t > Solina Group Donates $300 To Community Care The Solina Silver Set donated $300 to Community Care earlier this month. Pictured above, presenting the cheque to Community Care's Sally Barrie arc: President Margaret Ford (extreme right) and Warren Forrester, Elaine Baker, Alma Langmaid and Pat Best. The funds will be used for local home support programs. programs. Crafts Shown at Solina W.I. Meeting The February meeting of Solina W.I. was opened by President Jean Taylor with a poem "Valentine Wishes". The Ode was sung and Mary Stewart Collect repeated. There was a consensus to join in the "Civic Pride Pitch In" May 4-10th. There is to be an F.W.I.Q. Conference '98 on July 3- 4-5 at Belleville. Registration to be in by April 20lh. Unanimous approval was received by the membership membership to make a donation to Roy and Blaikie Rowscll for their Mission DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE 1 998 PUBLIC SKATING Saturday, Feb. 28, 1998 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Mar. 7, 1998 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Mar. 14, 1998 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Monday, Mar. 16, 1998 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 18, 1998 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Friday, Mar: 20, 1998.:....... 10:00 - IT:30 a.m. Saturday, Mar. 21,1998 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Mar. 28, 1998 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. FREE SKATING Mondays T :00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. March 2, 9, 23 Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Feb. 25 March 4, 11,25 Fridays 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Feb. 27 March 6, 27 NO PUBLIC SKATES ON PA DAYS CS-IND. 6776©J.P. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS NOTICE OF PASSING OF BY-LAWS IN THE MATTER at the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O., 1990, C.0.18; AND IN THE MATTER of the lands and premises at the following municipal addresses in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Province of Ontario: TAKE NOTICE THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON has' passed by-laws designating the following properties as being of architectural and/or historical value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.0.1990, C.O.18. Bv-law 98-34 62-66 King Street, Bowmanville Reason for Designation The building was constructed in 1856 for John Simpson, to house a branch of the Bank of Montreal, of which he was manager. Free Fee is attributed to being the builder, with the brick considered to be from a brick works on Liberty Street and the limestone from the Baseline Road quarry. Bv-law 98-35 5028 Main Street, Orono Reason for Designation The L-shaped residence was constructed in 1876 by Joseph Lyle Tucker, using decorative buff brick quoins, voussoirs and coursing which were very fashionable fashionable in the 1870s. Today its wooden finials, pendants pendants and gingerbread remain in good condition. The carriage house and wood plank shed are also well preserved and assumed to bo constructed at the same time. Dated at the Municipality of Clarington this 25th day of February 1998. MUNICtl'AUlY or (glaring Ion Patti L. Barrio, A.M.C.T. Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 Date of Publication: February 25,1990 CS 5105 work in Guyana. Blaikie expressed their gratitude as there is a family that will need financial help when they come to Toronto with their son, who is to undergo surgery. The roll call "Your comments about a potato" was well answered from cutting the seed and planting planting till the taste in your mouth. The program was in charge of the East Group. The motto "The Humble Potato" was given by Marion Broome with many interesting facts and much humour ending with "Praise the Potato". Jennifer Bowman needed needed no introduction to present present our topic "Fashionable Crafts". As a member of our branch, Jenny's enthusiasm" and zest has engaged us in many interesting groups. She and Eric her husband had arranged an attractive display of some of the crafts and hobbies, in fact most of them. The classes have been crocheting - patchwork vests - silk ribbon ribbon embroidery - smocking smocking - folk art - cooking - art with water colors - quilting quilting - art with oils - ballroom ballroom dancing - line dancing dancing - bridge lessons. Jean Taylor added her thanks to Jennifer and closed the meeting with all singing O' Canada and the W.I. Grace. There was 28 members and 4 guests present. present. P.R.O. -- Alma Langmakl Chamber Celebrates 70 Years The Oshawa and Clarington Chamber of Commerce is 70 years old! To date, the Chamber remains the largest business business association in Durham Region and is dedicated to the economic and social well-being of the business community. The Chamber remains the largest business association in Durham Region The Chamber is an influential voice reaching all levels of government through its extensive affiliation affiliation with 'like-minded' Chambers of Commerce across Canada. Over the years, the Chamber has provided quality programs and services and continues to promote the political, economical and networking networking interest of its members, members, "The Chamber has played an integral part in the history and development development of Oshawa's business business community", stales Chamber President Don Conaby. "The Chamber is proud to have helped Oshawa business grow and prosper and plans to continue serving the business business community for another 70 years!" The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 25,1998 Section Two Page 7 Sports Registration Coming Up Solina News by Harvey Yellowlees "The best preparation for tomorrow is to do today's work superbly well". The weatherman has given us good weather this week. Solina Silver Set (Seniors) held their meeting meeting on Wednesday, February 18. Margaret Ford, the new chairperson opened with a story and led in the blessing. About 50 people, as usual enjoyed a polluck dinner. After business conducted by Margaret, Eileen Knox and Bernice Watson chairpersons chairpersons of the program committee outlined plans for the coming year. The members will be kept informed of events each month by the dedicated phone committee and the press. Lois Yellowlees arranged some "Valentine" games. Each group of 8 contributed their best with speeches, songs and contests. contests. Everyone was a winner. winner. Lois was thanked for her entertainment. Betty Grant and Gordon and Doreen Barrie were welcomed as new members. members. See you next month when Charles Taws of Bowmanville Museum will tell of "The Steamships of the Great Lakes". The Rural Bowling League still has Hampton in the lead, then Solina, Ncwlonshaw, Hi C's, My Team and then Courticc. Maybe some of the teams could get John Lane on their team it might help. John had a 312 game. (If you offered him up in the millions, he might change). Ron Broome won the 50-50 draw. Hampton had 5 tables for cards on Wednesday night and a good time was had by all. Winners were high: Lloyd Broome 89, Bill Taylor 80, Muriel Butson 77, Pauline Raymond 74, Marg Hall 74. Low Matt Marchant. Most lone hands - Bill Taylor. Draws Cliff Stevenson, Pauline Raymond (2), June Marchant, Marie Brooks, We had 111/4 tables for cards at Solina Friday night. A good time for everybody, especially the winners, which arc: High Harry Knox 92, Fred Watson 84, Ross Cryderman 75, Kay Kelly 73. Most honest player Charles Kelly 45. Most lone hands Fred Watson. Lucky draws - Ernie Brown, Verna Robinson, Jean Munday, Ross Cryderman, Kay Kelly, Si Trcwin, Robert Spires, Marjorie Cryderman, (Me), Bernice Watson, Marion Broome. Betty Chumbley, Leona Wilson and Isobcl Hamm provided provided lunch. See you next week. Bruce and Jean Taylor, Don and Joyce Taylor and Lois Yellowlees attended the memorial service for their cousin, Allan Balson at St. Margaret's United Church in Kingston on Saturday. Our sympathy to the Balson family. It was good to have David Best home and help ing his mother, Pat, with the greeting at Eldad church on Sunday. Cindy Ashton was the lay reader. Reverend Munro's story for the children was about Zacchacus. His message was "This is Our Faith - Made New in Jesus". A favourite hymn, Amazing Grace, was sung and its story told. The hymn "God be With You" and the- choral benediction closed the service. Lois Yellowlees and daughters Karen Dair and: Brenda Metcalf attended a shower for Dawn Ford and baby Brianna at Nash Rd.- on Sunday. Registration for sports will be at Solina Hall, March 7th from 10:00 a.m.' until 12:00 and March lOtlv 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.. Please register. Maple Grove Women's Institute Samples Pork Cuisine Maple Grove W.I. met at 8 p.m. on February 9th in the C.E. Hall. Mrs. T. Kelsey, President was in charge of business. Minutes were read and financial statement given and correspondence read. Mrs. R. Bubar gave the Good Neighbours' report and she was voted to carry on her work. It was agreed that a possible possible bus tour stop might be made in the future and we agreed to serve a snack. Our District Annual will be an evening meeting at Solina on May 14th, details later. Mrs. S. Found was in charge of the following program on "Nutrition and Health". , Marilyn Morawctz spoke for a few minutes on "Child Care in the Rural Area". This is about help being available to farm families for children to be looked after when parents are extra busy with farm work. This is "on farm" child care. Mrs. A. Hall spoke on the Motto "You don't get ulcers from what you eat, you get them from what's eating you". Mrs. Found then introduced introduced our guest speaker, Christine Vallancourt, a Promotion Co-ordinator for the Region Pork Producers. Christine is also involved with Bowmanville Hospital. We had a cooking demonstration with Christine making Mushroom and Pork Stroganoff. She said that pork is a good source of protein and iron. Pork also has 50 different different nutrients. Christine gave us many useful hints on cooking pork, such as temperatures for various cuts. Mrs. S. Found presented Christine with a small gift on behalf of our W.I. after a hearty vote of thanks from the members. ' --Press Sect. Win Brown PUBLIC SKATING Sunday, Mar. 1, 1998. Sunday, Mar. 8, 1998. Sunday, Mar. 15, 1998 1:00 2:30 p.m. 1:00 2:30 p.m. 1:00 2:30 p.m. 1:00 2:30 p.m. 1:00 2:00 p.m. 1:00 2:30 p.m. 1:00 2:30 p.m. SENIOR SKATES Wednesdays 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Feb. 25 March 4, 11,25; April 1, 8, 15, 22 FREE SKATING Tuesdays 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. March 3, 10, 24,31 April 7, 14, 21 SPECIAL PUBLIC SKATING Tuesday, March 17, 1998 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. NO PUBLIC SKATES ON PA DAYS CS-IND, 6775©J.P. Ronald M. Harnden APPOINTMENT Brant Office Supply Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Ron Harnden as Sales Agent for the Lakeshore and Quinte Area. Ron will be responsible for the Sales and Service of Office Furniture, Stationery, and Equipment. With over twenty-five years experience in Office Design and the supply of Business Furnishings, Ron is well qualified to look after all of your office needs. Brant Office Supply Ltd. (Authorized Steelcase Dealer) 1-800-465-2291 © Ontario Want to know more about your property assessment? Over the past 12 months, all properties in Ontario were assessed on a fair, consistent and up-to- date basis. The new Ontario Fair Assessment System requires that municipalities assist low-income senior and disabled homeowners and allows them to phase in tax changes related to reassessment over a period of up to eight years. Your municipality will continue to be responsible for setting municipal property tax rates. During February, more than 3.8 million Notices of Property Assessment were mailed to individual property owners. If you have questions about your assessment, you can get the answers you need by calling the Assessment Information line at 1-800-827-1857, or by attending your local Community Assessment Information Session. Knowledgeable staff will be available to answer your questions and to explain how these new assessments are fair, consistent and up-to-date. Check the list you received with your Notice of Property Assessment, call toll-free, or visit the website for Information about sessions in your area and about changes to Ontario's property assessment system. For more information: Call the Assessment Information Line at 1-800-827-1857 or contact your Regional Assessment Office. Or visit the website at www.gov.on. ca/FIN/engllsh/propeng.him Pour de plus amples renseignements, appelez 1-800-827-1857 ou contactez votre Bureau d'évaluation foncière régional. Ou consultez le site Web à www.gov.on, ca/FIN/french/proplre, htm