The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, February 18, 1998 Page 11 1 ) Real Estate Deadlines and Policies Deadline for Wednesday Publication is Monday at 12:00 Noon. Any compensation for errors or omissions by The Canadian Statesman will be limited to the value of the space occupied by the error in the advertisement. ^ Please phone 623-3303 and ask for the Real Estate Sales Department y Blackstock News Suggestions for Year 2000 Celebrations? by Joyce Kelly On Saturday, Mrs. Eileen - McLaughlin hosted a birthday birthday luncheon party in honour honour of Iter cousin Ruby Trcwin's 80th birthday. Guests were Ruby's close friends and relatives who enjoyed much visiting along with a delicious lunch. Happy birthday wishes, Ruby. Belter health is wished . for both Lois Luke who is a patient in Port Perry Hospital and Roy Turner who is in Bowmanvillc Hospital. Last Sunday, four ladies - Margaret Mounljoy, Pal Sleep, Edith McLaughlin and Eileen McLaughlin enjoyed visiting Mrs. Flora Samclls, long time resident • of Blackstock and now in Beaverton Nursing Home. ■ Flora is quite well and sends Iter greetings to lier Blackstock friends. Pancake Tuesday will certainly be a popular day to go out lor dinner in Blackstock as both churches arc holding Pancake suppers on Tuesday, February 24. If you arc familiar with church suppers you will know that there will be delicious desserts along with the pan- - cakes. ■ Several area families have suffered losses in their lives. Sympathy to Vernon • and Jenny Yorgason and ; family on the tragic loss of ■ their teenage son, Warner, j last week. The Yorgason ■ family lives on Highway 7A ", beside the All-Flags Shell Station. j A long-time resident of • this area, Ralph Eccclstone, \ of the Devins area, passed • away this week. Sympathy '. to his wife, Olive, his family 1 and other local relatives. Florence Bcacock passed away suddenly on Friday. Florence and her late husband husband lived for many years on the farm where Lois and ' Harold Luke now live. >. Sympathy to her sons Glen i and Gordon and many other ' relatives. Florence will be remembered by former students students as a wonderful music teacher. There were 14 tables at the weekly card parly with the following winners - Les Johnston, Muriel Butson, Sarah Bmnton, John Archer, Kathleen Watts, Norman Rohrcr and Harvey Graham. Draws were won by Gary Nottcnboom 2, Nerta Masters, Kathleen Watts, Joan Sutcliffe and Helen Dorrell. The February meeting of the ONO was held at the home of Eileen McLaughlin with nine members present. During the meeting we saw slides of Blackstock Fair, reminding us of what a great fair it is! Once again Joan Graham will have trees for sale this year. We would like to encourage the people of the village to start planting new ones now so they will have a chance to get started before it becomes necessary to remove the old ones. There was some discussion discussion about celebrating the year 2000 but no decisions were made. We need ideas and community participation to make it fun for all. Eileen served a terrific dessert and then the evening ended. The March meeting is at the home of Andrea Weir. Reporter Andrea Weir Morning Unit U.C.W. The Morning Unit met on February 10 at the home of Eileen McLaughlin with thirteen members present. Jean VanCamp led us in worship, her theme being "Life's Patterns". Our March meeting is to be combined with the afternoon afternoon unit in the form of meeting at 10:30 a.m. followed followed by a pot-luck luncheon luncheon at the church. The afternoon unit will have the programme which is to feature feature speaker Mary Shepherd who will speak on the topic "How our environment affects Breast Cancer". For Real Estate with Betty Smith If you're thinking of buying or selling and looking for an experienced realtor to assist you, please give me a call. I can lie reached at Sutton Group-Dynamic Realty Inc,, 129 King St. East, Bowmanvillc, (905) 697-1700 (24 Hr. Pager). The Importance of Curb Appeal When selling your home, I can't stress enough the importance of curb appeal. So, what exactly is "curb appeal"? Well, it's really how a home shows from the street. Believe it or not, it's quite often the deciding factor factor in whether or' not your home gets shown. Many would-be buyers like to drive around in areas where they arc interested in purchasing. If your home doesn't appeal to them from the OUTSIDE, they arc not likely to be interested in seeing seeing the INSIDE. On the other other hand, I can't ever remember remember a purchaser refusing to view a home because it looked loo inviting from the outside! Creating good curb appeal doesn't necessarily mean spending a great deal of money, especially on a home that you're planning to sell. It will however, require some effort on the home owner's behalf... particularly particularly if things have been a bit neglected over the years. So, where to start? Begin by contacting your Realtor. He or she will give you some very valuable advice. Here is a hint. Start by standing at the curb and taking a close critical look at your property. Check lawns, garden beds, hedges, fences, driveways and walkways. These need to be in shipshape. Now move to the back and sides of the house and do the same thing. Next check the house itself ... trim, windows, caulking, shingles, siding, shutters etc. Make a list of things to "do and just keep "pecking" away at it. They say you can't judge a book by its cover. I don't know who "THEY" arc, but they certainly arc not prospective home buyers!! Your comments and questions are always of interest to me and I welcome the opportunity to answer them. our November meeting we will again meet with the afternoon unit on November 11 and attend the service at the cenotaph. The following events were announced: World Day of Prayer, March 6, at 2 p.m. at Blackstock United Church, General Meeting - February 25 speaker to be Phyllis Symons on lier trip to Cuba, Prcsbylcrial Annual Meeting February 18, at Trinity United Church, Bowmanvillc; Conference Annual Meeting April 15 and 16 in Kingston; Spring Renewal at Tyrone April 22. Peggy Larmer Reporter The Annual Golden Slider Bonspicl, a competition competition between the Port Perry and Blackstock Men's Curling Clubs was a definite success on Monday evening. After many competitive games and much fellowship when the final tally was made, it was decided that the unique trophy will return to the Blackstock trophy case for the next year. Afternoon Unit of The Blackstock UCW Nine members and one guest met at the church lor the February meeting. In the absence of Marion Larmer, Jean Ferguson opened the meeting by reading a passage passage entitled "Community". Roll Call was answered by telling a wise or comical saying. Kathleen Watts had the worship service and as February 14th is near, she based her thoughts on Love. She outlined the love expressed to Princess Diana through the Bowers left as expression of sympathy and how her tragic death has changed the Royal Family's approach to the public since' her passing. Love is powerful; Love can span all chasms; Love is more pervasive in our world than evil; above all things put on love which is the bond of perfection. We sang the hymn "Love Divine all . Loves Excelling". ....... „ Thelma' Wright had the program taken from the Mandate when we discussed the plight of the uprooted persons. We were surprised to learn how much a refugee must pay for processing Ice, right of landing, medical examination, proof of family, family, work permit and a citizenship citizenship application Ice before entering Canada. Meeting closed with prayer. Dora Martyn Reporter St. John's News by Jean Willis As Reverend Hugh Kcrnolian lias other commitments commitments for the next two weeks,- the Reverend Dawn Gilby and her husband, Ken, travelled from Orillia to celebrate celebrate Morning Prayer on Sunday, February 15 in Blackstock. They will return again next week when Reverend Dawn will be telling the children a story. George Kubovic's birthday birthday was celebrated at coffee time alter Hie morning service. service. Upcoming events: There will be no mid-week Eucharist on Tuesdays, February 10 and 17 but there will be a service on Ash Wednesday (February 25, 1998) at 7:00 p.m. Sunday services will he at the usual times. Everyone is welcome to attend our pancake supper which will he held from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. on Shrove Tuesday (February 24,1998). This year our chef dc cuisine will he George Kubovic and George is appealing for assistant chefs and kitchen help. If you can help, please let George know. TOUR DAN ONLY 3 SUITES LEFT! A New Condominium In the Heart of Boivmanville's Historic Victorian Community Priced from* 112,990 Viewing by appointment only call: (416) 920-0111 Ski Trip to Go Janet Emond (right), of Courticc, won a ski trip for four, after entering a contest at Tim Horton's in k Bowmanvillc last November. The contest ran at participating participating Tim Horton's restaurants throughout eastern L Ontario. Manager Pat Graham presented the prize to Emond, an avid skier, on February 5th. PETER KOWAL Real Estate Limited Broker 52 King St. West Bowmanvillc Hit Bowmanville W.I. The regular monthly meeting of Bowmanvillc Women's Institute was held on February 5th at 1:30 p.m. at Trinity United Church with 12 members present. present. Bernice Puk, the president opened the meeting with O Canada and the Institute Ode. She read a poem on "Smiles". Minutes were read and approved and Treasurer's report given. Correspondence included a communication communication from FWIO announcing a convention to be held at the college in Belleville July 3, 4 and 5. Courses and workshops will be available. Vera Downey had purchased a tin cash box to house the micro films of our past minute books. It is also large enough to store any future, films. A motion was made that one key to the box should be held by the President and the other by the Tweedsmuir History curator. A 10-ycar pin was given to Audrey Shirk by the President of our branch. It was decided to send a donation to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, the same as last year. Roll Call was well answered. Helen Miilson spoke to the Motto "If you put off until tomorrow what you can do today, someone may invent a machine to do it". The meeting was then turned over to Iva Twist. She read a poem of "Hugs". She introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Charles Taws the curator of the Bowmanville Museum. He brought several artifacts pertaining to local history. It was a very interesting and informative half hour. The meeting closed with the Mary Stewart Collect. Lunch was served by Iva Twist and her group. Submitted by Irene England Sec.-Trects. Phone: (905) 623-2453 Fax: (905) 623-0136 SERVING BOWMANVILLE AND AREA SINCE 7955 LOOKING FOR ACTION!! VENDOR HAS BOUGHT! Ideal location for commuter in SW Bowmanville, on quiet street within walking distance ol school. 3 bedroom brick home with attached garage is spotless and attractively decorated - nice eat-in kitchen has walkout to fully fenced yard. Master bedroom has ensuite. Be sure to SEE THIS HOME - JUST 5149,900. Call today (or your appointment (905) 623-2453. CEDARCREST BEACH, BOWMANVILLE 50 foot lot on Lake Ontario with older style year-round cot- tage. $114,900. KERSHAW STREET Attractive 3 bedroom brick home in desirable north Bowmanville neighbourhood. Double attached garage with door to foyer - main floor computer room - full ensuite in master bedroom - home is .1,515 sq. ft. LIST PRICE: $158,500. BE SURETO COMPARE AND CALL TODAY. DOWNTOWN BOWMANVILLE Terrific King Street property with 1 commercial and 2 residen- tial units; all in great condition. Priced to sell at $199,000. IMAGINE! ONLY $98,000. FOR A SMALL HOME ON A104 FOOT LOT. Good Bowmanville location - GREATSTARTFOR 1ST TIME BUYER!. CALL TODAY 905-623-2453. "A Small Office That's BIG On Service." 234 King Street East, Bowmanville Telephone 623-3393 Toronto Line 686-1035 HOUSE FOR SALE "PRIVATE" -$2F9tf0O REDUCED TO $199,900. 17 Barley Mill Cr. Bowmanville Private yard, backs onto Soper Creek, lots of trees, vines and shrubs. 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, central air conditioning, gas furnace, double car garage with remote garage door opener, 2 & 1/2 bathrooms. Master bedroom lias hardwood floor, jacuzzi and separate shower. Extra large, eat-in, green house kitchen, dishwasher. Main floor family room, gas fireplace, hardwood floor, main floor laundry. Walk out from basement, large deck and patio, 16' x 32' in ground pool with gas heater. Phone 905-623-8539 , P HOT HOT DEAL Commercial zoning, great location, good tenants, bring over $26,000 after expenses - an offer you can't beat! Only asking $239,000. Call John Shewchuk* 623-3393 or 623-5927. POWER OF SALE KENDAL 4 years new, pine floors throughout, throughout, 3 bedrooms, beautiful kilchen with walkout, separate dining room and living room, single car garage plus small barn, double lot. This is an excellent buy. $139,900. Charlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914. BRAND NEW RAISED BUNGALOW 25 Acre lot, 3 bedrooms, greenhouse kitchen, deck, full basement, double double car garage, $156,900. Call Charlie Reid* 623-3393 or 983-5914. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS bedroom bungalow on large country lot with double detached garage. Home needs work but only $80,900. Call Josie Doxtater** 623-3393 or 623-9557. A MUST TO SEE Well appointed 1650 sq. ft. home in desirable area. Breakfast nook, family room, fireplace, ceramics, central air, central vac, $159,900; Don't miss out. Call Joe Jeronimo** 623-3393. FINISHED WALKOUT BASEMENT Spotless 3 bedroom home on good sized sized lenced lot in Bowmanville. Large eat- in kilchen with oak cupboards, master bedroom -has 4-piece ensuite. Interlocking walkway al the Irani welcomes welcomes you lo a relaxing porch. S149,900.To view or lor more Info call Terry Witherspoon* 623-3393 or 697-0332. M ~ cornerstone realty ltd., realtor ® 104 King St. £., Bowmanville 623-6000 t JUST LISTED!! Call Linda McLennan Associate Broker 623-6000 Terrific 4 level, 3 bedroom detached backsplit on a huge lot. Court locationl Fabulous wall to wall oak wall unit with gas fireplace In rec room with 60 oz. broadloom. 20 x 40 fool Inground pool. Gas heat with central air. $169,999, Call Linda McLennan (905) 623-6000. JUST MOVE IN! Immaculate 2 storey next lo park, private lenccd yard, eat-in kilchen, totally I finished rec room, May I possession, many extras. | Ask lor David, David ,4/se; $149,900. 3 level backsplit by hospital Passant** $15S,900. All brick 1GOO sq. ft.. 5 bedroom Rrnknr $179,900, Century homo on treed tot $239,900. 3 actes will slroam, 1600 sq. It rancher Over 22 Years Mobile homes and vacant land, of Service List of repossessed houses avallnblol For a market evaluation of your home, please ask for David Passant**, Associate Broker, today! 623-6000. Tony Klompmaker** ! Associate Broker Rcmax Cornerstone Realty 623-6000 or Res. 263-4448 D mm. R , T uwM T ,'r HILLTOP DR., BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE Gorgeous 3 + 1 bod- Lovoly 3 bodroom room sldospllt, oak bungalow, attached kltchon wl h hardwood gnrn J g 0i „ n , S | ied i â r i , i o?l r00m i W basomont and largo airtight, 2 baths and clr- p r | V nto loi. Asking cular Intorlocklng drlvo- si4G900 way. Asking $159,900. ' Cnll Tony Klompmnkor, Room Comorstono Ronlty Lid. 623-GOQO, ros, 203-4440 JUST LISTED! Don't miss this one ■ quiet court location, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, main floor laundry, eat-in kitchen,-family room, gas heal, ail freshly decorated including luxury broadloom throughout. Sally Staples 623-6000. Marg Bain* Sales Rep. Call for details at (905) 623-6000 NEW LISTING! A LITTLE BIT OF COUNTRY But within easy access to highways 401, 115 and 2, Is this charming 3 bedroom 1 14 storey home situated on .40 of an acre with a small barn for your hobbles. Listed at $129,900. Call Marg or Linda for all the details (905) 623-6000. , ; V. •t Ron Moore* Sales Rep. 623-6000 24 hr. pager G23-92G3 (ros.) CRESCENT LOCATION THREE LEVEL BACKSPLIT Detached throe bodroom homo wllh largo eat- in kltchon overlooking the family room and woodburning llroplaco, comblnod living and dining rooms with walkout to a 50 x 105 II, lot. Forced air gas heat, central air conditioning, and throe appliances. Asking 8149,900. Cnll Ron Moore (905) 623-6000.