The Clarington/Courtice Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, January 2, 1947 Page 3 Sï)e Clarington 3fnbepenbent SI)e Courtice 3htbepenbent Produced weekly by James Publishing Company Limited Publishers of The Canadian Statesman CWZ P.O. Box 190,62 King St. W., Bowmanvillc, Ontario L1C 3K9 Assoc. Publisher - Rick James Editor - Peter Parrott Produced weekly by James Publishing Company Limited Publishers of The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190,62 King St. W., Bowmanvillc, Ontario L1C 3K9 P.O. Box 2000,1712 Baseline West, Courtice, Ontario L1C 2S8 905-623-3303 Fax: 905-623-6161 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Internet - c t/uA s CONDI QUID For 144 Years, Our First Concern Has Been Our Community Publisher - John M. James Plant Manager - Rick Patterson Ad. Manager - Brian G. Purdy Production Supervisor - Ralph Rozema, Tim Bowers, Kevin Britton, Suzanne Christie, Sharon Cole, Laurens Kaldeway, Barb Patterson, Sean Pickard, Tyler Sellick, Jim Snoek, James Stephenson, Vance Sutherland, Jim Tuuramo Advertising Editorial Laverne Morrison Brad Kelly, Jennifer Stone Office Supervisor - Angela Luscher, Junia Hodge, Grace McGregor, Nancy Pleasance-Sturman, Marilyn Rutherford, Libby Smithson Winfery Blast Has Arrived in Clarington Rain one day, and an Arctic blast the next! It must be winter in south eastern Ontario. The dramatic change in temperature comes as no surprise to Rob Kuhn, a severe weather meteorologist meteorologist at Environment Canada. "What's normal lor this lime of year is the variability," variability," lie explains. "Spells of cold weather this time of year are perfectly normal. In a week or two, it could possibly be quite mild again for a few days," he advises. Clarington's temperature temperature dropped dramatically overnight Wednesday. Temperatures headed for a high of -16 C, but it fell more like -35 C to -40 C with the wind factored in. As a matter of fact, after Tuesday's rainy conditions, conditions, Clarington was under a high windchill warning Wednesday. Weekend conditions are expected to be "colder than normal," but not as cold as the first day of the cold snap. Flurries off Lake Ontario arc also a strong possibility, says the meteorologist. People may have been somewhat spoiled by what Kuhn deems last winter's Predictions for 1999 later." From page Next year, Shepherd is also hoping to see the introduction of a private member's bill which will require the federal government government to list a complete accounting of the costs of any new programs. Another private member's bill drafted by Alex Shepherd would sec the third Monday of Fcbmary declared a national holiday to celebrate the Canadian Hag. Clarington Mayor Diane l-lamrc says 1999 will be the year that Durham Region re-evaluates how local government is provided. provided. She predicts that by the end of the year, there will be a completed study aimed at sorting out "who does what" among the local levels of government. Amalgamation of some local services such as planning and public works arc among the subjects subjects to be dealt with in the review. Mayor Hamre says 1999 will mark the introduction of fulltime fulltime 24-hour fire protection in Courtice. She also hopes the municipality will begin working on plans for a new Bowmanvillc main branch of the Clarington Public Library in 1999. Even a decision on a location for such a branch would be a start, she observes. The new year will also include the further development of the Clarington Board of Trade. This unique private private and public partnership will sec the Board ofTradc eventually eventually take charge of economic development in the municipality. Mayor I lamre also stresses the importance of caring for the next generation. Children have, in some cases, felt the impacts of down-sizing and downloading. "Children have the right to quality of life and education. We have to get that back as a priority," priority," she says. And, as for additional changes coming out of Queen's Park, Mayor Hamre hopes 1999 will be a year of rcprieve."Slow down, or stop right now. Let us get hold of what they've done. Don't change another thing right now," Mayor Hamre urges her colleagues at Queen's Park. In spite of the fact the municipality was faced with a great deal of change and uncertainly, Mayor Hamre is pleased with all Clarington Council has managed to accomplish over the past year. "We've been able to keep up the level of service and opened a second ice pad (at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex). The Courtice Community Centre has been running for a full year -- all without a tax increase," the Clarington mayor says. Newcastle Christmas Feast From page 1 a daughter, and brought the idea back with her. The first Newcastle Community Feast took place on Christmas Day, 1994. After a four-year absence, the celebration returned to Newcastle this year with the help of a new corps of volunteers. This year, 20 turkeys were prepared for the Feast. A number number of people brought vegetables and salads, but desserts seemed to be the favourite contribution to the meal, says Woo. "We had more of an assortment of desserts than of veggies or salads. The array of desserts would rival anything you'd find at" restaurant buffets, lie says. As with any Christmas meal, there were plenty of leftovers. leftovers. But nothing went to waste. Organizers provided Parkview Seniors' Residence with prepared turkey dinners. As well, over 100 prepared meals were given to Newcastle Community Care, to be frozen and distributed later. All unused non-perishable food items and surplus cash donations were turned over to the Clarington East Food Bank in Newcastle. Local talent provided the entertainment for the day, and Woo says it was "nothing short of first class. We were lucky to have it." "It was just overwhelming," says Woo. "The whole scene -- the decorations, the people, the music." Organizers arc already discussing having a meeting "while it's still fresh in our minds" to discuss next year's Community Christmas Feast, says Woo. "Everybody enjoyed themselves. A lot of people said they'd be there next year," he says. "The best way to compliment a musician is to ask for an encore. We've been asked for an encore." When security matters ... Come Bank with Us. ✓ Index Linked Term Deposits ✓ Daily Interest Account ✓ Term Deposits ✓ T-Bill Account ✓ RRSP/RRIF's S Oshawa Branch 15 Charles Street (905) 728-4658 ♦ Bowmanville Branch 136 King Street East (905) 623-6343 ♦ )DUCA W CREDIT UNION Kuhn. But for now, area residents residents may as well accept the unpredictable conditions. conditions. "In winter, the variability variability of temperatures -- that's what's normal," says Kuhn. "strongly El Nino modified" modified" conditions, which made weather somewhat warmer and less severe. But this year, with El Nino's evil sister, La Nina, in evidence, conditions could be more intense. Spring's arrival could be delayed somewhat, says New Programs From page l For example, Durham Lives! has partnered with Durham Region's Economic Development and Tourism Department to put together a map of local bicycling and hiking trails. The program is also working with area social development agencies and poverty coalitions to increase access to healthy food. "Hopefully, by 2003 (when the project will be completed), completed), the programs we're planning wi|l be sustainable," sustainable," Walker says. In upcoming months, the program will expand to promote promote community awareness. Walker says she's particularly particularly excited about a series of "very dynamic" signs, posters and public service announcements. "We have a bold statement, saying that life in Durham Region is good," she explains. Walker is hoping people from across the Region will volunteer to help with the program. "It's going to be a really dynamic project," she promises. promises. For more information, call 723-5338, ext. 2224. =J PONTIAC/BUICK/GMC PRESENTS ;L| f7 \l Fj M""SW - ,7 77 :r T i " 7 1 .1 ! I.: j r J !' 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