBIT AT OSIIAWA MUSEUM -- "Bats of. Ontario" exhibit will be on display at the Oshawa Sydenham Museum during during the months of February and March. This exhibit explores bats, the extraordinary creatures who have inhabited the night skies for more than 50 million years. This exhibit is organized and circulated circulated by the Royal Ontario Museum through its Outreach Services- Education Programs Department. LOCAL PROFESSIONALS SPEAK OUT ON TAXES -- Financial planning professional Denis Beaulieu RFT., CFP. of Equion Securities Canada Limited along with Tom Hill C.A. and Tax Partner with Hobb Bakker Bcrgin Hill will conduct a presentation presentation on February 25th at 6:30 p.m. at Port Darlington Marina. Please call 905-430-1435 or l-800-995-9514 Ext 222 (24hr line) to arrange to attend. ROSE OF DURHAM -- An Open House will be held for the Rose of Durham on Wednesday, February 25, from l-4 p.m. It will be held at 387 Simcoc St. S. (2nd floor). There will be tea and coffee coffee and good company. Sec you there. PARTICIPATION HOUSE PROJECT SEEKS VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS -- This non-profit organization is developing and provid ing a range of services for physically disabled adults. We are currently currently seeking Volunteer Board Members who are willing to devote a few hours per month to assist our community-based organization organization in planning and managing our resources. We need you to help us in our belief that adults with physical disabilities are entitled entitled to shape their own lives and actualize their potential. For information, information, call 579-5267. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR KIDNEY FOUNDATION -- The Kidney Foundation of Canada - Central Ontario Branch is holding its annual fundraising initiative, the March Drive Campaign. We need 100 volunteers to canvass their neighborhoods in the Bowmanvillc area. Interested individuals will be assigned a street near their home and will have the entire month of March to canvass approximately 25 homes. This rewarding project should take no more than three hours. For more information, please call Lesley Marshall at (416) 445-0373 or toll-free I-800-387-4474. GARDENERS WANTED -- The Durham Region Gladiolus and Dahlia Society is seeking new members. For further information, call Slier Leetoozc (623-9147; Sam Vancamp (728-9946); Jack Hartwell (987-5448) or Bryan Samis (705-944-5737). Look for Gladiolus Society workshops in the next few months. PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME -- Join us for stories, songs and finger plays as we kick off the 1998 season of Pre-School Storytimcs. This fun-filled programme is ideal for children aged 3- 5, and will take place on the following dates: Courticc Branch - January 21 to March ll Wednesdays 10:30 - II a.m. and Thursdays 7-7:30 (Bedtime); Bowmanvillc Branch Feb. 4 - March 25 Wednesdays l:30 - 2 p.m., Thursdays 10:30 - II a.m.; Newcastle Branch Feb. 19 to April 9, Thursdays 7-7:30 p.m. (Bedtime), Fridays 10:30 - 11 a.m. (please note, April 10 is Good Friday and the library is closed). For more information call Chris Doyle at 623-7325 or Margie Singleton at 623-9742. DURHAM SHORES SWEET ADELINE CHORUS -- Presents "Mardi Gras on Broadway", a musical show to delight all ages, Saturday, February 28, 1998 at the Royal Canadian Legion, 471 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa. Matinee 2 p.m., evening performances 8 p.m., seating limited, so please get tickets early. Phone Dee at 666- 1980 or Jo at 721-1324. DRAMA WORKSHOP DATES -- Remember these dates - March 4,5,6,7. The Bowmanvillc Drama Workshop is presenting a three-act comedy "Opening Night" in B.H.S. Theatre at 8:00 p.m each evening. For tickets phone 623-4732 or 623-5700. Nominations Sought for Outstanding Teachers Big Sisters Host Battle Of the Hors D'Oeuvres Some of Durham's finest chefs arc getting set to square off in a "Battle of the Hors D'Oeuvres. And the winner will be the Big Sisters of Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington who arc sponsoring the lund-raiscr Friday, February 27th. To give the media a taste of what's in stoic, some of the participants got together for a preview on February 4th, at the Big Sisters headquarters in Oshawa. Pictured are (from left): Fred Archibald, of Archibald Orchards Estate Winery; Frank Mollica, of Silks Calc in Bowmanvillc; Laurie Milne, of Bon Appétit catering in Bowmanvillc and Irwin Smith, of Ocala Orchards and Farm Winery, near Port Perry. The Battle of the Flors D'Oeuvres will include a nine-course dinner, with guests invited to vote for their favorite dishes. There's also a reception, entertainment and door prizes. For information or tickets, call 725-9300. The dinner is to take place at the Lviv Hall in Oshawa. TVOntario is seeking nominations for its seventh seventh annual TVOntario Teachers; 'Awards competition. competition. The awards recognize outstanding educators who have made a difference for their students, their fellow teachers, their schools, and their communities. The deadline for entry is March 25, 1998 before 5:00 p.m. Nomination forms can lié obtained by calling (416) or (905) 484- 2825, or toll free at 1-800- 258-8625. TVOntario has a particular particular interest in the application application of television, video and other new technologies technologies in the classroom and their integration into the teaching and learning ptoccss; however, nominations nominations are welcomed for any new, innovative approaches applied with success by teachers in Ontario. Have A Heart -- Give Blood February 21 Thanks to your healthy heart, as many as four hospital patients can benefit from your single act of caring. Your donation might help a premature baby, a child with a hole in her heart, a teenager having chemotherapy, or an adult facing major surgery. Your "gift" this February will last a lifetime. Healthy individuals age 17 to 60, are invited to bring a friend and attend this upcoming clinic: Saturday, February 21, Rchobolh Christian Reform Church, 130 Scugog St. Bowmanvillc, 11:00 a.m, - 3:00 p.m. The Red Cross needs to collect at least 90 blood donations at this clinic to meet the needs of cancer patients, trauma victims, victims, new mothers, and other hospital patients, including those at Bowmanvillc Memorial Hospital. If you have any questions about the eligibility of your medications, or a health condition, just call (I-800-701-7803/416- 974-9900) between 8:30 and 4:30 and ask for Nursing. Garden Tour Planned for July The Bowmanvillc and District Horticultural Society held its first meeting meeting of 1998 on January 21 in the Trinity United Church Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Diane Howarth. Diane welcomed everyone everyone to share in a new year of gardening enjoyment. Members and guests were reminded to feel free to bring forward their gardening gardening questions as we have some very knowledgeable gardeners in our midst who arc more than willing to share gardening information, information, experiences and tips. First Aid Course Offered Arc you currently looking for a job and would like to add more qualifications to your resume? Do you require a First Aid or CPR certificate to graduate from post secondary secondary education? St. John Ambulance is the leader in First Aid and CPR training courses. WCB recognizes St. John Ambulance as a First Aid provider that complies with WCB regulation 1101 and is stated as such in their Regulation Booklet. St. John Ambulance, Durham Region Branch, offers 16 different courses to choose from. Standard First Aid Oshawa - February 16 and 17,21 and 22, Whitby - February 12 and 13, Ajax - February 2 and 3; CPR - Two man - Oshawa - February 5 or 28, Whitby - February 9 or 21, Ajax - February 6. For further information call 434-7800 or 1-800-267- 1032. MATURE CHALLENGING 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE JOIN WITH A MEMBERSHIP NOW! Book your 1998 Tournament, Banquet, Wedding, Party or Dance Middle Rd., Bowmanville (1 Mile North of Bowmanvllle/1 Mile South of Taunton Rd.) BOWMANVILLE COUNTRY CLUB z (905) 623-2670 ©j.p. JAMES R. YANCH ©j.p. Trustee in Bankruptcy Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St.-721-7506 Ajax; 50 Commercial Ave. - 619-1473 Cobourg: 72 King St. W. - 372-4744 Saturday and evening appointments available. FREE Initial consultation. Quality Body Work Quality Painting FREE ESTIMATES ON BOTH INSURANCE AND NON-INSURANCE WORK Open 5 Days a Week Monday through Friday i+WhVI i-J 9ÊÊESSBBSSBSSÊÊÊmJ 166 King St. East Telephone 623-3396 ©j.p. The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. Numerous items of correspondence were reviewed. The revisions to the constitution constitution were to have been voted on at this meeting. However as many of the members had not reviewed the-document, the vole will be delayed until the February meeting. Due to the success of last year's garden tour it was felt that we should hold one again this year. Lori Kelm asked for volunteers and suggestions for gardens which can be included this year. Tentative date for the tour has been set for Saturday, July 18, 1998. In lieu of a speaker, Diane showed a very interesting interesting video called "Wildflowers of Yellowstone" which depicted depicted the numerous species of colourful wildflowers that abound in the Yellowstone National Park. Some of these Bowers were used as a tasty food , source by the , native people.-The terrain is varied from boggy areas to ■ open meadows and mountainous mountainous heights each with a distinct mix of flowers and photographic pleasures that were depicted. The February meeting will be held on February 18, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. in the Trinity United Church Hall. Guests and visitors are always welcome. In February the meeting will consist of a silent auction auction to which members arc asked to donate small items and a seed exchange; so remember to bring some envelopes. A "Show Us your Craft or Hobby" feature is a chance for members to show off their talents and display their crafts. "KRACO" CARPENTRY & CONTRACTING Est. 1975 Complete Carpentry Services • Designing • Custom Built Homes • Renovations • Additions • Decks, etc. William Kraayvanger P.O. Box 14, Bowmanville ON L1 C 3K8 (905) 623-1101 ©j.p. nci Xhx Reflexology by m Christina Fleischmann TlA- / Certified Reflexologist pfl 15Albert St., Bowmanville VI Tel: (905) 623-1215 Fax: (905) 623-1215 Self-Healing, Relaxation and Stress Management | Visit Donna, Jackie, Lisa® and Heather for ! CSirceat Samouigs!! ! \ ~$5100 OFF™"] I Set Acrylic or Fibreglass Nails i OR $1.00 OFF Hair Cut and Shampoo . L WITH THIS COUPON _ j HAIR CONNECTION 22 King St. E. (upstairs) 623-0001 Coupon is valut until M.inh U, LHS VJF