Page 6 Tlie Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviilc, February 18,1998 Optimists Sponsor Teen Dance on Friday by Hazel Crago On Saturday during Olympics advertising on TV we were delighted to see the Country Four doing their Valentine work, singing. The Sunshine Unit of the UCW held their meeting on February 9th at the home of Jean Rickard. A social evening playing UNO was enjoyed with winners being Marion Allin and Kay Powell. Sunshine sisters exchanged valentines. Members delivered delivered Powers to shut-ins for Valentine's Day. On Sunday evening Stan and Kay Powell enjoyed dinner dinner with Dale and Wayne Hunt and sons, Ponlypool. Master Graydcn Hunt of Ponlypool accompanied his grandfather Stan Powell to the children's Valentine Parly held by the Lions on Wednesday, February 11. Birthday greetings to Mark Lake, Sug Ying Woo, Dan Norton, Susan Blackburn, Ross Bourne, Don Lake, Marcel Vasseur, Dennis Rudman, Greg Wight, John Cunningham, Brandon Coyle, Art Ricnstra and Hazel Murphy. Congratulations to Roy and El ma Hopkins, Frank and Eva Hoar on their February wedding anniversaries. Frank and Eva are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at the Newcastle Community Hall on Sunday afternoon, February 22nd from 2 to 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago visited on Saturday afternoon with Yvonne Martin, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hoogkamp recently spent ten days in Greenwood, Nova Scotia, visiting son Brian, wife Lise and sons Eric, Scott and Colin. Weather was beautiful. beautiful. Sympathy is extended to the Gilmer families, relatives and friends in the death of Raymond Gilmer. Mrs. Elizabeth Skclding hosted a birthday party on Sunday in honour of Raymond Chapman and Mary Skclding. Bill and Mary Newcastle News Skclding of Ncwtonvillc, Jack and Nan of Port Perry enjoyed the celebration. Mrs. Wylma Allin recently underwent surgery in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviilc. We hope she is soon well! About one hundred attended the Valentine dance in Orono on Friday evening, sponsored by the Optimists. This Friday, February 20th at the Newcastle Community Hall the Optimists arc holding holding a teen dance for Grades 7 through 12, from 7 to 10 p.m. Admission is $4.00. Newcastle Seniors enjoy their regular evening of cards on Thursday evening, February 19. Mrs. Marlene Murray Frankfort! spent the week with her father and brother, Art and Fred Bcdwin, Lake Shore. Mrs. Hilda Call enjoyed Sunday dinner with Cory and Marilyn Call, Ashley and Morgan, Blackstock. Sunday visitors with Jean and Glenn Allin were daughter daughter Nancy, her husband Al Karhu and children Scott, Josh and Natalie of Scarborough. Mrs. Debbie Bower, Lake Ctnvicban, Vancouver Island visited her father Art Dubcau in Alexandria, and also spent time with ber grandmother Bertha Fisher and family. St. George's News On Sunday, February 15th, the Holy Communion Service at St. George's Anglican Church was conducted conducted by the Reverend Cliff Evans. Flowers at the Altar were given by Mr. Reginald Le Grcslcy in memory of his wife, Helen. The Valentine Bake Sale and Tea was a great success. Seven hundred and forty-five dollars was raised for the Ice Storm Relief on the paper lole picture donated by Lois Maxwell and won by Margaret Rudman. y Durham Region Community Care Association announces the opening of the Community Care ADULT DAY PROGRAM in Newcastle We provide a social and recreational program as well as relief for families caring for frail, elderly and disabled adults including those with Alzheimer's Disease in Durham Region. For further information please call 987-3000 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS MARCH 2 TO APRIL 30,1998 Weight Restriction Regulations will be in force on all roads under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Clarington from March 2 to April 30,1998. Vehicle loads are restricted to FIVE (5) TONNES PER AXLE, in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.0.1990, cH8, s122. Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street 0N,Ani ° Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 Dales Published: February 18 and 25, 1998 CS-Ind. 6232 ^ , c /7\. MUNICIPALITY OF {jlcnîn fftori THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 93-144 FORMAL NOTICE TO CLEAN SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS Occupants and property owners are required to remove snow and ice from the public sidewalks in front of, and beside their properties within 12 hours after a fall of snow, freezing rain, or hail and to keep them clear. These requirements apply whether or not a house or any other building is erected on the property. If you fail to clear and keep clear the entire surface of sidewalks abutting your property, the Municipality will remove the snow and ice and charge the cost of such removal to the property owner's realty taxes. Clearing snow and Ice makes the Municipality's sidewalks safer for ALL pedestrians. Your co-operation in keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice AT ALL TIMES will be appreciated. CS-Ind. 6013 MUNICIPAL Y or ryarirujton OJ.P. There will be a Pancake Lunch on Sunday, February 22nd at 12:30 p.m. Tickets are available from Joan Haring 623-5266. United Church On Sunday, February 15, at Newcastle United Church, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism was celebrated. Soloist was Nancy Karhu (daughter of Jean and Glenn Allin) who rendered two beautiful solos. The Lay Reader was Shirley Coyle. The infant son of Deborah and Ron Landry, Nathaniel Haze Landry was baptized by Reverend David Chisling. Nathaniel's godparents arc Tracy and Ron Leigh, Reverend Chisling's sermon was tilled, Another Look at Happy. Confirmation classes begin on Wednesday, March 4 at 7:30 p.m. and continue on Wednesdays through March 25. Dofaseo Male Chorus performs performs Monday, May 25 at Newcastle Community Hall. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Ladies League Linda Hawrylak Betty Major 197, Marilyn Major 246, Norrish 192, 184, Dorella Forget 179, Picrik 201, 188, Jean Pollard 199, 192, Shirley Talbot 186, Diane Trcssidcr 182, 197, 176, Val Withcridgc 221. Tuesday Seniors 177, 209, Linda , 226, Mary Vance Cooper 203, Marg Wade 168, 214, Art Compton 150, 197, Joyce Stacey 201, 212, Joe Martin 165, Alice Hopson 169, Sheila Stiles 206, 155, Jean Holmes 188, Maureen Powell 172, Roy Hayward 170, Frank Tufford 192,217, Bill Polak 150, June Wilson 157, Russell Powell 183, 177, Bertha Powell 215, Mcrril Henry 161, 186, Alec Martin 151, Grace McGill 156, Kay Powell 161, Albert Pearce 171, John Tigwcll 212, 159, Marguerite Cooper 155, Ron Burley 155. Thursday Mixed League Jean Hall 209, 238, 213, Fac Forget 182, 236, Bill Brown 245, 188, 201, John McGucy 285, Donna Adams 185, 193, Wes Forget 192, 182, 228, Jackie Kindraliuk 215, 209, Garry Saxby 209, 185, Kathryn Brown 205, 217, Joe Forget 193,213, Roy Hopkins 191, Sharon Saxby 177, Gregg Kehoc 176, Greg Forget 209, 233, Joyce Stacey 205. Youth Bowling Seniors Nickie 135, Deanna 139, 153, Leah 141, Stephanie 155, Danny 209, 146, Jenny 129, Scan 238, 247, Laura 143. Intermediates Jeremy 105, Gavin 112, 106, Bobby 106, 116, Aaron 142, 109, Chris 100, 145, David 115, Kim 109, 105, Katie 118. Juniors Connor C 64, Jcnellc 85, Jo 71, Angelic 88, Bradley 85, Katie 64. Ragtime Piano Man Releases First Cassette You heard him at the Bowmanviilc Apple Festival last fall and now you can hear ragtime piano player, John Yales, on his first recording. The Bowmanviilc resident and piano tuner has just recorded a collection of classic ragtime tunes composed between 1899 and 1914. He recorded the music in his living room, using an eight-track recorder and the cassette has been produced by Ambassador Records in Oshawa. Don't be surprised if the photo on the cover of the recording looks a little familiar. It was used on the front page of our sister newspaper, The Independent, last fall. His recordings arc available locally at Sam the Record Man in Oshawa and Sound Works at the Bowmanviilc Mall. News from Elizabethville by Edna Thickson Dear friends: I am very sorry I have had to skip some of . my writings and Newcastle Team Ready to Bowl for Millions These young bowlers from Newcastle were squaring off against Bowmanviilc in the youth bowling challenge which is part of the annual Big Brothers Bowl for Millions event. The enthusiastic Newcastle team was photographed at one of their regular Saturday games in the bowling alley at the Newcastle Community Hall. Big Brothers Bowl-for-Millions Week runs from February 15 to 22. other news, due to illness. I feel better than I did all last week. I wasn't able to go to church on Sunday but because it was rather a mixed-up service, they touched on various subjects. It was held February I. After the musical prelude, we had Call to Worship followed followed by Prayer of Approach, followed by a hymn and Responsive reading. reading. The choir had an anthem and the children's minute reminded us each part is important. Adults and children children are important. The second lesson was from Jeremiah 1: 4-10. The Lord's Prayer followed. The sermon was entitled "Love is a Verb". Hymn #333 Love Divine, All We Go Together in God's Name was said by all. Let us go forth in the power that is Love. We go together in God's Name. A Bénédiction' 'and " Choral.' Amen concluded the service. service. To whom it may concern: concern: I am sending this ser vice report as my last, as I am not able to go to places to sec what is going on. I hope to catch the mail today to get this word to you as soon as I can. I liked the job and did hate to give it up. Yours truly, Edna Thickson Newtonville Card Results On Friday evening at Ncwtonvillc Hall there were 67 card players enjoying enjoying euchre. Winners were: 1st Martha Budd with 86 points, 2nd Aleck Moffat 84, 3rd Frances Cathcart 82, 4th Hilton Peacock 82, 5th Harvey Snow 79, and 6th Mabel Goode with 78 points. Lucky draws were awarded to Velma Jakcman, Aldcn Hubbard, Ed Hoad, Ron Burley, Walter "Murphy, Ray Goode, Lyle McMahon' and-All' Piggott. The next card parly at Ncwtonvillc will be held on Friday evening, February 27th. Unhappy with the quality and price of your printing? t ' --, ?< ; i' \ • ,'V? v*" t ,i ïjw i f )s. ) - i ' u. 7/ : \ \\ " ,i V^. ÀV jfTj • , •' 'V \.?Sx / ' vv.. ' - 7 I wisr - - V "'Vis;): ■■ Next time try James Publishing. 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