The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, January 6, 1999 Page5 Happy First Birthday Happy Birthday and a Merry Christinas to Lauren Mikaila born December 27, 1997. Daughter of Mike and Sonya Housley and sister to Morgan. Lauren's grandparents Ted and Dianne Sallows, Dick and Lynn Lovekin and Ross and Margaret Housley would also like to say Happy Birthday! We all love you! Clarington Council Briefs LAC AC's Role and Responsibility The Municipality and the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee have worked together to establish a governing bylaw for the committee. It sets out LACAC's role as being: to maintain a current list of built heritage resources, to establish criteria for properly evaluation and to raise public awareness and education of the municipality's heritage. Now completed, the bylaw sets a minimum of five members and appoints these members for a council term. It details a procedures for the replacement of members, the appointment of new members and for the election of officers. As well, it requires the group to meet at least eight times each year. Zoning Changed for Church Expansion The Municipality of Clarington will change the zoning of land held by the Trull's Road Free Methodist Church in order to allow its expansion. Zoning is being changed from agricultural to urban residential. A holding designation will be placed on the property to ensure that all conditions conditions required are met through the site plan approval process. This expansion is the second phase of the expansion which was started in 1989. Two public meetings have been held on the re-zoning and no concerns were raised. Waterfront Trail to Get Parking Lot More than $24,000 will be used to construct a 25-car parking lot at the foot of Cobbledick Road. The estimated cost of the project, which includes garbage bins, landscaping, picnic areas and bicycle parking, is about $30,000. The Ministry of Natural Resources has already committed committed $6,000 in funding. The committee hopes to begin work on the lot this spring. New Photocopiers Save Money The Municipality of Clarington is getting three new photocopiers on a rental basis and the move will save more than $11,000 each year. The agreement, with Xerox Canada Ltd. in Cobourg, includes a trade-in of the municipality's existing equipment. The pricing and rental option is based on an existing agreement between Xerox and the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board. Over the standard 36-month lease, the deal with save the municipality $34,200. â>t. Sfoïm's w. Anglican Cljurclj *'•' Temperance St. S., Bowmanville SUNDAY, JANUARY 10TH, 1999 Baptism of the Lord 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Contemporary Service 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer No 9:30 Wednesday Communion on December 30th and January 6th. ™ Rector - Tire Reverend Canon Byron Yates, B.A., S.T.B. ®J.P. Trinity United Church Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Church Phone Office Phone 623-3912 623-3138 Rev. Dr. Frank W. Lockhart, M.A., M.Div., M.Th., Th.D. SUNDAY, JANUARY 10TH, 1999 10:30 a.m. "God's Revealing": #2 Nursery Care and Church School Available n| A Warm Welcome To All Visitors S>t. Raul'S ntteb Cfjurcf) 178 Church Street Bowmanville Rev. Nancy J. Knox, B.A., M.Div. Intern Minister: Pamela Gray Organist: Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, JANUARY 10TH, 1999 Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Nursery Care for Pre-School Children Every Sunday Sunday School for K - 8+ If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you to make St. Paul's your church home. dftça/i/iy, 50l'/i fyOéc/clùnÿ' Len and Helen Glover Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, B.Sc. Phm. Happy New Year! We hope this year of 1999 will be a good one for all of you and good health will be one of your greatest rewards. As we embark on another year of Capsule Comments, we hope you will continue to enjoy the column and that it will contribute In a small way to your understanding of a healthy lifestyle. And speaking of a healthy lifestyle, January seems to be the time when we resolve to make changes that will make our lives better. If you arc still a smoker, the resolve to quit Is the best and most powerful thing you can do for your better health, It Is also a most difficult thing to do. There Is a lot of help out there If you want to be an ex-smoker. Nicotine patches arc available without prescription. Those patches combined with good counselling and use of support groups can greatly Increase your chances of kicking the habit for good. Don't |ust think about it. Talk about It with your doctor and pharmacist and just do It! More than two billion cigarette packages enter the Canadian marketplace each year. Profits from the sale of tobacco products arc continually rising but so arc deaths due to use of these products. If you want to talk about the help available to help you quit smoking, talk to our pharmacists. It's a good first step. Pharmacist Orthotist Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. Free Deliveries (905) 623-7611 O ) I». Quiet Holiday for Firefighters It was a quiet festive season for the Clarington Fire Department this year. Divisional Chief Corel Weir says there were few calls this Christmas and no fires. "Maybe the message is getting getting out there and people are being more fire-conscious," fire-conscious," he said. "We had no major calls over Christmas." Mark Rutherford and Heather Malcolm are pleased to announce their engagement. They are the children of Dave and Marilyn Rutherford, Orono; Arlene Malcolm, Blackstock; and Glenn * Malcolm. The wedding will lake place September 1999. Æ THE SPINAL COLUMN Do recurrent ear infections have you confused.' If so, you are not alone. A child cries in the middle of the night because of intense ear pain. The probable cause is infection of the middle ear, called acute otitis media (OM). This pain is usually accompanied by fever and fluid coming out of the ear. The suddenness of these symptoms often frightens parents. Usually the treatment given for OM in children is antibiotics, tubes in the ears and surgery. All of these approaches are questionable. As far back as 1981, the medical research journal The Lancet, published a study comparing these various treatments with doing nothing at all. According to the authors, "There were no significant differences (in) pain, temperature, duration of discharge, otoscopic appearances or audiography." In other words, recovery time was about the same for all of the children whether medical treatments were done or nothing at all. Research shows that children may get car infections as a result of improper drainage of the deep neck lymphatics. This causes fluid buildup, an inflamed and bulging eardrum, and a welcome habitat for bacteria. The preferred medical treatment today is a prescription of oral antibiotics, most commonly Amoxicillan. However, a study in the tournai of the American Medical Association concluded that children who took Amoxicillan for ear infections were two to six times more likely to have a recurrence of their ear problem than those who received a placebo pill. The lead author said, "children are being abused by the antibiotic treatment in this country." Drug-resistant strains of childhood ear infections are rapidly increasing. Health officials say the trend is closely linked to doctors' misuse of broad spectrum antibiotics and patients' mistaken belief that antibiotics are a "magic bullet" for all that ails them. Another study in the Archives of Otolarvnpolopv showed that "88% of patients with acute OM never need antibiotics ... in those treated with antibiotics, risk of recurrence is high." Alexander Tomasz, a Rockefeller University microbiology professor reported that "There's a vast overuse of antibiotics. It's completely crazy", in a 1994 issue of the New Enpland journal of Medicine. Chiropractic care is one of the best things you can give a child suffering from an ear infection. Chiropractic is not a treatment for ear infections, yet doctors of chiropractic have noticed chiropractics 1 profound effect on ears and hearing. Chiropractors specialize in restoring normal function to the spine and nervous system that may reduce or eliminate the tense neck musculature that is responsible for preventing normal fluid drainage. It is essential that anyone with an ear infection consider a chiropractic spinal check-up. Keeping your child's spine and nervous system healthy and free from interference will help your child's natural defenses against disease. This will help you avoid drugs with all their side effects. Give your child the great advantage of this safer, more natural form of health care. To learn more about chiropractic, health and wellness, Dr. Herron provides a Tuesday night health talk at Herron Family Chiropractic, 98 King St. W. in Bowmanville. Seating is often limited so RSVP can be made by phoning (905) 623-5509. The workshop runs each Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and is entitled "Half Hour to Health".©j I I n)fn FiimiKE roaj'jsr ri > , , m 0R 17978'|,8 payment/$645 freight required > Financing tin sminr/ ntrnsir Or gei itii'j a Samirs Ssilan for as lout ns s 19G i: 7inontli/36 month . I iTY'mT nn jr*MSHEI.W q . " R ^7,498 /36 months/53,500 down (eitludee height $86M Purchase payment/$865 freight required Financing ai s-cuniTV deposit ' -- up *«»»•«. WITH AIR AND AUTOMATIC m '.. * 7 " PONTIAC SUNFIRE SEDAN With Its sporty look, the 4-door Sunfire Is by far the most exciting In its category. It comes with: 4-speed Automatic Transmission with Enhanced Traction System, Air Conditioning „ 2.2 litre 2200 L4 115HP engine» Rear spoiler, 4-wheel anti-lock brakes , Folding rear seatback. Next Generation dual front airbags, PASSLock' theft-deterrent system Y 1999 PONTIAC TRANS SPORT A true Pontiac, it's the only minivan built for drivers. It comes with: 3.4 litre 3400 V6 185HP engine , 4-speed automatic transmission „ Air conditioning Next Generation driver ana front passenger air bags Seat-mounted side air bags 4-wheel anti-lock brakes „ AM/FM stereo cassette WË m wm 730 month»/$3.7G0 down paymenV$Q70 freight lequliud r.fh cmiriTV nrrfKH (eicludos height 5070) PdrtUtl Up To 43 Months OR $4/111Q* (■'.IH") 24,118 730 inonUii/$3.20O U.dud.. tr.. a ht 58)0) down paymenV$0l0 height nquireil 1999 BMC SAFARI The minivan that's vorsatlle onouuh to hmulle any family's nocils. It tamis with: 4.3 litre Voitoc 4300 VG 1001 IP engine. 4-spood automatic transmission with ovcnliivo , 4-wlicel anil-lock brakes» Next Generation iliml front airbags. Air conditioning „ AM/FM stereo with cassette. Cloth sentir. Deluxe chrome grillo. Deep tinted glass. 1999 CENTURY BY BOICK Surround yourself with a surprising touch at luxury. This Bulch Is equipped with: 3. t litre 3100 VG IGOI IP engine G passenger seating, 4-spcudnutomnllc transmission, 4-wired anti-lock burkes4-wheel independent suspension , Power door locks, windows raid minors. Air conditioning. PASS-Koy* II tlroll-duteriont system „ Enhanced Traction System , Remote keyless entry with Panic feature. Automatic Light Control, Cruise control Y 1999 PONTIAC GRAND AMS Injsctad with loti at goad ld«ai...ind a healthy dire at adrenaline, yeur tillabli driving oxcltimint comas compléta with: 2.4 litre Twin Cum 150HP engine. Bold and exciting now design „ All-new chassis, with exceptional rigidity. 4-wlrcel anti-lock brakes , 4-spccd automatic transmission with Enhanced Traction System. 4-wliccl Independent suspension, AM/FM stereo cassolto . Power door locks , Tilt-Wheel 11 '. PASSLock' tholt-doterreijt system Biti iii n o vM Pi 1 fii' | 3.9%' Purchase Financing ti|i to BO months. „ --■ "StOB/montliÆO months basod on Sunliro Sedan IWZ. 3l $1.800/53.500/53,760/53,280/52,500 roquirod. Ollror loaso options twnllnblo. 'ifrolnlil an trull- iiui iiuoa noTi!Kii'idod"l)o.dor may irciii orioitso foriosD. (Financing 0 " opprovod QMAC crodilonly. Exam* 510,000 nt 1.9%.APn. -, - Piiviitoni I» $216.51 lor -15 nionlha. Cost'd borrowing is $3M-III Totaloblni.ition is SI0.3'.U.48. Ux.imf.lo: 510,000at 3>.iAPR, Ihomonthly payment Is$183.71 lor 60 m J n jh*-Coil o'bo [owlnojls "Siv.O" $i,022,G0. Total obligatron is 511,022,00 Down paymmit, trmlo nml.'ni r.ucinily deposit may bo reqnnod Monthly p.tyntorrt mid cost of borrowing will vary doponding on amountJjonowod and down pay- mont/trado. 1 f (Oilers apply lo soirret 19:1:1 new nr domonsli.itor modal:; I'liinppod as doscnbvd, inui nnptiuo to qualified customuro In Ontario only (oxcluuing lirundor Day arid Koiroia), Llrnilodtimo otters which may not bo comblnod wilh other elf,a-, locator ordor/lrnrlo may tie micossary Deo your do rior(s) lot condition! and tlolail!. Id a Irndonrnik ol Oonornl Motor! Corporation. PONTIAC BL1ICK CMC B