Newcastle Man Wins Naval Air Group Trophy The ClaringtorVCourticc Independent, Bmvmanville, Saturday, January 16, 1999 Parte 9 by Hazel Crago Our GO bus service service is great! On Saturday we Cragos took the 8:45 a.m. bus, which stops in B o w m a n v i 11 e , Courliee, Oshawa and Osliawa VIA station and continues on to Pickering. Some advice: Don't get on the bus with only a fifty dollar dollar bill. It is against company policy for the driver to accept it. We don't realize all the problems connected connected with someone elsc's position until we witness them, We arrived at Union Station about 10:45, enjoyed the Eaton Centre for a while. At the Royal York Hotel, Jack attended the Shouldicc Patient's Reunion. After-dinner entertainment entertainment included the incredible Ink Spots, Ana Yang who makes beautiful bubbles (some the size of a hula hoop) and magician magician Dick Joiner. Our winter holiday! Canadian Naval Air Group In October at the annual 1998 Canadian Naval Ait- Group national reunion held in Trenton, Life member of Ottawa's Hampton Gray V.C. Chapter Bill Calver, of Newcastle was honoured honoured by being presented presented with the Fred Lucas Tul Safety Equipment Award, CNAG Member of the Year Award, Selected by his peers from across Canada, it was presented presented by Roger •Rioux of Vancouver. This trophy is both unique and significant, significant, being made of three linked bronze Shearwater birds, representing the three RCN aircraft aircraft carriers Warrior, Magnificent and Bonavcnlurc. These gull-like sea-birds are only found ashore during during nesting. The rest of their life is spent at sea. H M C S Shearwater was the 'home' land base of naval air in Canada, in the days aircraft carriers carriers operated out of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The trophy is presented each year to the member member who is judged to have done the most to promote CNAG and Canadian aviation. aviation. Sea Nag after the Sea Horse helicopters. In Bill's ease - 1992 - was committee committee chairman of the Hampton Gray Memorial at Norman Rogers Airport, Kingston. In 1994 Bill constructed and donated a Memorial Cabinet in memory of the three RCAF Colville brothers of Bowmnnvillc, at the 416 Wing Royal Canadian Airforce association, association, Kingston Airport. In 1996 lot- work establishing the naming of an entrance street 'Hampton Gray Gate' at the same airport. Also in 1996 the research and dedication of the Colville Memorial Clock lower in Bowmnnvillc and present research into the death and Newcastle News naming of Kingston's airport after the Hon. Norman Rogers, Minister of National Defence killed in an aircraft crash at Ncwlonville, Ontario on June 10th, 1940. Congratulations, Bill Calver, on being awarded this beautiful trophy which you will be presenting to some deserving member in 1999. St. George's News On Sunday, January 10th, 1999, the flowers on the altar at St. George's Anglican Church, were in celebration of the marriage of Lorie Wood, daughter of Tony and Belly Ann Wood, to Jason Feddema, on Saturday, January 9, 1999. Prayers arc asked for the family of Sarah Ficc who passed away last week. The Altar Guild wishes to thank all who gave flowers and assisted with Christmas decorations. decorations. Nell Yates spoke at the Altar Guild meeting on Tuesday, January 12 at 2 p.m. On Sunday, January 10, the processional processional hymn was, We Three Kings of Orient Arc. Three of the Sunday School children, Jennifer Lindsay, Alyssa Holmes and Heather Snowden, representing representing the Wise Men, led the choir, after which they placed the wise men ornaments in the' manger. Padre Saunders then explained that the wise men brought their gifts a long time after Jesus' birth. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service service will be held at St. George's on Sunday, January 24th at 2:30 p.m. The Food Bank always appreciates donations of canned meats, vegetables, soups etc. and packaged packaged foods. On January 17th Holy Communion will be celebrated at both 8 and 11 a.m. services. United Church On Sunday, January 10, guest soloist was Ross Metcalf who dedicated dedicated his song to Nancy Chisling who is a patient in Lakeridge Health, Bowmanville, with what is believed to be a viral infection. Reverend David Chisling baptized Evan Todd Burrows, son of Christopher Todd Burrows and Jennifer Burrows of Oshawa. Godparents of Evan are Allan and Jennifer Hartford. Readings with Power in Them, was the title of Reverend Chisling's reflection. Congratulations to Heidi Haines and Tyson Egert who were married on New Year's Day in Newcastle United Church. Annual reports are to be in by January 17 for the congregational meeting on February 1 . -'-i - ' Vv, ■,>, i 7 after lunch after the morning service. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Ladies League Fifty-fifty was won by Dorclla Lancaster-Forget. Mary Pierik 177, 203, 193, Linda Norrish 219, Anne Arsenault 182, Betty Major 182, 188, Sandy Tennant 176, Linda Hawrylak 181, 191, Jean Pollard 208, 191. Tuesday Seniors Lil Bolderstone 185, Ron Burley 164, Merril Henry 277, 201, Alec Martin 231, 179, Maureen Powell 194, 155, Bertha Powell 203, Russell Powell 182, 154, Joyce Stacey 198, 221, John Tigwell 155, Frank Tufford 167, Bill Wade 185, 157, Marg Wade 196, 160. Mixed League Bill Brown 221, 198, 187, Fae Forget 217, 294, Joe Mendonca 197, 239, Greg Forget 179, Garry Saxby 215, Kathryn Brown 177, Joe Forget 236, 216, John McGucy 238, Debi Hannigan 252, 199, Gregg Kchoe 246, Joyce Stacey 198, Lea Dwyer 215, Wes Forget 177, 199, Roy Hopkins 197, 197. Fae Forget has bowled at Newcastle Bowling Alley for thirty years! Youth Bowling Seniors Anthony 154, Dan 133, Stephanie 169, 129, Jen 125, Kim 164, 149, Corey 140, 132, Jessica 144, Doug 191, 177, Leah 213. Intermediates Janine 113, Katie 121, 103, Dustin 132, Michael 119, .105, Sarah 113, Kassia 108, Chelsee 113, Jessica 100, Matt 100, Katie 137, Cecilia 115. Juniors Curtis 56, John 113, Luke 103, Alex T. 73, Alex B. 74, Eric 64. Committee Will Lead Celebrations For Year of Older Adults Durham East has established a committee to co-ordinate local projects for the International Year of Older Adults. The group recently met at the offices of Durham East MPP John O'Toole to discuss plans for 1999. Pictured are: Annabclle Sissons, Doug Farndale, John O'Toole, Mavis Carlton, Kent Farndale, Harold Hammond, Sheri Jackson and Sally Barrie. For more information on local projects connected with the International Year of Older Persons, call the John O'Toole Constituency Office at 697- 1501. Parish Plans Anniversary Dance Jan. 30 On Saturday, January 30th we are planning an anniversary dance at the Newcastle Community Hall to celebrate 20 years of fellowship fellowship and faith as a parish. There will be door prizes galore, lots of fun, and a light lunch at 11:00 p.m. Tickets are available from Father Randy Foster, Joanne Hamers at 983- 6037, Angela Herd at 987- 1247, Eva White at 987-4681 and Sandra Keast at 983-6092. Come and join us as we celebrate 20 years together as a parish. ^^llEPLEX ODEON CINEMAGUIDE Bowmanville Eagles Jr. 'A' Hockey Club Presents Mike Mandel Saturday, January 23,1999,8:00 p.m. at Bowmanville High School Tickets $10.00 each Call 623-3102 Cathy Adams 623-2822 Anne Cook 579-6245 Laing, McHardy & Rohr CINESAVETUESDAYS ONLY $Æ25 ✓presented! ALL SHOWS "W DIGITAL SOUN I NSW PRICING POLICY-CHltD,YOUTH 17ZUNDER,StNIOR,TUESOAYStWUTINtlSS4.25 I SHOWtIMES FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 TO THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 "See it. Believe it." ✓ THNREDUNE(AA)#«M*SCT) Fft-Ttm: 7:30 Sat-Srn Mat 12:30,4.00 FriATboa Mot 4:00 ✓IN DREAMS (AA) {no'uusi Fft-Ttm: 7:20,9.45 Sat-SmMat 12:40,3.00,5:10 FftATboe Mat 3:00,5:10 ✓ VlRUS(AA)twnLWt) FfFThurs: 7:40,9:55 Sat-Sun Mat 12:45.3.05,5:20 FHATbo* Mat 3.05,520 ✓ AT FIRST « 0 HT (PG) Fft-Ttm: 6:45,9.30 Sat-Stn Mat 1.00,3:45 FrIATboa Mat 3:45 ✓ VARSITY BLUES (AA) Fft-Ttm: 7:45,10:00 Sat-SmMat 12:50,3:15,5:30 FriATbo»Mat3:15,5:30 ✓ PATCH ADAMS (PG) Fft-Ttm: 7:00,925 Sat Sun Mat 1:00,3:40 FtlATboa Mat 3:40 ✓ STEPMOM (PG) Fft-Ttm: 6:55,935 SatSun Mat 1:15,4:10 FflATboa Mat 4:10 ✓ RUGRATS-THE MOVIE (F) Sat-Sun Mat 12.03,2-00,405 FtlATbea Mat 200.4:05 ✓ A CIVIL ACTION (PG) Fft-Ttm: 7:15,940 Sat-SmMat 1:40,4:20 FfUTuoa Mat 4:20 ✓ YOt/VE COT MAIL (PG) Fft-Ttm 6:50.925 ✓ JACK FBOST (PG) Sal-Sun Mat 1:25,4:25 FriATboe Mat 4:25 ✓ A BUG'S LIFE (PG) Fft-Ttm 7:40,9.50 Sat Sol Mat 1225,2:45,5:15 FHATboa Mat 2:45,5:15 ✓ THE FACULfTY (AA) FfVITm: 7:50,10:00 1N!r># IVY 'H Tin i'W'K' IN DREAMS -^pftqEtw ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST!" Time Magazine • Premiere • Interview Magazine New, York Press • Broadcast Film .CriCict t A#Whitt6n Chicago Tribune • Filth Comment i « Film Journal.,,, -p Entertainnient .Weekly • National Board■ Ofijyview. > *11 - Rolling Stone • NBC-TV, Jeffrey Lyons THIN RED LINE EVERY MAN FIGHTS HIS OWN WAR wuwrMÀTVei twti tOAMI ÜHOWO, WINTER ROMANCE Separated while female, 34, S'il", medium medium build, honest, hardworking, employed, non-smoker, social drinker, enjoy long walks, horses, good conversation. conversation. Seeking a male, honest, tall, considerate, good sense ol humour. AD#4908 Men seeking. NIFTY 50'S Single female, early 50's, 5'3", brown hair & eyes, 130lbs, attractive, enjoy canoeing, working oui, thunder storms, painting, candle making, reading, hen- osl, caring, compassionate, spontaneous. spontaneous. Seeking a mate, 45-55, lor lasting lasting relationship. ADK4815 STARTING OVER Single divorced female, 34, Bowmanville area, 5'3", 150 lbs., very shy, enjoy many outdoor activities, looking (or gentleman gentleman with similar Interests. Ad# 4041 ROMANTIC AT HEART Single while lemalo, 5'2", 113lbs, dark brown hair & eyes, enjoy outdoor activities, activities, sports, movies, dining & dancing, crealivo, loves children. Booking a mafo with similar interests & values. ADS4487 SHARING HOPES & DREAMS Single female, loving, caring, willing to share her lilo, enjoy motor cycles, going to Iho boach, dancing, qulol tlmos. Seeking a mate, 38-45, honosl, sincere, likes to cuddle & laugh. AD84281 Women seeking... FRIENDSHIP FIRST Single lomalo, 27, 5'4"-, 125lbs, long brown hair and eyes, lovo lo laugh, enjoy movios, dancing, dining out, outdoor outdoor activities. Booking a mate, 25-32, honest, sincere, 5'4"+, contldont, and In good shape. AD#5064 FRIENDSHIP ONLY Soparalod white lomalo, 22, 5'5", liavo 1 child and 0 month pregnant, dark brown eyes and dark brown hair, enjoy movios, all typos ol music, animals, kids. Soaking a male, 24-30, preferred black, employed, non-smoker, social drinker, 1G0-170lbs, family oriented. ADW5073 FRIENDSHIP Single while lomalo, 18, blond hair and blue eyes, enjoy movies, music, sports. Booking n white mate, 10-20, with similar similar interests. AD/15058 FUN TO DE WITH LEVELHEADED Slnglo white lomalo, non-drinker, smoker, smoker, enjoy animals, music. Seoklng a mate, 23-24, lovol headed, non-smoker, who Is Into Iho bar scono, with similar Interests, lo go out lo dinner and talk. AD#4999 ROMANTIC MOMENTS Slnglo lomalo, 35, atlractlvo, Irlondly, outgoing, ready to oxploro now pleasures. pleasures. Soaking a mala lor long term relationship. AD#4796 LOVELY LADY Slnglo lomalo, 39, 5'B", employed, no children, enjoy long walks, horsoback riding, Iravol, dining & dancing. Booking a mate, non-smokor, oinployod, with similar Interests. AD#4072 LET'S HAVE COFFEE Slnglo lomalo, 38, non-smokor, 5'8", employed, no children, onjoy dining & dancing, long walks, horsoback riding. Sacking a mate, G'+, Itonosl, slncoro, caring lor lasting relationship, ADW4G85 LIGHT MY FIRE Slnglo white lomalo, 21, 57", reddish- Single white lomalo, polite, llro-llghlor. blond linlr, bluolsh-groon eyes, lionosl, Seeking a male, 33-40, no couch poln- outgoing, very nctlvo, Inn lo bo will), loos, no llnmo loo hoi lo hnndlo. Booking a male, around snmo ago, AD#4599 who has an Interest In ail. AD//4930 To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1 -888-400-3283 Ext88 BIG A HUSKY Slnglo lomalo, 57", brown hair & ayes, easy going, enjoy animals. Seoklng a big & husky mate, 6'+, that enjoys life & outdoor activities. AD#4291 SEEKING ROMANCE Slnglo lomalo, polito, professional, blonde, romantic, pretty, III, enjoy antiques, old cars, weight lilting, travelling, travelling, dancing, seeking a male who Is charming & easy going. Ad# 4088 SPICE TO MY LIFE Slnglo lomalo, affectionate, looking lor someone to bring spice Into my lilo, seeking a male, tall, good build, caring, honosl, good sonso of humour, who onjoys dancing, music, camping & children. children. Ad# 3916 LIKE FISHING Slnglo lomalo, 37,5'5", 150 lbs., going to collogo, also work pail lime, onjoy fishing, fishing, canoeing, seeking a mate who Is slncoro, romantic, lun loving, sonsunl & nonsmokor. Ad# 3740 WHAT'S INSIDE THAT COUNTS Slnglo white lomalo, dlvorcod, 33, smoker, smoker, light brown hair, brown oyos, lull figured, figured, sooklng slnglo white mate, 32-40, must bo IlnnncInlTy secure like myself, onjoy coltngo, llshlng, camping, family, animals. Au# 3279 GIVE ME A CALL Single while male, 38, 5'9", clean shaven, enjoy dining and dancing, long country walks. Seeking a female, who is a good cook, with similar interests. AD85072 WANTED: SUNSHINE GIRL Single male, 38, 5'10", lit, employed, spontaneous, brown hair, hazel-green eyes, enjoy swimming, long walks, picnics, picnics, doing things togother. seeking a lomalo, 20-35, with blue eyes, attractive, size 6-7, with family values, who loves larm lilo. AD# 5022 LET'S CHAT Single mate, 5'9", 155lbs, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, onjoy sports and outdoor outdoor activitlos. Seeking a lemalo with a good sonso ol humour, and a good conversationalist. conversationalist. AD#5048 BE HONEST Slnglo male, 31, 5'10", medium build, sell-omployed, good listener, sensitive, honosl, contldont, caring, enjoy-movios, sports, romantic evenings, seeking a lomalo wilh similar Interests. AD#4860 LET'S UNITE IN A COMMON BOND Single male, goldan brown hair, hazol oyos, 5'10", slncoro, honosl, athlotlc, onjoy reading, writing, sports, swimming, swimming, dancing, camp fires, walks along tho boach, tennis, fishing, rollor blading, romancing. Soaking a beautiful sunshine sunshine girl. AD#4880 CASUAL FUN RELATIONSHIP Separated mate, 41, 57", slim, clean cut, bluo oyos. Sooklng an Intelligent lomalo, honosl, kind, likos lo oxploro hor fantasies and now things. ADB4887 NEW TO THE SYSTEM Slnglo white mate, 5'11", 170lbs, onjoy Iho simple things In lilo, sports, Iho outdoors, outdoors, vory oasy going, sooklng a lomalo, not Iho slim model lypo, to havo lun and onjoy lifo's pleasures. ADW4905 FINE DINING Slnglo white mate, 28, 5'10", IGOIbs, attractive, sandy blond hair, hazol-groon oyos, non-smokor, social drlakor, wall established financially, enjoy reading, outdoors, movios, qulol llmos. Sooklng an attractive lomalo, 20-30, who Is warm honttod and Intelligent, AD#4825 SEEKING ROMANTIC PARTNER Single male, 5'10", IGOIbs, well build, oasy going, loves lo travel, open lo now Ideas, onjoy long romantic walks on Iho boach, romantic moments, slow dancing. dancing. Sooklng n prolty, polite, attractive lady who onjoys weight lilting, trnvolllng, antiques, and lots ol " * To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 The cost of the 900# is only $2.49 per minute . iltinn, ovo. ADW4013 NEW TO AREA FAMILY VALUES K| 0 |nTn^li^n T ^ r n n n l nn!n' d |l'l 0 " SNIO CJOCl, 5'10, 170103, tall. dlUk, S ^Vlnl°in mnMnrnm n, P,m= P |L°, IrlnrwV I'OndSOmO, yOUHO Itl llOtlM, cloOll CUl, Looking lo. moot guys or girls lor Irlond- | 0V03 cooking, kids, animals, Iho out- ' -- _ doors, spending wookonds travailing, non-smokor. Sooklng a Indy 0'4"-5'0 , 11 CIOs-12010s, with a zosl lor lilo, sharing, sharing, gonorous, opon mlntlod, and cud- illy. ADW4748 ship only. AD# £ Questions?? 416-236-6644 OLDER WOMAN Single mate, 40. attractive, loan build, seeking an attractive, older woman, lor casual gel togethors and dancing, dining, dining, and lo havo lun. AD#4751 LET'S CONNECT Single mate, blond hair, groen eyes, 5'9', 17010s, athletic, enjoy tennis, tho outdoors, qulol evenings. Booking a special lady with a god sense ol humour, to onjoy tho special moments with. AD#4756 CASUAL DATING Single white mate, 30. 5'10", 170lbs, respectable, down to oarth, now lo Iho area, onjoy working out, having a good timo. Seeking a lomalo in Iho area lor casual dating. ADW4669 CARIBBEAN BORN Slnglo black mate. 5'8". 16010s, soll- omployod, travels olton, onjoy dining and dancing, romantic evenings, outdoor outdoor activitlos. Seeking a lomalo, non- smokor, social drinker, white, 25-30, for sorlous relationship. AD#4672 LET'S HAVE COFFEE! Slnglo mal, 41, slim, handsome. Sooklng an older, atlractlvo. slim, young thinking woman. AD#4500 ROCK & ROLL Slnglo dad, 32. 5'11", 17510s, brown hair, bluo oyos, mustache, onjoy Harloys, Rock & Roll, spoils, horsoback riding, havo Intooos. Seeking a lomalo to spoil lor a lilo timo. AD44513 OLDER WOMAN Slnglo mate, 40. slim, cloan shavon, kind, gonorous, llko animals, nico person, person, sooklng a slim, atlractlvo, oldor woman. AD#451G PARTNERS FOREVER Slnglo white mate, 5'10", tall, dark, handsome, IGOIbs, cloan cut, athletic, onorgolic, understanding, outgoing, onjoy working out, John Grisham novels. novels. Sooklng a Indy to shnro, connect & grow logolhor with. ADW4526 SAILING Slnglo mate, 5'10", IGOIbs, blond hair, groon oyos, nlhlollc, honosl, humorous, onjoy sailing, tennis. Soutenu a lomalo will! similar Interests. AOW4475 CONSERVATIVE GENTLEMAN Slnglo mate, 40, consorvalivo looking, business dogroo, slock mnikol analyst. Sooklng n slnglo lomalo, moms OK. ADW4490 Alternative lifestyles... Bl CURIOUS Bi curious male, 40, married, 6T, 22010s, live in Iho Claringlon area, clean, discrete. Seeking males ol similar similar age or couples lor discrete day- lime encounter. AD#4857 JUST CURIOUS Married while lomalo, 32, has 2 children, children, is seeking a bl-sexual lomalo lor curious lirsl encounter. AD#4567 NOTIES Mate, 30, 5' 11 ", 160lbs, brown hair, bluo oyes, short board. Looking for a mala wilh similar Interests lor casual got logolhor and nolies. AOS4477 DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Single while mate, 38, 5'8", 17010s, Irom the Bowmanville area. Seoklng a male, ago not Important lor discrete oncounlors. AD#4389 FULLY FEATURED Slnglo mate, sooklng a transsexual wilh lull loaluros lor aaytimo oncounlors, oncounlors, discretion oxpoclod & assured. ADM4415 OPEN MINDED Attractive couplo, lato 20's, Independent, Independent, opon mlndod, oasy going, vory socuro. Sooklng a bl-curious mate In hls 20's lor lun & advonluro. AD#4312 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP Slnglo mate, 5'9", 165 lbs., groon oyos, handsome, well built, work out dally, onjoy sports, bowling, cooking, drivo In theatres, sooklng a sho-malo who is wall tonod, lil, trim, trustworthy, lun loving, slncoro. Ad# 4234 DURHAM REGION While Oi-malo, 35, G'1", blondo hair, blue oyos, seeking oilier bl-mnlos lor casual got logolhor. Ad# 4198 JUST HAVING FUN Slnglo lomalo, 120 lbs, attractivo, bl- curious, blandish brown hair down lo waist, bluo oyos, enjoy working oui, dancing, walking, going lo bars 8. just having lun, sooklng a lomalo or tomates lo oxploro lliolr bl-curlous sides. All# 4188 ' OPEN MINDED Attached mate, 30, piolosslonal, cooking cooking an ojion mlndod atlractlvo couplo Interested in hot dnytlmo oncounlors. Ad# 4133